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Dallas Stuff

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RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
I find it mildly amusing that this is coming from a guy who refuses to put up the video of me 3-stocking you at Final Smash :upsidedown: :cool: ;)

Also, Bluezaft: Imma be on campus again jan1st-3rd. Up for some more games? Or will you still be in san an??
That's the thing however. I put up ZERO videos of me playing from that time. Win or lose, and even the video of LG flipping out. I'm at least equal in that sense.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2007
i was just kidding no one cares about your scrub crew or its statistics.

this is a common misunderstanding. my vids are highly deceptive. although they feature incredible combos that would seem to be a collection of highlighted footage from numerous matches over a period of possibly years, they are not actually combo videos, just normal matches of me on an ordinary day.
man you suck and i cant wait 4 my link 2 demolish yours. 4rm all dis **** talkin, my crew mates are ******* pissed at yo arabian suicide bombing ***. you know what, ive already owned you wit these words of mine. shut up and take a bath.

4rm j-roc: mouf,and rage, fat head *** losers, replace the word losers wit *******, keep talkin down on bkm, pray to ali or who eva you pray 2 we dont hit da same sf.

ps. bluezaft:like they said were da video of rok spankin dat *** at f4ls?

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007

If you don't respect us.. you will show obediance.. if you don't show that.... we'll put yo *** on the ground


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
lol all of bkm = sux for spaming

look at all the garbage we have to sift through. and here I was thinking the video proving how bluezaft is better with roy would stop all this garbage yet here it is, coming out in greater amounts and faster than ever. dear god.

if you want respect for your crew do yourselves a favor and shut the **** up for the next 10 pages.

Dr Drew the Dragon

Sep 11, 2003
Yep he got banned. And none of the infraction points were even from me lolz.

So is anyone actually playing smash tomorrow or do we all just want to? I'd offer up my place but it's a little... crazy around here at Christmas time, anyone that's been to my house around this time can vouch for that. Either way I'd like to play some tomorrow if someone can get something going (gotta win my Falco ditto MM with Rage :) ), I think I'm free after 2 or so...


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Yep he got banned. And none of the infraction points were even from me lolz.

So is anyone actually playing smash tomorrow or do we all just want to? I'd offer up my place but it's a little... crazy around here at Christmas time, anyone that's been to my house around this time can vouch for that. Either way I'd like to play some tomorrow if someone can get something going (gotta win my Falco ditto MM with Rage :) ), I think I'm free after 2 or so...
Indeed; does anybody plan to host a fest/minitourney/something?


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
Also, Bluezaft: Imma be on campus again jan1st-3rd. Up for some more games? Or will you still be in san an??
Yes sir, I will definitely be back by then.

Bluezaft. I WILL SAY THIS. On behalf of everyone. That is some ho sh*t. You don't want to put the video up of when I beat you at Falco 4 life.
I don't HAVE those videos. They were never recorded, you nub. This is the only Roy ditto I've got. We played on a different TV than the one the VCR was set up on.

Yet you will put up a video where I wasn't playing my best because my mom was supposed to be outside the house at any second threatening I better hurry out or have to catch the bus home. Why don't you put the other matches up where I actually had TIME to focus?
Worst john in the history of the universe. Where's Rage when you need him to sig this quote?

But you don't wanna do that. Where I beat your ***. You can keep the ho vid up, I'm still the best Roy in Dallas. You should also announce that vid is about 1-2 months old as well.
Maybe I should announce that my Roy was two weeks old when we first played. The latest set we played I 2-0ed you, a 3-stock and a 1-stock.

EDIT: It's also funny that you happen to put up no videos of me winning in any of my matches. And I wupp fires *** with Roy. I beat him in the most recent Tournament without losing a match. I beat you Best 2 of 3 with Roy ditto and you beat me one match cause I was focusing on something else and want to claim best Roy?
Funnily enough, I don't have any videos of you winning a match. A strange phenomenon that is the result of you not winning any matches on the recording TV. Perhaps I'll make some flash animations reenacting what it looks like when you actually win.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2007
garland, tx
man you suck and i cant wait 4 my link 2 demolish yours. 4rm all dis **** talkin, my crew mates are ******* pissed at yo arabian suicide bombing ***. you know what, ive already owned you wit these words of mine. shut up and take a bath.

4rm j-roc: mouf,and rage, fat head *** losers, replace the word losers wit *******, keep talkin down on bkm, pray to ali or who eva you pray 2 we dont hit da same sf.

ps. bluezaft:like they said were da video of rok spankin dat *** at f4ls?
rage is goin to destroy u and u dont even know it.lmao

rok got banned again.lol

Vitamin X

Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2007
Fort Worth
Smashfest/tourney on 12-15 hours' notice, at least half of which will likely be spent asleep by most of the people who read/post on these boards?

Sorry, doesn't sound likely. Which is a shame, because my controller is still aching from all the poundings I took from Wobbles.

But in all seriousness, if anyone decides to hold a Smashfest or tourney, setting all the relevant information and putting it up at least a week in advance helps it happen. It gives us time to clear our schedules, and concrete answers to placate our paranoid parents.

To whom it may concern, if something actually does happen tomorrow (later today, technically), I won't be there unless it's practically in my backyard.

RAWR its Luigi

Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2007
lol all of bkm = sux for spaming

look at all the garbage we have to sift through. and here I was thinking the video proving how bluezaft is better with roy would stop all this garbage yet here it is, coming out in greater amounts and faster than ever. dear god.

if you want respect for your crew do yourselves a favor and shut the **** up for the next 10 pages.

all of bkm doesnt spam im never even on boards cause its 1000 pages of im the best roy bull
and alot of people r free tomorrow so if anyone has a place 2 play hit me up

im looking at fire,knives at that game place, or drew anyone

uman: sounds fun dude pm me days ur free and ill drop by for some smash:]


Smash Shinigami
Jul 30, 2007
Kirbykid's ruleset, TX.
And I wupp fires *** with Roy. I beat him in the most recent Tournament without losing a match. all Is ee is hateration in the air.

not only am i not in this argument, but i took your link to DL64 2nd round so you couldn't do your up-b and 2 stocked you. then you went falco on FD and spammed lasers to win.

i have no idea what our match has to do with you and bluezaft's roy thing, but i know for a fact that the last time i played your roy i jv 2 stocked it at kg's house.

so, please refrain from bringing me into things and get your facts straight.

please and thank you.

call me tomorrow (anybody who wants to play), and i'll see what i can do.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
enough talking out of the *** for the evening

let us address the following issues:

1. Does Bkm suck?
2. Is uman the best link in dallas?
3. Is rok the best roy in dallas?

firstly, here is how bkm can prove their eliteness in the dallas community, thus negating all previous assumptions of them sucking.

a group of 5 players in dallas including poot, rbrave, fire, kg, and... me will assemble a group of five people. our group of five people will challenge bkm's group of five people to a crew match fc rules, you don't even have to put money on the line, for respect is priceless.

if you win i will say that bkm doesn't suck and this will be widely accepted as common fact just as the move "the ragnarok" has become a common term amongst roy players everywhere.

secondly, we can settle the best link and roy issues at any smashfest by accepting dittos so that people who care enough can challenge each other. i dont care really, wobbles barely beats me every time and he probly doesn't even play link ever. but uman ill take your money without thinking twice remember char. of choice 2/3 random.

uman: you should ask your father if it's okay for christians to be racist.

also rok calls me a liar because apparently i am going around telling people that he 3 stocks pi3 and rawr. as much as i like to talk about rok's superiority over pi3 and rawr, i did not say this because he told me that he is even with them and they give him a hard time whenever they play because of their spacing abilities. so basically rok told me that he is even in skill level with pi3 and rawr. interesting really, now the people i told this to will see that i am a liar. lmfao what is wrong with these people i could care less about rok, bkm, pi3 or any of this other bull**** and sure as hell don't talk about pi3 and rawr and rok. im just glad that this rumor is cleared up, i wouldn't want anyone thinking that you were better than pi3 and rawr.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
Thank you Fire, I'll try to be in attendance. :)

EDIT: Dallas needs to go to sleep!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2007
enough talking out of the *** for the evening

let us address the following issues:

1. Does Bkm suck?
2. Is uman the best link in dallas?
3. Is rok the best roy in dallas?

firstly, here is how bkm can prove their eliteness in the dallas community, thus negating all previous assumptions of them sucking.

a group of 5 players in dallas including poot, rbrave, fire, kg, and... me will assemble a group of five people. our group of five people will challenge bkm's group of five people to a crew match fc rules, you don't even have to put money on the line, for respect is priceless.

if you win i will say that bkm doesn't suck and this will be widely accepted as common fact just as the move "the ragnarok" has become a common term amongst roy players everywhere.

secondly, we can settle the best link and roy issues at any smashfest by accepting dittos so that people who care enough can challenge each other. i dont care really, wobbles barely beats me every time and he probly doesn't even play link ever. but uman ill take your money without thinking twice remember char. of choice 2/3 random.

uman: you should ask your father if it's okay for christians to be racist.

also rok calls me a liar because apparently i am going around telling people that he 3 stocks pi3 and rawr. as much as i like to talk about rok's superiority over pi3 and rawr, i did not say this because he told me that he is even with them and they give him a hard time whenever they play because of their spacing abilities. so basically rok told me that he is even in skill level with pi3 and rawr. interesting really, now the people i told this to will see that i am a liar. lmfao what is wrong with these people i could care less about rok, bkm, pi3 or any of this other bull**** and sure as hell don't talk about pi3 and rawr and rok. im just glad that this rumor is cleared up, i wouldn't want anyone thinking that you were better than pi3 and rawr.
well, to answer your question, no, **** yeah and yes. you are very lame and so is all you bkm haters out there.well if you havent noticed, this may not be your fight, so stay out of it.

kg: you need to mind your own business, unless you want me to nair you hell.

rage: you better play me as soon as possible, cause im just gettin colder and faster with him. so i hope your practicing.

ps: frm shine- for all yall thats talking down on bkm ihavent seen anybody step up yet, and rage when you get colder with your link and marth, come talk to uman cause i 2-stocked your marth.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

rawr this is my phone number: 214-371-6788/call when you want to play, then the whole crew/ j-roc, dirt-bag can play 2.

RAWR its Luigi

Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2007
enough talking out of the *** for the evening

let us address the following issues:

1. Does Bkm suck?
2. Is uman the best link in dallas?
3. Is rok the best roy in dallas?

firstly, here is how bkm can prove their eliteness in the dallas community, thus negating all previous assumptions of them sucking.

a group of 5 players in dallas including poot, rbrave, fire, kg, and... me will assemble a group of five people. our group of five people will challenge bkm's group of five people to a crew match fc rules, you don't even have to put money on the line, for respect is priceless.

if you win i will say that bkm doesn't suck and this will be widely accepted as common fact just as the move "the ragnarok" has become a common term amongst roy players everywhere.

secondly, we can settle the best link and roy issues at any smashfest by accepting dittos so that people who care enough can challenge each other. i dont care really, wobbles barely beats me every time and he probly doesn't even play link ever. but uman ill take your money without thinking twice remember char. of choice 2/3 random.

uman: you should ask your father if it's okay for christians to be racist.

also rok calls me a liar because apparently i am going around telling people that he 3 stocks pi3 and rawr. as much as i like to talk about rok's superiority over pi3 and rawr, i did not say this because he told me that he is even with them and they give him a hard time whenever they play because of their spacing abilities. so basically rok told me that he is even in skill level with pi3 and rawr. interesting really, now the people i told this to will see that i am a liar. lmfao what is wrong with these people i could care less about rok, bkm, pi3 or any of this other bull**** and sure as hell don't talk about pi3 and rawr and rok. im just glad that this rumor is cleared up, i wouldn't want anyone thinking that you were better than pi3 and rawr.

haha thank you rage for cleaning all that up now rok knows he will never b as good as me:]

and guys u need 2 take chill pills theres alot if anger here lmao

fire:if anything happens today hit me up dawg
we should have a fest today or next week since uman us free and everyone wants 2 play him:]


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
haha why is shine straight just lying about beating me, i three stocked him 4 times. twice with link in friendlies and then twice again in tournament with marth. this might be recorded. let's ask bluezaft. i have to admit though, shine is pretty good though for someone who doesn't know how to shine well with fox, l-cancel, wavedash, or recover.

also i don't know what's up with today. someone volunteer please.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2007
garland, tx
well, to answer your question, no, **** yeah and yes. you are very lame and so is all you bkm haters out there.well if you havent noticed, this may not be your fight, so stay out of it.

kg: you need to mind your own business, unless you want me to nair you hell.

rage: you better play me as soon as possible, cause im just gettin colder and faster with him. so i hope your practicing.

ps: frm shine- for all yall thats talking down on bkm ihavent seen anybody step up yet, and rage when you get colder with your link and marth, come talk to uman cause i 2-stocked your marth.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

rawr this is my phone number: 214-371-6788/call when you want to play, then the whole crew/ j-roc, dirt-bag can play 2.
what the **** is that supposed to mean. and shine has no **** to talk to anyone nor do u since u never show to any tourneys or sf. and I don't beleive u beat rage let alone 2 stocked his marth. and if u did he was either under the influence(as usual.lol)or horrably sandbagging.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2005
In a Kingdom of Mushrooms, max'n
4rm all dis **** talkin, my crew mates are ******* pissed at yo arabian suicide bombing ***. you know what, ive already owned you wit these words of mine. shut up and take a bath.
With these fists of mine I'll show you and your dad a new saying. A dead dog CAN'T wag his own tail. Get that ignorant racist crap outta here. Your anyscrub "crew" doesn't have **** on my people. First it was Rawr's stupid *** comment and now it's yours. None of that will be happening in the future without serious consequences. Your age is no excuse because of your supposed righteous upbringing.
On a less serious note...Dude your crew smells like ***. Ask anyone. Yall are in no place to speak of others odor. Your misguided prejudice does not fit.


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
What if I had something at my clubhouse the Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, the 1st or 2nd? That way Sethlon could go.

I'll probably be back the 27th or 28th, so if you all really want to play then I could host.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2007
best roy in dallas, thats one of the worst titles i've ever heard anybody give themself. and the fact that you main roy and are getting stiff competition from people who don't main him as the best roy in dallas is quite pathetic. please quit smash...


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
What if I had something at my clubhouse the Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, the 1st or 2nd? That way Sethlon could go.

I'll probably be back the 27th or 28th, so if you all really want to play then I could host.
how about something on 29th and 2nd? :p

you do what you want, whatever works for you :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2007
well i UMAN am proud 2 anounce that am quiting smash 4 good.

na, just kidding, but as a bkm smasher, im going 2 quit all this spamming. sure its fun to talk crap on the boards, but lets save the crap talking for the next time we see each other. no im not punking put or anything, but im good enough(in smash bros) to not have to talk behind a computer screen. this goes for all the spammers out there, talk is cheap.

kg: ill be more than happy 2 ignore your previous post replyed to me. i know i never show 2 sf and tournys, and that takes away my right to talk noise as a smasher.

RAGE: dis regard all that racist bull i posted, if you notice i never get that carried away somtimes. put it like this, no more spam from me or you about the best link until we play, point blank.( and this also goes for those guys who so called like 2 ride his sack) and since i dont go to any sf or tournys also takes away the right for anybody to say how good or bad my link is.



Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
uman you dont have to ****ing announce you wont be talking ****. if you aren't going to just dont. is that so hard to figure out?

I cant believe it has taken you so ****ing long to figure out that all that matters is winning tourneys. I swear to god it isn't like it has never been said before and suddenly you just figured it out or some dumb ****. please relay your sudden revelation with your crew so we can talk about stuff like, I dunno upcoming tourneys and previous results. or stuff like how close bluezaft vs drew was and how cool the vids are, you know, RELEVANT STUFF that people actually like reading through.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2007
Felix45: Dont Tell Me What I Should Of Done Like Im Some Kind Of Dumb ***. you just shut up........... wait, i said no more spam, dont start nothin wont be nothin.

RAWR its Luigi

Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2007
i wish u guys would stfu ur ruining this thread and im sure everyone will agree with me there:]

uman: good dude come 2 a sf and prove ur great words mean anything 2 people

bluezaft:that sounds kool i wanna play sethlon :]
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