Ok guys, I was going to post this in the tier discussion, but it is too important for samus players. You all need to know all of this.
Samus is an amazing character.
Ok guys. I have been playing more and training with Tobias. I now play samus somewhat differenently.
Understand that most of the videos I have online right now I was experiementing to see how well zair does by itself against characters. Also, by doing that I got really good at aiming it and reacting with it. Last night, for hours on end I played almost exclusivly samus (played some G&W and Ike as well but mainly Samus) and I can honestly say she definitly has what it takes to be AT LEAST high tier.
There are so many amazing things that none of you know or realize yet, and almost none of them have to do with the zair. I don't use zair near as much now, as I have found a new way to moves with samus, and pretty much learned how to player her amazingly. It could just be because I suddenly got really good, but the way I play samus now makes the videos I have online right now look like I was just screwing around all match. Samus is a beast. Seriously.
I have a huge list of things that are amazing. I will probably forget some of them so I am just going to start writing.
- Samus is fast. Really really really really fast.
She has like..no lag on anything. When I realized this...holy crap. Sure zair has no lag...BUT NEITHER DOES ANY OF HER OTHER MOVES!!! You probably know this as I did, but realize how amazingly fast and effective this makes her. Also, I started moving around differently and it makes samus almost impossibly to predict. What I do is Dash --> then in the skid animation I SH. When you do this if you move backwards after the jump then immeditaly go the way you were going in the first place you will go into the backwards jump animation but be facing forward. So you are in this ball, and the opponent can't tell which direction you are facing. So out of this you can zair, or what you could do is right before the jump, actually turn around to get a bair and they might still think you are facing the other direction. Also, if you just foxtrot around you can jump at any time facing any direction. And since samus can actually shffl because of her lack of lag you could do aireals in between these jumps. This gives samus a way to dash dance and become very hard to predict. It seriously boosts her game up a ton.
-Samus doesn't need a kill move. She can combo better then any other character in this game so far.
While she does have 3 which are Dair(on and off the stage),bair, and dtilt. But seriously. She racks up danage sooo redicously fast. Zair spam alone will rack up damage fast but this is not the reason. Her jab and upB are. Her jab is sooo amazing. I remember I was playing tobias, and he fsmashed with charaizard, I was facing away from him and jabbed. The jab clanked with his fsmash even though I was facing away from him. It has a huge hitbox and comes out insanley fast. It can also stop pretty much anything that comes out, and if you hit someone in the air with it you can combo into anything from it. Samus has INSANE low % combos. I started doing things like shffled nair(no lag) to jab to chargeshot (stuntime) to grab to downthrow (wait for the airdodge...because they WILL airdodge) walk forward jab into up B. Right there is 50 to 60 easy %. She has soo many variations on combos and they are all pretty much unescapable. If someone is coming down from above you just stand there. If they don't airdodge you can just jab them depending on what move they do or you can just spotdodge and punish them. If they do the smart thing and airdodge....just keep jabbing, you will automatically hit them once you can and you can up B after the jab. If they buffer a roll from the airdodge you can just dash attac kand it will catch them and dash attack combos into jab which combos into up B. I cannot stress how many options samus has. She can build damage up so insanly fast that it doesn't really matter that it will be hard for you to kill. There are a million more small combos I discovered but I will let you guys find some of those out.
She easily has some of the best edgeguarding in the game. She can gimp almost any character easily. Run off nair still works great. Also, you can just backthrow someone off the edge and the run off and zair and it will almost always kill them no matter what character they are. Another thing, SH homing missile off the edge then run off and dair. The homing missile cuts off a lot of options they have and makes it really really easy to spike them. And don't forget to use samus's wall jump to edgeguard. It is a lot easier in this game. Another thing that works well is grappling the edge so that it edgehogs the opponent. They cannot hold on to they edge when you are grappling it, and remember that the teather has no lag so if they go above you can punish them easily. I have had no problems edgeguarding ANYONE with samus.
-Approach and defense
I have looked at every characters approach in depth and its easy to say that samus definitly has one of the best if not the best approach. Zair is increadible for approaching. It is the longest move in the game, has the best priority, can be cancled at any point by hitting the ground, comes out insanly fast, has no lag, and has great stun time as well as the ability to combo into itself over and over. Obviously people will find ways to deal with this, and you shouldn't just approach the whole match. Missiles in this game are more useful then I can stress. Homing missiles are AMAZING. Double homing missile is really hard to approach and you can Homing missile to zair in one jump. Also, missisles hurt shields a lot this time around so remember that. Also remember, that jab interupts pretty much every attack in this game. And don't forget about up-B out of shield
. She also has some pretty intresting aireal approachs. Try jumping at them backwards and uairing. FF the uair and then jab when you land. You can either turn around and jab or just jab facing away from them but it will hit them either way. This actually works really well and can set up for things like dtilts or up B easily. Another great one is nair to jab. This is amazing. Nair is great to just throw out there because the lack of lag on landing. Just jab right when you land. This approach has tons of priority and is really fast becuse samus's SH is so small.
Overall, I really believe that samus is a great tourament character that has a TON of potential. Again, I have played out and tested everything I have said and used it in many senarios. She really is an amazing character. Fast, great priority, racks up damage insanly fast, hard to approach, one of the best approachs, amoung other thing. The videos I have up of my samus now...are a joke compared to the way I am playing her. The next batch of videos (We haven't recorded any so I don't know when I will have some up haha) will help you understand how amazing this character really is.
If you have any questions feel free to ask them. Intellegent discussion only please
Samus is an amazing character.
Ok guys. I have been playing more and training with Tobias. I now play samus somewhat differenently.
Understand that most of the videos I have online right now I was experiementing to see how well zair does by itself against characters. Also, by doing that I got really good at aiming it and reacting with it. Last night, for hours on end I played almost exclusivly samus (played some G&W and Ike as well but mainly Samus) and I can honestly say she definitly has what it takes to be AT LEAST high tier.
There are so many amazing things that none of you know or realize yet, and almost none of them have to do with the zair. I don't use zair near as much now, as I have found a new way to moves with samus, and pretty much learned how to player her amazingly. It could just be because I suddenly got really good, but the way I play samus now makes the videos I have online right now look like I was just screwing around all match. Samus is a beast. Seriously.
I have a huge list of things that are amazing. I will probably forget some of them so I am just going to start writing.
- Samus is fast. Really really really really fast.
She has like..no lag on anything. When I realized this...holy crap. Sure zair has no lag...BUT NEITHER DOES ANY OF HER OTHER MOVES!!! You probably know this as I did, but realize how amazingly fast and effective this makes her. Also, I started moving around differently and it makes samus almost impossibly to predict. What I do is Dash --> then in the skid animation I SH. When you do this if you move backwards after the jump then immeditaly go the way you were going in the first place you will go into the backwards jump animation but be facing forward. So you are in this ball, and the opponent can't tell which direction you are facing. So out of this you can zair, or what you could do is right before the jump, actually turn around to get a bair and they might still think you are facing the other direction. Also, if you just foxtrot around you can jump at any time facing any direction. And since samus can actually shffl because of her lack of lag you could do aireals in between these jumps. This gives samus a way to dash dance and become very hard to predict. It seriously boosts her game up a ton.
-Samus doesn't need a kill move. She can combo better then any other character in this game so far.
While she does have 3 which are Dair(on and off the stage),bair, and dtilt. But seriously. She racks up danage sooo redicously fast. Zair spam alone will rack up damage fast but this is not the reason. Her jab and upB are. Her jab is sooo amazing. I remember I was playing tobias, and he fsmashed with charaizard, I was facing away from him and jabbed. The jab clanked with his fsmash even though I was facing away from him. It has a huge hitbox and comes out insanley fast. It can also stop pretty much anything that comes out, and if you hit someone in the air with it you can combo into anything from it. Samus has INSANE low % combos. I started doing things like shffled nair(no lag) to jab to chargeshot (stuntime) to grab to downthrow (wait for the airdodge...because they WILL airdodge) walk forward jab into up B. Right there is 50 to 60 easy %. She has soo many variations on combos and they are all pretty much unescapable. If someone is coming down from above you just stand there. If they don't airdodge you can just jab them depending on what move they do or you can just spotdodge and punish them. If they do the smart thing and airdodge....just keep jabbing, you will automatically hit them once you can and you can up B after the jab. If they buffer a roll from the airdodge you can just dash attac kand it will catch them and dash attack combos into jab which combos into up B. I cannot stress how many options samus has. She can build damage up so insanly fast that it doesn't really matter that it will be hard for you to kill. There are a million more small combos I discovered but I will let you guys find some of those out.
She easily has some of the best edgeguarding in the game. She can gimp almost any character easily. Run off nair still works great. Also, you can just backthrow someone off the edge and the run off and zair and it will almost always kill them no matter what character they are. Another thing, SH homing missile off the edge then run off and dair. The homing missile cuts off a lot of options they have and makes it really really easy to spike them. And don't forget to use samus's wall jump to edgeguard. It is a lot easier in this game. Another thing that works well is grappling the edge so that it edgehogs the opponent. They cannot hold on to they edge when you are grappling it, and remember that the teather has no lag so if they go above you can punish them easily. I have had no problems edgeguarding ANYONE with samus.
-Approach and defense
I have looked at every characters approach in depth and its easy to say that samus definitly has one of the best if not the best approach. Zair is increadible for approaching. It is the longest move in the game, has the best priority, can be cancled at any point by hitting the ground, comes out insanly fast, has no lag, and has great stun time as well as the ability to combo into itself over and over. Obviously people will find ways to deal with this, and you shouldn't just approach the whole match. Missiles in this game are more useful then I can stress. Homing missiles are AMAZING. Double homing missile is really hard to approach and you can Homing missile to zair in one jump. Also, missisles hurt shields a lot this time around so remember that. Also remember, that jab interupts pretty much every attack in this game. And don't forget about up-B out of shield
Overall, I really believe that samus is a great tourament character that has a TON of potential. Again, I have played out and tested everything I have said and used it in many senarios. She really is an amazing character. Fast, great priority, racks up damage insanly fast, hard to approach, one of the best approachs, amoung other thing. The videos I have up of my samus now...are a joke compared to the way I am playing her. The next batch of videos (We haven't recorded any so I don't know when I will have some up haha) will help you understand how amazing this character really is.
If you have any questions feel free to ask them. Intellegent discussion only please