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Countdown to Brawl Vol. 1, Concord NC 10/20

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Daaang, you guys are so cool bout stuff. Firstly, my bad to evryone that wanted to play me, I had to get back home and celebrate (w00t!) I'll try to hit you guys up at the next tourney. Next, Malk dude where's the love that matchup against Jigglypuff was tough and I mean come on you rested me! Finally, my Dad loves evryone, not just the people with nose rings, he just won't say so. Keep it real NC gangstas!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2005
North Carolina
Ok, let me try to remember everybody...

Lozr - Congrats on taking first place and my dollar, but shame on you for forsaking the Bros. I was wanting to see some more of that Luigi.

Ali - We were all rootin' for ya buddy. It couldn't have been any closer. You'll definitely take the next one, I know it. More jumping raptor boost!

Peter - Your Samus is too good. I'm kind of glad I didn't have to play her. You look better at every tournament. See you at Ali's.

Ralf - We're finally starting to get the hang of this teams thing. Double fox was crazy fun.

DF2K - Thanks for taking good care of my controller. It takes a real man to play with lavender.

Dr.PP & Twitch - Way to make a name for yourselves in record time. Hope to see you both at some more tournaments. I felt bad for beating the little guy, but I play Ralf's Fox with my Luigi on literally a weekly basis, so it's a very familiar matchup for me, to say the least. I told him not to give up, and I was still extremely impressed with the level he's already at. I think everybody was.

Luthor - I hadn't played you in forever. Your Bowser is just plain nasty, now. You and Knorr just dismantled us in teams. Very nice.

Knorr - Crazy DK. I've never seen anything like it. Up-B goodness.

Malk - Stop calling me Wife. It makes me insecure. Nice to finally meet you and the other Raleigh guys. (You wanted to know who you left out of your shoutouts. Uh, me? Come on!)

David - It would've been nice if you had just stayed as Jiggs after our first match, but no... I need to learn my counterpick levels...you have taught me this. I heard you admired my Luigi. Oh yeeaaahhh.

Karn - We never played, but I watched some of your matches. Nasty Mewtwo, fo' realz.

Twig/Boss Hog - Too close. I wanted it bad, but your Sheik's too good. Nice to finally play you again.

Brown Guy - Nice to see you again. Sorry about the second crew battle. I had to make up for not getting to play at all in the first one (thanks Twig, j/k)

Richard - You reminded me of Kurt Angle with your gold medals on during the whole thing. Amazing Peach play, as always.

Yeroc - Had fun playing Friday night and hanging out at Cookout. We make a good team, I do believe. See you around.

Katie - AMAZING win against Team Titans with Zelda! We were going crazy. You and Kris looked so funny just hanging out in the trunk of my car. =)

Nick - As I said before, excellent tournament. You handled the extra people in stride and deserve much credit for the smooth operation. But for now...it's sushi time!

Tony - Good matches at the end dude. Keep up those IC's.

James - Wassssssabi! Didn't get to see you play, but I heard you were doing good with Mewtwo. Keep it up, dude.

Stan Dup - Hadn't seen you in like, a year? Felt like it. Thanks for letting me fix my controller in the middle of our match. That's two tourneys in the past three that I've torn the grip off my control stick, on two different controllers! What's going on?

I think that's everybody, I can't even remember. Good stuff all around.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2007
Concord, NC
Shouts before this thread falls into the abyss of this board. It's been page 2'd, it might as well be :laugh:

Nick O. Teen- thanks for hosting another excellent tourney for us. You handled it well!

Yeroc- Thanks for getting me that Diet Coke from McD's. :) Didn't get to play you at all, but I know I'll see you around at Ali's, haha!

DF2K- Next time, Team Acronym has that shiiiiit! YEAH! Let's team more often. :3

Knorr/Lu$/TEAM TITANS EPISODE VI RETURN OF THE TEAM TITANS LOLOL- I thought I was ****ed in teams. Well, I mean, I was, I dunno how I got off that fair. I thought I was a goner, fo sho. Good **** in teams, you guys are amazing with the titans of Smash, dawgs. 10/10!

David- You have my red hat, I think, but I don't really care, it was only a dollar. What a great shout out. xD

Malk- Thanks for returning my precious hat in the same condition in which it left my head. No moar glare at the next tourney, haha.

Dr. PeePee and Twitch- Good stuff, especially for a first tourney outing. I expect I'll be seeing more of both of you in the future.

Peter- Samus is a scary woman. You are the reason every man should fear her. :laugh:

Ralf and Chukarooney (yeah dawg)- Also great teams matches. Your teamwork is blossoming, awwwww. :3 Also, Chuk, your trunk is too good.

Karn- Really appreciated the commentary for the matches. Makes this game so much more fun. xD Saw you Mew2 ditto'd my crewmate. Your Mewtwo is very good, and your teams name with dotpwn was amazing, haha. See you at the next Jubilee? xD

dotpwn- thanks for coming down, with everyone else from last time as well. See you at November Knockout! :>

Joel, Brown Guy, wtfever lolol- thanks for remembering me, haha. We'll play teams again at Ali's one day. Maybe. xD

Ali- You were so close, we could all taste it. xD You got it next time, for sure. NC Falcon, yeeeeah xD

Adam/l0zR: Finally got to see you play more than in the basement for two matches at the last Jubilee. /creepy xD Congrats on the win, and everyone was on the edge of their seat. See you again soon.

Everyone else: Good times, see you at MPJVI... or something. xD


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
A big shoutout to EVERYONE that came down. It means a lot.

KT/RTF - Thanks for grabbing me some food, and good job on your upset win over E6:RotTT. That match was easily one of the bigger highlights of the team tourney. Keep up the good work, keep your spirit high, and sorry about your blood sugar level during singles. Better luck next time, girlie. <3

FNJ - **** good job in teams, yo. We'll **** next time.

YKB3 - Sorry you couldn't make it in time for teams, but your singles friendlies later were impressive. Glad you were able to play a lot of the guys you'd been wanting to.

Ali - So close, bud. That finals match was incredible, and it's nice to get that home turf crowd rooting for ya. You've come a long way, you'll get first if you keep up the good work.

Peter - You still scare the poop out of me with your play style. I still want further Marth training, and hopefully we'll see you get bumped up on the power rankings. If they ever get worked on again.

Adam/L0Zr - Thanks for driving out to the store man. It was good to finally meet you and watch you play. You're intense! Congrats on the win, and if you come to another tourney before Brawl and win, we'll take your prize credit and either full pay off another pre-ordered game, or you can even select anything else in the store. Hell, we'll even throw it on a gift card for you to use in RM. Good job, and it was a pleasure to see you down in our neck of the woods.

Twig - Didn't get to play ya or even talk to you too much, but it was good to see you again. Congrats, chief!

Malk/THO - It was good to see you guys, and good job in your teams match against me and Tony. Sorry about the prize situation, if we get more people that will be fixed next time.

Yeroc - You're a good man. Much hetero love to you for easy brackets explanation, and it'll easily make things much easier for the future. I'll catch you around soon, and hope to see you at the next tourney.

Knorr/LU$ - Good job in teams, guys. Lots of fun having you guys around. Hope to see you next time.

Ralf/Chuk - Don't worry about the camera Chuk, everything's cool. Also, it was good to see and meet your ladies, and I hope to see you guys around Ali's way sometime in the near future.

Dr. PeePee - Excellent first outing, pal. I was honestly surprised to see the names you left behind in your wake. A pleasant surprise to see from a newcomer on the scene from this area. Shelby's a bit far away, but I hope we see more from you around here.

Karn - Thanks for the insight on how Jubilee runs. I wish I could do it that way for the GC tournies. =/ Regardless, your help was appreciated, and maybe we'll talk more on the matter for an upcoming tourney.

DotPwn and the Greensboro Gang - Thanks again for driving down guys. Next time, write a list of everyone you guys come with so I can try to avoid the pairing off against each other in the first round. You guys tend to get unlucky about that. =( I'll try to make it up for Novemeber Knockout, it all depends on my finances.

Stan Dup - It's good to see you back in action. Thought you'd left the scene for good for WoW. Start coming to more tournies and you'll get back into the old swing of things.

To anyone else, thanks again, and we'll see you next time. =D

Speaking of next time... My next tourney is going to be for fun. Countdown to Brawl Vol. 2: Smashing Spirit will bring out more of the things that make this series different from other fighting games. So you can take anyone out on a level playing field. But can you overcome the odds when they're stacked against you? Or can you gain control of a match gone awry and use any and all methods to your advantage?

FOREWARNING: The next tournament, likely to be either late November or early December, will have NO MLG RESTRICTIONS. We're pulling out all the stops and using Melee to its full playability. No banned levels. The return of items. Let's throw a little spice into the same dull tourney scene and see if the top dogs can get taken out with a little extra help. Leave the johns at home.

I want a little input first. Should ALL items be allowed? Or should we do randomly chosen themed items, such as all explosives, all Kirby themed items, all melee weapons, etc.? "No items" requests will be ignored.

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
items tourney...? make it all items.

doubles & singles? friendly fire on?

timed matches? stalling allowed?

glitches allowed?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
Teams and singles, friendly fire on.

Try to keep glitches to a minimum.

I want a new style, not just to make everything cheap. XD


Theory Coder
Feb 28, 2004
In a world of my own devising
Rob1out (Rob$), your tourney style is silly. Playing NI/FD on your own is fine, but it should be obvious to you that it's not the true test of skills. I think you said it best, when you said something along the lines of "The true best Smasher will be able to do best in any situation". You cut out most situations from the game, as LordLocke said, 99.6% of levels, 100% of items, and 80% of the characters.

Granted, there's nothing wrong with preferring that style of play...but making everyone else cater to it through making it your tourney setting is wrong. It's akin to having a "preference" for playing only with pokemon characters, and then forcing everyone at the tournament to use them.

My how times have changed, and they are a changin' all over again.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
im too good with items on. This tournament will be insanely fun
Good! Glad to see I'm already getting support.

My how times have changed, and they are a changin' all over again.
Haha, no, after running so many cookie cutter tournaments, and going to so many cookie cutter tournaments, it's a relief to run a silly/different one for a change. It also changes up the pace of things, as GC plans on doing many Smash tourneys up until Brawl. If they're all the same, people will stop showing up with the "I'll just enter the next one" belief.

I know you're pickin', but it's all in good fun. Isn't anyone else sick of drama and the fuss of "rules this" and "ban that" and power rankings arguments? The next one doesn't have to be up for PR contention, but the prizes will remain the same. So if someone can oust Adam or Ali and win first with these "Full Smash Spirit" rules, they, too, can get Brawl fully paid and ready to go.

I plan on doing this items tourney, a low tier tourney, and perhaps some kind of "wild card" tourney. I'll come up with more ideas on that last one soon.


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2005
Seoul, SK
well then...time for some fox laser spammin for me on hyrule...yahyuhz

and waveshining fools on yoshi's island...yezzzz


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Tarboro, NC &lt;CREW YGO&gt;
Anyway it's rather silly of you to say you want all items on to put us in a new situation where we have to work with all the tools available

and then to follow that with making it a low tier tournament where half the cast is banned.

I don't really care, I'll play game and watch all day



Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
Anyway it's rather silly of you to say you want all items on to put us in a new situation where we have to work with all the tools available

and then to follow that with making it a low tier tournament where half the cast is banned.

I don't really care, I'll play game and watch all day

No, no, nononono. The next tourney WON'T be low tier. A future tourney will, either the one after or two after. Vol. 2 is no bans.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2005
North Carolina
I support this idea. While I enjoy the competitive nature of MLG style tournaments, I also see how much of the game has gone to waste and it's sad, really, because when I first bought this game (5? 6??? years ago, eesh!) Ralf and I (and my brother, at that time) had never heard of these rules, and we didn't care. We played with all items, all stages, and had a blast picking out new favorite characters.

Ralf and I went to our first tournament in August '05 at the Penny Arcade Expo in Bellevue, Washington. It really changed the way we looked at the game and we haven't played the same way since. We started learning advanced tactics and only played on 6-10 different levels, cut out items completely; you know the drill.

I miss playing with items and popping Tingle's balloon in Termina Bay. I miss scoring a 0% kill with the homerun bat! Give me old skool smash or give me death!!

You liked that didn't ya? :chuckle:

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Nice dude. Once again, much love to those who gave to me and my brother (Chuk and Nick). Also, thanks to Nick to let me come there and have the opportunity to play with you guys in the first place. Items, low tier, I didn't know there were any themed tournies now but I'm willing to give it a shot!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
Nice dude. Once again, much love to those who gave to me and my brother (Chuk and Nick). Also, thanks to Nick to let me come there and have the opportunity to play with you guys in the first place. Items, low tier, I didn't know there were any themed tournies now but I'm willing to give it a shot!
I believe RTF gave ya some props, too. XD

And there really ISN'T many themes tournies. I'm kinda going out on a limb here. XD


Theory Coder
Feb 28, 2004
In a world of my own devising
Does anyone else find it funny that there are already Brawl tourneys on the books, with rulesets, disallowing things based on how "game-breaking" they were in Melee?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2005
North Carolina
Wow, that's so ridiculous... How could ANYBODY have a clue how this game is going to play out once it's released? People, people, people....


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
Bah, I already ban Battlefield and Smashville. Battlefield is too distracting with its "day/night" system, and that **** singing dog on Smashville could affect the players.



Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2005
Seoul, SK
nah..that item that makes you spin when you jump. that's my favorite...wavedashing with that...cheap as helllll haha
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