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Countdown to Brawl Vol. 1, Concord NC 10/20


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Tarboro, NC <CREW YGO>
LOZR Good Luck boy! sow em' why you are tha' best round these parts. Also Malk it's probably too late to tell you this, but you should try at this one! do it for me baby :)

ummm umm oh yeah and everyone in charlotte ***** heads! Woo!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
You know what? That's what I was told! I was also told he won singles! FU*K YEAH! SEAKING!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
Much love to everyone that came out. Congrats to Twig and Lozr, who came back to take over teams from Ali and Peter, and congrats for an epic climactic 10-round finals bout between Ali and Lozr.

I left the pages at work, so results will be posted tomorrow.

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
i had fun. thanks to nick for hosting the tourney. lag free! hyay!

one thing to say:
dr. peepee (and his brother?) were surprisingly very good for their first tourney.

a full list later.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2005
Catfish Country
Yes very enjoyable tournament glad i decided to come out and play. Ali man i couldn't have asked for a better finals dude it was soo epic your too good man. Thx again nick for hosting and it was nice seeing all you people and meeting the new ones. Dr peepee was to good


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Yeah you deserve cookout bro, you dissapeared before i was done johning about my loss though.
Jul 5, 2007
it was nice to meet all of the new people who i'd met including Lozr who I wanna play next time you are in the area. Knorr it was fun to finally DK ditto you i'ma play you again whenever u are in the area or at the next jubilee. Karn it was fun to Mewtwo ditto u that was buckets of fun, It was fun as hell guys.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2007
Raleigh NC
he 4 stocked me all the time

fun tourny thanks nick for being patient for all the out of towners

until next time


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
No, thank you everyone for YOUR patience. I understand it can get frustrating having to wait on the tournament director, especially when a match ends and no one bothers to give the results to the director and friendlies constantly break out. Let me start with:

- To third place in teams. Had it been a regular Smashfest or tourney, there'd have been a prize for you guys. But it's a tournament thrown by a business, and the policies they state HAVE to be followed. I simply did not get enough money for a third place. But, for next time, remember this - BRING MORE PEOPLE. This ensures bigger prizes for first, second, AND third place.
- To those expecting cash. I understand store credit means jack ****, especially if the store is not in your area. But these acts are considered gambling and the business cannot condone the act of gambling, especially with straight up cash. It was also stated in the very first post the prizes, that first place would get Brawl fully paid off. This sounds like a load of ****, I'm sure, but be aware that Game Crazy DOES plan on having tournaments leading up to the night of Brawl's release, including one the night of our midnight release of the game, and even A BRAWL TOURNAMENT DIRECTLY AFTER MIDNIGHT. So, any store credit won can be used during tournament nights, and are good for anything on the Game Crazy side, as well as for drinks and snacks on the Hollywood Video side, and all fully paid pre-orders of Brawl can be picked up when attending the Brawl Midnight Launch Party.
- To those yelled at about brackets. I understand you can read a brackets sheet. But I'm also responsible for how everything runs, and if any mistakes are made due to misreading of anything, everyone comes and yells at me about it. I know you're excited about who you go up against next. But let me hold onto the brackets, and you'll be taken care of.

Thanks again for everyone who had patience with me. It's tough going into your job when the store opens, pulling those heavy *** tvs off the wall on a ladder, setting up everything outside, registering people and collecting everyone's money and making sure everyone's accounted for, running the tourney all day without opportunity to leave, clean up after everything's over with, and return those televisions BACK up on the wall with the ladder... ALL OFF THE CLOCK. So, in the end, I didn't get paid for ANY of it. While I'll never do THAT again, it was worth it to meet some of you for the first time and to meet up with the rest of you once more.

Now, what you've been waiting for. The results. (Full brackets standings to be posted later).

1. Team Snackmaster (L0Zr and Boss Hog)
2. Gabby Jay! (I'veJihadIt and El Cancel)
3. Jee Ho Kim (Malk and THO)
4. Episode VI: Return of the Team Titans (2Percent and Knorr)
5. Don't Knock the Balls (DoctorChuk and Ralf)
6. Team Acronym (DF2K and RoyTheFlamboyant [RTF])
6. Black and White (Falco no Jutsu and Nick O. Teen)
8. Schmogan Mirrors (Trav and SWAT)
8. Prodigy (Stan Dup and TomlinBoy)
8. Ryan² (Ryan and Ryan)
11. This Guy's Mewtwo (Karn and DotPwn)
11. Dynasty (Ultimis and [a girl... forgot your name, SORRY!])
11. Team Fatass (Vilt and Behr)

1. L0Zr
2. Narciss Prince [I'veJihadIt]
3. Glass Joe [El Cancel]
4. Boss Hog
5. Hot Fuzz [Dr. PeePee]
5. Blade
7. Narcisses Reginex [Malk]
7. Boss Nasty
9. DF2K
9. Karn
9. When Chuk Attacks [DoctorChuk]
9. Doc Malk [THO]
13. LU$ [2Percent]
13. Ralf
13. Falco no Jutsu
13. DotPwn
17. Detroy
17. Yeroc
17. Troy
17. Chavis
17. Twitch
17. Stan Dup
17. TomlinBoy
17. Behr
25. Ryan Davis
25. Jorge [Drunken Hobo]
25. Santiago
25. YoshiKongBarkley3000
25. RoyTheFlamboyant
25. Juggernaut
25. Vilt
25. Ultimis
33. Nick O. Teen [Taken out after one round to even brackets/focus on running tournament]

That last part sucks a big one, placing 33rd a tournament that should've only had 32 contestants. Goodbye PR hope. XD Congrats to all that won and love to all that came.

Brackets to be posted soon (if found) in this post, shoutouts coming soon. <3


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2005
North Carolina
Thanks for working so hard to make this tourney a success, Nick. I had loads of fun and it was great to meet all the new people and show off Luigi's mad skillz.

I look forward to playing everybody again.

Sorry for bringing an unworking camera. That's the first time I've seen it do that, and I just didn't have time to go searching for a cleaning disk. Checked the K-mart but they let me down.
Jul 5, 2007
YKB3000, who won that DK ditto match? I started to watch then I had another match so I had to go.
Knorr did he two stocked me it was fun i hope to DK ditto again. I wanted to play against you dr. peepee ur Mario is nasty i wanted 2 play against your Mario with My Doc maybe at the next smash event i'll play you.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
Concord, NC
This was the best Game Crazy tournament i've been to! It was fun as hell.....

I hope all u raleigh and sourrounding area peeps come to the next one. Im glad i got to play ya'll the whold day since i can't come to raleigh all the time.

Lozr, ur mario is nasty...u beat me for a $....lol, but nice match though....and Twigga, even though u and lozr beat me and nick in teams.....u still my ***** lol..

Yo Nick O. Teen.....Team Black and White will make a comeback lol....

Karn-like james(YKB3) said, ur the white Taj lol....keep up the mewtwo....

Knorr and Luther-most entertaining team at the tournament!!! Knorr, ur DK is a killa! And Luther, that match u had against DeTroy on Corneria....funniest match at the tournament!!!!

Dr. PeePee-i didn't really watch any of ur matches, but i hope i get to play you sometime soon. Hopefully you can make it to another tournament soon.

Chuk- ur luigi is too crazy for me to hit! lol....always fun playin you

Boss Nasty-suprised you showed up....thought you weren't comin for a minute. Those were some nice matches against twig(my ***)!

..........by the way, Boss Hog, since u won the Battle of the Bosses.....you are now to be called.......KING BOSS!!!!

And to everyone else.....PLEASE COME AGAIN.......NIGGAAAAAAAAS!!!! lol......

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
good shiz everybody.

nick: thanks for hosting the tourney. i liked the lag free tvs a lot though there was glare. with each tourney, your tourneys are improving nicely.

dr. pp & his bro: if this is your first tourney, then you both learn very quick. well played, guys. you almost had me dr. pp. maybe we can get together and play sometime.

lozr: i usually don't play your fox in tourney. it's tough. i want some more time for single/doubles friendlies.

ali: good games as always. good to team with you and an honor to lose to nc's falcon. i felt like samus that day. i remember i combo'd you off of a bomb. charge shot is too cool.

boss hog: last match could have gone either way. it felt like a showdown. you & your strange levels... good match. i want to do some more teams with you (at least friendlies).

boss nasty: turnips are nasty. turnip edgeguard nasty too. cool moves.

df2k & rtf: team acronym, cool name.

chuk & ralf: double fox! high tiers are fun, too. thanks for the support and watching some of my matches. i didn't do the much of the same because i'm a lamer, but i caught chuk's luigi vs smyd jiggs. good choice of moves.

malk: we can do team in friendlies and you will land all the rests.

karn: your mewtwo is moving along pretty nicely. that's a nice ledge trick with the over+B.

tho: thanks for the ride. you're fun.

rest of roytards: another tourney, more experience. keep it up. you're all improving! believe it.

yeroc: thanks for the ride and the food. i was hungry. high five!

lu$ & knorr: episode 6... ha. lu$ got trix! knorr, we can play some more friendlies next time.

brown guy: thanks for the support. i was about to get peed on. brown guy gave me brown power!

dotpwn: keep it up! stick with some character.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
yeroc is cool, man. And he does good work on his controllers, something I'd like to do. I'd like to know him better. ;)
Jul 5, 2007

to Adam and Ali- for giving us a epic finals match
Karn- Your mewtwo is nasty dude that was a fun *** mewtwo ditto match we played
Knorr- Man your DK is raw i hope to DK ditto you again soon
FNJ- Yo iceclimbers are gettin nastier dude
Nick O teen- good tournament they keep getting bigger man
Boss hog- twig what can i say u are the boss of the bosses LOL
Boss nasty- dude ur peach is fast as hell and i seen some of your matches u did good
Dr.peepee- congrats on placing in the top 10 and your Mario is Beast dude.
Peter- dude your marth is just ridiculously fast and congrats on beating troy (peach spammer)
Munkey- yo man where were ya I thought u was coming man. Want to play you again.
to everybody who entered good playing and hope to see all of you again at the next event


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Why hasn't my name been changed yet?
Someone call Tope
I am D$$$

Should I do a shout outs?
I guess
Lu$ - Make$
Knorr - I ****ing hated having to take you out in teams. But I wanted my $5. Turns out Nick-o-Teen got the last laugh on that one.
Twig - next crew match I'll get you. I was so ****ing tired. We teaming at greensboro?
Lozr - Never let go of the title.
Ali - You ***** my team time and time again. Like THO said your knee is a ****ing homing missile
Peter - Same deal! I can't ever get the best of you. First match is always close, then I get demoralized and you take out the garbage. I'm actually glad I lost to DR.PP so I didn't have to get eliminated twice by you.
DR$PP - good ****, it was definitely an upset (and kind of gay) but a wins a win. Looking forward to kicking your *** in greensboro.
Joel - I'm sorry man, I just didn't want to give you wood that trip.
DF2K - Free... goods are always awesome. You're the coolest smasher to have around, 2 kris 1 cup.
Richard - You finally showed up! We didn't play at all but it's fun watching you do jiu jitsu moves on Lozr. And you know you liked taking it in that one picture.
Karn - Facghot
THO - B!tchlord
.PWN - you showed up anyhow. nice work.

People I pwned with rests or game and watch: sorry guys, sometimes I Just feel like cheating

If I left you out tell me!
I love you all!

OOHHHH btw did anyone know that skinny indian looking girl with the blue eyeshadow at the tournament? I didn't talk to her at all but I swear I just saw her today on UNCG campus and I was shocked speechless for like a minute. Like seeing a ghost!
What is she?!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
Knorr - I ****ing hated having to take you out in teams. But I wanted my $5. Turns out Nick-o-Teen got the last laugh on that one.
You should read this.

- To third place in teams. Had it been a regular Smashfest or tourney, there'd have been a prize for you guys. But it's a tournament thrown by a business, and the policies they state HAVE to be followed. I simply did not get enough money for a third place. But, for next time, remember this - BRING MORE PEOPLE. This ensures bigger prizes for first, second, AND third place.
I don't make policy, I follow it. Because that's my job. I didn't attempt to rip anyone off, and I didn't.

You want to solve it? Bring more people next time. That would leave enough money for a prize for third place.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2007
Greensboro NC 27410
Shout out time i guess.

Karn: I F***cking sucked the big one in teams and will give you a dollar for real if you come to greensboro on 11.17 XD.
YKB3: I owe you a dk Ditto
Falco: I will main you now and practice the **** out of this game
Richard: You're good kthx
Ali: ^
Knorr & 2%: Never talked to you but i saw the bowser dsmash to dk punch in teams and it made my day
DR PeePee and brother: Good stuff in general.
Roytards as a group: Fun stuff
Yeroc: Disappointed i didnt play you this time
El Cancel: Thank you for above shout out.
Chuk: It was crushing to see you 3 stock Dr PPs brother. Luigi mains are good with me
North Carolina: Come to greensboro on 11-17


Smash Rookie
Aug 15, 2004
Shout outs ****!
Ali - are you doing it tonight, i'll call you again
DF2K- you looked tired
Twiggy- so bad ***
Lozr- so bad ***
Karn- Facghot
Malk- third place should get cash money = D$$$ **** ****
Luther- so fine
Dr. Peepee- I like your daddy (he found Knorr's nose ring) hell yeah.
Random chicks- so kind
Knorr- sticks **** through his nose and then it just falls out. You like some troll nosed mother ****er, some go**** Xerxes **** going on. Nah, good to see you.
Joel- your like that weird elk thing from princess monoke. Strange **** man strange ****.
Peter- I gave you a ride.
Richard- man you got gold. Nah peach son peach. nah man rematch, dude I like peach dittos. Your peach so good man counter attack so fast, down smash so hard.

If i forgot you its cuz I don't remember nothin'. I don't even know you man. That tourney was tight, driving back I was like Karn you're a hideous ****er. Karn was like, "THO I'm going home for christmas my family has money." I was like I'm jewish *****. Peace.


Theory Coder
Feb 28, 2004
In a world of my own devising
Thank you thank you everybody. I try. </humble>

This weekend was simply too awesome. Where do I start?

Nick - Thanks for hosting mate, good ish, as they say.

Adam - 'Gratz on the W's. Pure craziness.

Twig - We totally didn't play at all this weekend, howtf? If you and DPP throw down, give me a shout on AIM or something.

Ali - Awesome time hanging out. Need moar smash rawr.

Peter - You're welcome for the Maccas lol. I was hungry too.

Kris - Argg! lol, matches were too good son.

Dr. PeePee - Sheik hates Mario. Way too good man. If you decide to keep going to these, for which we'd all recommend a wired controller, I'll do one up for you if you'd like. Actually, that goes for everyone.

Lu$ - DAAAAAAMMMMMNNNNNN!!!! Good to see you around again. We should start a controller painting business or something.

Malk - Nice teams work at Ali's. We totally got them.

Knorr - Pseudo creepy Arabic is pretty **** funny.

Karn - Keep rockin' the Mewtwo. Look for Mookie and Taj ****. We'll fix a controller up for you someday soon.

Vihr, Behr, and dotpwn - Good seeing you guys again. Sorry I didn't get to play you all this time.

Katie, FNJ, YKB3K - I didn't talk to you guys much this time around, but good hanging out as always. Cya at Ali's ;)

Richard - W0o0t!!!1
...I got nothin' in particular, but I wanted to be enthusiastic.

THO - Who were you again? :p ;)

I think that's everybody (and no I don't hate you David). NC needs to be this awesome like all the time, both in state and out. Rock on, peace out.

Edit: W00t, I'm almost at 700 posts again (or what should be like 1200 something) So expect either something really epic and awesome, or I'll forget and squander it in the Broom and you'll never see it hahahahaha.... <_< >_> Err, yeah...

Edit 2: OMG I forgot Chuk and Ralph!!! Noes! You guys were lots of fun to hang out with ONCE AGAIN, LIKE ALWAYS!!!! Good teams matches Friday night.
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