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Social Corrin Social - Still Fire Emblem Social


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Same here. I mean I like Camilla too but I find Hinoka way more appealing than her.
Unlike most of the pervs who play this game, I like Camilla because of her character. Who she is. Not the size of her breasts. Same goes for Kagero.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Unlike most of the pervs who play this game, I like Camilla because of her character. Who she is. Not the size of her breasts. Same goes for Kagero.
I've read Camilla's supports to understand her character, but the way she approaches Corrin still creeps me out. To each his own I guess.

As for who to marry, I'm echoing Xeno's comment. I prefer Kagero more, but if you like Camilla, then go ahead with her.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2014
The Domain
I do like Hinoka more than Camilla because I feel that she is portrayed in a more realistic way. Both characters have a similar fundamental core: They love Corrin to a point where their personality and actions are shaped by it.

But Hinoka's origin as a regular princess, then her decision to become a knight because she felt like she never could save you comes off as a real and selfless response that sells her entire character for me. There's also the fact that she is not solely obsessed to the Avatar. She relates a time when she saved Sakura despite the risk to herself, and Takumi's supports shows that she cares about their wellbeing.

So happy (late) birthday Hinoka! I'd post fan art but I don't have any.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
Unlike most of the pervs who play this game, I like Camilla because of her character. Who she is. Not the size of her breasts. Same goes for Kagero.
Like Erureido, reading Camilla's supports with others characters does help me get a better understanding of who she is as a character but I don't like how she's so always overprotective of Corrin and treating him/her like a damn child. Her weird ass taste in fashion also rubs me the wrong way.

And as for who to marry, I'd definitely go with Kagero. But hey, go with your gut feeling.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
For all the Pokemon fans here, multiple new Pokemon have been revealed these past two days.

The first is a new Fire/Dragon-type revealed in yesterday's Gamescon event: Turtonator, the Blast Turtle Pokemon. It has Shell Armor for its ability and learns a new moves called "Shell Trap", a Fire-type Counter.

The second new Pokemon was revealed during the Pokemon World Championships' opening ceremony: Crabrawler, a Fighting-type crab Pokemon that has Hyper Cutter and Iron Fist for its abilities. It can learn moves like Dynamic Punch, Close Combat, Stone Edge, and Crabhammer.

A trailer came out shortly after, revealing the English names for three Pokemon revealed in CoroCoro this month. The sand castle Pokemon are named Sandygast and Palossand respectively, while Bewear's pre-evolution is now named Stufful. Sandygast and Palossand have the new ability "Water Compaction": this ability raises the Pokemon's Defense by 2 when it's hit by a Water-type attack.

I think both Turtonator and Crabrawler look pretty cool (the latter especially because it gives me Little Mac vibes with boxing-style and the haircut). Turtonator might even go on my team if I don't end up catching Alola Marowak. I don't think I'll use Crabrawler on my team (especially if Gallade and his evolution line ends up being catchable in Alola), but I think it could make a pretty good Pokemon for competitive play.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Unlike most of the pervs who play this game, I like Camilla because of her character. Who she is. Not the size of her breasts. Same goes for Kagero.
That was a very convincing refutation of an argument that wasn't even presented. As for which you should marry? Well, either one, really. Camilla's supports with Corrin were a little odd, but they do fit her character. I don't know if Kagero's supports with Corrin are any good.

As far as gameplay goes, I do like a Camilla/Corrin support, because they're both great characters individually, and so they make a super-strong team together. Kagero just isn't as good as Camilla, but pairing her with Corrin will definitely make her a more worthy unit. That leaves Camilla available to be paired with someone else, to produce a child that can use Dragon Veins, and she'll raise the value of whoever she's paired with.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Camilla could of been a great character, but they did so many things wrong with her that it just breaks the illusion for me, so instead she's actually one of my least favorite characters in the game, up their with Corrin and Kana.

...It's funny how much I hate Corrin and Robin in their own games but love them in Smash.


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Corrin is literally a character that everyone within a 5 meter radius will automatically love and that pisses me off


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Corrin is literally a character that everyone within a 5 meter radius will automatically love and that pisses me off
You have a brother or sister who automatically loves that type of character? I mean, 5 meters... that's pretty much just the rooms next to yours.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 25, 2015
Like Erureido, reading Camilla's supports with others characters does help me get a better understanding of who she is as a character but I don't like how she's so always overprotective of Corrin and treating him/her like a damn child. Her weird *** taste in fashion also rubs me the wrong way.

And as for who to marry, I'd definitely go with Kagero. But hey, go with your gut feeling.
Interestingly beruka armor was Camilla's old armor until she... grew out of it? Promoted? I still blame Garon for more than half of Nohr's class design for women. The man can't even spare his own daughter.
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
You have a brother or sister who automatically loves that type of character? I mean, 5 meters... that's pretty much just the rooms next to yours.
I think she's referring to how the entire Fates cast loves Corrin for, often times, absolutely no reason.
Nyx says it's because he has "trustworthy eyes" or something when she joins in Conquest, but really, it's probably just player worshiping.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
That was a very convincing refutation of an argument that wasn't even presented. As for which you should marry? Well, either one, really. Camilla's supports with Corrin were a little odd, but they do fit her character. I don't know if Kagero's supports with Corrin are any good.
Kagero's supports with Corrin are pretty good. The C Support has a pretty funny ending, and the A support is where we explore her backstory (aside from her supports with Orochi) where we learn why she decided to become a ninja.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I think she's referring to how the entire Fates cast loves Corrin for, often times, absolutely no reason.
Nyx says it's because he has "trustworthy eyes" or something when she joins in Conquest, but really, it's probably just player worshiping.
Lol, yeah, I know, I was making a joke. It's a pretty frequent complaint that everyone loves the main character too much.

However, in all fairness (to the rest of the series, I guess), it's not like this has been new to Awakening or Fates. It's pretty much been a FE tradition to have characters from the enemy side join you with little to no convincing needed. Actually, really, Awakening and Fates have far fewer turncoats than previous installments. With Awakening and Fates, there are just a lot more options for dialog, and it's reasonable that they added them with the main character. (Well, also, in New Mystery of the Emblem, there were a TON of support dialogs with the avatar, but few outside of that, but since that one didn't come out over here, everyone complains about Awakening.)

But it's a fully legitimate complaint. All the same, it's still something that's probably going to stay with the series.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
It's not just about turncoats, though. It's about how other characters treat the protagonist in general.

That's always been a problem FE lords have had - they're all too "perfect" in some way or another - but I really feel that the avatars get it even worse than the lords. I mean, people might call Micaiah a Mary Sue, but not even she is as bad as Corrin. And least they actually kind-of sort of-tried to make her an interesting character.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
The first is a new Fire/Dragon-type revealed in yesterday's Gamescon event: Turtonator, the Blast Turtle Pokemon. It has Shell Armor for its ability and learns a new moves called "Shell Trap", a Fire-type Counter.
I'm probably one of the few people who doesn't like Turtonator. IDK, it just looks kinda stupid to me. I think its the face, it looks like an anteater that got half of its nose chopped off. I also don't see how its Fire/Dragon. Looks more like Fire/Rock to me.

So far, only one Alola Dragon-Type actually looks like a Dragon: Drampa. And while Exeggutor is a meme, i'm afraid i won't really like this generation's Dragon-Types. Dragon-Types are my favorite types after all. Hopefully i'll be proved wrong.

That's always been a problem FE lords have had - they're all too "perfect" in some way or another - but I really feel that the avatars get it even worse than the lords. I mean, people might call Micaiah a Mary Sue, but not even she is as bad as Corrin. And least they actually kind-of sort of-tried to make her an interesting character.
All right, i have to disagree with this. In order for a character to be a Mary Sue, they need to meet two criteria: be perfect and have everyone "worship" you. Only one Lord (Sigurd) meets the first criteria and only one Lord (Corrin) fits the second. But they don't meet both. Let's start with why Corrin isn't a Mary Sue, since he's the main topic here. Corrin constantly struggles ever since Ch.6. If Corrin was perfect, he wouldn't be having those nightmares that he had in his Conquest Supports with Azura. If Corrin was perfect, he would've had no problem fighting either set of his siblings. If Corrin was perfect, he would've stopped the Chevois Massacre. If Corrin was perfect, he would've found a way to save Elise, Xander, Takumi, or Ryoma. If Corrin was perfect, he wouldn't have been nearly killed by Garon in Birthright or Takumi in Conquest. So because Corrin doesn't meet the first criteria, he's not a Mary Sue.

Now for Sigurd, and this is really easy. Sigurd isn't "worshiped". If anything, almost everyone tries to kill him (and one actually succeeds). And FE4 is a time where the Lord couldn't always recruit everyone. Certain characters could only be recruited by certain characters, and because of that, people don't join Sigurd simply because he talked to them.

As for Micaiah, well, i haven't played Radiant Dawn, but from what i've read, she's not a Mary Sue. For example, she relied on her visions too much, so when her foresight powers weakened, she ended up suffering the consequences, because she felt lost without her visions. Then there's the fact that, prior to Radiant Dawn, she was treated terribly due to being a Branded.

I personally feel that the Mary Sue term is over-exaggerated. Outside of Fire Emblem, people called Rey from The Force Awakens a "Mary Sue" even though she was clearly not.
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Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
I'm probably one of the few people who doesn't like Turtonator. IDK, it just looks kinda stupid to me. I think its the face, it looks like an anteater that got half of its nose chopped off. I also don't see how its Fire/Dragon. Looks more like Fire/Rock to me.
I can't say I care for Turtonator either

It being part Dragon is probably because it's (partly) based on a reptile, and that's good enough for Game Freak to apply the Dragon label to it.

I will never understand though why the **** Alola Exeggutor is part Dragon


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
I will never understand though why the **** Alola Exeggutor is part Dragon
There's a whole group of plants under the Dracaena (Female Dragon) classification. Alolan Exeggutor is based on one of those plants.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Since Gen 2, they've defined dragon types by their incredible amounts of life energy rather than their dragon-like features. That's why all dragons aren't dragon-typed, and while all dragon-types aren'tactual dragons.
I personally feel that the Mary Sue term is over-exaggerated. Outside of Fire Emblem, people called Rey from The Force Awakens a "Mary Sue" even though she was clearly not.
I wasn't saying anyone was a Mary Sue, even though I will admit I think Corrin is one. But everyone defines Mary Sue differently, so arguments on that get really messy. To me, a Mary Sue is a badly written self-insert made for the writer or reader - or in Corrin's case, the player - to feel good about themselves, and boy does Corrin take the cake. By that logic though, I'd also argue that Micaiah isn't a Mary Sue.

But that's really not what I meant to discuss. What I really wanted to say was that it's annoying how the entire world revolves around Corrin. Everyone in-game loves him so much that it's painful for me to read, especially when he's such a blandly written character and the game expects me to pretend that I am him.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
The most Mary Sue-esque character in FE is the avatar in New Mystery of the Emblem. They're very idealized and well-loved, and they're perhaps overly competent. They have a dominant presence in the story, and it really seems they're designed to be a self-insert character, as they're pretty bland.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
So i wrote a Death Battle between the three Fire Emblem Avatars
When you get to the "FIGHT" section, i recommend you listen to the Coliseum Series Medley. There's a link there. You can't miss it.

In other news, did you know that before Tokyo Mirage Sessions#FE was planned, Fire Emblem was origianlly gonna cross-over with Pokemon? You can read more about it here: http://nintendowire.com/blog/2016/08/20/nintendo-considered-pokemon-fire-emblem-crossover-title/

And now, FE: Fates memes

Can we have Lobster Knight in the next game?

Felicia, what have they done to you?

And now, for a cute picture of the Corrin x Azura ship Luxury Cruise

But that's really not what I meant to discuss. What I really wanted to say was that it's annoying how the entire world revolves around Corrin. Everyone in-game loves him so much that it's painful for me to read, especially when he's such a blandly written character and the game expects me to pretend that I am him.
To be honest, i find him better written than Sigurd and Ephraim.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2015
Since Gen 2, they've defined dragon types by their incredible amounts of life energy rather than their dragon-like features. That's why all dragons aren't dragon-typed, and while all dragon-types aren'tactual dragons.I wasn't saying anyone was a Mary Sue, even though I will admit I think Corrin is one. But everyone defines Mary Sue differently, so arguments on that get really messy. To me, a Mary Sue is a badly written self-insert made for the writer or reader - or in Corrin's case, the player - to feel good about themselves, and boy does Corrin take the cake. By that logic though, I'd also argue that Micaiah isn't a Mary Sue.

But that's really not what I meant to discuss. What I really wanted to say was that it's annoying how the entire world revolves around Corrin. Everyone in-game loves him so much that it's painful for me to read, especially when he's such a blandly written character and the game expects me to pretend that I am him.
Hana Saizo and Takumi says Hi to your coment that everyone loves him (at least not from start or you're saying that in the C support takumi was all like "you're the best brother in the world")(Hana praticaly say "i hate you because you made sakura cry")(and saizo is saizo)


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Hana Saizo and Takumi says Hi to your coment that everyone loves him (at least not from start or you're saying that in the C support takumi was all like "you're the best brother in the world")(Hana praticaly say "i hate you because you made sakura cry")(and saizo is saizo)
Sure, I was exaggerating a little, but the good majority of the cast things he's the greatest guy around.
And in some instances, like Camilla and Rhajat, they take it so far that it's just ridiculous.

Deleted member

Just got done wrapping up Conquest this afternoon. Here are my thoughts on it if anyone's interested. :)

This game definitely was quite the journey. Even with Boo Camp and Ghostly Gold, this was probably one of the most challenging games I've played in years; and I loved it. The map design was (most of the time) extremely thoughtful and masterfully made. The difficulty balance, while admittedly having some oddly placed spikes, was remarkably well done on hard, and even with grinding, the game never made me feel like I was steam-rolling it. All of the classes and units felt unique and like they all fit their own niche on the team, which allowed for extreme freedom in strategy and adds great replay value for those like me who love the idea of tackling those hard maps again with different units and strategies. This is one of the few games where I came out of it with absolutely no major complaints about the gameplay, which is kinda rare for me as I can be quite picky with my video games.

Sadly though, I can't say much in defense of Conquest's story. As far the story goes...I just don't know. It sadly isn't even one where I can say "Hey, this started out pretty good, and turned kinda lame in the end." Even from Conquest's beginning chapters, nothing really quite works and feels really forced. Garon and Iaago honestly feel like the typical mustache-twirling villains that are evil for the sake of being evil, and the way Corrin behaves during all of this is laughably bad. I mean, he/she is in the middle of a huge war, and he/she tells his/her troops not to kill any of the enemy soldiers even when they are trying to kill them? It just doesn't make a lick of sense, and what makes even less sense is that no one even attempts to tell him/her how naive and unreasonable he/she is acting. Also, a lot of Corrin's dialogue honestly makes him/her come off as an indecisive, angsty kid rather than someone who is fighting to change their corrupt kingdom. How he/she interacts with his/her Hoshidian siblings is probably what bugs me the most. I mean, he/she has helped wage a rather unjust and cruel war against Hoshido, and he/she simply says "After this horrible and totally unjust war is over, let's be the best of friends!"? What bugs me even more than that is how characters like Hinoka react to it, with her basically being like "Hey bro/sis, you stabbed us in the back and killed thousands of our soldiers and people, but y'know what? It's cool." Basically, Corrin says the word "peace" a lot and instantly wins the trust of everyone (heck, that's basically the only reason Kaze joins him/her).

Also, am I the only one who wonders why on earth Azura didn't just show people besides Corrin the convenient magic orb that reveals Garon is a goo monster? Seems like she could have saved everyone a lot of heartache and time if she just took like, what, five minutes to open her magic water portal to Valla and show them the orb and Gunter, who could have easily vouched for her claims? Then again, I guess they needed to give people a reason to buy Rev. :p

All in all, it's a really good SRPG with a really bad story. Good thing I never play video games for story, ha ha. :rotfl:

So, now that I'm done with Conquest, I think I might start my Rev file tonight! Anyone have any Boon/Bane and Talent suggestions? I'm unsure about if I wanna go +Str/-Lck for a third time in a row now, ha ha.

Also, how are the amiibo units? I was thinking it might be fun to use them.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Also, how are the amiibo units? I was thinking it might be fun to use them.
They are fun to use. They are vast improvement over the Enihijar units from Awakening as they actually have voices. They feel like the character and there's even a few Smash references.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Just got done wrapping up Conquest this afternoon. Here are my thoughts on it if anyone's interested. :)

Also, am I the only one who wonders why on earth Azura didn't just show people besides Corrin the convenient magic orb that reveals Garon is a goo monster? Seems like she could have saved everyone a lot of heartache and time if she just took like, what, five minutes to open her magic water portal to Valla and show them the orb and Gunter, who could have easily vouched for her claims? Then again, I guess they needed to give people a reason to buy Rev. :p

All in all, it's a really good SRPG with a really bad story. Good thing I never play video games for story, ha ha. :rotfl:

So, now that I'm done with Conquest, I think I might start my Rev file tonight! Anyone have any Boon/Bane and Talent suggestions? I'm unsure about if I wanna go +Str/-Lck for a third time in a row now, ha ha.

Also, how are the amiibo units? I was thinking it might be fun to use them.
You're not the only one with that qualm about the crystal ball. I too was troubled how Azura never bothered showing the crystal ball to the Nohrian royals. What's worse is that the crystal ball just breaks for no reason after she shows it to Corrin, and it just comes out like "Whoops, only Corrin knows the truth."

If she showed the crystal ball to the Nohrian royals, that potentially could've prevented the whole invasion of Hoshido in the first place. Thinking about it, this is probably why the writers had the crystal break right then and there, because they needed some sort of excuse to invade Hoshido in order to match the title of the game and not end the game in Nohr. Having it break like that just comes to show how dumb of a plot device the crystal ball is.

And thinking about the crystal ball even further:

After you beat Birthright Chapter 18, Azura gives Leo a crystal ball so that he can find the answers on his own. She mentions that "a talented mage" like him can unlock it.

Looking back at Conquest, it makes you wonder that Azura could've prepared two crystal balls (I highly doubt the place she got it from only has one of them): one for Corrin to show, the other for Leo to find and present to the other siblings (and this is going off the assumption the crystal ball always breaks after it is used).

Strength boon and Luck bane is still a decent option, especially for the late-game chapters. I would also recommend a Magic boon and a Luck bane if you are interested in utilizing Nohr Noble Corrin again; the Magic boon even turns Corrin into a dangerously good Levin Sword user, and allows him to make better use of the Dragonstone if you want to use him for tanking.

The amiibo units are also pretty good to use. I recommend recruiting them earlier rather than later. When I used my Marth amiibo in the late game, Marth was far behind the rest of my units, so it's best to recruit the amiibo mid-game at the latest.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Just got done wrapping up Conquest this afternoon. Here are my thoughts on it if anyone's interested. :)

This game definitely was quite the journey. Even with Boo Camp and Ghostly Gold, this was probably one of the most challenging games I've played in years; and I loved it. The map design was (most of the time) extremely thoughtful and masterfully made. The difficulty balance, while admittedly having some oddly placed spikes, was remarkably well done on hard, and even with grinding, the game never made me feel like I was steam-rolling it. All of the classes and units felt unique and like they all fit their own niche on the team, which allowed for extreme freedom in strategy and adds great replay value for those like me who love the idea of tackling those hard maps again with different units and strategies. This is one of the few games where I came out of it with absolutely no major complaints about the gameplay, which is kinda rare for me as I can be quite picky with my video games.

Sadly though, I can't say much in defense of Conquest's story. As far the story goes...I just don't know. It sadly isn't even one where I can say "Hey, this started out pretty good, and turned kinda lame in the end." Even from Conquest's beginning chapters, nothing really quite works and feels really forced. Garon and Iaago honestly feel like the typical mustache-twirling villains that are evil for the sake of being evil, and the way Corrin behaves during all of this is laughably bad. I mean, he/she is in the middle of a huge war, and he/she tells his/her troops not to kill any of the enemy soldiers even when they are trying to kill them? It just doesn't make a lick of sense, and what makes even less sense is that no one even attempts to tell him/her how naive and unreasonable he/she is acting. Also, a lot of Corrin's dialogue honestly makes him/her come off as an indecisive, angsty kid rather than someone who is fighting to change their corrupt kingdom. How he/she interacts with his/her Hoshidian siblings is probably what bugs me the most. I mean, he/she has helped wage a rather unjust and cruel war against Hoshido, and he/she simply says "After this horrible and totally unjust war is over, let's be the best of friends!"? What bugs me even more than that is how characters like Hinoka react to it, with her basically being like "Hey bro/sis, you stabbed us in the back and killed thousands of our soldiers and people, but y'know what? It's cool." Basically, Corrin says the word "peace" a lot and instantly wins the trust of everyone (heck, that's basically the only reason Kaze joins him/her).

Also, am I the only one who wonders why on earth Azura didn't just show people besides Corrin the convenient magic orb that reveals Garon is a goo monster? Seems like she could have saved everyone a lot of heartache and time if she just took like, what, five minutes to open her magic water portal to Valla and show them the orb and Gunter, who could have easily vouched for her claims? Then again, I guess they needed to give people a reason to buy Rev. :p

All in all, it's a really good SRPG with a really bad story. Good thing I never play video games for story, ha ha. :rotfl:

So, now that I'm done with Conquest, I think I might start my Rev file tonight! Anyone have any Boon/Bane and Talent suggestions? I'm unsure about if I wanna go +Str/-Lck for a third time in a row now, ha ha.

Also, how are the amiibo units? I was thinking it might be fun to use them.
I have the Ike amiibo, and I like him. They're excellent units, just they don't have any supports. They each also come with a unique weapon too. Ike comes with Ragnell, which is great.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
I like to exploit the AI to recruit the way earlier than I'm expected to, usually right after chapter 10. It takes a little trial and error, and sometimes a blessing from the RNGoddess, but amiibo can be really broken in the early levels.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2015
New England
Just got done wrapping up Conquest this afternoon. Here are my thoughts on it if anyone's interested. :)

This game definitely was quite the journey. Even with Boo Camp and Ghostly Gold, this was probably one of the most challenging games I've played in years; and I loved it. The map design was (most of the time) extremely thoughtful and masterfully made. The difficulty balance, while admittedly having some oddly placed spikes, was remarkably well done on hard, and even with grinding, the game never made me feel like I was steam-rolling it. All of the classes and units felt unique and like they all fit their own niche on the team, which allowed for extreme freedom in strategy and adds great replay value for those like me who love the idea of tackling those hard maps again with different units and strategies. This is one of the few games where I came out of it with absolutely no major complaints about the gameplay, which is kinda rare for me as I can be quite picky with my video games.

Sadly though, I can't say much in defense of Conquest's story. As far the story goes...I just don't know. It sadly isn't even one where I can say "Hey, this started out pretty good, and turned kinda lame in the end." Even from Conquest's beginning chapters, nothing really quite works and feels really forced. Garon and Iaago honestly feel like the typical mustache-twirling villains that are evil for the sake of being evil, and the way Corrin behaves during all of this is laughably bad. I mean, he/she is in the middle of a huge war, and he/she tells his/her troops not to kill any of the enemy soldiers even when they are trying to kill them? It just doesn't make a lick of sense, and what makes even less sense is that no one even attempts to tell him/her how naive and unreasonable he/she is acting. Also, a lot of Corrin's dialogue honestly makes him/her come off as an indecisive, angsty kid rather than someone who is fighting to change their corrupt kingdom. How he/she interacts with his/her Hoshidian siblings is probably what bugs me the most. I mean, he/she has helped wage a rather unjust and cruel war against Hoshido, and he/she simply says "After this horrible and totally unjust war is over, let's be the best of friends!"? What bugs me even more than that is how characters like Hinoka react to it, with her basically being like "Hey bro/sis, you stabbed us in the back and killed thousands of our soldiers and people, but y'know what? It's cool." Basically, Corrin says the word "peace" a lot and instantly wins the trust of everyone (heck, that's basically the only reason Kaze joins him/her).

Also, am I the only one who wonders why on earth Azura didn't just show people besides Corrin the convenient magic orb that reveals Garon is a goo monster? Seems like she could have saved everyone a lot of heartache and time if she just took like, what, five minutes to open her magic water portal to Valla and show them the orb and Gunter, who could have easily vouched for her claims? Then again, I guess they needed to give people a reason to buy Rev. :p

All in all, it's a really good SRPG with a really bad story. Good thing I never play video games for story, ha ha. :rotfl:

So, now that I'm done with Conquest, I think I might start my Rev file tonight! Anyone have any Boon/Bane and Talent suggestions? I'm unsure about if I wanna go +Str/-Lck for a third time in a row now, ha ha.

Also, how are the amiibo units? I was thinking it might be fun to use them.
For boon I usually take skill because Revelation's Yato boosts strength, speed, defense and res a good amount. Luck is go-to for bane because lower luck isn't as much of a gamechanger as other stats.

Something always bothered me about the story between all three plots. Azura knows about Valla and Anakos is still there regardless of which path Corrin picks. In Conquest, Azura tells Corrin very little about that and she doesn't mention it at all in Birthright. I am I missing something, or did she just decide the insane dragon god wasn't a big deal?
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Something always bothered me about the story between all three plots. Azura knows about Valla and Anakos is still there regardless of which path Corrin picks. In Conquest, Azura tells Corrin very little about that and she doesn't mention it at all in Birthright. I am I missing something, or did she just decide the insane dragon god wasn't a big deal?
The game is completely littered with plot holes.

In Birthright, they justify it by saying that there's a curse that keeps you from talking about Valla when you aren't there(even though it's a stupid and overly convenient plot device), but that still doesn't explain why she didn't tell Corrin when she had a chance in Conquest.

Deleted member

Strength boon and Luck bane is still a decent option, especially for the late-game chapters. I would also recommend a Magic boon and a Luck bane if you are interested in utilizing Nohr Noble Corrin again; the Magic boon even turns Corrin into a dangerously good Levin Sword user, and allows him to make better use of the Dragonstone if you want to use him for tanking.

The amiibo units are also pretty good to use. I recommend recruiting them earlier rather than later. When I used my Marth amiibo in the late game, Marth was far behind the rest of my units, so it's best to recruit the amiibo mid-game at the latest.
I do like the idea of running a hybrid Corrin (which is pretty much what I accomplished in Nohr with a ton of Spirit Dusts), but won't the Magic Boon hurt Kana's potential? I mean, she seems like she'd rock Hoshido Noble with Sakura as her mom, but I'm kinda nervous about making her and Corrin's growths lean towards the 50-50 area, as that can lead to some unfortunate level ups...

Also, thanks to all who commented about the amiibo units; the information helps a lot. :)

Me and my brother only have the Marth and Lucina amiibos, so which would be the best to use? Or do they both work well together?


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Something always bothered me about the story between all three plots. Azura knows about Valla and Anakos is still there regardless of which path Corrin picks. In Conquest, Azura tells Corrin very little about that and she doesn't mention it at all in Birthright. I am I missing something, or did she just decide the insane dragon god wasn't a big deal?
Perhaps Azura didn't think it was an immediate threat that they could do anything about. The pressing issue was the war between Hoshido and Nohr, and that was what could be dealt with first. And, there's an insane dragon god in another dimension--well, what exactly are you supposed to do about that? You need all the sacred weapons, but each side has some, so you'd need to find a way to bring them together before you can do anything about the insane dragon god. With Revelations, you do bring together all of the sacred weapons to unleash the Omega Yato, and still there's more needed. With Conquest/Birthright, Azura could've told Corrin, but perhaps she felt that it was something that should be kept from him so as not to distract him from his desire to end the Hoshido/Nohr war, or something like that. In Conquest, Corrin's already distraught from his choice, so adding in the dragon god might only be more confusing for him.

Me and my brother only have the Marth and Lucina amiibos, so which would be the best to use? Or do they both work well together?
You should use the Marth amiibo and just send the Lucina one to me. That seems about right.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 8, 2016
It's not just about turncoats, though. It's about how other characters treat the protagonist in general.

That's always been a problem FE lords have had - they're all too "perfect" in some way or another - but I really feel that the avatars get it even worse than the lords. I mean, people might call Micaiah a Mary Sue, but not even she is as bad as Corrin. And least they actually kind-of sort of-tried to make her an interesting character.
Another problem is they keep making lords the same old super nice agile swordfighter. its why hectors my favourite lord in fire emblem as he has an interesting personality and plays differently to all other lords.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Another problem is they keep making lords the same old super nice agile swordfighter.
I don't think that's really a problem. Swords have always been the signature weapons of heroes. It doesn't just apply to Fire Emblem, but other games too. Look at the Tales Of games. The main protagonist usually have a sword. Look at Link, he's got a Sword. Look at Cloud, he's got a sword. Look at Shulk, he's got a sword. Look at Pit, he technically has swords.

And even outside of games, heroes still uses swords. Look at Star Wars, all the Jedi (and Sith) use swords. Look at Rave Master, Haru has a Sword.

Even in myths, you've got people using swords. Look at the myth with Perseus and Medusa, as well as literally every other myth about a hero.

So, regarding Lords in Fire Emblem, it is cool when we get a non-swordfighter, but i can guarantee that FE15's Lord (assuming FE15 isn't a remake) will be a swordfighter. So i don't really see it as a problem when its FE tradition, just like the tradition of making the Lord's hair color blue. And in a game where's multiple Lords, the first Lord you get is a swordfighter (the only exception being Radiant Dawn where Micaiah is the first Lord you get but seeing as Ike is the other Lord and was the Lord of Path of Radiance, it gets a pass).

its why hectors my favourite lord in fire emblem as he has an interesting personality and plays differently to all other lords.
The funny thing is, Hector gets swords after promotion. Fun fact: the only Lords who don't use swords at all are Ephraim and Micaiah.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I do like the idea of running a hybrid Corrin (which is pretty much what I accomplished in Nohr with a ton of Spirit Dusts), but won't the Magic Boon hurt Kana's potential? I mean, she seems like she'd rock Hoshido Noble with Sakura as her mom, but I'm kinda nervous about making her and Corrin's growths lean towards the 50-50 area, as that can lead to some unfortunate level ups...

Also, thanks to all who commented about the amiibo units; the information helps a lot. :)

Me and my brother only have the Marth and Lucina amiibos, so which would be the best to use? Or do they both work well together?
Magic Boon won't hurt Kana's potential. I married Corrin with Azura in my Revelation playthrough, and even with Corrin's Magic boon, Kana still performed very well because of the growths Azura passed down. The Magic boon can also benefit Kana's Dragonstone potential while still keeping the Strength stat at acceptable levels.

As for the amiibos, I don't own a Lucina amiibo, but Marth performs pretty well as a unit.
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