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Social Corrin Social - Still Fire Emblem Social


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Fog of war is an interesting idea, although I think there are ways to do it better though. Basically, yeah, the enemy should be affected by it too. There should be ways to create traps and pursue different and interesting strategies under fog of war conditions where the enemy is affected.

For example, suppose it's a night fight, and you're ambushed at camp, with campfires going. Anyone within range of the campfires can be seen, and you (or the enemy) can put the campfires out, which blinds both parties. You could strategically choose to keep the campfires going, could place some units just outside of the light (hiding while the enemy is drawn into the light), or put them out and hunt the enemy in the dark. Anyone who lights a torch becomes visible to the enemy, which could allow you to place people in the dark so, if the enemy tried to rush the carrier of the torch, they would just run into your hidden units (and be unable to act, just like when you're surprised when you blindly move in a fog of war chapter). This would be interesting.


Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
Hm, no surprise that people dislike the rain and storm effects that limits movement. I don't like it either, so I don't really know why I included in my list. lol

Perhaps they can at least go for map design aesthetics I guess. Being just there.

I also agree on the Fog of War improvement idea. Basically I think it should just be used more. The scenarios that can come as Fog of War examples makes me believe there's much we can make out of it. There's not much game-play mechanics I can think of, so I'm gonna settle with for map design for now.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Question of the day: Who would win a death battle? Corrin or Robin? Also I am in love with Revelations. I'm in Chapter 12. I also got Roy for Smash. I can honestly say that he is the best Fire Emblem character on the roster, excluding Corrin.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Question of the day: Who would win a death battle? Corrin or Robin?
Corrin easily. Draconic Hex will severely screw over Robin, since the skill activates if Corrin attacks, or is attacked, regardless of whether the attack hits or not. After a few attacks, Robin won't be able to keep up with Corrin, giving Corrin the win.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
Question of the day: Who would win a death battle? Corrin or Robin?
idk, probably whoever attacks first I guess. Grinding makes them both ridiculous enough that one-shoting the other is a likely scenario.

I also got Roy for Smash. I can honestly say that he is the best Fire Emblem character on the roster, excluding Corrin.
do you mean best as in one you like the best/most or best as in most viable of the FE characters or something else?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2015
New England
Question of the day: Who would win a death battle? Corrin or Robin? Also I am in love with Revelations. I'm in Chapter 12. I also got Roy for Smash. I can honestly say that he is the best Fire Emblem character on the roster, excluding Corrin.
Corrin: Comes in armed with the Omega Yato, Draconic Hex, Dragon Fang, Hoshidan Unity, and Dragonstone.

Robin: *pulls out wyrmslayer* "Checkmate."
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Corrin: Comes in armed with the Omega Yato, Draconic Hex, Dragon Fang, Hoshidan Unity, and Dragonstone.

Robin: *pulls out wyrmslayer* "Checkmate."
Well when people use Robin in Death Battle, they usually just have him use his Levin Sword and Tomes from his Smash moveset.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
idk, probably whoever attacks first I guess. Grinding makes them both ridiculous enough that one-shoting the other is a likely scenario.

do you mean best as in one you like the best/most or best as in most viable of the FE characters or something else?
He's more viable.

Well when people use Robin in Death Battle, they usually just have him use his Levin Sword and Tomes from his Smash moveset.
Hey Robin is clever. Corrin would destroy him/her though. Like you said Armagon, Draconic Hex is just too good.

Who likes my new profile pic? I'm also getting Camilla today from Chapter 12 on Revelations.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Guys? I'm having a slight problem irl. Every time I'm sleeping, I will wake up and it feels like some put two wine corks up my nose. Sounds funny but it's not. Blowing my nose makes it worse. This has been going on for 2 weeks


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Guys? I'm having a slight problem irl. Every time I'm sleeping, I will wake up and it feels like some put two wine corks up my nose. Sounds funny but it's not. Blowing my nose makes it worse. This has been going on for 2 weeks
Have you tried using a nasal spray? They are good for dealing with stuffy noses (the condition you're describing sounds pretty similar to it), though the best solution is to always check with your doctor so that he/she can prescribe the best medicine, because which nasal spray works depends on the nose condition.


Who were wants to see some of the Fire Emblem Fates cast commenting on some of the presidential candidates in this funny parody?

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Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Have you tried using a nasal spray? They are good for dealing with stuffy noses (the condition you're describing sounds pretty similar to it), though the best solution is to always check with your doctor so that he/she can prescribe the best medicine, because which nasal spray works depends on the nose condition.


Who were wants to see some of the Fire Emblem Fates cast commenting on some of the presidential candidates in this funny parody?

Yeah but I have severe asthma.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Who were wants to see some of the Fire Emblem Fates cast commenting on some of the presidential candidates in this funny parody?

That was great. The part with Trump talking about the wall and Takumi slowly appearing on-screen, breathing heavily was great.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 25, 2015
That was great. The part with Trump talking about the wall and Takumi slowly appearing on-screen, breathing heavily was great.
Considering what happened to him on a certain chapter of Conquest I wouldn't blame him...

Blame Trump not Tacomeat Takumi
(Not to offend anybody or anything)
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
So i watched the most recent episode of Pokemon XY&Z.
I'm actually upset that Ash lost the League. "But why are you upset that Ash lost, when he loses every time?" Well, i'll tell you why
  1. The battle between Ash and Alain was hyped up for several episodes
  2. The title of the episode was "Kalos League Victory! Ash's Ultimate Battle!"
  3. The XY anime, especially XY&Z didn't have that same formula that all the other regions had. Heck, Ash had ACTUAL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!
  4. Alain had absolutely no interest in battling in the league.
  5. Charizard, before Mega Evolving, gets hit by a Thunderbolt and a Quick Attack.
  6. Ash-Greninja's powered-up Naruto-style Shuriken doesn't KO Charizard. Yeah, Charizard X is part Dragon, but a WEAKER version of Water Shuriken knocked out a Mega Sceptile. Even if Alain's Charizard is better trained than Sawyer's Sceptile, it still should've lost to that Naruto-style Water Shuriken. I officially hate Charizard now.
  7. Greninja lost to Charizard, even though it only took two hits from from Charizard. And it lost to a Blast Burn. If he lost to a Thunder Punch, then i wouldn't have been as mad.
  8. Its the 20th anniversary, Ash should've won.
I'm not as mad as some people are (some people are quitting the anime entirely now) and i'm still gonna continue watching the anime but now XY&Z isn't as hype anymore. I'm hoping that at least Amourshipping .

Also, did just find out that the bad writers from the Black&White anime wrote the Ash vs Alain two-parter. That probably explains why Ash lost. Sorry for this rant, i just wanted to say my thoughts. I'm looking forward to the Team Flare arc.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Might as well post my thoughts about that recent Pokemon XY&Z episode as well. This is a copy and paste from another thread where I shared my thoughts.

Let's start with the positives. The animation was quite superb, probably even better than the last episode if I had to be honest. Greninja still had a very impressive fight. I enjoyed watching Mega Charizard vs Ash Greninja duking it out in what may be the best moment of animation in the entire Pokemon anime.

As for the negatives... I bet you all want to know what I thought about the conclusion of that battle. Here's the short answer:


In fact, I was even satisfied with the outcome.

Now for the more in-depth explanation.

I watched the newest episode when I woke up. I wanted to make sure I would watch it without being spoiled in advance. I watched it on Youtube because it was the only website that had the new episode uploaded at the time. When I saw the like/dislike bar where there were more dislikes than likes, I knew something bad happened in the episode that made people very angry: I had a feeling it was either Alain won or Team Flare interrupted the match towards the very end, forcing the Kalos League to shut down for the time being.

Going into my experience watching it, A part of me was optimistic that Ash was going to win. I mean, it would be a great way to continue the 20th anniversary celebration, Ash's team was looking pretty impressive (at least IMO), and even the anime was hyping up that Ash-Greninja would surpass Alain considering that Ash almost beat Alain and Diantha a couple of episodes ago (only reason he lost those matches was because he didn't fully master the Ash-Greninja transformation at the time). However, since Ash has a history of losing at every League he's competed in so far, a good part of me expected he would lose. I also thought another good possibility was that Team Flare interrupted the League. Long story short, I was not overly optimistic because I was prepared for any scenario the anime would throw at me.

Then came the ending. Ash-Greninja throws the Explosive Shuriken. As Greninja charges it up, Alain orders Charizard to use Blast Burn. Greninja threw the shuriken, and it looked like the Shuriken made contact with Charizard the moment Blast Burn hit Greninja. Probably the biggest explosion that ever happened in the Pokemon anime results from this. Charizard and Greninja struggle to stand, but Greninja ultimately is the one to fall, thus giving Alain the Kalos League victory.

When I Greninja getting knocked out, I did feel a little emotional inside. I will admit that ending was pretty ridiculous. Charizard surviving the Explosive Shuriken like that was pretty frustrating to see. It's almost as if the writers are simply glorifying the most popular Pokemon in existence once again, not to mention that an ending as disappointing as that was like how Ash lost to the overpowered Tobias. The moment Greninja was defeated, I figured out that's where the dislikes came from, and I knew the Pokemon fandom would be mad about this.

But I wasn't salty. In fact, I noticed there were still some admirable things about this finish that was still much better than Ash's Sinnoh League loss.

Let's start with Alain himself. The problem with Tobias was that he was introduced during the Sinnoh League, and he was pretty much designed to take out Ash in the League. He even had very little backstory. The only background we learned about Tobias was that, according to Conway, he cleared all the gyms using only his Darkrai. The fact he was sweeping every League match with only his Darkrai comes to show how overpowered he is. Yes, Ash managed to knock it out, but then Tobias had a Latios on his team and swept him from there. Afterwards, you can imagine Tobias had an easy time winning the finals with those two Pokemon.

Some of you will already compare Alain to Tobias because much like the latter, Alain basically swept most of the League matches (and perhaps even the Gym Leaders if his match with Korina was anything to go by) with only his Mega Charizard (with the exception of his second battle with Ash and his top 4 match where he used Metang and Metagross respectively). However, Alain was still handled much better than Tobias for two reasons:
  • Unlike Tobias, Alain ended up using his entire team against Ash, unlike Tobias where he only used two Pokemon. The fact Ash forced Alain to use his entire team shows that Alain isn't as overpowered as the Darkrai trainer.
  • And probably the most crucial difference: Alain is a character who we knew for a very long while. Unlike Tobias, Alain is a character who we saw develop. He was the main protagonist of the Mega Evolution specials after all, not to mention he also made multiple major appearances in the XY&Z portion of the anime, and this allowed us to understand his character for quite a while. He wasn't just some generic edgy protagonist or a Gary Stu. We saw the high points of his character, and even his low points. Those low points even allowed him to develop as a character. Heck, there even fans who grew to like Alain as a character and thought he was better than Ash, and I think that just comes to show that Alain was still a better rival than Tobias overall.
And now for the second admirable thing about the finish: how Ash and the others react.

I was expecting Clemont, Bonnie, Serena, Sawyer, and the XY rival trio to show some visible signs of upset upon Ash's defeat. I even thought Ash would show some signs of disappointment. It turns out none of them were mad about Ash losing at all.

Clement, Bonnie, Serena, Sawyer, and the XY rival trio all looked very satisfied with the outcome. They acknowledged that it was a really good fight, and that both thought Alain and Ash put up a very impressive fight. They also believed Ash has done a really impressive job throughout it.

And now we have Ash himself. He just lost the finals. Does he cry? No. Does he become angry? No. His reaction then?

He doesn't look the least bit upset. Now let's look at how he approached Greninja.

Translation of what's going on:

Ash: "You did well, Greninja."
Greninja: "Kouga..."
Ash: "Don't apologize. I'm thankful to you guys."

Greninja apologizes for not being able to win, and Ash was still very proud of all his Pokemon for all the effort they put into that fight. Ash is not the least bit of upset, unlike his past League matches. Heck, he is happy watching Alain get his trophy during the winner's ceremony and congratulates him for a job well done. Again, no visible signs of disappointment.

One might be questioning this and saying, "Why isn't Ash bummed? He just lost the finals in a very close match!"

The way I look at this, this demonstrates how far Ash has grown as a Pokemon trainer. He isn't upset that he lost. He puts up a smile. Ash knew Alain was a very strong opponent, and the two even developed a strong bond. Ash knew that he and his Pokemon were battling at their very best. He's happy that he made this far. The way he looks at it, he's made it to the finals. That's the farthest he's ever been, and making this far is an impressive accomplishment. Ladies and gentleman, this is character development!

In addition, what was the one trait that Serena likes the most about Ash? He's an optimist! The fact Ash is staying this positive about the loss captures this. Again, this shows how far Ash has grown as a Pokemon trainer.

Sawyer might be brought up to counter all of this considered that he ended up crying after losing to Ash, but one thing to remember that Sawyer is still just a starting Pokemon trainer. While Top 4 is a very impressive accomplishment for a first time trainer, he still has a lot to learn. Meanwhile, Ash has been a Pokemon trainer for a much longer time than Sawyer has, so he's become used to losses like this.

So in all, I wasn't even mad that Ash lost. I didn't put my hopes up that much and was ready for whatever the outcome would be, whether it be Ash winning, Ash losing, or Team Flare intervening. The ending of the battle, while admittedly cheap, was still really good. At least Ash lost to a trainer who we got to know and perhaps even become attached to, unlike Tobias. Ash's optimistic reaction following his loss also shows how far he's developed as a Pokemon trainer.


As for the rest of this episode, I was partially right about something: Team Flare does interrupt during the Pokemon League, specifically during the trophy ceremony. The way how it develops was also pretty epic. Team Flare's technology has developed to the point they are able to fully mind control Zygarde, turning it into its 50% form and unleashing the destructive vines that start to destroy Lumiose City, including the stadium. Lysandre looks really intimidating during this part of the episode. He even left the League stadium sometime towards the end of the battle to visit Prism Tower and execute his evil plan.

And to be quite honest, the end of the episode is really making me look forward to this upcoming arc!

We also have a trailer for the Team Flare finale arc, and it's looking really good!

Seems like there's going to be some pretty serious moments throughout it! It's already looking a lot better than the Magma vs Aqua and Galactic arcs in the past.

So i watched the most recent episode of Pokemon XY&Z.
  1. The title of the episode was "Kalos League Victory! Ash's Ultimate Battle!"

Those are some good points. Just wanted to mention that this isn't the first time an episode title trolled us. The best two examples were some Amourshipping episodes: the first one being the Ash and Serena "date" episode, and the other being the dance party episode. Ash and Serena never had a "real" date despite what the title suggested, while Ash and Serena never got to dance with each other despite the title saying "Getting one at a dance party" like they were going to get together for a dance temporarily (turns out they only got together for a battle, while "getting one" was referring to Sylveon.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Forgot to mention this earlier, but today is a very special day for a certain Hoshidan princess. Happy Birthday Hinoka!

Artist: Eru-iru

I'm one of the few that actually likes the character. Anyone else here that likes Hinoka more than Camilla? I'm curious.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Might as well post my thoughts about that recent Pokemon XY&Z episode as well. This is a copy and paste from another thread where I shared my thoughts.

Let's start with the positives. The animation was quite superb, probably even better than the last episode if I had to be honest. Greninja still had a very impressive fight. I enjoyed watching Mega Charizard vs Ash Greninja duking it out in what may be the best moment of animation in the entire Pokemon anime.

As for the negatives... I bet you all want to know what I thought about the conclusion of that battle. Here's the short answer:


In fact, I was even satisfied with the outcome.

Now for the more in-depth explanation.

I watched the newest episode when I woke up. I wanted to make sure I would watch it without being spoiled in advance. I watched it on Youtube because it was the only website that had the new episode uploaded at the time. When I saw the like/dislike bar where there were more dislikes than likes, I knew something bad happened in the episode that made people very angry: I had a feeling it was either Alain won or Team Flare interrupted the match towards the very end, forcing the Kalos League to shut down for the time being.

Going into my experience watching it, A part of me was optimistic that Ash was going to win. I mean, it would be a great way to continue the 20th anniversary celebration, Ash's team was looking pretty impressive (at least IMO), and even the anime was hyping up that Ash-Greninja would surpass Alain considering that Ash almost beat Alain and Diantha a couple of episodes ago (only reason he lost those matches was because he didn't fully master the Ash-Greninja transformation at the time). However, since Ash has a history of losing at every League he's competed in so far, a good part of me expected he would lose. I also thought another good possibility was that Team Flare interrupted the League. Long story short, I was not overly optimistic because I was prepared for any scenario the anime would throw at me.

Then came the ending. Ash-Greninja throws the Explosive Shuriken. As Greninja charges it up, Alain orders Charizard to use Blast Burn. Greninja threw the shuriken, and it looked like the Shuriken made contact with Charizard the moment Blast Burn hit Greninja. Probably the biggest explosion that ever happened in the Pokemon anime results from this. Charizard and Greninja struggle to stand, but Greninja ultimately is the one to fall, thus giving Alain the Kalos League victory.

When I Greninja getting knocked out, I did feel a little emotional inside. I will admit that ending was pretty ridiculous. Charizard surviving the Explosive Shuriken like that was pretty frustrating to see. It's almost as if the writers are simply glorifying the most popular Pokemon in existence once again, not to mention that an ending as disappointing as that was like how Ash lost to the overpowered Tobias. The moment Greninja was defeated, I figured out that's where the dislikes came from, and I knew the Pokemon fandom would be mad about this.

But I wasn't salty. In fact, I noticed there were still some admirable things about this finish that was still much better than Ash's Sinnoh League loss.

Let's start with Alain himself. The problem with Tobias was that he was introduced during the Sinnoh League, and he was pretty much designed to take out Ash in the League. He even had very little backstory. The only background we learned about Tobias was that, according to Conway, he cleared all the gyms using only his Darkrai. The fact he was sweeping every League match with only his Darkrai comes to show how overpowered he is. Yes, Ash managed to knock it out, but then Tobias had a Latios on his team and swept him from there. Afterwards, you can imagine Tobias had an easy time winning the finals with those two Pokemon.

Some of you will already compare Alain to Tobias because much like the latter, Alain basically swept most of the League matches (and perhaps even the Gym Leaders if his match with Korina was anything to go by) with only his Mega Charizard (with the exception of his second battle with Ash and his top 4 match where he used Metang and Metagross respectively). However, Alain was still handled much better than Tobias for two reasons:
  • Unlike Tobias, Alain ended up using his entire team against Ash, unlike Tobias where he only used two Pokemon. The fact Ash forced Alain to use his entire team shows that Alain isn't as overpowered as the Darkrai trainer.
  • And probably the most crucial difference: Alain is a character who we knew for a very long while. Unlike Tobias, Alain is a character who we saw develop. He was the main protagonist of the Mega Evolution specials after all, not to mention he also made multiple major appearances in the XY&Z portion of the anime, and this allowed us to understand his character for quite a while. He wasn't just some generic edgy protagonist or a Gary Stu. We saw the high points of his character, and even his low points. Those low points even allowed him to develop as a character. Heck, there even fans who grew to like Alain as a character and thought he was better than Ash, and I think that just comes to show that Alain was still a better rival than Tobias overall.
And now for the second admirable thing about the finish: how Ash and the others react.

I was expecting Clemont, Bonnie, Serena, Sawyer, and the XY rival trio to show some visible signs of upset upon Ash's defeat. I even thought Ash would show some signs of disappointment. It turns out none of them were mad about Ash losing at all.

Clement, Bonnie, Serena, Sawyer, and the XY rival trio all looked very satisfied with the outcome. They acknowledged that it was a really good fight, and that both thought Alain and Ash put up a very impressive fight. They also believed Ash has done a really impressive job throughout it.

And now we have Ash himself. He just lost the finals. Does he cry? No. Does he become angry? No. His reaction then?

He doesn't look the least bit upset. Now let's look at how he approached Greninja.

Translation of what's going on:

Ash: "You did well, Greninja."
Greninja: "Kouga..."
Ash: "Don't apologize. I'm thankful to you guys."

Greninja apologizes for not being able to win, and Ash was still very proud of all his Pokemon for all the effort they put into that fight. Ash is not the least bit of upset, unlike his past League matches. Heck, he is happy watching Alain get his trophy during the winner's ceremony and congratulates him for a job well done. Again, no visible signs of disappointment.

One might be questioning this and saying, "Why isn't Ash bummed? He just lost the finals in a very close match!"

The way I look at this, this demonstrates how far Ash has grown as a Pokemon trainer. He isn't upset that he lost. He puts up a smile. Ash knew Alain was a very strong opponent, and the two even developed a strong bond. Ash knew that he and his Pokemon were battling at their very best. He's happy that he made this far. The way he looks at it, he's made it to the finals. That's the farthest he's ever been, and making this far is an impressive accomplishment. Ladies and gentleman, this is character development!

In addition, what was the one trait that Serena likes the most about Ash? He's an optimist! The fact Ash is staying this positive about the loss captures this. Again, this shows how far Ash has grown as a Pokemon trainer.

Sawyer might be brought up to counter all of this considered that he ended up crying after losing to Ash, but one thing to remember that Sawyer is still just a starting Pokemon trainer. While Top 4 is a very impressive accomplishment for a first time trainer, he still has a lot to learn. Meanwhile, Ash has been a Pokemon trainer for a much longer time than Sawyer has, so he's become used to losses like this.

So in all, I wasn't even mad that Ash lost. I didn't put my hopes up that much and was ready for whatever the outcome would be, whether it be Ash winning, Ash losing, or Team Flare intervening. The ending of the battle, while admittedly cheap, was still really good. At least Ash lost to a trainer who we got to know and perhaps even become attached to, unlike Tobias. Ash's optimistic reaction following his loss also shows how far he's developed as a Pokemon trainer.


As for the rest of this episode, I was partially right about something: Team Flare does interrupt during the Pokemon League, specifically during the trophy ceremony. The way how it develops was also pretty epic. Team Flare's technology has developed to the point they are able to fully mind control Zygarde, turning it into its 50% form and unleashing the destructive vines that start to destroy Lumiose City, including the stadium. Lysandre looks really intimidating during this part of the episode. He even left the League stadium sometime towards the end of the battle to visit Prism Tower and execute his evil plan.

And to be quite honest, the end of the episode is really making me look forward to this upcoming arc!

We also have a trailer for the Team Flare finale arc, and it's looking really good!

Seems like there's going to be some pretty serious moments throughout it! It's already looking a lot better than the Magma vs Aqua and Galactic arcs in the past.

Those are some good points. Just wanted to mention that this isn't the first time an episode title trolled us. The best two examples were some Amourshipping episodes: the first one being the Ash and Serena "date" episode, and the other being the dance party episode. Ash and Serena never had a "real" date despite what the title suggested, while Ash and Serena never got to dance with each other despite the title saying "Getting one at a dance party" like they were going to get together for a dance temporarily (turns out they only got together for a battle, while "getting one" was referring to Sylveon.
I do agree with you, the episode did have its positives. I've also calmed down from my disappointment. I'm glad that Ash at least came in second place. That's good. Derrick from GameXplain also mentioned that Ash will be involved in something greater now: Saving the world (or at least Kalos). And while Ash has done stuff like that in the past, it only happened in movies and the canonicity of the movies is questionable. Now, when Ash saves the world, it'll be canon.

Regarding why so many people were mad or disappointed, its most likely coming from the way Ash-Greninja vs Chairzard X ended, with Charizard shrugging off that Explosive Water Shuriken. It really did feel like it happened just to glorify Charizard. Especially since when Greninja used a standard Water Shuriken as a melee attack, it sent Charizard X a few feet back.

As for episode name trolls, for the "date" episode had a "?" in it. You are right about the dance episode though. Its just that they shouldn't have trolled with the Kalos League finale.

Anyone else here that likes Hinoka more than Camilla? I'm curious.
*raises hand*
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
Forgot to mention this earlier, but today is a very special day for a certain Hoshidan princess. Happy Birthday Hinoka!

Artist: Eru-iru

I'm one of the few that actually likes the character. Anyone else here that likes Hinoka more than Camilla? I'm curious.
Same here. I mean I like Camilla too but I find Hinoka way more appealing than her.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I'm one of the few that actually likes the character. Anyone else here that likes Hinoka more than Camilla? I'm curious.
I was under the impression that a lot of people like Hinoka, and that she's a fairly popular character--am I wrong? I like her, but I do like Camilla more.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I was under the impression that a lot of people like Hinoka, and that she's a fairly popular character--am I wrong? I like her, but I do like Camilla more.
Hinoka is indeed a fairly popular character, but in most places I visit on the Internet, whether it be other socials I'm a part of in Smasboards, Serenes Forest, or even Youtube, I notice most people like Camilla a lot more. Usually, the main reason is because Hinoka suffers from not being very active in the story compared to her Nohrian counterpart. In fact, Hinoka wasn't in the original story draft, albeit Yusuke Kozaki invented Hinoka's design before Camilla's. Hinoka was eventually incorporated to be Camilla's counterpart.

Admittedly, that is one issue that I had with Fates' story overall: Hinoka's lack of presence in Birthright and Revelation's stories. I have many ideas how Hinoka could've been more active in Birthright's story, but I think that's a discussion for another time.

This thread is one of the few places I've seen on the Internet where more people prefer Hinoka to Camilla (and I guess that's a good thing for me because it makes me glad I'm not the only one).


Looks like Yusuke Kozaki has drawn some special artwork for Hinoka's birthday.

There was a problem fetching the tweet

I really like the hair detail.
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Deleted member

Anyone else here that likes Hinoka more than Camilla? I'm curious.
Hinoka is awesome! I like her way, way more than Camilla. To be honest, I actually dislike Camilla quite a bit, I'm only using her in Conquest as she's a good unit there. I actually plan on benching her in Rev and using Hinoka instead. Great Lord Hinoka outclassed Malig Knight Camilla by quite a lot for me, especially when Hinoka wielded her Guard Naginata. :p

So I completed Chapter 25 of Conquest today. I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea how people beat Conquest on hard and higher without at least a little grinding. Endgame chapters are just insane...


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Hinoka is indeed a fairly popular character, but in most places I visit on the Internet, whether it be other socials I'm a part of in Smasboards, Serenes Forest, or even Youtube, I notice most people like Camilla a lot more. Usually, the main reason is because Hinoka suffers from not being very active in the story compared to her Nohrian counterpart. In fact, Hinoka wasn't in the original story draft, albeit Yusuke Kozaki invented Hinoka's design before Camilla's. Hinoka was eventually incorporated to be Camilla's counterpart.

Admittedly, that is one issue that I had with Fates' story overall: Hinoka's lack of presence in Birthright and Revelation's stories. I have many ideas how Hinoka could've been more active in Birthright's story, but I think that's a discussion for another time.

This thread is one of the few places I've seen on the Internet where more people prefer Hinoka to Camilla (and I guess that's a good thing for me because it makes me glad I'm not the only one).


Looks like Yusuke Kozaki has drawn some special artwork for Hinoka's birthday.

There was a problem fetching the tweet

I really like the hair detail.
Is it me, or does that look like a male version of Hinoka?


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Is it me, or does that look like a male version of Hinoka?
When I first saw the picture, I too had thought that. The closeup on Hinoka's face and the collar bone does give her a masculine look.
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