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Social Corrin Social - Still Fire Emblem Social


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Oh oops I forgot honourable mentions:

Hana, Midori, Sophie, Azura, and Niles

Deleted member

Top 10 favorite Fates characters? All right!
10. Sakura/Elise: Adorable cinnamon rolls. How could you hate them?
9. Oboro: Surprisingly had a lot of development and is a pretty good defensive unit.
8. Jakob: He's a jerk to everyone but Corrin and Azura, but once you know his story you understand why.
7. Silas: A very loyal friend to Corrin and will follow him on their path to peace. Pretty likable character and a great unit.
6. Ryoma: While I think that Xander is the better king of the two, Ryoma is a better big brother figure to me and is very understanding and helpful to others. I don't need to mention how broken he is, right?
5. Beruka: An assassin with no emotions, yet has a lot of depth and a very depressing story.
4. Kaze: I enjoy Kaze's more easy-going nature and he's a very useful mage killer. Besides, how can you hate a nice and relatable guy like Kaze?
3. Odin: The great and mighty Odin is very kind and humble towards his friendliest friends. The chosen hero is a pretty good mage and sword user! His character is hilariously theatrical, but it what makes Odin... Odin!
Also, he's Owain, my favorite Awakening character.
2. Hana: Very lovable personality. Her smile and optimism are just what people need during these dark times of war. While she is a squishy unit, she can be one of the best units in the game with proper skills. Her design is one of the best in the game and she's pretty cute. Fates waifu for laifu.
1. ...

My favorite character in Fates, my favorite FE character, and 3rd favorite video game character of all-time right here.
I was skeptical if I would like Takumi. Archers weren't the best in Awakening and Takumi was a massive jerk. That all changed when I saw how he developed and how he played.
While he is a jerk initially, I understand why; if someone that you never saw for nearly a decade comes back into your life and was raised by the enemy, you would be suspicious too. But, Takumi was a jerk for his own safety and for his family's safety. Deep down, he was a loving and caring guy that loved Corrin. If he didn't, then he wouldn't have fought back in Conquest with the words, "You betrayed your family...", it's quite clear that he cared. His anger was justified in that he was possessed in Conquest, but he was still that same guy you saw in Birthright.
And his role in Birthright made him very developed. He showed how much he cared about Corrin, his own family, and Hoshido. He even regretted the words he said at the beginning and asked for Corrin and Azura to forgive him. But, he also expressed how much he thought he was weak and unimportant. I have an inferiority complex much like Takumi and I am expressive about it, so I highly related to Takumi in that sense. This ultimately became his weakness, but he developed by fighting back that weakness and showed how strong he truly was by the end of Birthright by believing in himself.
Admittedly I haven't unlocked all of his supports, but Takumi is an amazing character in the main story alone. Besides... I get a little fussy like Takumi is sometimes... "Are we through? I've got things to do." :p
While I also like Leo, I feel like I saw more of myself in Takumi than I did Leo, who was rarely expressive about his weaknesses unlike Takumi.
Of course, he's also one of the best units. I don't need to mention how broken Fujin Yumi is, right?


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Well, its about time i do my list. Here we go

My Top 10 Favorite Characters in Fire Emblem Fates
At number 10, we have Elise. Elise is actually one of the main reasons i chose to play Conquest first. I'm sure she won a lot of people over with "ONI-CHAN" (it even became a meme), but that isn't necessarily why i like her. I know a lot of people chose Birthright first after watching Hinoka cry onto Corrin's chest after reuniting with him/her after so long, and yeah, betraying Hinoka after that would certainly make you feel guilty. But for me personally, i would feel more guilty betraying Elise. Elise is the only Nohrian sibling who didn't know about Corrin's Hoshidian origins since she was born after Corrin's kidnapping. So for Elise, Corrin was her brother by blood, until finding out the truth. So betraying her would make me feel more guilty than betraying Hinoka. In terms of her personality, she's just so innocent. She's always so optimistic and is always ready to have fun. She reminds me of Nowi in Awakening. Fun fact: Nowi was the first character i married in Awakening. Elise also makes for a good early game healer, and her Magic is really good. So yeah, Elise is number 10.

At number 9, we have Niles. Niles was one of my MVPs during my Conquest run. At first, i thought i wasn't gonna like Niles. When he was first revealed, we were told he had a sadistic nature, and i felt that i wasn't gonna like him because of that. Boy, did my opinion change when i played the game. I love that his sadistic nature actually has origin and he isn't sadistic for the sake of being sadistic. His backstory of growing up in poverty and being happy when the rich had to suffer the same way he did growing up actually makes sense. And the thing is, i can actually relate to him. From 3rd Grade, my family has been poor.In fact, in 7th Grade, we lost our home and had to rent a room in someone else's house. That went on until just recently actually, when my mom was able to afford a one-room apartment during the final months of my 10th Grade year. And even though i have a home now, its not exactly the most comfortable, since it only has one room (my Mom decided to sleep in the living room so i could sleep in the bedroom more comfortably). And this is just the American side of things. My family in Venezuela is living through much worse, and i have experienced that first hand whenever i would visit. So i can perfectly understand how Niles feels and that's why he's number 9.

Takumi comes in at number 8. Even though i played Conquest first, i didn't hate him like most people did. Yeah, he was in the process of being possessed during most of Conquest but the way he acted still sort-of made sense. I also love the Fuijin Yumi. It reminds me of the Palutena Bow, the way that there's no physical arrows. I think its the best divine bow in the entire series. Most divine bows are just really powerful, some have an elemental property to them. But the Fujin Yumi just looks the most divine out of all of them. In terms of personality, i can definitely relate to Takumi's inferiority complex. I may not have any older siblings (or any siblings really), but my inferiority complex comes from the fact that almost all of my IRL friends are more successful than me. Three of them are amazing artists (with one of those artists even designing a small game), one of them is an intern, two of them do well at Smash Bros tournaments (although admittedly, i haven't gone to any), and those same two have had a girlfriend in the past. Meanwhile, here i am, and i haven't done anything. I've tried, but it almost never works. For example, when i try to draw, i can never get it to come out right. I'm sure every drawing looks better in our minds rather than on paper. Oh and all of my friends have better grades than me. So, yeah, Takumi, i can definitely understand how you feel. Oh, and his "DIE ALREADY" critical hit quote perfectly sums up how i feel when fighting the final boss in JRPGs.

At 7th place, we have Leo. Leo, in my opinion, is the coolest looking Nohrian. I heard in an interview that the development theme wanted Nohr to have a sort-of vampire motif and Leo fits that to a T. I would love to cosplay as Leo sometime. In my opinion, he also has the best divine weapon out of the royal brothers. There's just something about beating people with a tree. In terms of personality, i like how he's a perfect mix of casual and serious. In some ways, he reminds me of Gray Fullbuster from Fairy Tail. And anything that reminds me of Fairy Tail gets the Official Armagon Seal of Approval. Despite being a Dark Knight, i do feel that Grandmaster suits him more.

Yeah, children were shoehorned in but i like most of them anyways (and by most, i mean all except Rhajat). So, while i admittedly didn't use Shiro a whole lot, i do like his personality. He's so casual. He doesn't care about formalities or anything like that. He doesn't care how he looks. JUST LIKE ME! Seriously, this guy probably matches my personality 95% of the time. His reckless personality also reminds me of another Fairy Tail character: Natsu Dragneel. BTW, i know that i just said that his personality is closest to mine but i'm not reckless. That's actually all i have to say though. Again, i didn't really use Shiro a whole lot so i've got nothing to say gameplay wise. Fortunately, i did recruit him before the paralouge difficultly spike.

BEST MAGIC USER IN THE GAME! Kicking of the Top 5, we have Ophelia. I love how she has her own take on her father's theatrics. Gameplay-wise, as mentioned before, she's the best magic user in the game. I also reclassed her into a Witch, because it fits her better than Sorcerer. Also, i love that her personal Tome is a reference to her father's personal Sword.

Number 4, we have Soleil. Why do i like Soleil? Because she's the most casual person in the entire game. She's also among my best MVPs in both Conquest and Revelation. She doesn't care what people think of her. Here's the evidence, from her supports with Seigbert: "I think a really strong woman would be herself, and not be ashamed of her ways. If she feels something, she acts on it, without worrying about anyone else!" Gameplay-wise, she makes for a surprisingly good Dread Fighter, especially if her mother is Mozu. Plus, it fits her. While she doesn't care about what other people think of her, she does want cute girls to see her as cool, and Dread Fighter Soleil is cool. And continuing with the Fairy Tail reminders, she reminds me a bit of Cana Alberona when it comes to casualness.

At number three, we have Laslow. Laslow seems to be showing up in a lot of Top 10s, and i can defenitly see why. Out of the three Awakening characters, he has matured the most. Yeah, he's still the Fire Emblem version of Brock from Pokemon, but he also has a new, more serious side to him now. And he can tell when people are going through the same thing he did when he was in the apocalyptic future. One of the best examples of this is his supports with Mozu. Laslow x Mozu is easily among the Top 3 best supports in the entire game BTW. In it, he at first tries to flirt with Mozu (as usual) but when he hear's about Mozu's destroyed home, he stops flirting and becomes more serious and tells Mozu that he knows exactly how she feels right now, because he's gone through that too.

At number 2, we have Shigure. When i first saw him, i actually thought his class was gonna be a male-equivalent of the Songstress class and i was a bit disappointed when he just turned out to be a Sky Knight. But, that didn't stop him from being a great character and a great unit. He has great love for painting, which honestly makes me wish there was a feature where Shigure would paint stuff and you could decorate My Castle with it. And, like his mother, he loves singing, and Matthew Mercer did a fantastic job with Shigure's singing voice. I also like that Shigure has a slight British accent (note: i'm not British, so if he doesn't actually have a slight British accent, please forgive me). Heirs of Fate definitely increased Shigure's character.

Anybody who knows me probably saw this coming. Yep, Azura is number 1. From the very first trailer, i knew that i would like her, and i even decided that i would marry her in the game. That was long before S-Supports were confirmed. From her dancing, to her songs, to just being a unique character in general, Azura deserves 1st place here. Controlling water is something rarely seen in Fire Emblem and its great to see good use of aqua-kinises with Azura. Lost in Thoughts All Alone is one of my favorite songs ever, right up there with Masayume Chasing (Fairy Tail OP 15), Beyond the Blue (Azure Striker Gunvolt) and Indigo Destiny (Azure Striker Gunvolt 2). In fact, i have three versions of Lost in Thoughts All Alone downloaded on my phone: The Official English version, the Amalee version, and the Japanese version from the FE 25th Anniversary Concert. Also, you can pretty much tell that Corrin x Azura is canon. She's the only character to have three different sets of Supports with Corrin that depend on the path chosen and that even extends to her confessions quotes. And also, this is official art from the Fates artbook (not the 4Koma one)

Now this is just gold (pun intended).

Now, I would add honorable mentions but my mom's telling me to go to sleep so good night. I'll add honorable mentions tomorrow.
Oh hey, time for the honorable mentions that i said i would do today.

She reminds me of Fairy Tail's Erza Scarlet. Caring, seductive, and if you anger her, she'll probably kill you.

Her shyness reminds me of Wendy Marvell when she was first introduced in Fairy Tail.

Lobster Lord. Also, Crit Master.

They're adorable. Honestly, Kana is better than Morgan in some parts. Of course, Morgan is better in other parts. The win-win ratio is 50/50 regarding Kana and Morgan

FOR THE GLORY OF NOHR! Also, Siegfried>Rajinto.

Just as great as he was in Awakening.

She became more likable. She was decent in Awakening, but she's matured a bit now, although not as much as Laslow.

I found Corrin to be a pretty decent Lord. I don't know where i'd rank him on the list of Lords though. One thing's for sure, he's way better than Sigurd.

She's just so honest.

Better Cordelia.

He's so casual. I prefer him over Kaden.
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
Well, time for me to do my top 10 list of favorite Fates characters, but I ain't doing no long ass explanation but rather a short summary of why I like them.

10.Shiro - I like his tough guy personality. He kinda reminds me of myself when I was younger.
9. Soleil - I like her cool, cheerful and energetic personality she displays. Plus, she's not afraid to take her clothes off in public even in front of the men.
8. Keaton - I'm more of a wolf person myself so I guess that one reason why. I like his cheerful personality and him collecting trash, which he calls his "treasures". I find it adorable that he wags his tail uncontrollably when he's happy or excited even though he tries not to.
7. Laslow - I agree that, unlike Selena and Odin, he has matured the most of the trio. Still that same womanizer we all know and love but I am aware that he uses that trait to counter his shyness. I also like that he's sort of a night person, like I am.
6. Oboro - She's the queen of style. Ms. Fashionista. Of course she's one of my favorites.
5. Azura - The main thing I like about her the most is her singing and dancing. That's pretty much it.
4. Felicia - Honestly, I find her character to be quite adorable and charming in so many ways. Her clumsiness and how hard she tries to be a perfect maid is perhaps the main reason why I like her.
3. Xander - I like how he has this strong sense of duty to protect others and the kingdom of Nohr. Makes sense since he is next in line to the throne, of course. Plus, I'm a sucker for horseback units (sure, the same can be said for Silas and Leo but Xander just fits my style).
2. Kaze - Simply because, like me, he's a gentleman. I mean who doesn't like a person who helps out others in need?
1. This should be pretty obvious but still...

"I'm haaaapyy!" -Setsuna
When I first heard that she has this habit of falling into traps during my Birthright playthrough, I wanted to get to know more about her character but unfortunately, I didn't get that chance until Revelations. I find her to be a fun, loving character and I really like everything there is to know about her. I really like and laugh out loud whenever she was basically just being stupid, like how she mistakenly takes the insults thrown at her as compliments and such. Really, she is an underrated and memorable character in my eyes.

I really don't do honorable mentions but I'll make an exception with this one.
Those go to Leo, Elise, Sakura, Hinoka, Ryoma, Benny, Selkie, Midori, Caeldori and Asugi.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Upon reading these amazing lists, I realized something wrong with mine XD. My list has all the 1st generation characters. So allow me to make a 2nd list to show my appreciation to the children of Fates.

5. Shigure

Shigure has never really appealed to me. Then Heirs of Fate happened. The person who voices him did an amazing job. As a unit, I really don't care. But as a character, Shigure is really cool.

4. Velouria

Velouria is like a laid back version of Nah. Also, I can't be the only one who thought this. Look closely at Velouria's design and ability to shape shift into a wolf. Do those things remind you of something else? A fairytale perhaps? Yeah, it's like a throwback to Little Red Riding Hood. When I noticed this, I instantly fell in love with her. Unfortunately not enough to marry her lol.

3. Asugi

One word to describe this guy. Sweet. Asugi, in my opinion, is one of the best units in Fates. With a high skill, speed and strength stat, you have one hell of a power house. Especially if his mother is Female Corrin with the stength boon, or Kagero, and I guess Rinkah...I'm not sure. But regardless, easily one of the best units to have. Also, he is the only one I would have him pair with another unit on this list.

2. Shiro

Who doesn't love the son of Lobster Boy? Shiro isn't so much a chip off the old PINCER (Couldn't resist), but more like he is somewhat of the opposite. He is hot-blooded, kind of reckless, and competitive while his father is level-headed and cool. His competitive nature is revealed in his supports with Ryoma. I paired Ryoma with Kagero on my Birthright playthrough, so you can imagine his strength and skill level. Astra and Lethality galore. He inherited Lethality from Kagero if you're wondering.

1. Kana

This is who Asugi will always be with. Kana is by far my favorite child in all of the Fire Emblem history. In her little cutscenes in the Private Quarters saying she'll always protect you, telling us we are the greatest Mother/Father in the world made my heart melt. Morgan doesn't hold a candle to Kana. Depending on her mother, the support conversations are slightly different. For instance, if her mother is Azura, the flower she gives her are the color of her hair. Now, as a unit just like Corrin, she can do pretty much anything you want her to. She could be a Sniper, Paladin, Master Ninja, yeah you get the picture. Having access to Draconic Hex, Hoshidan Unity, Quixotic, Dragon Fang, and Astra/Aether make her a force to be reckoned with just like her parents. I honestly never liked Male Kana. He is just...irritating. But that's just me.

Well there you go. Let me know what you guys think of my lists. I'd love to hear your feedback
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
So this is what Roy would look like in Fates' artstyle.
As probably the biggest Roy fan in this thread, i have to ask, WHY ISN'T THIS REAL?! IT LOOKS SO GOOD! Nintendo, if you can update New Leaf four years after its release to add Amiibo Support, surely you can update Fates to add Amiibo Support for Roy.


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
So this is what Roy would look like in Fates' artstyle.
As probably the biggest Roy fan in this thread, i have to ask, WHY ISN'T THIS REAL?! IT LOOKS SO GOOD! Nintendo, if you can update New Leaf four years after its release to add Amiibo Support, surely you can update Fates to add Amiibo Support for Roy.
Ooh, AmazingArtistYellow~

iirc he's the one who drew the characters in Fates style and he also does it with a mouse (He may have gotten a tablet, idk)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2014
The Domain


It's Soleil's birthday! A few people put her in their top characters, so consider this a bit of good timing.

Deleted member

A top ten list sounds like fun, so why not? I'll be sure to write one up and post it later today. :)

In the meantime, feel free to enjoy what is probably the best Sponge Emblem comic I've ever seen (there are Conquest spoilers in it, though!):

Part 1
Part 2


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Ok so this is off-topic but does anyone here know Japanese? Because i'm listening to a song from the Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 OST called "Ruri Iro Setsuna" and i was wondering if anyone here knows what that translates to.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
#10: Rhajat (No hate please)
#9: Kagero
#8: Leo
#7: Xander
#5: Percy
#4: Effie
#3: Hayato
#2: Camilla
#1: Azura

I have strange tastes in characters.
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코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
#10: Rhajat (No hate please)
#9: Kagero
#8 Takumi
#7: Leo
#6: Xander
#5: Elise
#4: Percy
#3: Hayato
#2: Camilla
#1: Azura

I have strange tastes in characters.
tbh Hayato's a cute kid
Edit: Oh there's some white spots oops

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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
#10: Rhajat (No hate please)
#9: Kagero
#8 Takumi
#7: Leo
#6: Xander
#5: Elise
#4: Percy
#3: Hayato
#2: Camilla
#1: Azura

I have strange tastes in characters.
lol I can't believe I failed to mention Kagero in my honorable mention list.
Kickass ninja with a great personality. Also like that she has a talent for making works of art.


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Did you make that? This is beautiful. I might use this as any avatar soon.
Lol I didn't draw it, I found it. All I did was almost make it transparent. Funny enough, I have an avatar folder that is a lot bigger than it should be

Too bad I don't know who the artist is, he/she's really good

Anyway, here's a transparent version

Edit: Missed some more spots rip. Should be completely transparent now
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
I've been busy with college classes, so I was waiting to make my top ten favorites. I think I'll do that now.
Note that none of these characters are my "waifu", however. I'm not really into that sort of thing.

"I'm going to get Nohrian on your butt!"
Scarlet is a terribly fun character, but it's sad that she lacks any supports, which is why she only gets the tenth spot on my lister. Maybe in another world where Kamuisexuals didn't exist, she'd be higher up. Also, I've got wyvern rider bias.

"The prisoners always get so quiet when I'm on duty. Not sure why."
I really like shy/quiet characters. I guess it's because I find them relatable, because I'm about as quiet as Benny irl.

"Oh well, at least I'm still gorgeous."
Kaden's character amuses me, and I absolutely love his voice acting. He's just a silly character and I love it. Also, shape-shifter bias.

"N-n-no way! I c-can't... I d-don't even... Oh, d-d-dear... I need to g-go now..."
Similar to Benny, I really like shy or anxious characters more often then not. Sakura gets higher on the list then Benny, however, because of the increased story relevance. Fighting her in Conquest made me feel absolutely terrible, which is actually a good thing, since you're supposed to feel terrible for it. Not to mention that she looks surprisingly cool as a Priestess. Sometimes I feel like they try too hard to make her cute, but hey, at least she's not Kana.

"You're out of luck, friend!"
I find the the entire concept of Arthur hilarious. Unfortunately, since his character is so heavily tied to the jokes about him, his characterization is somewhat bland at times. But I still love him regardless.

"Do your worst, monsters. I promise I can be meaner than you!"
Hinoka is not just cool, but also surprisingly well written considering that she apparently wasn't in the initial script. Unlike Camilla, he care for her siblings actually feels genuine. That said, I really can't stand seeing people ship her with Corrin, and I think her supports with Corrin in general are pretty badly written for reasons I won't go into, so she loses some points from me there.

"Fruit is proof that the gods exist and love us. Just kidding! Life is meaningless."
A lot of people hate Azama, since he's a big enough jerk that not even edgey Saizo can believe him. But that's what I love about him. His humor is often absolutely awful, and for me, it never gets old.

"My darkness was darker than yours!"
I don't like how Fates felt the need to recycle characters from Awakening. That said, though, Owain is my favorite Awakening character, so I'll cut him a bit of slack for that. And while I hate the dark mage outfit, I fell like he kind of makes it work. I'd probably hate him if I didn't love his character so darn much, but I can't help it.

"I hope you like the dark. I'm about to drown you in it."
I've got serious mage bias. In FE7, it's Canas. In Sacred Stones, it's Knoll and Lute. And in Fates, it's got to be Leo. His black armor is cool, his magical book is cool, even his freaking:4marth:tiara is cool. His supports are pretty good as well, and despite all of his competence, independence and even arrogance, I find it interesting how he secretly doesn't want to be entirely independent. My only problem is that even though he's stated to be capable of Dark Magic, he somehow isn't capable of it in battle. It's kind of stupid, considering Dark Knights are probably the only class that could use the nerfed Nosferatu exceptionally well. His level in Birthright is also surprisingly easy, and his decision to switch sides last second felt awkward and forced, even by FE standards.

Also, it should be noted that even though I hardly ever ship any characters together, my younger sister has practically brainwashed me into ship him with Sakura. I blame over-exposure.

Sophie can be fun, but the joke with her personal skill got old really fast and I can't bring myself to use her because of her freaking armor.

Forrest is kind of cool. I'm mostly just relieved that his whole cross-dressing thing isn't played entirely for laughs. It almost makes up for the two bisexual characters being huge creeps.

Mitama likes to sleep just as much as Haar, and I find that super relatable. Too bad her personality is a bit on the bland side.

Beruka is kind of bland to, but I like her design and I've got wyvern rider bias.

Takumi almost made the list for for his characterization alone. I probably would of picked him instead of Scarlet if it weren't for wyvern bias.

"If you die on me, I'll kill you."
Keaton gets to be the winner of my list, earning himself first place. Considering that he's played mostly for the laughs, I don't feel like his character is especially poorly written. I honestly don't have a whole lot to say, he's mostly up here because I think he's funny. And come on, he's a freaking werewolf-unicorn. How could that not earn him a few favoritism points?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
So this is what Roy would look like in Fates' artstyle.
As probably the biggest Roy fan in this thread, i have to ask, WHY ISN'T THIS REAL?! IT LOOKS SO GOOD! Nintendo, if you can update New Leaf four years after its release to add Amiibo Support, surely you can update Fates to add Amiibo Support for Roy.
I've become a Roy main ever since I got him 2 weeks ago. Corrin is great but Roy is better in Smash.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Question of the Day: Fates or nah? *Tongue click*
No, I'm just kidding XD
Real Question of the Day: If you could take a Character from either Fates or Awakening (or both if you please) and put them in Smash, who would it/they be and what would their Specials be?


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Question of the Day: Fates or nah? *Tongue click*
No, I'm just kidding XD
Real Question of the Day: If you could take a Character from either Fates or Awakening (or both if you please) and put them in Smash, who would it/they be and what would their Specials be?
Fates or Awakening? Screw that.
We need Knoll and his phantom as a RosaLuma clone. Then I could main them and make everyone hate me. Also give him Sonic's side special and Corrin's pre-patch counter just because.

If they really had to be from Fates or Awakening, I guess it'd be Emmeryn. She could have a play style that revolves around SDing to drain your enemy of their will to fight. Every move puts her into special fall, even her standard A attacks. Even if she's touching the ground, inputting any action will cause her to walk up to the edge of the stage and just drop off. Well, I suppose we could also give her Little Mac's side special just for variety. It'd be boring if you always SDed the same way.

Nah seriously though, Black Knight would be cool, but I don't think he'd bring much new to the table, since he's another heavy-weight swordsman kind of like Ike. Even with a unique moveset, he'd probably be too similar in principle. Maybe as an Ike semi-clone.

Lyn, although she's another swordsman, could bring a unique style with more eastern style swordplay. Like she is in her base game, she could be kind of weak but super speedy and dodgy, almost like a sword-fighting Shiek.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I have strange tastes in characters.
#1: Azura
Azura actually is the best character in the game though. Totally not saying that because i'm biased.

Corrin is great but Roy is better in Smash.
Roy is better in terms of kill power but Corrin is better overall. I main both of them, along with Shulk, and Corrin seems to be my most successful one. I will say that Roy is at least Mid-Tier though.

Question of the Day: Fates or nah? *Tongue click*
No, I'm just kidding XD
Real Question of the Day: If you could take a Character from either Fates or Awakening (or both if you please) and put them in Smash, who would it/they be and what would their Specials be?
Well, there's not really much to add from Awakening. If its Fates, probably Azura. I don't know what her specials would be but they would revolve around her lance and water-manipulating abilities.

But there are other FE characters i would want. Celica takes priority, because Gaiden needs more love. She would be a Semi-Clone of Robin. Unlike Robin, she doesn't have Tomes, since Gaiden doesn't have Tomes. In addition, she would have different Magic as well. Celica's Gale, Ragnarok, Lightning, and Angel. She would also be a little bit like Pichu, since using Magic in Gaiden (except for Nosferatu) drains health. It would not apply to her sword attacks though. She also has an acrobatic sword-fighting style.

Lyn would be a good choice. She would be an agile sword-fighter but also have a projectile attack in the form of her bows.

Hector because Axes.

Micaiah because she would be the first pure Tome wielder in Smash.

And we need a villain, so how about Lyon or Nergal.

And on a side-note, fully de-clone Roy. The Sword of Seals has a projectile attack, and Roy himself has an acrobatic fighting-style. I would like to see that implemented in Smash.


Smash Lord
Nov 25, 2014
If it had to be a 3DS character? ...Frederick or Xander. Because don't tell me you wouldn't love to see them jumping around and getting launched with their horses attached. Xander has Siegfried's laser to work with for specials, so he'd be the better choice, but still. Horse for Smash.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Guys...I just ran into a guy that had a +7 Hagakure Blade and that skill that allows a unit not be affected by stat drops from a weapon....


Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2015
New England
Guys...I just ran into a guy that had a +7 Hagakure Blade and that skill that allows a unit not be affected by stat drops from a weapon....

People hack their games for this stuff, it's not really worth fighting them.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Question of the Day: Fates or nah? *Tongue click*
No, I'm just kidding XD
Real Question of the Day: If you could take a Character from either Fates or Awakening (or both if you please) and put them in Smash, who would it/they be and what would their Specials be?
I'd go with either Azura or Takumi at the moment. The former because she'd be really unique with her water-bending, singing, and lance-wielding skills, while the latter would be our first true Archer in Smash if he was included. I even invented a moveset for Takumi if you're interested:

Entrance: Typical entrance like the other FE characters, or he is dropped off by a Kinshi Knight bird, a class Takumi can promote to in the games that also use bows.

Jab: His jabs would simply quick and light arrows that can be fired in succession similar to Megaman's jabs. Unlike Megaman, Takumi can only stand still.

Dash Attack: Takumi lunges and slashes with an arrow. The attack looks similar to Archer Kirby's dash attack.

Forward Tilt: Takumi punches his enemy, knocking the foe back so that Takumi can create distance between him and the foe.

Up Tilt: Takumi uses his bow and pushes it above him. Looks similar to one of his animations before he attacks in the games.

Down Tilt: Takumi fires an arrow from while crouching low, similar to one of his attack animations for a Sniper.

Neutral Air: Takumi punches from the front, then the back. A weak attack.

Forward Air: Takumi fires a single arrow in front of him while in the air. This attack works similar to Villager's Forward Air, except it's sightly stronger.

Back Air: Takumi fires a single arrow behind him while in the air. This attack looks similar to Villager's Back Air, except it's slightly stronger.

Up Air: Takumi fires a strong arrow directly above him. When used in the air, Takumi falls further when firing it, and it can lead to ending lag if hits the ground after using it. It's pretty strong for an Up Air attack.

Down Air: Takumi fires a strong arrow directly beneath him. If the arrow hits someone directly beneath Takumi, the attack can meteor spike. Takumi will also move a bit higher into the air when he fires an arrow.

Grab and Pummel: Both the grab and the pummel are pretty generic for the average fighter.

Forward Throw: Takumi throws his opponent over him, creating distance so that he can maintain his projectile game.

Back Throw: Takumi throws his opponent behind him, creating distance so that he can maintain his projectile. Both the forward and back throws reference Takumi's skills in Martial Arts, which his home game acknowledges here and there.

Up Throw: Throws the opponent into the air and fires an arrow at them.

Down Throw: Throws the opponent onto the ground and traps them with his foot. He then fires an arrow at them.

Forward Smash: Takumi fires a powerful arrow toward the ground. The arrow bounces in a V-fashion, potentially hitting the foe for powerful damage two times. The arrow will travel a certain disappearance before disappearing eventually. It would lose strength the father it travels.

Up Smash: Takumi fires a powerful arrow directly above him. A few smaller arrows are released from it. This attack looks exactly like one of Archer Kirby's attacks, with the main difference being the initial arrow being quite strong and reducing in strength the farther it travels.

Down Smash: Takumi fires an arrow directly to the ground, triggering a light explosion that attacks foes from both sides.

Normal Special: Charge Shot - Takumi charges up an arrow and fires it. The longer you charge, the stronger it becomes, and you can tell by how much it glows. Works very similar to Archer Kirby's Charge shot attack. During your charge, you can also tilt which direction you want to shoot (yes, it can be shot diagonally as well), but unlike Pit and Dark Pit's normal special, you can't move the arrow around once it fires.

Side Special: Aerial Arrow - Takumi jumps into the air and fires several arrows diagonally downward. This attack looks similar to Archery Kirby's Leaping Quiver attack. If you input the side special but then do a Shokunetsu Hadouken input following it, Takumi will jump backward and twirl instead. At the end of the twirl, he fires a single powerful arrow that triggers a strong light explosion when it hits the ground. This version of the attack looks similar to one of the generic attack animations for the Sniper class when they finish off an army. This attack is also good for horizontal recovery for both the normal and special versions.

Up Special: Fujin Recovery - Takumi fires up to two arrows toward the ground, allowing him to propel through the air (sounds similar to his Down Air, but the difference is that the arrow propels Takumi higher into the air, and it is a bit weaker than the Down Air). This attack works very much like Robin's Elwind. The only difference is that the arrows can spike if they are fired directly beneath an opponent.

Down Special: Ballista - A miniature version of the ballista pops up that looks similar to the ones that appear in Fates. As long as he isn't attacked during this phase, Takumi can fire several arrows at once. When using the ballista, a cursor that allows you to target which foe you want to attack. Once you found your target, release the B button. Takumi then fires an arrow from the ballista that quickly reaches the targeted enemy. Much like in the games, Takumi can fire multiple arrows at once depending on how many foes are caught within the cursor. The cursor can fit up two enemies, so one arrow is fired for each enemy caught. It is pretty hard to shield the arrows since they come very fast, but they won't do two much damage. In addition, if Takumi is attacked while aiming at a foe, the cursor disappears, and Takumi will have to wait before he can use it again, but the ballista will still be present for a few seconds and act as a barrier/wall that can't be damaged.

The Final Smash idea contains spoilers from Conquest's endgame.

Final Smash idea #1:
Possessed Takumi - This Final Smash references what happens to Takumi throughout the Conquest route, specifically focusing on how it culminates in the endgame. The camera zooms in as Takumi covers his head with his hands as Anankos's spirit possesses him. Takumi screams in pain, and when the camera moves out, a dark aura completely hides him temporarily. The dark aura then fades away so that Takumi can be seen, but you can still the shadowy aura surround him. Takumi's pupil are now red in color and his hair is completely white. A second Takumi has also manifested from him, and his Fujin Yumi now changes color to become the Skadi, his Endgame weapon. The two Takumi's will then start jumping one at a time. With each jump, they fire an arrow. As they move higher and higher, the arrows will be shot diagonally downward. After six jumps, the two Takumis will then one finally arrow at the same time, which can be devastating attack if it lands on someone. Once the attack finishes, Takumi then covers his head again as Anankos leaves his body.

I have another Final Smash idea for Takumi. This one doesn't involve spoilers.

Final Smash idea #2: Retainer Pair-Up: Takumi readies his bow similar to his critical animation, calling for his retainers, Oboro and Hinata. Anyone standing next to him will be caught and thrown into a cinematic Final Smash where they find themselves inside Castle Shirasagi from the games. Takumi then tells his retainers, "Let's go!" Takumi begins to charge for an attack as Hinata and Oboro proceed to beat up the affected foes. After a few seconds, the two jump back and stand next to Takumi. All three say in unison, "Oh, that's it!" Hinata lunges and attacks with a powerful slash with his sword, followed by Oboro lunging and attacking with a strong downward slash with her lance, and then finally ending with Takumi firing a very powerful arrow at the foes, ending the attack and delivering very high damage and knockback like other cinematic Final Smashes. This Final Smash references the whole retainer-royalty relationship particularly emphasized in Fates. The three saying "Oh, that's it" also references the shared critical quote that happens with all of the royal siblings and there retainers in the games.

- Up Taunt: Takumi raises his bow above him and says, "I won't stand idle!"
- Side Taunt: Takumi raises his hand to his side and says, "No mercy!"
- Down Taunt: Takumi checks his bow, then gives a firm nod.

Victory Animations:
- Animation #1: Takumi steps forward similar to his victory animation from the games and says, "Not my fault you're weak."
- Animation #2: Takumi readies his bow. The way how this animation plays out looks similar to his cutscene in Conquest. For the duration of it, he says, "Ha! I'm stronger than I look."
- Animation #3: Oboro and Hinata, Takumi's retainers, appear on both of his sides, and the three strike a pose similar to Robin's victory animation with Chrom. Takumi says, "That was easy." Sometimes, one of his retainers can speak instead of him. Hinata will say, "I knew you could it, Milord!" Oboro will say, "That's the Takumi I know and love."


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016

People hack their games for this stuff, it's not really worth fighting them.
I've been on Fates online for a while. This is the first time I've encountered something like this. How pathetic of these people. I mean develop some real skill.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I've been on Fates online for a while. This is the first time I've encountered something like this. How pathetic of these people. I mean develop some real skill.
I'm surprised you went that long fighting actual, legitimate players. When i played PvP for the first time, my opponent had TWO Feral Dragon Kanas.


You need to MOVE.
Jun 10, 2015
The Bunker
Guys...I just ran into a guy that had a +7 Hagakure Blade and that skill that allows a unit not be affected by stat drops from a weapon....
+7 Hagakure Blade? Pssshh. That just barely scratches the surface, my dear friend.

That reminds me of this one time I was on the subreddit for EU Castle skill requests and this one person was "offering" his hacked skills but then stated that he did his best to make it as difficult as possible (no units were on hold), which kinda destroys the purpose of offering skills, but okay. I visited this person's castle thinking "how bad could it be?" Well...

Literally all of his units had max movement, +7 weapons and 35 Battle/Visitation Seals and Master Emblems which to my knowledge shouldn't even be obtainable at this point.

I mean, making obtaining skills a bit challenging isn't a terrible thing, but this is a whole different hell entirely. I rarely play PvP so I can't even begin to imagine how bad that would be.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
+7 Hagakure Blade? Pssshh. That just barely scratches the surface, my dear friend.

That reminds me of this one time I was on the subreddit for EU Castle skill requests and this one person was "offering" his hacked skills but then stated that he did his best to make it as difficult as possible (no units were on hold), which kinda destroys the purpose of offering skills, but okay. I visited this person's castle thinking "how bad could it be?" Well...

Literally all of his units had max movement, +7 weapons and 35 Battle/Visitation Seals and Master Emblems which to my knowledge shouldn't even be obtainable at this point.

I mean, making obtaining skills a bit challenging isn't a terrible thing, but this is a whole different hell entirely. I rarely play PvP so I can't even begin to imagine how bad that would be.
How i feel about those hacks


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
It's hilarious how bad the hack filters are in Fates, if there's any even in place at all.
"+7 S-rank weapon? Nothing wrong with that!"

I really appreciate how IS is experimenting with online play, but an online multiplayer can't be good if there's nothing to protect against cheaters.


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
+7 Hagakure Blade? Pssshh. That just barely scratches the surface, my dear friend.

That reminds me of this one time I was on the subreddit for EU Castle skill requests and this one person was "offering" his hacked skills but then stated that he did his best to make it as difficult as possible (no units were on hold), which kinda destroys the purpose of offering skills, but okay. I visited this person's castle thinking "how bad could it be?" Well...

Literally all of his units had max movement, +7 weapons and 35 Battle/Visitation Seals and Master Emblems which to my knowledge shouldn't even be obtainable at this point.

I mean, making obtaining skills a bit challenging isn't a terrible thing, but this is a whole different hell entirely. I rarely play PvP so I can't even begin to imagine how bad that would be.

what even is this skill help a scrub

Edit: Hold on, the scrub knows now nvm
Does that still make me a scrub
Last edited:


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
I'm surprised you went that long fighting actual, legitimate players. When i played PvP for the first time, my opponent had TWO Feral Dragon Kanas.
Well, call me lucky. XD I've had my fair share of aggravation because of Warp and Rally Bots.


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Wait...that was a hack? I ran into someone who had the exact same things in those pictures!
Naw naw, I just don't know ballistician skills lol

Also how do people legitimately have the patience to get 7+ weapons


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
+7 Hagakure Blade? Pssshh. That just barely scratches the surface, my dear friend.

That reminds me of this one time I was on the subreddit for EU Castle skill requests and this one person was "offering" his hacked skills but then stated that he did his best to make it as difficult as possible (no units were on hold), which kinda destroys the purpose of offering skills, but okay. I visited this person's castle thinking "how bad could it be?" Well...

Literally all of his units had max movement, +7 weapons and 35 Battle/Visitation Seals and Master Emblems which to my knowledge shouldn't even be obtainable at this point.

I mean, making obtaining skills a bit challenging isn't a terrible thing, but this is a whole different hell entirely. I rarely play PvP so I can't even begin to imagine how bad that would be.
It's not bad. I've actually fought legit people without these kinds of hacks, skills and rally bots and they are really good. Galeforce is still an OP skill. Also, you said you were in Europe? I'm in Europe but I won't be for long though because I'm moving. Want to exchange Castle Addresses?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Naw naw, I just don't know ballistician skills lol

Also how do people legitimately have the patience to get 7+ weapons
It's not hard. Also, you can't +7 S-Rank weapons. You just need alot of ore and money which isn't a problem in Birthright and Revelations. In Conquest, it is a pain if you don't have the DLC.


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
It's not hard. Also, you can't +7 S-Rank weapons. You just need alot of ore and money which isn't a problem in Birthright and Revelations. In Conquest, it is a pain if you don't have the DLC.
What about Brave or Killer weapons?

Do people just spam Museum melee?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
What about Brave or Killer weapons?

Do people just spam Museum melee?
Yeah, you can. I guess they do. I don't have Museum Melee. If you don't, then you're gonna need alot of luck and hope that one of your Units in your My Castle find one.
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