More Miiverse drawings (this are not done by me)
I'm currently stuck on Conquest Ch.19. Going into the chapter, i knew the only thing i would be fighting were Kitsunes. On paper, that seemed fine. The problem is that the Kitsunes and Nine-Tails get stat-boosts from their stones. And i have to kill all of them since its a rout the enemy mission. And there's probably reinforcements. Anybody have any tips?
The more i read about people's struggles with Conquest's Endgame, the more i'm thinking to just abandon Conquest next week and just play Revelation (Revelation comes out next week). Because i'm playing on Hard/Classic. And if the Endgame is giving people that much trouble on Normal/Classic, then i can only imagine my rage on Hard/Classic. Especially since i'm the type of person who wants to keep every single unit alive no matter what. As frustrating as it is, if i lose someone near the end of a chapter, i'm restarting.
I weep for the poor souls who have to experience Conquest's Endgame on Lunatic/Classic.