I was summoned for the magic words.
Personally... Every time I saw something from Fates that isn't related with mechanics (... it most of the cases), I also saw fanservice.
Bath suits? Check (I'm not against it
Armor/Attire that doesn't make sense just for the sake to show body: Check
Animestic archetypes: Check (I'm not against it if the character just use some of the archetype instead on be the full character).
Edgy-style: Check :v
You can marry all the people you believe they are your siblings... for the Kirito's sake! (Okey, this was a little exageration xD... But still... You can marry people that apparently are your siblings... just because they aren't your siblings... just because they want to explode the freaking fan-service mechanic).
Marrying is fan-service? A little bit.. But just for the chance to create "OTPs" in-game
BUT... Marrying with a character that suppose to be you? That obviously is fanservice... And even more when this isn't limited... Even when this can create weird things...
And no... Micaiah and Sothe love themselves like if they are siblings BUT... They know from the beginning that they aren't siblings.