Corporal Punishment- Intentional punishment,on a child,for wrong doing such as breaking a rule and is done by an authority figure.(Not an exact Definition)
What is Corporal Punishment?
Deeper into Corporal punishment;
As some of you may or may not know Corporal Punishment or C.P is disciplinary tool used by many Parents/schools,furthermore it's the infliction of pain for misbehavior and it's used in 27 states. For parents C.P is acceptable in every single state except minnisota. It has been used for years and is still being usd in the US. Most are punsihed with paddles,hand,bat,ect.....
Spanking a kid when they refuse to listen to they're parents instructions repeatedly isnt bad enough to be considered corporal punishment , not by a long shot. Im talking about a smack with a hand or MAYBE a soft paddle, I personally think a paddle is going a little overboard. But a smack on the butt to a kid makes them cry. a smack of the same intensity to any teen or adults butt makes them go , "what the heck are you smacking my butt for?", Its NOT as bad as a lot of people crack it up to be.
Supporters of C.P
Okay lets make this short. Supporters believe "to spare the rod is to spoil the child", which basically means the kid has it good cuz he's not being hit,thats pretty dumb no one likes to get hit,if the table were turned on them they wouldn't want to be physically abused.How would they feel if they got kaned for being late work? Thats builds a very bad relationship between the hitter and the hit.Also in the bible it says its okay to hit a child,if there are wounds the child has sinned,something like that but, i don't believe in the bible so i don't really care. They also believe that if they don't know who the "boss" is they will never know.
First off if your going to take a passage from the bible out of context then don't mention it in the first place.
Second, why wouldnt a child know who is "boss" its not a relationship like that. that is portrayed very wrong, a relationship between a parent and a child is one of love and respect, a child obeys out of respect and disobeys out of disrespect. And no one will ever get kaned for being late to work because by that time they will have a proper respect for authorities over them, hell, by the time a person is around 5 or 6 they know who they need to respect, kids are not stupid like some people think they are.
Reasons why i think it's WRONG.
Yes i believe it is wrong,why?,well let me explain. Many people beilive that once punished, a child will crime commit no more but, sorry to say this is not the case always .It's assumed maybe just maybe an injured rule breaker will be less likely to commit a crime but, this can be the other way around and a rule breaker can commit a crime again. C.p can help contribute the creation of low self-esteem,anger,feelings of helplessness and humiliation.
Its true that someone punished once wont necessarily stop committing a crime, The same punishment wont work for every person, As far as kids go, spanking a child is not the only measure to be taken. There are countless ways to punish a child without ever laying a hand on them.
"Go sit in the corner"
"no tv for a weak"
"No desert"
And tons of different groundings.
The only way C.p would contribute to any of those things is if it was abused, at which point it would be abuse and not any kind of punishment. Kids that get one or two smacks on the butt because they continually disobeyed their authorities don't eventually develop low self esteem. Again the only way this would contribute to any of those things would be if the parent or authority abused the "right" to use C.p.
Corporal Punishment tells the kid that it's okay to hit others to solve problems and problems solved with violence is worse than the problem itself. The whole thing is embarrassing and uncivilized.Childhood is an important stage in life,kids shouldn't have to grow up in violence. Does not show what the child did wrong or how he could of avoided the problem, just that the paddle is the answer to everything.
C.p is NOT violence. It does not tell kids that its ok to hit others to solve the problem. Kids hitting other kids is what tells a child that its ok to use violence. And no decent parent would simply spank their kids and call it a day, in case you missed it earlier a relationship between a parent and child is of love and respect. A decent parent will always accompany the spanking, or ANY punishment for that matter, with a talk of why what they did was wrong or disrespectful, and more often then not they want to hear what they're kids think.
What Can be Done?
Banning C.P is already in the process but, doing so will take a long time soooo it's recommended that Strong disciplinary codes are used in it's place but, still give authorities the power to maintain order. So if its that easy why isn't it replaced well not everyone agrees. Even iffrequent corporal punishment is bad, teaching behavior that you want to see is a better alternitive to corporal punishment and will be more beneficial to use.
Yes, I think what your talking about is the abuse of power by a parent or authority figure under the guise of "Corporal Punishment". As in a simple spanking and corporal punishment are two different things because of the abuse of authority under the guise of C.p.
And leading by example is a very good way to teach good behavior because all kids have someone they really look up to and want to emulate.
so i think c.p is wrong and should not be practiced because all it accomplishes is fear and does not correct the mistake and children should be counselled and givin guidence instead of a cane.
As I stated above, any decent parent will give their kids council and guidance after a spanking or any punishment, but the world is not full of decent parents that care about their kids, its full of bad parents that will hit their kids and call it "Punishment" or C.p. That is when kids start having self esteem issues or believe the only way is violence.
so what are your thoughts on c.p?
Stated above
would you use c.p on your children?
I'd rather not