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Connecticut Power Rankings discussion UPDATED,BRAWL RANKINGS UP

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I just find it funny how DD says he likes Melee more than Brawl yet, every thing he says relating to smash is about Brawl....

"look! Nus is in Brawl guys!"

"I just edited my Wii so I have Brawl skins."

"they just removed tripping in Brawl and the hit stun is better!"

and about a billion other things.

Never once have I heard you discuss anything related to Melee aside from this one time where you told us a little bit about how Mewtwo's dair sucks. Also, the fact that you said that you think your Mewtwo VS Falcon is a good match up makes me cringe. lol Mewtwo is the easiest person to combo **** in the entire game.

I really need to ask you this, why do you use Mewtwo? It can't be fun getting ***** all the time as him. It's Mewtwo...if you're winning with him then you must be secretly really good.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
He uses Mewtwo because Taj is inspiring. Go watch the match of him vs SilentSpectre from Mango's juice tourny.

Anyone know where you can get the video of intentional blindness where you count the number of times you pass the ball. I don't think most of new CT has seen it. So good.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
PoF, ever think that one of the many reasons Melee is so amazing is that you can overcome the tier rankings through pure dedication and skill? How you can **** people using top tiers when you're using a character in the bottom 5? Ever think this is one of the many reasons people dislike Brawl since you can't do anything of the kind? Ever think it might be, you know, FUN for him?

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
PoF, ever think that one of the many reasons Melee is so amazing is that you can overcome the tier rankings through pure dedication and skill? How you can **** people using top tiers when you're using a character in the bottom 5? Ever think this is one of the many reasons people dislike Brawl since you can't do anything of the kind? Ever think it might be, you know, FUN for him?
He doesn't enter tournaments, he doesn't dedicate himself, and I don't find it fun losing with Mewtwo....at all. It's one thing to say you like something if you play people and actually play the game....but he doesn't. When you have the mindset of "Well, I'm not going to enter this tournament because I'm not good and use Mewtwo" attitude....I'm pretty sure the game is not THAT enjoyable. Also note that this is coming from the same person (in Brawl) who will run his crap characters all night and then switch to his main for the last match....win by like the last fluke hit, and then sign off. If you ask me that's a bit of, "Well, I beat your main once...so I must be better." attitude. On the other hand, I haven't lost to an eight year old. It just pisses me off to no end when I see people who are just saying things to just to say them and not get crap from others. Be who you are and stop kidding yourself.

Dear Cog,

Shut The F*** Up.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
I just find it funny how DD says he likes Melee more than Brawl yet, every thing he says relating to smash is about Brawl....

"look! Nus is in Brawl guys!"

"I just edited my Wii so I have Brawl skins."

"they just removed tripping in Brawl and the hit stun is better!"

and about a billion other things.

Never once have I heard you discuss anything related to Melee aside from this one time where you told us a little bit about how Mewtwo's dair sucks. Also, the fact that you said that you think your Mewtwo VS Falcon is a good match up makes me cringe. lol Mewtwo is the easiest person to combo **** in the entire game.

I really need to ask you this, why do you use Mewtwo? It can't be fun getting ***** all the time as him. It's Mewtwo...if you're winning with him then you must be secretly really good.
pof: leave him alone. hes likes brawl, so the **** what? if he says he lies melee more whos to say hes lying? u've changed ur story on brawl like a thousand ****ing times so you're the last one to talk

mewtwo does better against falcon than he does against other characters

u get ***** all the time.... as marth.... and you have the nerve to make character johns, gg

also mogwai made you look stupid with his mewtwo didnt he?

in melee related news: whats the percent in the sheik/marth match up?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I'm going to make a super conscious effort to ignore all PoF related anything on boards.

in melee related news: whats the percent in the sheik/marth match up?
percents are a silly way of looking at matchups since they don't really have any meaning....




Sheik pounds Marth butt pretty hard. She has control of the matchup and just needs to avoid getting utilted at early %s to avoid Marf's good combos. And she ***** him super hard and super easy on recovery, whereas Marf's decent edgeguarding options vs. Sheik are much less reliable and much more difficult than Sheik's ledgehop bair.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
u get ***** all the time.... as marth.... and you have the nerve to make character johns, gg

also mogwai made you look stupid with his mewtwo didnt he?

in melee related news: whats the percent in the sheik/marth match up?

Should I upload you losing to my Kirby as Captatain Falcon? Also, this is coming from the same person who thinks that Marth ***** Captain Falcon

Ummm what's your point with that Marth comment? Last I checked Marth is not the best character in Melee and I'm pretty sure more people use Fox over Marth so don't give me that tier *** BS you always feed me because I'm also pretty sure I don't use Marth or Snake anymore in Brawl and I use Marth. Yeah, and Marth sucks on every single counter pick stage in Melee while other characters do well. Marth is not broken and Marth is not easy. Hence why you're not good with him.

And I like Brawl. Am I the only one who sees through everything DarkDragoon says? Seriously?

LOL Mogwai and I played that set like 8 months ago dude, scrub. (This is also from the same person who said that me linking to useful setups for Falcos usmash is scrubby.) Stop being a hypocrite.

By the way; next time I see you, we're money matching. Five dollars.

Also-Sheik ***** Marth at a ratio of 70-30...some like Reno, argue 80-20.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
well i guess smash is pretty much based on an almost meaningless "percent" value already (except it affects your get-off-edge speed!)


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
you should should upload matches where i **** you. oh wait they mysteriously get erased/misplaced. btw you told me that file was messed up when i wanted the matches.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Ever think this is one of the many reasons people dislike Brawl since you can't do anything of the kind? Ever think it might be, you know, FUN for him?
>.> Mewtwo is more fun for me than [Insert Character Here].
I honestly don't care about getting *****. I have fun.

I think I found your problem

He doesn't enter tournaments, he doesn't dedicate himself, and I don't find it fun losing with Mewtwo....at all. It's one thing to say you like something if you play people and actually play the game....but he doesn't. When you have the mindset of "Well, I'm not going to enter this tournament because I'm not good and use Mewtwo" attitude....I'm pretty sure the game is not THAT enjoyable.
The only other character I can play in any viable form is Sheik. I could really care less about being good with Sheik, because Sheik isn't fun to watch. Would I do better in tournaments? Yea, probably. Would I make it out of the first round? Probably not since I keep getting Seeded into brackets with People like Th0rn and Pakman, who have played so much Sheik they could do it blindfolded for anyone who isn't like, top 3 of their state.

Also, I have a lot bigger fish to fry right now than what stupid people think about how I play a game I play during my leisure time. First of all I have my surgery this Friday, then I have to worry about all the stupid college stuff I gotta go through, finish up high school, get a job and work on maintaining my current RPG, and building at least one new one, while assisting in the creation of a few others. I have relationships with my friends and family that I choose to maintain, and of course Sandra is very important.

Even if I wanted to, it HURTS to play smash. My disease thats getting removed on Friday gives me rhumatoid Arthritis, so what I feel when playing smash is akin to what your grandfather would feel. Seriously, it bites. Thats why I had no interest in taking smash seriously until it is resolved, because I can't get anywhere from the amount of time I'm able to put into it. Johns? Sure, whatever, stfu. Either way, Poffy, you're just being a toolbag.

Also note that this is coming from the same person (in Brawl) who will run his crap characters all night and then switch to his main for the last match....win by like the last fluke hit, and then sign off. If you ask me that's a bit of, "Well, I beat your main once...so I must be better." attitude. On the other hand, I haven't lost to an eight year old. It just pisses me off to no end when I see people who are just saying things to just to say them and not get crap from others. Be who you are and stop kidding yourself.
>_> I have never once expressed an attitude at all like that, Poffy, and I'd like to think that you know me better than to stick your head up your *** and assume such things of me. I don't go out of my way to be rude, and I don't get butt-hurt over not playing someone's main, so check yourself before you start calling other people out.

I don't like playing Lucario in Brawl all the time. I played as him enough as it is. I like playing as Peach and DK too. That is just how I play Brawl, even Brawl+, I select Falcon for the first match, and I play random the rest of the night until I land on Lucario, and then depending on my mood it is either the last match of the night or not. If you want to play my Lucario, then play Brawl+, because I don't mind using him all the time there.

OBVIOUSLY what you were looking for was for me to play my main all night, and after you get some string of wins you can come back to the boards raving about how much I need to practice or some **** like that.

If you have a problem with me plugging Brawl+, then just say so, you don't need to bash me as a person and how I play this game. This is kid ****. You're a grown man, act like it.

Poffy, shut the **** up and get off the boards, or stop being an ***. I like Melee, I like Brawl+, I like Brawl. In that order. I don't give a **** if you care.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
you should should upload matches where i **** you. oh wait they mysteriously get erased/misplaced. btw you told me that file was messed up when i wanted the matches.
LOL you saw the file yourself dude. Could you open it? You act as if I didn't want to see the matches myself. I'm also pretty sure I did some sick stuff to your Sheik on FD that I liked....yeah, I wanted to delete all of that on purpose. :urg: I bought recording equipment for a reason ya know.

Poffy, shut the **** up and get off the boards, or stop being an ***. I like Melee, I like Brawl+, I like Brawl. In that order. I don't give a **** if you care.
That's nice. :) Why would you join a competitive community if you aren't going to be competitive? I'm baffled on this one.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I'd rather not rage or get trolled, and I think Poffy has made enough of an *** of himself.

-____-; I don't even know what the hell I did to become his new target.

T-T Cort save me plx~<3

Marc! What time am I expecting you Wednesday? Demitri! Are you still coming?


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
D: Sorry Dazwaaaa~
Poffy is forgiven d[^____^]b

If I hosted a tournament in Middletown during the summer time, who could come? It would be Brawl+ and/or Melee.

>_> It would be nice to have Brawl+ rankings.

D: I'm not looking for a huge crowd...that might be scary x_x;


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
Should I upload you losing to my Kirby as Captatain Falcon? Also, this is coming from the same person who thinks that Marth ***** Captain Falcon

Ummm what's your point with that Marth comment? Last I checked Marth is not the best character in Melee and I'm pretty sure more people use Fox over Marth so don't give me that tier *** BS you always feed me because I'm also pretty sure I don't use Marth or Snake anymore in Brawl and I use Marth. Yeah, and Marth sucks on every single counter pick stage in Melee while other characters do well. Marth is not broken and Marth is not easy. Hence why you're not good with him.

And I like Brawl. Am I the only one who sees through everything DarkDragoon says? Seriously?

LOL Mogwai and I played that set like 8 months ago dude, scrub. (This is also from the same person who said that me linking to useful setups for Falcos usmash is scrubby.) Stop being a hypocrite.

By the way; next time I see you, we're money matching. Five dollars.

Also-Sheik ***** Marth at a ratio of 70-30...some like Reno, argue 80-20.
i'm sorry. youre absolutely right. mewtwo does have some sort of chance vs marth now because marth isnt the best character in the game

pof you kno everything about this game and ur entire post was completely relevant. everything you say is always absolutely right. i'm a scrub. i'm a hypocrite by full definition of the word because i mentioned you and mogwais mewtwo.

darkdragoon is a jerk because he claims to love melee and continues to post random brawl stuff. shame on him. its your duty to call him out on it every chance you get. its not right to like both games.

i'm not good with marth. i wish my marth was as good as yours. teach me him plz??? maybe i'll make it out of pools at these tournaments or place halfway decently

truth is i envy pof


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
The Metagame House
If you ask me that's a bit of, "Well, I beat your main once...so I must be better." attitude.
yeah, we just can't be having any of that around here.

Ummm what's your point with that Marth comment? Last I checked Marth is not the best character in Melee and I'm pretty sure more people use Fox over Marth so don't give me that tier *** BS you always feed me because I'm also pretty sure I don't use Marth or Snake anymore in Brawl and I use Marth. Yeah, and Marth sucks on every single counter pick stage in Melee while other characters do well. Marth is not broken and Marth is not easy. Hence why you're not good with him.]
so why did you complain about my falcon, he's even worse than marth.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006

hes like mad good.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
i'm sorry. youre absolutely right. mewtwo does have some sort of chance vs marth now because marth isnt the best character in the game
Good post.

i'm not good with marth. i wish my marth was as good as yours. teach me him plz??? maybe i'll make it out of pools at these tournaments or place halfway decently
Ummm you find me a single post where I said I was a good Marth. I'm not really that good at Melee....mainly because I don't really have time to play it much anymore. I've gotten soooo much better though in terms of my spacing, combo ability, and waiting though and I think people like Aesir, SPAWN, Noodles, and perhaps Cort (he saw me play recently) could support me with that. Do I go to tournaments and want to get better? Yes, I do....but I never PRACTICE prior to ANY tournament. I just go into tournaments after playing Brawl for a few weeks and hope I can get the hang of it within twenty minutes. I don't really host tournaments much now (I'm canceling my May 2nd one....I don't really feel like searching for a venue or going to DM to give them $10.00 a person.) Most of my friends play Brawl so I've been doing that more lately. A little poker, some beer, and a little Brawl is pretty fun in my opinion. I wish people lived closer to me so I could play them more. I also have a job, (unlike most of society, working five days a week) go to school full time and have little free time now. I've been trying to make plans with Spawn and Aesir for the past like ****ing month....and we've been able to work nothing out due to my work schedule.

Your Peach is really good, I remember you beating Kaiser and I've watched you play in tournament. Your secondaries don't impress me at all though. I'm pretty sure if I gave a crap after playing Falco for a week I could beat your Fox...but I just don't care enough. I wish I could play this game more often than I do....it's arguably the best game ever made but everyone lives far from me, I drive at least 50-100 miles EVERY DAY, and most people on here are not as eager to play/travel as I am. Everyone wants me to go to there place to play them. Not once in my entire time being here on smashboards have I ever said that I'm an amazing Smash Brothers player. In the grand scheme of things though, isn't that part of the fun of being in a community such as this? If I was M2K or MaNg0 I would just be like, "Well, I **** everyone here.....how is this exciting for me?" lol

so why did you complain about my falcon, he's even worse than marth.
Because I was pissed off.

I have homework to do now. Goodnight.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Here's a cool story guys, don't complain about characters. I realized once you stop doing that you actually play a lot better. Get this when you complain about characters you're johning, when you're johning you're giving yourself a crutch, when you give your self a crutch you tend to not try as hard.
That was directed at everyone who's johns even myself.

mogwai said:
percents are a silly way of looking at matchups since they don't really have any meaning....
Kind of agreed though my reasons are a bit different, because there's really no universal standard to what constitutes as a **** match up. Some say **** is 60/40. Others are more conservative or more liberal. Hence why percents are a load of bull.

Sheik pounds Marth butt pretty hard. She has control of the matchup and just needs to avoid getting utilted at early %s to avoid Marf's good combos. And she ***** him super hard and super easy on recovery, whereas Marf's decent edgeguarding options vs. Sheik are much less reliable and much more difficult than Sheik's ledgehop bair.
I agree edge guarding sheik has a much easier time, but I find sheik kind of easier about average when it comes to edge guarding her. You can gimp her it's just a lot harder topull off.

But avoiding marths combos is a lot harder then it sounds, unless it's on a big stage like FD or DL then sheik can have a grand ol' time. Smaller stages like FoD and BF sheik has the advantage. But I find on like YS or PS marth is fully capable of taking down a sheik there. Even FD it's possible but it's very up hill.

I will say my least favorite stages to fight shiek are as followed. BF and FD, DL, I don't mind FoD that much, but it's definitively not a stage I would suggest fighting sheik on.

The biggest problem marth has is damage, if he damages sheik to much it's over.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
How about we abandon percentages and just say which character has the advantage? For example, Sheik has the advantage over Marth.



I beat Chewman cause I went Sheik because I was afraid to go fox ^_^.
lol I went Falcon against him because I was too afraid to use Fox haha


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist

but aesir peach sux :(
=( not my fault you picked her.

Also I need to you play you more, because I need major peach practice mang! D:

How about we abandon percentages and just say which character has the advantage? For example, Sheik has the advantage over Marth.



lol I went Falcon against him because I was too afraid to use Fox haha
Man thumbs I love you, homo to the max on that one.
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