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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Obama's running mate has to be


oh and swift, i started messing around with some of the sigs i've made with two colors, and i found a better way of blending them. if you like the new way feel free to change to this:

or if you like your current sig you can stay with that. either works lol


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
hye CT help me out. Im on my Wii so I cant hotlink easily.

goto youtube and search "swift ssbb" you'll see this ****ty falco. THATS NOT ME. anyone know of this guy or if hes on boards or not?

/upset that someone hijacked my name and made it look bad


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
I want cake

I'd like to see someone hijack MY name. Mother ****ers

Don't worry about it swift, just means people who see that vid will get ***** by you going in cocky.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
I didn't even post a link, I feel so lame, I must be tired.

Generator and The Empire Strikes first are probably my two favorite albums from Bad Religion. I say this cause I'm just cool like that.

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
I hear Cash Mooney sucks at YGO.

someone talk to me about yugioh
i'm building a deck.

rather, i'm reworking my old one.
ask me. im amazing.

edit: what the hell guys. I know somebody here knows what yvd is. its like yugioh online, but its free, and you have every card in the game to make any deck with. cmon.

Mooney, if you goto Nats I will MM you there fah' sho. If you win, you can join the Bladebreakers.
I'm going to Indy and PA. Those are the next two jumps I'm going to. I'm not going to nats because I was a ****ing idiot and forgot when nats even was. So now its to late to buy tickets :(

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007

I just finished up Metal Gear Solid! Time to go to sleep....wake up and go to work for a few hours...and then go through Metal Gear 3 haha haha YES!

I am SOOOO pumped for Metal Gear 4!

Seriously, at Esticle im just going to be using Snake all day long. (Seriously though, just for that day I am debating dropping Meta Knight....just because I am in the biggest Metal Gear mood ever haha)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 30, 2005
All yugioh is is ripping from the top of your deck, literally the "heart of the cards", not to be confused with sleight of hand...

You just need luck in ygo to be any good

play a real tcg like oh say, mtg

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
I play MTG, and its a **** load better than magic, skill and mechanic wise. Even the competition and prize support is better. I can keep going about why MTG is better. But yugioh is still fun of course. The current format is garbage.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
only multiquoting this much cuz i feel most things said were important:

Trade, wanna Smash sometime during the week? :"D
I think Dragon Force is the heaviest metal in the known universe.
Dethklok is the heaviest metal ya *******es
if you got photoshop, please IM me.
whats the ?
I hope not. People may be whining about Hillary losing now, but the Dems will be pretty united when they come to reality and realize what the alternative is if Obama loses.
thats the only thing that will untie the dem. party, but a lot of hilary supports dont see that

hmm I wanted to play with someone tomm. Im off of work and I wanna do stuff b4 I start my classes @ southern to combine with my work hours.
i'm down for that if u wanna play again. call/txt me
If he makes Hillary his running mate he'll get the Hillary supporters which is a fairly good amount.

Or he could pick some white guy, probably one with a good foreign policy.

Unless McCain can mobilize the entire party I don't see him winning this, if he can't get the Conservative vote he's screwed.
1. according to the polling, 60something% of hilary supporters wouldnt vote for obama, even if he chose hilary as his VP

2. lol @ the race card being pulled for the 101934877th time. but i do agree that someone experienced and with a good foreign policy would be beast

3. tru, but the rep. party is way more united that the dem.
Anyone remember this story?


I swear, sometimes my people can complain about ANYTHING
if anything, the new trailer seems way more racist
"all i see is death"
however, its kind of expected. being black is a very complicated thing
I found a horrible knock-off of myself as well. They're playing time matches for God's sake:
i was jus plain slandered by emmy:mad:
I play MTG, and its a **** load better than magic, skill and mechanic wise. Even the competition and prize support is better. I can keep going about why MTG is better. But yugioh is still fun of course. The current format is garbage.
mtg is def better than ygo, but its not simple luck as cort believes. ppl jus build decks that focus on getting out x card/x combo rather than the mtg way, which is getting out x card asap and making sure it stays out.

i dont kno ish about the "current" format, except they banned all the old cards cuz they are apparently OP. can someone explain to me why change of heart is broken?

this should be the "don't get hit" design for SWF shirts lolol
this is so full of fuxin win. sleepy k, make me one of these

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky

people who haven't watched this should watch this. also, i'm in the process of making a longer one, with acid though, the footage we just took was mc'nasty, no lie, coming soon to a tube-of-the-you-variety soon!

hi ct thread

well but me, of course
lol that was my youtube comment that you deleted, I was just busting your balls ^_^

You don't. You're gonna have to trust me on this one.
But...I do.... it was going to be my life before I got into filmmaking. Well that and my college's music program turned out to be strictly classical. Couple that with me playing tenor sax... well yeah. But um I really do, I love Jazz and have lots of jazz vinyl ect. I mean if you play sax in a jazz band you have to be into it.

George Benson is one of my personal heroes, so I get annoyed when pretentious hipsters make ******** comments about him. Maybe if you actually had a valid criticism of his playing or his music, I wouldn't mind.

What does that even mean?

Chet Atkins is extremely good and should be acknowledged by more guitarists. My main axe is a Yamaha RGX620Z. I also have a Godin Freeway Classic that I like more than the Yamaha in some ways, a junky $100 strat (I can never decide if I should capitalize "strat" or not) knockoff that is currently minus a bridge pickup, and a Seagull S6+ Cedar that I never play because it needs work and I've been spoiled by the action on my electrics. I use my dad's bass (it's some kind of Ibanez) to record from time to time and I have a baritone ukulele that I can't really find a use for but enjoy having around nonetheless. You play bass, right?
George Benson is a sick player I just didn't like the song. The end.

I play guitar not bass...
Those are definitely guitar nerd guitars lol. No you should definitely not capitalize "strat"-they don't deserve it LOL. The only fender I'd love to own is a vintage telecaster. I have a standard Yamaha acoustic that is semi crappy but I love. I also have an Electra X240, I think '79 or '80... they were a cool company that included basically effects boxes into the guitar bodies in addition to the pickup switches ect. http://www.rivercityamps.com/electra/x240.php "tone spectrum circuit"
My dad toured in a band in the early 70s for like 6 years, they played with skynyrd and stuff lol. He played a '59 Les Paul... the freaking holy grail. He sold it 15 years ago for 10k. It's worth 350k now.

why the **** would someone want a 90 minute cutscene in their game, let alone two

holy **** i'd like to play a game

edit: seriously that personally disturbs me

90 ****ing minutes
agreed, sounds ********

Guys, I'm shirtless right now.

edit: I'm totally taking that Isai design to cafepress lol


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
For the past few days I've been racking my brain trying to figure out why PoF's name looked so familiar. It really struck me when everyone was talking about how he used to be hated on the boards. I kept thinking, a well hated Prince of Fire? Why do I think I've seen this before? And then I found it.

Wow, another loser with nothing to do with his life but scan forum topics all day long....Do you think you are some kind of badass telling me what I can and can not say in a forum?? Because if I ever saw your face in public, I'd bash your skull in...and not with a beam sword or home run bat.

edit- just to clear things up, that isn't me he's refering to in the quote lol
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