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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
1. according to the polling, 60something% of hilary supporters wouldnt vote for obama, even if he chose hilary as his VP[/quote]
Lol really? **** I heard something different I stand corrected.

2. lol @ the race card being pulled for the 101934877th time. but i do agree that someone experienced and with a good foreign policy would be beast
Welcome to Politics, theres a lot of racists out there. >___>

3. tru, but the rep. party is way more united that the dem.
Because the democratic party is just dumb, and don't realize what will happen if McCain comes in office.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I think Barack will be fine barring some unforseen catasrophe. Come November in the twilight of the Bush presidency people will look back over the last 8 years and **** their pants, and vote democrat no matter what.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007

You like?
I tried adding the character who had the lowest chance of actually avoiding a hit from.

Yea, as republican as I am, Obama is definitely better for leading the US of A in the right direction if for no other reason than its a fresh, young mind running things who potentially will be a greater catalyst for change than it would be if another conservative Oil-controlled republican <_<.

LOL @ Thumb's old Poffy quote.
>_> I wonder if Poffy has changed?
>_> I misread what was said and made that for nothing.

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
I do like and i agree that Barrack is 132454352453 times better than McCain for prez but i actually like the guy. The real question is Do You Smell what Barrack is Cooking?

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
thats the only thing that will untie the dem. party, but a lot of hilary supports dont see that

1. according to the polling, 60something% of hilary supporters wouldnt vote for obama, even if he chose hilary as his VP

2. lol @ the race card being pulled for the 101934877th time. but i do agree that someone experienced and with a good foreign policy would be beast

3. tru, but the rep. party is way more united that the dem.
The Democrats will come together behind Obama regardless. And alot of people don't realize that there's a significant portion of the conservative coalition that out-and-out hates McCain. I don't think the same can be said about liberals truly hating Obama.

if anything, the new trailer seems way more racist
"all i see is death"
however, its kind of expected. being black is a very complicated thing
No it isn't. What is more racist about killing black zombies in RE5 than killing Spanish zombies in RE4? As usual, black people are responding with a knee-jerk reaction and the first word that comes out is racism. Every time we misuse that word (like this), we lessen its impact. It's just like the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

>_> I'll make it now, post it later.

Jam, why does your Lucario suck so bad?
Haha, I suck at this game so much.

Yea, as republican as I am, Obama is definitely better for leading the US of A in the right direction if for no other reason than its a fresh, young mind running things who potentially will be a greater catalyst for change than it would be if another conservative Oil-controlled republican <_<.
Aren't you too young to have the necessary anger to be a Republican? ;)

EDIT- If anyone wants to Brawl, I'm getting online now.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
**** so many posts. i cant go to esticle or anything for awhile im a complete wreck right now lol.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
George Benson is a sick player I just didn't like the song. The end.

I play guitar not bass...
Those are definitely guitar nerd guitars lol. No you should definitely not capitalize "strat"-they don't deserve it LOL.
I agree with Zoso on this you shouldn't say a guy sucks if you don't know about him at all. He's a great musician and a phenomenal player. Strats rock.

on the subject of great players....

He is way too good.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT

orange name > green name

But it matches my avatar!

Great games, Nana. Sorry about that last one, Gabriel hit the eject button on the Wii (he also unplugged my controller that time I was stuck on the ledge). I'm about to feed him now, so I might be back on after that.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
so umm I wanna play brawl with ppl, but I gotz no ridez >_>

what time ur thing starting PoF. If its later I might be able to get someone to drop me off or something

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
so umm I wanna play brawl with ppl, but I gotz no ridez >_>

what time ur thing starting PoF. If its later I might be able to get someone to drop me off or something

People can come pretty much whenever as long as they just let me know a decent amount of time before hand.

I plan on devouring metal gear 3 a bit today....and then play smash later on so just give me a call whenever.

Anyone is invited to come down and play Brawl/Melee/64 or just watch me play Metal Gear 3!!!! call me if you want to come down.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
WTF it's a ****ing monsoon out there. **** came out of nowhere. One minute it was nice outside, the next it's 50 mph winds and pounding rain. The ride home is not gonna be fun.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
For the past few days I've been racking my brain trying to figure out why PoF's name looked so familiar. It really struck me when everyone was talking about how he used to be hated on the boards. I kept thinking, a well hated Prince of Fire? Why do I think I've seen this before? And then I found it.
Yes, I have developed. I have learned to control myself and not get so pissed off easily. I'm quite different in person than I am on forum boards. Believe it or not I used to be one of the most respected users on psp forums. I had a lot of knowledge about the whole psp hacking scene a few years back. Now that the scene has pretty much died...I'm just a lurker there from time to time.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
No, use the first one. Long hair + beard = Isai knowing where it's at. Can't you just increase the size of the first pic?
as I posted earlier, I tried doing that and it didn't look very good. I'll try again, see what I can do, but I need to know exactly what sleepyk needs me to do to make the design shirt viable

keep in mind it's supposed to be a parody of che guevara shirts:

so should I get rid of the red in isai's face and replace it with white?

And so far, I've gotten

Yes: 14
Boxman, Darc, Pine, Solid Jake, Cactuar, DogySamich, nealdt, Brookman, KevinM, Plank, nuro, Skler, Emblem Lord, and Hoggle

No: 1


Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2008
America the greatest country ever.
Welcome DarkThundah

People call me either Poffy or Prince. Post here, we have interesting conversations everyday with in depth discussion!

(Totally kidding.)

I'm from North Haven.....friend code?
Thanks for the welcome Poffy. You can call me Zoe btw, forgot to mention that. My roommate and I split a wii and he took it for the summer so I've been having Brawl withdrawals. But I'll defiantly let you know when I get it back.
It be great to get some real practice in.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
But...I do.... it was going to be my life before I got into filmmaking. Well that and my college's music program turned out to be strictly classical. Couple that with me playing tenor sax... well yeah. But um I really do, I love Jazz and have lots of jazz vinyl ect. I mean if you play sax in a jazz band you have to be into it.
You're just full of surprises. My apologies.

George Benson is a sick player I just didn't like the song. The end.
I can't reasonably object to that.

I play guitar not bass...
Those are definitely guitar nerd guitars lol. No you should definitely not capitalize "strat"-they don't deserve it LOL. The only fender I'd love to own is a vintage telecaster. I have a standard Yamaha acoustic that is semi crappy but I love. I also have an Electra X240, I think '79 or '80... they were a cool company that included basically effects boxes into the guitar bodies in addition to the pickup switches ect. http://www.rivercityamps.com/electra/x240.php "tone spectrum circuit"
My dad toured in a band in the early 70s for like 6 years, they played with skynyrd and stuff lol. He played a '59 Les Paul... the freaking holy grail. He sold it 15 years ago for 10k. It's worth 350k now.
So it's guitar nerd now, is it? Hm. Fair enough. I usually capitalize "Strat" only when referring to the genuine article (not out of loyalty to Fender or anything). That Electra looks nice, but I'm not really big on Les Pauls. How do the built-in effects sound? That "tone spectrum" nonsense seems like a nice feature, especially considering it's stock. That's cool @ your dad. Mine was never a serious player. There's a guy in my neighborhood who has a bunch of vintage gear (he has to show me his Echoplex every time I'm over there). Apparently, he's recorded with former members of Deep Purple or something. I don't visit him anymore because he's a douchebag. :ohwell:

the greatest drum battle of all time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncRgAnwDkn8

No it isn't. What is more racist about killing black zombies in RE5 than killing Spanish zombies in RE4? As usual, black people are responding with a knee-jerk reaction and the first word that comes out is racism. Every time we misuse that word (like this), we lessen its impact. It's just like the Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Thank you.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
For the new page

keep in mind it's supposed to be a parody of che guevara shirts:

No, the parody doesn't make any sense to me either.

And so far, I've gotten

Yes: 19
Boxman, Darc, Pine, Solid Jake, Cactuar, DogySamich, nealdt, Brookman, KevinM, Plank, nuro, Skler, Emblem Lord, Hoggle, PC Chris, Emmy, Shminkledorf, Nus, HugS

Maybe: 1

No: 2
Larx, Wes

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
as I posted earlier, I tried doing that and it didn't look very good. I'll try again, see what I can do, but I need to know exactly what sleepyk needs me to do to make the design shirt viable

keep in mind it's supposed to be a parody of che guevara shirts:

so should I get rid of the red in isai's face and replace it with white?

And so far, I've gotten

Yes: 14
Boxman, Darc, Pine, Solid Jake, Cactuar, DogySamich, nealdt, Brookman, KevinM, Plank, nuro, Skler, Emblem Lord, and Hoggle

No: 1
most che shirts don't have the white face... or am I wrong? I google image searched "che shirt" and none had white face. I think it looks cooler without the white. No clue what to put on the berret.

You're just full of surprises. My apologies.

I can't reasonably object to that.

So it's guitar nerd now, is it? Hm. Fair enough. I usually capitalize "Strat" only when referring to the genuine article (not out of loyalty to Fender or anything). That Electra looks nice, but I'm not really big on Les Pauls. How do the built-in effects sound? That "tone spectrum" nonsense seems like a nice feature, especially considering it's stock. That's cool @ your dad. Mine was never a serious player. There's a guy in my neighborhood who has a bunch of vintage gear (he has to show me his Echoplex every time I'm over there). Apparently, he's recorded with former members of Deep Purple or something. I don't visit him anymore because he's a douchebag. :ohwell:


Thank you.
All's well.

Yes guitar nerd. Good thing. My Electra is nice, I freaking love Les Pauls with all my heart and my weiner (I would love a vintage SG or Custom). People into more classical or jazz guitar playing don't really dig them as much, I've found. The tone spectrum thing on my guitar is pretty cool, you can make some neat tones with it...make it sound really hollow or tinny or whatever...nothing too drastic though. I need some vintage gear.
My Dad is building his own resonater from scratch. >_>

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
I'm beginning to think it'd be really difficult at this point to shop the beret in and make it look natural, so I probably won't bother. Unless Isai loves the idea of that shirt, grows his goatee out again and takes a picture with a beret, I don't think I'll add it.
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