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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
I remember back in 6th grade when I heard they were making a remake of FF7 for the PS2.


edit// Morning thread. My sleep schedule is now similar to that of a cat's.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
they might make a remake for the ps3, not because of the technical demo but the crisis core ending but i dunno


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
"I think you are having trouble getting the picture

Jamil-Jam Stunna
Mike Brookman-Brookman

all lost to me in Brawl."

is that a joke? do you think you're funny? are people laughing?
mofo please, i haven't played a single non-random match of brawl yet, and IIRC i beat you half the time, even with lagfi. in any event, i decided against posting for/against you in the ct thread with all the **** flying around since i met you and you didn't seem like a horrible guy. but if you're gunna try and use me as "proof of your worth", **** that man. i haven't seen an inteligent and/or SLIGHTLY rational post by you in...well...ever. if you want to compare brawl nuts, play me offline. if you wanna get ***** in melee again, also not a problem. but you really gotta get off being ******** on this thread, this includes trying to bring down cort. YOU CAN'T, and it's not to say "oh **** cort's the best blah blah", but you just SUCK too much to get anything done with words, and everything you post digs you farther and farther into a ditch of suckitude, mmm, suckitude. but in the meantime, HEY EVERYONE LETS LOOK AT MY E-WEENER! IT GETS BIGGER WITH EVERY LAGFI WIN!, did i mention you only won on pictochat? L O L.

i'm not one for burning bridges, but you've oh so effectively poured gasoline on this one.



ps. rockcrab, play FF6 before jam reads your post.

PPS. JAM! my co-worker lives in your building, i dropped him off yesterday after a blunt LOL, i wanted to visit but i had places to be =P. he said he doesn't know you tho.

PPPS. good morning ct thread

PPPPS. dear god the new pokemon show is HORRIBLE(nothing else is on while typing this)

edit: jam/mike/marc all **** your **** in every aspect of life, let alone smash based video games.

going to paul's, have a nice day ct thread


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
yea ill get back on now i had sumthin todo

hey i want a grudge match too someone get me angry


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
"I think you are having trouble getting the picture

Jamil-Jam Stunna
Mike Brookman-Brookman

all lost to me in Brawl."

is that a joke? do you think you're funny? are people laughing?
mofo please, i haven't played a single non-random match of brawl yet, and IIRC i beat you half the time, even with lagfi. in any event, i decided against posting for/against you in the ct thread with all the **** flying around since i met you and you didn't seem like a horrible guy. but if you're gunna try and use me as "proof of your worth", **** that man. i haven't seen an inteligent and/or SLIGHTLY rational post by you in...well...ever. if you want to compare brawl nuts, play me offline. if you wanna get ***** in melee again, also not a problem. but you really gotta get off being ******** on this thread, this includes trying to bring down cort. YOU CAN'T, and it's not to say "oh **** cort's the best blah blah", but you just SUCK too much to get anything done with words, and everything you post digs you farther and farther into a ditch of suckitude, mmm, suckitude. but in the meantime, HEY EVERYONE LETS LOOK AT MY E-WEENER! IT GETS BIGGER WITH EVERY LAGFI WIN!, did i mention you only won on pictochat? L O L.

i'm not one for burning bridges, but you've oh so effectively poured gasoline on this one.



ps. rockcrab, play FF6 before jam reads your post.

PPS. JAM! my co-worker lives in your building, i dropped him off yesterday after a blunt LOL, i wanted to visit but i had places to be =P. he said he doesn't know you tho.

PPPS. good morning ct thread

PPPPS. dear god the new pokemon show is HORRIBLE(nothing else is on while typing this)

ppppps.im really ****in horny

edit: jam/mike/marc all **** your **** in every aspect of life, let alone smash based video games.

going to paul's, have a nice day ct thread
lol i just pulled a darc at least i think its darc idk.

so far ive pulled a budai, khaly, and maybe darc


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2007
East Hartford, CT
I'm sure if there weren't any glitches in Melee, the good people now could still be good at the game.
I asked all of them how to get good at Melee, and they all said the same thing;

Watch others, and practice a lot.

I never owned a gamecube, and yet, I'm better than a person who would own one.
All that really counts, is your experience.
The "glitches" just happen to be there, and to leave them unused is like punching someone when you have a gun.

Since Brawl doesnt have any [discovered] glitches, its just how we have to play.
You cant establish a clear line between players, because as of now, everyone's on the same level.

Heck, I think I beat Brookman a few times too.
Until he pulled out his Magikarp-dos.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
There are plenty of Brawl glitches. I can only imagine how many more there'll be.

There aren't any useful ones, really. >_>


Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2005
"I think you are having trouble getting the picture

Jamil-Jam Stunna
Mike Brookman-Brookman

all lost to me in Brawl."

is that a joke? do you think you're funny? are people laughing?
mofo please, i haven't played a single non-random match of brawl yet, and IIRC i beat you half the time, even with lagfi. in any event, i decided against posting for/against you in the ct thread with all the **** flying around since i met you and you didn't seem like a horrible guy. but if you're gunna try and use me as "proof of your worth", **** that man. i haven't seen an inteligent and/or SLIGHTLY rational post by you in...well...ever. if you want to compare brawl nuts, play me offline. if you wanna get ***** in melee again, also not a problem. but you really gotta get off being ******** on this thread, this includes trying to bring down cort. YOU CAN'T, and it's not to say "oh **** cort's the best blah blah", but you just SUCK too much to get anything done with words, and everything you post digs you farther and farther into a ditch of suckitude, mmm, suckitude. but in the meantime, HEY EVERYONE LETS LOOK AT MY E-WEENER! IT GETS BIGGER WITH EVERY LAGFI WIN!, did i mention you only won on pictochat? L O L.

i'm not one for burning bridges, but you've oh so effectively poured gasoline on this one.



ps. rockcrab, play FF6 before jam reads your post.

PPS. JAM! my co-worker lives in your building, i dropped him off yesterday after a blunt LOL, i wanted to visit but i had places to be =P. he said he doesn't know you tho.

PPPS. good morning ct thread

PPPPS. dear god the new pokemon show is HORRIBLE(nothing else is on while typing this)

edit: jam/mike/marc all **** your **** in every aspect of life, let alone smash based video games.

going to paul's, have a nice day ct thread
Wow. Who is this guy that your blasting? I wanna play him. Tell him to pm me for my friend code. Lol and you too. And anybody else for that matter. How've you been ct? And your right Silas06. Lagfi is terrible but just look at it as training in 100 times gravity. When you get out your power will be great. I don't let it bother me. Playing online is just fun. But I feel you. You get the real battle when there is no lag and your right next to the person. lol

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
"I think you are having trouble getting the picture

Jamil-Jam Stunna
Mike Brookman-Brookman

all lost to me in Brawl."

is that a joke? do you think you're funny? are people laughing?
mofo please, i haven't played a single non-random match of brawl yet, and IIRC i beat you half the time, even with lagfi. in any event, i decided against posting for/against you in the ct thread with all the **** flying around since i met you and you didn't seem like a horrible guy. but if you're gunna try and use me as "proof of your worth", **** that man. i haven't seen an inteligent and/or SLIGHTLY rational post by you in...well...ever. if you want to compare brawl nuts, play me offline. if you wanna get ***** in melee again, also not a problem. but you really gotta get off being ******** on this thread, this includes trying to bring down cort. YOU CAN'T, and it's not to say "oh **** cort's the best blah blah", but you just SUCK too much to get anything done with words, and everything you post digs you farther and farther into a ditch of suckitude, mmm, suckitude. but in the meantime, HEY EVERYONE LETS LOOK AT MY E-WEENER! IT GETS BIGGER WITH EVERY LAGFI WIN!, did i mention you only won on pictochat? L O L.

i'm not one for burning bridges, but you've oh so effectively poured gasoline on this one.



ps. rockcrab, play FF6 before jam reads your post.

PPS. JAM! my co-worker lives in your building, i dropped him off yesterday after a blunt LOL, i wanted to visit but i had places to be =P. he said he doesn't know you tho.

PPPS. good morning ct thread

PPPPS. dear god the new pokemon show is HORRIBLE(nothing else is on while typing this)

edit: jam/mike/marc all **** your **** in every aspect of life, let alone smash based video games.

going to paul's, have a nice day ct thread

You've said everything that needs to be said Alex, which is why I love you. The next time you're in the neighborhood, please stop by.

PoF, I really thought you were a cool guy. Well, I admit that you fooled me. Haha, I didn't even want to play you last night because I knew you'd brag about it. I suck online, and I openly admit that. But to brag to SOMEONE IN A PM ABOUT BEATING ME WITH DK IN A FFA?

**** you.


Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2005
V..........i have a bone to pick with you....i have been owning CT (thats right.....pumping you ho's full of turnips)...yet for some reason i'm not on the honorable mention list.....wtf....ok ok i know we haven't updated power rankings since i got here.........but seriously? hazygoose and <3 with no turnip is like....is like.......peanut butter without jelly time....or a baseball bat........UPDATE THAT NOW!

also.....i'm taking side bets on the PoF vs. Cort brawl matchup.........right now i have the odds set to Cort winning by 2 stocks...does anyone want to bet against the spread?

Edit: Lols at citing Jam, Marc, and Mike as great victories......all three are the biggest sandbaggers in CT.....why not just say "hey i beat aesir and some random kid from uconn in melee" LOLS

Also....i take offense when 4 swords get involved......all three are 4 swords....no one...messes with the Cuatro Espadas but me.....no one

Edit #2: Ok....I never lost to Silas on wifi...I never lost to Doteater (on the PA power ranking), therefore...I am the proud owner of the ability to trash talk any keep to myself player who has established themselves as a nice guy within the melee community right? AWESOME. PC GOSH DARNIT I HAVE GROWN WEARY OF YOUR UPPITY ANTICS AND SHENANIGANS TOWARDS MY WAYWARD POSTS AND LOGIC I CHALLENGE THEE TO A LAGFI DUEL TO ESTABLISH THE LENGTH AND GIRTH OF MY E-PEEN FOR ALL OF CT TO SEE! PM YOU COWARD THE GAUNTLET HAS BEEN LAID DOWN, ANSWER ME IF THOUST HAS THE MARBLES GOOD SIR!
WtF?!?! ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2007
Fairfield CT/Saratoga NY
drSuper, its cool you know a bunch of people who play, I run for the track team and I'm kind shy :( so I don't really talk to people outside of running. But when we get back to school PM me or IM me or something, how far away do you live off campus? Oh yeah, I'm a freshman, just a boy...


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Man...so many posts!!! I am in Satfford Springs right now. I will be leaving for Canton soon and I will be there until tomorrow. After that I have no clue at all where I will be. Maybe back in Stafford Springs, but no idea, haha!

<3 Turnip lol!

Someone play with me this week? Get my number from Brookman if you need it. Leave a message because I never answer my phone lol.

Woo...yay for friend's computer!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
listen to metal fingers
haha oh man I use to run track too psyeyeye! too many coincidences psyeyeye! I ran the 1 and the 2 until last spring when I destroyed my ankle. Hows momo?? lol
I live down old town rd its like 7 minutes away. Were having a party next weekend. Bring yourself and some scandalous freshman women.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
Steve if you're in or around Stafford Springs on Monday then I could maybe come play with you and Aesir for a bit. I pass by there on my way to school, so I could easily stop by for a bit.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Dear CT-

Over the past few weeks I have been a complete A hole and I recognize that. I have said things that have spammed up the boards, insults that are unwanted/needed, and just said impuslive things out of range and anger due to Corts attitude. That being said, that still is not a liable excuse for me to be a tool. Raging on the boards and making generalizations that tend to bash the rest of the community (pros need glitches) was obviously not the proper way to resolve the issue. My beef is with Cort, and only him. Jamil-I do not know if the PM sent but I will call you later....I owe you a personal apology. I also realized that at the next upcomming tournaments I will be getting a lot of weird looks and stares because I am sure that most of CT pretty much cannot stand me. (most likely...) I'm still planning on attending the 18the 19th because I want to apologize to some of you that I know in person, like a man. It is pretty easy to sit at a computer and say you are sorry...so I owe that to each and every one of you. I did not want to spam up the boards...and I did....I am sorry. I will take my issue with to...in person. I have also realized that I have annoyed plenty of you with having to read the bickering with the two of us...I apologize for that as well...You should not have to read our BS. I have already made amends with some of you and I hope we can start anew and work off a clean slate. This message is to ALL of CT....I f***ed up. I am human though and I will learn from this.

Carry On

-Garrett M. DeCrosta A.K.A-Prince Of Fire

Solid Jake

The Arcanum
Feb 11, 2006
Farmington, CT
Dear CT-

Over the past few weeks I have been a complete A hole and I recognize that. I have said things that have spammed up the boards, insults that are unwanted/needed, and just said impuslive things out of range and anger due to Corts attitude. That being said, that still is not a liable excuse for me to be a tool. Raging on the boards and making generalizations that tend to bash the rest of the community (pros need glitches) was obviously not the proper way to resolve the issue. My beef is with Cort, and only him. Jamil-I do not know if the PM sent but I will call you later....I owe you a personal apology. I also realized that at the next upcomming tournaments I will be getting a lot of weird looks and stares because I am sure that most of CT pretty much cannot stand me. (most likely...) I'm still planning on attending the 18the 19th because I want to apologize to some of you that I know in person, like a man. It is pretty easy to sit at a computer and say you are sorry...so I owe that to each and every one of you. I did not want to spam up the boards...and I did....I am sorry. I will take my issue with to...in person. I have also realized that I have annoyed plenty of you with having to read the bickering with the two of us...I apologize for that as well...You should not have to read our BS. I have already made amends with some of you and I hope we can start anew and work off a clean slate. This message is to ALL of CT....I f***ed up. I am human though and I will learn from this.

Carry On

-Garrett M. DeCrosta A.K.A-Prince Of Fire
funny guy :)


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I think I'll call you Garr now.
Also, humans don't learn.
Will I get a personal apology? I'll feel left out if I don't.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
khaly, can i be your kenpachi? i'll totally carry you around and let you lead me in the wrong direction <3

DD, you so funny

learned something neat while playing cort, will post in a sec
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