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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2006
Did anyone notice that it looks like each character has multiple taunts in the videos they have released?

Also, they never told us how we'd do tilts with the wii-mote...which is why hazy and I joked that there weren't tilts in brawl. I'm really happy that they are letting us use the old gcn controllers...they are just so comfortable! Although its not entirely out of the question for them to change the function of some buttons....


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
Did you guys know I don't have the highest post count in CT? I'm actually down by more than a thousand.


He used to be a mod too. He took me to Mofo's the day before Smash4Cash.

He played Falcon.
yum yum bumblebee, bumbleebee tuna! i love bumblebee, bumblebee tuna. yum yum bumblebee, bumblebee tuna, love a sandwich made with bumblebee.
Mephaskapheles ftw.

Huh, I didn't know BBT was a CT player. I remember seeing him in that large Items vs No Items debate thread.

Pokemon - What Kind of Pokemon Are You?
don't you bug me with a caterpie, for flying types the win's easy

Did anyone notice that it looks like each character has multiple taunts in the videos they have released?

Also, they never told us how we'd do tilts with the wii-mote...which is why hazy and I joked that there weren't tilts in brawl. I'm really happy that they are letting us use the old gcn controllers...they are just so comfortable! Although its not entirely out of the question for them to change the function of some buttons....
i have no song for this...but...3 taunts, IIRC


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
Mansfield, CT
lol i may be a fe pages behind but you all know wavedashing is confirmed right?

like there are about 3 clips of charactars doing it

such as warios infamous WD

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
i'm plsying dsf now. meta is not broken. fox is way nerfed and so is peaches dsmash. di is weird but more effective and weight differences are more pronounced.

missle cancelling seems to be out and diddys dash attack is his kartwheel. ike is way way slow and link seems about the same. up b auto sweetspots.


wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006

+ people at E 4 all are saying momentum airdodge is in, which means wavedashing is out

I don't know what people know, but i just talked to Gimpy and some Oregon people on the phone who have been playing a Brawl demo setup for 1v1 with the classic controller, here's what they've said so far:

no wavedashing and no wavelanding

airdodging is like how we predicted, just go with momentum,

Fox can SH triple laser.
Fox can jump out of shine, but it requires that you hold down and B, you can't let go or he'll go into a different animation, hold down and b and then jump.

Bowser is hardcore.
Claw is ridiculous
Bowser will probably be top tier
Up+B out of shield is same, just as powerful.

Samus has a dark suit red visor, Fusion suit, Sonic costumes are recolors of blue, Fox has a starwolf outfit. Diddy Kong has Dixie Kong outfit without the hair, Bowser has a golden costume, made out of gold.

Mario's fsmash is so slow,

Samus can't missile cancel, animation doesn't stop, hard to do though.
Bomb jumping is tough, hitting bombs not directly on top of them knocks you to the side.
If you die as zero suit, you stay as zero suit, you can't automatically be zero suit like changing from Zelda to Sheik at the beginning of a round.

Samus charged shot isn't strong, peach was shot with it fully charged at 87% didn't kill.

Can catch edge even if you're facing wrong way, edgehogging is easy. Edgehogging will be the new edgeguard of choice, characters ‘click’ to it.

Peach is nerfed.
Peach’s dsmash is nerfed, no range
Float canceling not sure
Peach seems heavier

Sonic, not as good as you expect
moves don't have much knockback, kind of 'loose',
all the new chars, he's least popular, hardest learning curve

Do an aerial that has forward momentum and when you land it’s almost the same as a waveland. Certain moves / aerials have less friction/traction,

DI is more pronounced, you can get out of stuff a lot easier, takes knockback easier, can survive until 150.

L-canceling is not in as far as we can tell.

How does the game feel: Feels slower, definitely, on classic, feels awkward, accidentally jump alot, can't SH on the wiimote, everyone is so floaty. Brawl plays really differently, it’s awkward for now because not used to it. Not a lot of lag for moves, maybe lag lowered for sake of demo.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
Mansfield, CT
Lol Sexy ahaha that stinks.

the game look clean and crisp graphics.

and i still think WD is no matter what anyone says idk if they played the game until I play idc :p


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
Mansfield, CT
Ohh yeah Dazwa It did sort of look like a wave land.

Except for the part of he was standing straight up and glided forward -.-

it was like Luigi when he glitches and wavedashs like when you DI sometimes.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
Mansfield, CT
god I can see everyone playing melee until the game after brawl comes out and Sakurai quits

Super Smash Bros: Rumble
[I coined that for the next game all rights go to me]


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
wow i hope this game isnt lame, like the slower feel and the character floatlyness is really turning me off. never mind the wavedashing, if the gameplay is being nerfed as a whole it'll suck. brookman i believe u were right. i just lost alot of faith in this game. then again it is a demo and perhaps tweaks can be done.

EDIT: time to be like sensei and still play melee.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
Mansfield, CT
toks, 5 of the last 7 posts have been urs.

being slower makes it more a traditional fighting game. dont knock it off jus yet. wait to see how things play out ppl
I'm not "knocking it off" as you say I'm just simply stating that I don't like concept of fast being floaty IDC who else is floaty for all I care Bowser could be floaty[even though I hear he's top tier..] but like think about fox jumping and hitting like you 3 times midair that would just be extremely akward..

and for the "5 of the last 7 posts" yeah I have a lot on my mind and not much do and I can't get a ride to Vernon.



Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Spam...it was back when mods actually cared...and things like Toks triple posting would get you points/banned.

Now they don't care hahaha.
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