I've made that drive regularly before, not the most fun but for an occasional trip it's definitely a shorter drive than you'd have going to most tournaments.
Speaking of, if you guys aren't aware, Molten Lava hosts PM tournaments biweekly at Hall of Gaming in Wallingford, if that sounds like something you're interested in, you should check it out
There's also the Kings of CT Melee / Project M tournament coming up, you can see the thread here
In terms of getting together for friendlies, I plan on doing (at least) weekly sessions, if not more often depending on schedules. Generally I get together once a week with my group of friends but I'm looking to branch out and play with more serious competitors (they're at the competitive level to some extent but aren't as enthusiastic about the game as I am).
I'm not gonna post here anymore to avoid cluttering the thread (unless some time down the road some other new guy hobbles along), so if either of you guys or anyone else wants to spar, just PM me.