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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
Isn't this a competitive sport? Don't we play to get better, not just to win? This smacks of the worst kind of defeatism imaginable. F*ck, CT has tried so hard to get on the map, with NY and PC Chris to the west, MA and KDJ to the north, and NJ and M2K to the south, and when we get called up to the plate we p*ssy out? F*uck that. I don't really give a d*mn about the rest of you, but Jam Stunna and JV Smooth will play ANYONE from NJ ANYTIME, ANYPLACE. Ain't no b*tch in me.
hey hey. are u forgetting what I said about leading the charge? i called out PC Chris at the last Esticle and told him to beat his ****
TradeMark = fearless, son
Rep doesnt have a gag reflex <3333333
Oh yess... Rrrrrape!


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2007
MILFord, CT: We do moms
they reunited for one show only in Cali, but because of ticket scalping, they turned one show into 4, the one i'm seeing is in NY, the only one on the East Coast, the other 3 are in Cali. Though I've heard they may put together a tour in the Fall.

p.s. audioslave basically sucked, has anyone heard when Chris Cornell tried to sing some Rage tunes, it was God awful.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
p.s. audioslave basically sucked, has anyone heard when Chris Cornell tried to sing some Rage tunes, it was God awful.
To be fair, their renditions of RatM songs were a better than the Guitar Hero version of Killing in the Name...but what isn't? >_>

I'm not really sure why Chris Cornell thought he could do a good cover of RatM, but...he can't. >_>


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Aiser, she lives in Tolland... about 5 mins away from me... farther from you though. :(

I'll probably be touring CT during that time, lulz. So, everyone be prepared to have me come over from the 17th-19th.

I'm fine with pretty much any date in August for the next Esticle.
If there's no CT at either of the MA tournaments this weekend I'll be a sad Dazwa =(

EDIT: Oh yeah btw, Darc and I will be in New Britain, Connecticut August 12th-19th. Anyone want to go to Hayato's thing on the 18th and take us with you? LOL
I'm in Ct from Aug 12-19th. I might need rides to places. >_>
:) I'll probably be visiting you guys and most likely... if I can... bring you guys there (Hayato's tourny). I can bring up to 4 people total with me.

This is all assuming I have the car in my possession though... which I'm not sure about. :(


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
SilvaDragon/Ray, please get back to me if you want to go to the Mass event this weekend.

My AIM is Cort28633


Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2005
True dat. lol woz, besides cort/brookman... CT smash skill doesn't exist.
Well I'm not on here as much but I pretty much agree with what Jam said. It's stuff like this that makes CT look bad. Yes it's true that Cort and Brookman have been holding it down for ct for a while but there are others here that are good and are trying to get better and for whatever reason still hold it down for ct. To say stuff like this Nus is to belittle not only yourself but pretty much everyone else in ct. And that's not cool. People like yourself, Rep, Lil', Mike$, Mofo, Trademark, <3, Jam, SPawn,V, Blue, Shmink, Nesskid, Locke, JC, and others all have great skill and potential. They may not have the same experience as Cort and Pc but they didn't start out on top either. Pc,Cort, KDJ, they all put in their dues and eventually got better. They didn't cop out when people from other states challenged them. You gotta have heart. I may not be the best but I'm not someone to take lightly. I've been to tournys in Ny, Mass and Ct trying to get better. I didn't give up just cause someone's better than me. I keep going, keep trying to improve. You're gonna have people better than you but that's the fun of it. Trying to be the best you can be. Nobody gets good overnight. I can't blame Cort for not wanting to do crew battles against other states. I wouldn't want to either if all the people from my state had a mindset like this. So to make a long story short, Im in Ct, Im gonna rep for Ct, and anyone who wants to challenge someone from here then I'll step up. And whether I win or lose you're gonna walk away saying"**** that was a good battle". Cuz that's what it's about. Friendly competition. No one wants to fight someone who already gave up or isn't a challenge or didn't even put up a fight. And to say that there isn't any skill in ct isn't a true statement. But at the same token who wants to fight a sissy? Not me. LEt's step it up CT.


Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2005
Besides Cort and Brookman, who have visited before, I'd like to see how CT does against the rest of NJ. You guys should come by SMASHACRE on August 4th.
Hey Warrior of Zarona. It's been a while since I've been to an out of state tourny what with work and all. But I would gladly accept your challenge. It'll be good fun. Hope to see you there.

The Great Gonzales

Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2007
Well I'm not on here as much but I pretty much agree with what Jam said. It's stuff like this that makes CT look bad. Yes it's true that Cort and Brookman have been holding it down for ct for a while but there are others here that are good and are trying to get better and for whatever reason still hold it down for ct. To say stuff like this Nus is to belittle not only yourself but pretty much everyone else in ct. And that's not cool. People like yourself, Rep, Lil', Mike$, Mofo, Trademark, <3, Jam, SPawn,V, Blue, Shmink, Nesskid, Locke, JC, and others all have great skill and potential. They may not have the same experience as Cort and Pc but they didn't start out on top either. Pc,Cort, KDJ, they all put in their dues and eventually got better. They didn't cop out when people from other states challenged them. You gotta have heart. I may not be the best but I'm not someone to take lightly. I've been to tournys in Ny, Mass and Ct trying to get better. I didn't give up just cause someone's better than me. I keep going, keep trying to improve. You're gonna have people better than you but that's the fun of it. Trying to be the best you can be. Nobody gets good overnight. I can't blame Cort for not wanting to do crew battles against other states. I wouldn't want to either if all the people from my state had a mindset like this. So to make a long story short, Im in Ct, Im gonna rep for Ct, and anyone who wants to challenge someone from here then I'll step up. And whether I win or lose you're gonna walk away saying"**** that was a good battle". Cuz that's what it's about. Friendly competition. No one wants to fight someone who already gave up or isn't a challenge or didn't even put up a fight. And to say that there isn't any skill in ct isn't a true statement. But at the same token who wants to fight a sissy? Not me. LEt's step it up CT.
good **** you and jam are totally rigth
if you dont have the ballz to lose against better players
you aint goin nowhere

yeah lets step it up for CT lets do it!!!!!!.......
oh wait im from MA:laugh:

Zettai Kurayami

Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
Fighting at the Breastiary in Nippopolis
Well I'm not on here as much but I pretty much agree with what Jam said. It's stuff like this that makes CT look bad. Yes it's true that Cort and Brookman have been holding it down for ct for a while but there are others here that are good and are trying to get better and for whatever reason still hold it down for ct. To say stuff like this Nus is to belittle not only yourself but pretty much everyone else in ct. And that's not cool. People like yourself, Rep, Lil', Mike$, Mofo, Trademark, <3, Jam, SPawn,V, Blue, Shmink, Nesskid, Locke, JC, and others all have great skill and potential. They may not have the same experience as Cort and Pc but they didn't start out on top either. Pc,Cort, KDJ, they all put in their dues and eventually got better. They didn't cop out when people from other states challenged them. You gotta have heart. I may not be the best but I'm not someone to take lightly. I've been to tournys in Ny, Mass and Ct trying to get better. I didn't give up just cause someone's better than me. I keep going, keep trying to improve. You're gonna have people better than you but that's the fun of it. Trying to be the best you can be. Nobody gets good overnight. I can't blame Cort for not wanting to do crew battles against other states. I wouldn't want to either if all the people from my state had a mindset like this. So to make a long story short, Im in Ct, Im gonna rep for Ct, and anyone who wants to challenge someone from here then I'll step up. And whether I win or lose you're gonna walk away saying"**** that was a good battle". Cuz that's what it's about. Friendly competition. No one wants to fight someone who already gave up or isn't a challenge or didn't even put up a fight. And to say that there isn't any skill in ct isn't a true statement. But at the same token who wants to fight a sissy? Not me. LEt's step it up CT.
That makes me sad JV u forgot me the only reason u ***** me is cuz i didnt use Marth besides that me and Myk$ are the same. im gonna go kill someone now out of sadness.
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