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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I remember people always used to say that Blizzard would never actually do anything about maphacking in Diablo 2, then they just up and banned like 300,000 accounts.

But I agree, Hazy. It's completely backwards to punish the players for what is essentially faulty programming/game design.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
not only that...ensidia (the guild that did it) made a post on their website right after the fight. they were like 'we know it's a glitch, it was unintentional and i hope blizzard hotfixes it because it was stupid easy and we'd like to not have to change our playstyle and do the fight right next time.' so...wtf.

also even after blizzard got mad because ensidia was stylin' on them, arthas died the next night by the hands of like 5 other guilds. content beaten in 3 days, lol. hard mode is a cheap way out of making challenging content and will probably take another month to conquor. meanwhile it took what, 4 months, to take down KJ after sunwell launched?


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT

honestly I think it's a great thing blizz is finally taking action against guilds that exploit (regardless of the circumstance, considering ensidia basically knew something was up with the encounter) since this is the second time they've actually temp banned guilds for every single 'end instance boss' (also funny to note almost every single first kill was exploited in some way from c'thun to archimonde, to KJ even) yogg 0 light being the first where a guild was actually temp banned for exploiting the evade bug

though they need to really learn to program, honestly <_<

also hazy, yogg 0 remained undefeated and even claimed to be mathematically impossible far longer than KJ stayed alive. man I love how well tuned that encounter is on all possible levels...

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I think im like one of the only people on here who thinks


and any other internet game really is the biggest waste of time. I'm not exactly a fan of purchasing/downloading a game and then having to fork over X amount of dollars to build my "deck" or "strength" or whatever the hell it may be for that certain game.

It's like buying Guitar Hero and paying for songs. Its such a scam and its not even worth it. My roommate plays Magic online and I think its the dumbest thing ever. He plays online tournaments...and for what? Gift Certificates to pay for more crap. I thin playing Magic in person and traveling to tournaments and events is interesting thing though. It's like going to a Melee tourney....you involve yourself personally as well.

I think some DLC (actually most of it) is the biggest crock ever. Oh, hey guys we released a new costume for Gen, Cammy, and Ryu....give us 5 dollars. Just so your character can look a little different? That's so dumb. I can understand buying a special edition of a game maybe because its a concrete object...something in your hand, comes with maybe a bonus blu ray for ten bucks extra. ok, its what you initially purchased....makes sense.

The gaming industry now really isn't about your purchase at the store, its about what you buy on the internet hence, why Xbox Live and PSN have stupid *** downloads alllll the time. Have little dinky purchase someone makes (a little big planet background or what have you) adds up to make profit and what effort did they make putting that up there? Probably little to nothing.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
how is TF2 anything like warcraft. You buy tf2 and you play it as much as you want on steam. It was like a one time payment 20 bucks(which is now like 5 bucks now) and you even got it cheaper if you got the orange box.

The only game you listed that you have to pay a subscription / pay to play is WoW ( which i hope you know that is different from warcraft 3). I think there were extras you used to be able to buy for diablo but the game was a one time thing and is like ancient now. same thing with starcraft. its an rts and its literally free nowadays FREE.

theres also magicworkstation that is free, though I think that the actual magic the gathering online(paid version) is kinda silly.

I sense you getting flamed hardcore for making such a bad post so dun be surprised . Im not one to make wall of text for the sake of flaming often but yo I might make an exception......... that list is pretty bad and probably one of your worst post evar. If I am misreading it and your general point was not to criticize pay to play games please lemme know.

FYI if you go to actual magic tourneys (like locals) you win points towards your rating and packs.

I do AGREE about DLC like new outfits and ****. thats kinda stupid imo. just makem unlockables and stop trying to pinch us after we waited in line forever to buy a 60 dollar fighting game that announced another edition like 10months after its initial release.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
lol pof.

anything that isn't productive is pretty much a waste of time and even then productivity must be geared towards the advancement of humankind.

really. if you're not a scientist or physicist or doctor or something you're not using your time effectively so you might as well not live, right?

sarcasm aside, i can't begin to understand how a gamer argues that games are a waste of time.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
lol pof.

anything that isn't productive is pretty much a waste of time and even then productivity must be geared towards the advancement of humankind.

really. if you're not a scientist or physicist or doctor or something you're not using your time effectively so you might as well not live, right?

sarcasm aside, i can't begin to understand how a gamer argues that games are a waste of time.

sometimes i think garret just likes to type words. you know kinda like how ppl are tired/drunk as hell and still like to play smash, just to press buttons.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
sleepyk: hey what tag your lookin for
?: uhh slox *spells it out*
sleepyk: oh you're slox?! nice to meet you im sleepyk
slox: *grin* hey


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I think some DLC (actually most of it) is the biggest crock ever. Oh, hey guys we released a new costume for Gen, Cammy, and Ryu....give us 5 dollars. Just so your character can look a little different?
While I will agree DLC is a terrible idea, it isn't bad from an economic standpoint.

Like, seriously. New costumes are $5? How about a footlong at subway that'll be out your *** in the next 3 hours colon health pending. At least you keep costumes. Additional costumes are examples of GOOD DLC. Content they legitimately created after they launched the game.

Unless they didn't, which is BAD. Bad DLC consists of any example where they had all this stuff packaged with the game, and then make you pay for a little filepatch to unlock it from the disc, or they ripped it from the final product before it went gold, causing a ****ton of errors in the product you buy, and then you pay more money later for the rest of the game, or you have to download more fixes.

DLC is a huge cop-out for a lot of developers which prevents them from making quality games, and if they DID make a quality game, then all the DLC they release usually would have been included with the original package, and would have made the original game of a higher quality.

But now, with DLC, if they don't get to something, they don't panic and work double-overtime to get it in, they toss it on a shelf and say "we'll just have to release it as DLC and make more money lol."

Even worse is when they release a game with shoddy programming or simple errors they would have caught in playtesting, which have already pissed people off, and then release a little patch to fix it.

That's the DLC rant from a Game Design Student.


Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
While I will agree DLC is a terrible idea, it isn't bad from an economic standpoint.

Like, seriously. New costumes are $5? How about a footlong at subway that'll be out your *** in the next 3 hours colon health pending. At least you keep costumes.

if anyone other that Garret wants to play smash today/tonight, my place is open for smashing and I think TFS will be rolling through in at least decent numbers. If people wanna crash overnight and smash tomorrow too, that works for me.
oh shi

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
if anyone other that Garret wants to play smash today/tonight, my place is open for smashing and I think TFS will be rolling through in at least decent numbers. If people wanna crash overnight and smash tomorrow too, that works for me.
Hey Mogwai,

Hit a parked car. You're an Idiot. Know how I know? You can't even spell my name right. Waste of life.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
how is mogwai an idiot other than name calling

i suppose people who spell my name Jon or call me Jonathan initially are also morons?


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
we are stuck until monday lol. another storm might hit you guys again later on in the week too. man, dc is a cool place

dylan more like drillin

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
anyone who calls me "dillan" is a waste of life and must hit a parked car
On our way back from Philly Wes hit a parked car at one of the tolls.

Wes is a complete tool because

Unlike him, I'm nice to him in person and seem to care less about what happens on the boards while he takes it seriously and has since day one. It's really funny and I am enjoying his reactions. It gives me something to do between classes and stuff.

Any normal person would actually talk to and get to know someone before making judgments. Something which he has not done and could care less about though. Thats his decision, I could give a crap. :)

@ Swift: I'm unfamiliar with what games for pc are constant $ holes but I think ANY game that makes you purchase more crap to enjoy a game is horrible this day and age. This is another reason why people like older games better. More bang for your buck and you get the game all in one cartridge. awesome stuff.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Lol You guys.

>_> I actually went to a smash fest at Yedi's today.

Non-Darc/Dazwa Maine came down, RI came across.

D: I learned things and stuff. Evidently my Mewtwo > Shadowball's Mewtwo.
Good times.

Wish I played more though lol.

@ Swift: I'm unfamiliar with what games for pc are constant $ holes but I think ANY game that makes you purchase more crap to enjoy a game is horrible this day and age. This is another reason why people like older games better. More bang for your buck and you get the game all in one cartridge. awesome stuff.
=[ You didn't read my post.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
one time i hit a parked car while linguini was in my car
i blame it on his inability to stop hitting things.

who defines normal? i say let barack obama do it

hey guess what game i keep playing that keeps taking my money
smash bros
tournaments are a waste of money


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
one time i hit a parked car while linguini was in my car
i blame it on his inability to stop hitting things.

who defines normal? i say let barack obama do it

hey guess what game i keep playing that keeps taking my money
smash bros
tournaments are a waste of money
Not if you won them.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
@ Swift: I'm unfamiliar with what games for pc are constant $ holes but I think ANY game that makes you purchase more crap to enjoy a game is horrible this day and age. This is another reason why people like older games better. More bang for your buck and you get the game all in one cartridge. awesome stuff.
not disagreeing with ya just telling you that the list you made was like really wrong. but yea downloadable extras for games is something im not a fan of

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
=[ You didn't read my post.
Not gonna lie....i didnt lol. Sorry, im sure it made good points though. You are pretty up to snuff and fair when it comes to opinions.

hey guess what game i keep playing that keeps taking my money
smash bros
tournaments are a waste of money
I'm talking about the game ITSELF not what you choose to do w a game once you purchase it.

not disagreeing with ya just telling you that the list you made was like really wrong. but yea downloadable extras for games is something im not a fan of
Yeah, I hear ya man. I know you like old games too. *High Five* We should run through Megaman II together one day or something.....too good.

No one likes old sports games on NES like i do though.

I will accept any NES sports game mm from the following titles:

ice hockey
Blades of steel
Double Dribble
RBi Baseball 1-3
Bases loaded I and II
Tecmo Bowl
Baseball Stars I and II
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