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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
but 3s can also be a pokefest -> super.

neither game is incredibly campy, tbh.
ease of execution is typically not a legitimate factor when it comes to competitive gaming.
hence wobbles not getting banned for being easy.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
The parry system in 3s >>>> Focus. The parry system actually forces you to approach while the focus system does not.
This is exactly my feelings. I understand it takes a good amount of skill to be good at SF4. I just don't have fun playing it at that level.

SF3 you can approach and parry. You can jump and parry. You can block most of a super and red parry the last hit.

Also, Alex isn't in SF4.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Yeah I found that to be very uninteresting. Like i could definitely see the skill and precision that's involved, but you have to play sooooooooo gay.

3rd strike is better.
This is exactly my feelings. I understand it takes a good amount of skill to be good at SF4. I just don't have fun playing it at that level.

SF3 you can approach and parry. You can jump and parry. You can block most of a super and red parry the last hit.
The parry system in 3s >>>> Focus. The parry system actually forces you to approach while the focus system does not.
You guys are completely wrong. Parrying in 3S is overrated. And that comes directly from the mouth of a good player.

It weakens projectiles. That's it. Doesn't mean you can't camp.

There are characters who can deal with campiness such as Fei Long, Cammy, Blanka, Balrog, and Rose but these characters don't even compare to the top tiers w ultra setups and poke attacks.
LOL. In Third Strike, Chun is in the highest tier BY HERSELF. Then Yun is in the tier below her BY HIMSELF.

You complain about characters with good pokes, but you want to play Third Strike. LOLOLOLOLOL.

I'm gonna go with Demetri on this one. Do you even play Street Fighter?


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
You guys are completely wrong. Parrying in 3S is overrated. And that comes directly from the mouth of a good player.

It weakens projectiles. That's it. Doesn't mean you can't camp.

LOL. In Third Strike, Chun is in a tier BY HERSELF. Then Yun is in the tier below her BY HIMSELF.

You complain about characters with good pokes, but you want to play Third Strike. LOLOLOLOLOL.

I'm gonna go with Demetri on this one. Do you even play Street Fighter?
Projectiles should be weakened.

I am never going to play in a 3rd Strike or SF4 tournament.

So when comparing the two games I am comparing which game has more merit at an intermediate level. Like I said, SF4 takes plenty of skill. It is probably more impressive to be a top level SF4 player then 3rd strike, but watching the top players in SF4 is boring compared to 3s.

I think the projectiles in SF4 are overpowered. In 3S there are balance issues but at least the matches are entertaining.

I watched those matches that were posted. And although there were moments that were pretty cool the stuff in between infuriated me as a viewer. I doubt Street fighter 4 could live up to this match ever.

Basically my point I am trying to portray is the entertainment value and fun value of watching and playing the games. There may be more skill in SF4. I would accept that, but the game bores me.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
sf4 requires a lot of thinking. a lot of precision. harder to link combos.

sf4 makes me hype. but 3s has the super super hot combos. not gonna lie.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I wouldn't say SF4 necessarily takes more skill than 3S, but it doesn't really matter either way.

Projectiles aren't overpowered in SF4. Even in ST, where literally the only defensive mechanics available were blocking, jumping, and the odd move that goes through stuff, the best character in the game doesn't even have a projectile. If anything, projectiles are too weak in 3S.

Like SleepyK, I don't think either game is really all that campy, but I don't see why camping half a screen away from your opponent is any dumber than camping right next to them (that's the only difference).


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I will concede that 3S is flashier.

Also, I've never watched SF4 and been like, "I want to play this," but it's probably the better game. *shrug*

I want to play Melee. :ohwell:


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
yoo pakman, you should try to swap psn tags with Clint. he's apparently one of the best tekken players in the world. he went to the korean world championships for tag and placed 2nd, which is ridiculous since korea is the best at tekken. i'll talk to ga peach and see if he can get clint's gt for you if you're interested.

idk i think from a/an noob with lots of knowledge about game/intermediate standpoint, sf3 and sf4 can both be crazy flashy, but 3s is flashier more often.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
yoo pakman, you should try to swap psn tags with Clint. he's apparently one of the best tekken players in the world. he went to the korean world championships for tag and placed 2nd, which is ridiculous since korea is the best at tekken. i'll talk to ga peach and see if he can get clint's gt for you if you're interested.

idk i think from a/an noob with lots of knowledge about game/intermediate standpoint, sf3 and sf4 can both be crazy flashy, but 3s is flashier more often.
That'd be cool. I am CosmikHippo on PSN. Me and Arrogant and I think velocity are trying to get like pretty good and see if we can't spark the old Philly scene which wasn't too bad in tags era.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
If Arrogant is anywhere near as good at Tekken as he is at posting on SWF, you guys should do fine.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
It weakens projectiles. That's it. Doesn't mean you can't camp.

You complain about characters with good pokes, but you want to play Third Strike. LOLOLOLOLOL.

I'm gonna go with Demetri on this one. Do you even play Street Fighter?
Thats why 3s > IV. Parrying destroys projectiles and only really makes them useful for combos. No, i'm complaining about characters with amazing projectiles AND good pokes. Which once again, if you actually READ what I said you would clearly see that I said not only are the top tiers amazing campers but other characters with good pokes (such as ken or abel) can't even compete because ryu and sagats pokes are retardedly good as well.

Oh yeah, and over 2,000 ranked points online. The average is about 1,200. I also play every character minus Dhalsim, Gen, Viper, and El Fuerte.

I wouldn't say SF4 necessarily takes more skill than 3S, but it doesn't really matter either way.

Projectiles aren't overpowered in SF4.
I'll agree with your first line. SF IV is more spacing while 3s is more technical.

I am excited for Tekken 6 next week.
Me too!!!!!!

altho i here blazblue is more about knocking the opponent down and proceeding from there since u have 3 options.
Yup, my roommate uses Rachel and knows like 3-4 combos with her. All I do is get him down on the ground as Ragna and just corner trap him and react and i win. lol. I once got him to the corner w half of his life and just beat him by reacting to his techs.

I think Blaz Blue is fun....nothing more. I personally find people to be riding Blaz Blues wang a bit too hard just because it was made by the same people as Guilty Gear. Don't get me wrong it has its perks....but its not "zomg so frrriggginn cool guys!" type of a game.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Thats why 3s > IV. Parrying destroys projectiles and only really makes them useful for combos. No, i'm complaining about characters with amazing projectiles AND good pokes. Which once again, if you actually READ what I said you would clearly see that I said not only are the top tiers amazing campers but other characters with good pokes (such as ken or abel) can't even compete because ryu and sagats pokes are retardedly good as well.
First of all, why does everybody think there's something wrong with projectiles? Why is c.mk xx SA2 over and over any more entertaining or interesting? Why is your definition of camping limited solely to projectiles? Hey, Marth has a sword! All he does is camp a sword's length away! Man it's so stupid/broken/********!

That isn't what you said, no matter how much you want it to be. And once again, SF4 is one of the most balanced fighters ever made. In 3S, Chun can literally beat 3/4 of the cast with only her normals. But hey, what do I know? You should just go **** Justin Wong with Ryu/Sagat/whoever you decide to complain about next and show everybody how broken and stupid SF4 is.

I'll agree with your first line. SF IV is more spacing while 3s is more technical.
I think it's more like 3S is more spacing, SF4 is more zoning.

At least we agree that BlazBlue is dumb.

I'm getting some tomorrow, for college of course, AND LEGALLY. So yea, I think my first experiment will be how it effects my smash gameplay. I'll start with the nubs from my high school. :D!
LOL. I read this part first and I thought you were talking about "getting some" in the sense of getting laid. It made the whole paragraph a lot funnier.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
Blazblue will have to get some years under its belt just as guilty gear has. If I were a blazblu fan I wouldnt worry, cuz if they do the same thing they did with GG they'll get themselves a competitive fighter with devastating 70% combos.

From what I've heard GG copyright was bought out from right under their feet. They had intentions to keep going and going with GG but since they couldnt use its name or char decided to start over and rebuild. hence blazblue

SWIFT You sir get 18 thumbs up for your Rockapella and WITWICS comment. I had Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego for DOS. It came with an encyclopedia. So friggin awesome.

I like seeing Dave post so much.
was sooo educational. Like after watching it I realized that if I kept watching it as a kid I may be have been 1337 with geography. I remember just liking to see them do the memory game thing, seeing the little animations of carmen and like robocrook and hearing rockpella chime in throughout the whole show.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
LOL. I read this part first and I thought you were talking about "getting some" in the sense of getting laid. It made the whole paragraph a lot funnier.
ROFL. DX Oh god no...I went to an all-guys High School.


But yea, wow, that did make it a lot funnier XD!


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
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