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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Know what other parts of Maggie Gyllenhaal were awesome?

I get it! cause I didn't like her in that movie! HILARIOUS!

EDIT: Also, I'm unclear as to your feelings on Garden State, did you find the characters selfish and douchey and hate it or was that just testing the waters with my feelings on the movie?

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I was testing the waters. Almost all the negative reviews I've read of Away We Go are really similar to negative thoughts on Garden State and some even mention the connection.
"I swear, if I see one more 'soulful' shot of a character sitting still, staring blankly into the camera to twee acoustic guitar music, I'm going to travel back in time and kill Zach Braff before Garden State ever happens." (-The Improper Bostonian)
These reviewers are soulless husks of human beings, never to know joy in their lives :)

I loved Garden State


Smash Cadet
Feb 6, 2007
Thats what She said
wabaku blows agasint glad beast

i havent seen the tf movie, i plan to today at some point. i hope it doesnt suck as much as every review says it does -.-


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
you troll like nobody's business ****ation
it's not a troll at all

if someone was expecting a godfather-like story, they're clearly watching the wrong movie

in fact, if you are expecting anything more than shiny robots turning into vehicles and a few cheesy lines, you are sorely mistaken already

transformers is what it is; it doesn't pretend to be some smart, deep, well thought out movie; it's giant dudes beating each other up, chasing each other around, and exploding

i don't see what sequelness has to do with it; the first movie followed the exact same formula

and i'm sick and tired of people just accusing others of being a troll simply when they have nothing else useful to say... you can choose not to respond if you don't have anything more useful or interesting to contribute

and you should still go learn what troll means

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
they are both robots and people; isn't that enough

If you'd bother to actually READ the link to the review I provided, you'd see that the FIRST THING he says is :
This isn't one of those negative reviews where the critic bemoans how stupid the big summer blockbuster is (although Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is stupid beyond belief. Screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman claim that Michael Bay locked them in a hotel room for a month to write this movie; they obviously spent 29 and a half days watching pay per view porn and ordering room service); those kinds of pans are from sticks in the mud who either don't get blockbuster films or who are fighting a battle we lost back in 1985. No, this is one of those negative reviews that looks at a two and a half hour movie about giant robots fighting each other and asks just one question:

How can this movie be so ****ing boring?
The point is TF2 fails even on it's own terms (those terms already being "dumb funny action movie")

There's nothing wrong with wanting movies to be good.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
my issue with Transformers had nothing to do with the plot being bad, it had everything to do with the movie spending 75% of the screen time to "develop" the "plot," when all I wanted to see was the god**** robots bashing the **** out of each other. I didn't care about Shilo Whatshisnuts, that blond chick, the fat black dude, anyone in the military, Meghan Fox, etc, I just wanted more Optimus Prime or even Jax.

Hey Connecticut, I <3 you guys.
<3 KevinM. Remember that time we played Melee? Good times.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
the first half was dumb but at least somewhat important

the second half was exactly what i expected

fact is, if it IS "a two and a half hour movie about giant robots fighting each other", then I'd be happy enough to actually see it before judging for myself how boring it is

and anyway, my original response was clearly at the "underdeveloped story // time spent on a sequel" angle

it just seems like two people are spouting opposing POVs (one says they didn't put in enough effort on the story, they probably just loaded it up with CG; the other says that no one cares about the story, we just want more CG) and you're expecting me to respond to and disagree with both simultaneously


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
that might've had something to do with seeing it in IMAX. I get disoriented and can't understand action in IMAX, and as such, don't get it's appeal... it's like being forced to sit in the front row, where **** is always happening in your peripheral vision.

I enjoyed the action in TF1.

PS. Sexy, I meant Jazz, I got his name mixed up since his sole purpose in the movie was to get ripped in half by Megatron.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
the first half was dumb but at least somewhat important

the second half was exactly what i expected

fact is, if it IS "a two and a half hour movie about giant robots fighting each other", then I'd be happy enough to actually see it before judging for myself how boring it is

and anyway, my original response was clearly at the "underdeveloped story // time spent on a sequel" angle

it just seems like two people are spouting opposing POVs (one says they didn't put in enough effort on the story, they probably just loaded it up with CG; the other says that no one cares about the story, we just want more CG) and you're expecting me to respond to and disagree with both simultaneously
I wasn't espousing either of those views was I? I'm definitely going to see it to make my own opinion but everything I've read from (very trusted) reviewers says it fails in every way, not just story.

that might've had something to do with seeing it in IMAX. I get disoriented and can't understand action in IMAX, and as such, don't get it's appeal... it's like being forced to sit in the front row, where **** is always happening in your peripheral vision.

I enjoyed the action in TF1.

PS. Sexy, I meant Jazz, I got his name mixed up since his sole purpose in the movie was to get ripped in half by Megatron.
Ah see that's weird because I saw Batman Begins in IMAX and the action was EASIER to decipher than in the regular theater. Hm.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
...and therefore i don't see why you'd get on my back for giving MY opinion (i don't care that you disagreed with me; i care that you went straight to 'troll' instead of just ignoring me if you didn't care what i thought)

...and i think i read somewhere that the action from batman begins was meant to be dark and confusing to reflect how dudes feel when batman comes upon you and beats the crap out of you... in which case, mission accomplished; it was still a great movie though


Smash Cadet
Feb 6, 2007
Thats what She said
i dont understand Imax, the screen is suppose to be so big that they concaved it so u can see everything, doesnt that screw with ur perciptions? (or am i mistaken on what imax screens are?)


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
i think it's supposed to make you feel like you're seeing more stuff and being in the moment by removing the 'i'm in a theater' sensation of a rectangular screen and heads in the way

i'm not a fan of imax for most things so i really don't care for that appeal though

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
...and therefore i don't see why you'd get on my back for giving MY opinion (i don't care that you disagreed with me; i care that you went straight to 'troll' instead of just ignoring me if you didn't care what i thought)

...and i think i read somewhere that the action from batman begins was meant to be dark and confusing to reflect how dudes feel when batman comes upon you and beats the crap out of you... in which case, mission accomplished; it was still a great movie though
Fair enough. I just see the "But it's SUPPOSED to be a dumb movie, what were you expecting war & peace lolololol" argument way too much to excuse utter crap movies. I'm not a big fan of completely turning off your brain during films but I can see how people are.

i dont understand Imax, the screen is suppose to be so big that they concaved it so u can see everything, doesnt that screw with ur perciptions? (or am i mistaken on what imax screens are?)
Have you ever been to one? Trust me it's pretty amazing. Films can now be shot in the IMAX ratio (I forget what it is) too. IE The opening of Dark Knight. The very first shot zooming over the rooftops in IMAX floored me even the 3rd time I'd seen it.


Smash Cadet
Feb 6, 2007
Thats what She said
cant recall honestly. i think i saw tf1 at an imax... i guess i just dont notice much of a difference because i havent been to a theater for a long time


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
with regards to Batman Begins, I think that was mission accomplished on the warehouse fight scene and was just confusing and annoying for the rest of the action scenes. IMAX sure didn't help any either, I found all the action in that movie, aside from said Warehouse scene, to be annoying and gave me a headache (zomg, ****ing train fight at the end... too many camera cuts and way too drastic camera cuts... there was no sneaking, it was just a fight scene, just show us the ****ing fight...).


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Actually, all of the action sequences in Dark Knight were filmed in IMAX. I saw it in IMAX the second time and it was pretty amazing, but no way in hell would I see T2 there based on that review Cog linked. Serriously, ONE shot at a time in IMAX? So you'd have the screen flip from widescreen to fullscreen for a split second. Holy **** Bay doesn't know what he's doing.

edit- Batman Begins was a great film, don't bash it.


Smash Cadet
Feb 6, 2007
Thats what She said
Actually, all of the action sequences in Dark Knight were filmed in IMAX. I saw it in IMAX the second time and it was pretty amazing, but no way in hell would I see T2 there based on that review Cog linked. Serriously, ONE shot at a time in IMAX? So you'd have the screen flip from widescreen to fullscreen for a split second. Holy **** Bay doesn't know what he's doing.

edit- Batman Begins was a great film, don't bash it.
did u see that south park episode when they asked micheal bay his advice? i think u would like it


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
did u see that south park episode when they asked micheal bay his advice? i think u would like it
lmao I don't watch South Park much, but I saw that and almost died laughing.

I will bash the water evaporator until the day I die
I will bash Garden State until the day I die. (jk I never saw it)

But seriously, Batman Begins was so good and cool in everything it did, even the water evaporator.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Yeah, but I don't know what Nolan is gonna do for a villain since it's just about impossible to outdo Heath Ledger. I trust the movie will be very good whenever he makes it, but I don't see how it'll ever live up to Dark Knight.


Smash Cadet
Feb 6, 2007
Thats what She said
i thought batman begins was not very exciting. like i didnt feel an erg to keep watching and see what happens.

has thumbs heard of who the villian in the 3rd would be? or in fact who the villian in spiderman 4 will be? :3


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
I would think that the movies people jack off to the thoughts of are ones that aren't in movie theaters.

Those and End of Evangelion of course which is like the greatest movie of all time GOSH


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I think Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were both overrated and not nearly as good as Thumbs thinks they were. Still good, don't get me wrong, but I don't jack off to the thought of either of those movies.
As far as the superhero genre goes, I think the Nolan Batman movies set the bar pretty high.

I need to find Mogwai's top 10 post. After this discussion I'd really like to see where your taste in movies lies.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I randomly want to post about music.

Ryan, I don't know how much you play guitar these days, but you should check this out.


The format of the website is terrible (page after page of monotonous and sometimes redundant b/w text, the main contributor's writing style is difficult to read for aforementioned reasons, limited explanation of the concepts discussed), but it's interesting to a guy (me) who has obsessed over tone for most of his tenure as a guitarist. Ctrl+F "objectives" if you want to know the gist of it.

There should be more good jazz versions of "Isn't She Lovely."

Silver Surfer for the NES contains the best music ever heard in a video game.

Also, I was listening to John Mayer when I wrote this. Get at me.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Dang epic Zoso post. I play and write mainly acoustic stuff these days. But that site is O_O
You should see my friend's band Caspian sometime

$5 Nolan will only produce and not direct Batman 3. I think he might even be done with that franchise... TDK & Ledger's death really wore him out.
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