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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
finally devoicing...would have been a nice tool back when everyone was asking for shoutouts, rofl.
but yeah...any idea if crew battles will go down or was there a consensus that it's too late? :o
Yea, I think they decided it was too late.

M2k killed Azen's Lucario all gay like.
=[ 63% Dair gimps? Eww...

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Dear CT

Im sorry for saying stupid things. A lot has been going on lately for me and I know that is pretty much no excuse for being such a tool. I find that playing smash is my only means of getting away and it serves as my only form of release. I know that early on when I first joined the community pretty much every one of my posts was god awful and I look back and realize that now. I also do realize that some of my current ones are pretty ******** or over the top as well.

I just recently had a family crisis and i've been different as of late. I'll put it this way to make it short-My brother is 26 and living at home. So what I'm trying to say is that sometimes when I'm with you guys or i'm online I say stupid **** and I'm sorry that I am this way on a regular basis. I mean well and I'm sure trademark, noodles, spawn, silas, brookman, SEXY, and aesir can see and understand that the most because I play with them the most and know them all pretty well. I've just been having a tough time lately and when I'm with you all I'm really happy and just get carried away with excitement (I'm sure DARC knows what im talking about. LOL) because I do not have to face the world that I dread so much each and everyday. I used to love being different from people...being away from them. Now, I can't stand it.

I love you guys,


(Oh yeah, and that includes thumbs, cogsmooch, zoso, kevinm, dazwa, darc, skler, etc)


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
yah sonic now a days is a shadow of his former greatness... why can't i just run around really fast, collect

rings and beat up a fat old guy, what happend to those days
i feel like hes making a comeback.

but i feel like nothing will ever beat S3&K
that game is wayyyyy too good.

even the music! micheal jackson tore up that soundtrack, i have the whole thing on my mp3 player.
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