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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Cadet
Sep 25, 2008
It's $20 for both ways basically. Might be like $18. All I know is it's close to $20. I usually go to the New Haven station from/to NY.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
<3 DD

expect shoutouts tommorow. im leaving community till i get down to 200 pounds


Smash Cadet
Sep 25, 2008
Omg, same here Papito. We should totally chill sometime. I'm busy like every weekend this month though. :(


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I assure you that I bear you no ill will, DD.
Disgaea Multiplayer is basically chess. This time though, we use smaller maps, unlke Adv Wars.
Smaller maps put you right into the action! Yea!

And make mages with OP AoE Spells super deadly.

Then again, if you don't get your mages to level 200, then you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Someone has captured the awesome essence of CogSmooch in webcomic form:

My 3k post is taking way too long. Bleh.
Psh. Feel the pain.

<3 DD

expect shoutouts tommorow. im leaving community till i get down to 200 pounds
>_> Why would you do that?
Leave us that is.

Who's shipped something overseas before? (Caribbean Islands)

I need someone's help, urgently.
o.o What are you shipping?
>_> And why to the CI's?

P.c. Chris

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2005
Port Chester Stadium
Darc i might be in Maine at the end of october :D for a weekend. i forgot where but i know it's like 20 mins from your town lol, is their public transportation in maine LOL? maybe i can play you and dazwa for a bit while im there.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
Darc i might be in Maine at the end of october :D for a weekend. i forgot where but i know it's like 20 mins from your town lol, is their public transportation in maine LOL? maybe i can play you and dazwa for a bit while im there.
I don't know of any kind of public transportation, but we might be able to pick you up =3


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
The incredibleness that is my 3 year anniversary and 3000th post.

So yeah, I decided I would take anyone I like that’s posted in the CT thread and shoutout to them. If you didn’t post in the CT thread, I’m not shouting you out, however, I will shout out to you if you ask me to.
Guys, it’s been quite one hell of a 3 years. All the new people I’ve met have been so cool. Hanging out with the old people is still incredible. I gotta get drunk with all you guys and play smash lol. Thanks for everyone helping me get better. I’m glad I’ve made some of you better at Melee /points at Garrett. Time to do mah shoutouts. I did it in “who posted?” order because when I was finished, I was like **** putting it into sections… and my 3 year anniversary was almost over lol.

Cort Thanks for making me better at this melee game. LOL at me coming over and you 3 stocking me like every match in Brawl. That game is terrible. Melee for lyfe *****. When I get a new car I’m definitely going to start going to your house on Thursdays so we can keep that melee skill goin’. I’ll see you at Esticle guaranteed though, haha. I’m sorry how big of a scrub I was in the beginning of the smash career. I just wanted to get good at Melee instantly and that’s clearly not how this game works. You’re funny drunk. I need to drink with you so we can have lulz together.

Khaly - <3 <3 Lol @ us trying to figure out stoichiometry. That was sooo hard haha. That one night I like added 200 posts to you was awesome. We’ve had some great times. I gotta teach you some more Fox techs so you can just instantly learn them and **** everyone. **** Asians for learning melee so fast.

_V_ - Steveee!!! My loveeeee. I haven’t seen you in agessss. We gotta change that. Drunken fox dittos ftw LOL. Also I just tried Keystone and I liked it. Thanks!!! Hooray for getting drunk for dirt cheap… considering what I’ve been buying. Haha. Maybe when I get my new car I’ll drive all the way to your crazy party school. You’re farther than like 2 states from me! LOL.

trademark0013 - What up bro? Wanna hang sometime and I’ll bring the gc and the giant black dildos? Oh wait I won’t need to bring those ohhhhhh. Haha, you’re too good man. I can’t wait to start travelin’ with Kaiba Corp. Hooray I’m in TSA now!!.. aka I’m not a scrub.

NusCirtap - <3 Nus. You’re so metro, haha. You and you’re pink pajamas and tight white shirt at Ctcon. You looked really good as a DN character though. We’ve had a lot of good times my friend. I love hanging out with you. No need to have smash when having fun. Thanks for all the tips you’ve given me throughout life. You’ve been really helpful and a true friend. I hope to hang out with you again sometime soon.

Brookman OMG BROOKMANGZZZ/MIKE!!!! You’ve been a great friend throughout the years. Can talk to you about anything. For melee, you’re always like, “No don’t do that you’re stupid.” I love you man. Your lady tips are top tier haha. **** you for getting me sick at Garrett’s though XD. You’re Squirtle dance was super top tier when Brawl first came out. Good **** figuring out how terrible of a game it was practically instantly. You gotta have another one of those smashfests… I think it was festicle where Canada was there. That was my hugest jump in skill I think. Anyways, I love you good times. I’ll hang out with you again sometime soon. <3

Peanut Butter and Jam - <3 My Jamil. I’m still scared to death of Gabriel. He’s already smarter than like all human beings (picking up a gc controller at that age good ****). Thanks for revising like all my papers man. I’m really sorry about all that, I just like getting good grades lol. I’m going to have to come to your house sometime and play some more melees. I’m scurred of your cg. :o

Dazwa- The Dazzzzzzz. Fellow Blade Breaker and fellow lollervater person. Also, omg @ me watching and enjoying 2 matches of brawl. You vs KDJ was intensseeeee. It wasn't campy, it was just amazing. ZSS is too good minus forward smash. And now the suspense is gone, haha. Man I love hanging out with you so much. The first time we hung out when I was in Maine with family and then we all talked about this random weird **** like dildos on tvs and stuff. Lol Larx is odd haha. I loved playing you guys for like 8 hours straight. Too ****ing good. When Jake drove to Maine I had such a good time chillin' with you there haha. I played like 2 matches of Brawl when Jake drove us there and I was bored from it. LOL. Megaman shoulda been in that game... speaking of which thanks for letting me borrow it. That game is so hard. I don't think I'll ever beat it. T_T Teach me the trixies to winningzorz that game!




Prince Of Fire




Solid Jake












P.c. Chris



DrSuper - I love you for giving me all this techno. You're so awesome. You're a mad chill person. Our Kirby dittos were tooooo goood. We should play again. I'd love to hang out with you sometime and not play smash. Just like discuss how amazing techno is. I bet if I went to your school for a day we'd have so much fun.

Cat Fight



Tom nom nom nom!






Smooth Criminal


KevinM - Mr. Kevin Morrissey, I am in your family. We should go **** some *****es and ****. Now you got the suspense oh ****. I'm dead tired dude. G'night.

Nite - I miss you Brandon. <3 I think I’m going to GA over Thanksgiving break, you should come to a tournament if GA has one. :o I wanna play your gayass Falco again, haha. Our aim convos and manhugs are the best in the worlds.

Aiser - Ah Demetri. First person I played competitively. You’ve seen how gay I am from the start. It’s been a great 3 years man. We suck in teams haha. Some day we’ll be the best in the worlds lol. We’ve had way too many good times. My house, remember we would always get wings. That was incredible. Our Link vs Doc matches were amazing too. We should do those again for the lulz. I wanna see your new improved Marth from MM.

Mogwai - You got a meannn Falco. Good job ****** everyone in crews at PoF’s. We need to do some more Sheik vs Falco. Too bad we live so far away. L

Plairnkk- Lol I used to idolize you haha. Those were the days. Thanks for getting me into a whole bunch of good music and giving me a ton of Sheik knowledge.

JC76 - I miss you. L

NinjaLink- Good **** on meatridin’ and stuff. Sorry for not making your shoutout too good but I was kind of working on it forever and like when I did yours I was about to go eat with some friends so yeah. /johns. I wish I was going to LLHS 2 so I could see you and hang out with you. You seem mad friendly and funny on the boards. I'd love to play you in melee and... maybe Brawl, haha, we'll see.

Mew2King - Thanks for playing me in the hotel at Smashtaclysm. L You’re stronger than me (remember when we wrestled in Lilian’s car). I challenge you in 2 months! It’s on. Would you mind if I came to NJ to play melee with you sometime? Let me know when you’re free haha. You’re never online. Give me your cell phone!

PRlNCE OF FIRE - Ahhh Garrett. I’m sorry I kept asking for mm’s the first time you saw me post. That was actually the first time I asked for a whole bunch of mm’s at a tournament LOL. You are awesome. Your house is top tier for all the **** you have. I owe you my life so bad LOL. I got my wii hacked thanks to you. You drove me everywhere. You picked me up FROM MY HOUSE. I’m missing LLHS2. I should just live in North Haven and let you have your way with me forever LOL. We’ll play some more pool man. I’ve been getting better, haha. I’m really glad I drove to your house that one night. We’ve become really tight friends man. I wish we had gone to that party when we picked Brookman up on the way. I can’t wait to hang out with you more man. You’ve been getting much better at this melee game and definitely have been progressing at posting. Good **** on thinking before you post. I’ll see you at Esticle and we’ll have our buttsecksss. (Sorries Sleepy, I’m a *****.)

Skler - Ahhh Skyler. I’m glad your roommate doesn’t randomly wake up in the middle of the night screaming war stuff LOL. BB’s for life. You’re amazing at rock paper scissors, I’m scccurrreeddd of you. We should play more friendlies. Make sure you tell me next time you’re going to a party with laced cookies and stuff. I will kill you if you don’t Also, I want in on the bombarding threads with posts.

Nesskid -Your Ice Climbers are too good. Also the PC Devil Went Down To Georgia song you made was amazziinnnggg. <3 I misses you. You should l2yoyoglitch because it's awesome.

Warrior of Zarona- My name is Spawn. LOL Ahhh Wozzy. I remember when you came all the way to CT just for a CT rankingfest. That was awesome. You like ***** me haha. I wanna see you again. Thanks to you and Lil I watched reactions to Two Girls One Cup. That was funny. I was going to join in on the Happy bday to you at Cataclysm 2 but I didn't know you then, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.

Chubs/Louis- What up Louis. You're awesome. Thanks for getting me into TTGL, too facking good. LOLOL Love love suitttt. Hanging out with you at CTcon was soooo much fun. White controllers ftw. I'm going to call you past 9pm sometime so it'll be free and stuff.

Zettai Kurayami - Ah, ZK, I haven't seen you in a while. Where've you been mang. Come back to the smash scene!!!

-Marc- - How would I be you without you?

Sadaharu Inui - Thanks for giving the smash community Inui logic.

asianinvasion - You're awesome and I know you won't see this. Just wanted to acknowledge you haha.

~omega~ - We had a lot of good times. You should come back to the smash community.

jvsmooth - Jason, I love you. You've helped me out of a pretty bad situation man. Tells you who your real friends are. I wanna go partying or something with you. Our TLs dittos are amazing haha. We should start playing more since I'm not far from you on Tuesday and Thursday. I'm in West Hartford. We'll chill some day.

Banks - Fellow Sheik main and fellow Sheik forum poster who knows what he's talking about, good ****. We should play more but not Sheik dittos because those are the gayest thing in the world. Melee for life.

Lock - Ahhhh Dave. You argue too much. When I say I win you're like No, when I say I lose you're like No. Haha, I've had a lot of good times with you man. Thanks for using your guest passes on me. You should definitely spend a much longer time at college so we can have more fun times. You're an awesome person and I'm going to miss you when you leave Uconn. What am I supposed to do for my smash fix/Lock fix? We should play chess again.

Redman061 - Thanks for holding all those tournaments and stuff.

phish-it - You're awesome.

Heart Break Kid -MM? Oh **** we're already doing one.

Boxman X - Mista Boxman, you're awesome. That was awesome hanging out with you in Maine. Wonderful stories that were told. I want to watch you while you go get them there lobsters in the summer. Hah. Sometime we'll team Mewtwo Pika and do the sacred crazy combo. People won't know what to think, they'll probably just sd or something because they'll be completely lost.

Scar - I've only played your Falcon once. It's really fun to watch. Thanks for doing the moonwalk in training mode.

moregeospls - <3 My Geos/Carington. That was a really awesome plane ride back to CT. Good **** on liking MSI.

Silent Wolf - You should go to LLHS 2 at PoF's house even though he insulted you. I can't wait to play you some day.

Sol- I haven't played you and your from NY. We should change that.

KDJ-You're good at Melee. Good ****. Remember when I beat your Marth as Sheik in a friendly set, then Saturday at MM in 1 stock, you ***** me. Good times. I can't believe you beat 4 stocks of Eggm and 4 stocks of whoever he teamed with by yourself. Good ****.

Cactuar-You're good at Melee. Good ****.

omegablackmage -Ahhh, Cory. A mage. That was amazing playing Brawl at your house. Back when Jake was bad, haha. Now he ***** everyone. I remember when I could sometimes beat you, those were the good old days. Nice job picking up on that game so quickly. We've had a lot of good times. The chinese restaurant, various excursions. So good.

g-regulate - You play Falcon lol. It looks pretty.

Magus420 - You know way to much about every single thing in Melee. Good ****.

The King- Good **** posting in this thread. You've made a lot of really good posts on how to get better and it's really helped me. Thanks.

malva00- Isayuhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for posting in this thread. You're really good at smash64. We should play at that game sometime even though I don't know you.

DaShizWiz-Thanks for posting in this thread. You're cool and really technical.

N64- I know you're not going to read this, but you're awesome. Remember when we played forever at like Cataclysm 2? Good times. You taught me how to be really gay in this game. ZOSO THIS IS WHY I GOT THE CARNIVAL OF GAYNESS. I remember you were like Sheik ***** Pikachu just chaingrab and then afterwards you were like, good **** and were like, do that from now on when you wanna win.

WanyeKest - Your post was really funny. Good ****. As KevinM would say, "Yup, still funny/amazing."

Yagami Light - Lol you're a terrible person. You're still cool though.
Shouldn't have been caught at the end you scrub.

McFox- Thanks for being on this forum so I can use the whole my browser is better than yours. Double posting ftw thanks to you.

MasterOfFlames- Thanks for housing PC and I. Getting pizza at your place and playing smash all night was amazing. We are amazing in teams... once I realized I have to stay back while you **** the **** out of everyone haha. I wish we had gotten to chill by your fireplace, Chris made it sound amazzzzing.

The Super Cort Brothers-ROFL http://smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=4972517&postcount=39651

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
**** you Darc!

PRlNCE OF FIRE - Ahhh Garrett. I’m sorry I kept asking for mm’s the first time you saw me post. That was actually the first time I asked for a whole bunch of mm’s at a tournament LOL. You are awesome. Your house is top tier for all the **** you have. I owe you my life so bad LOL. I got my wii hacked thanks to you. You drove me everywhere. You picked me up FROM MY HOUSE. I’m missing LLHS2. I should just live in North Haven and let you have your way with me forever LOL. We’ll play some more pool man. I’ve been getting better, haha. I’m really glad I drove to your house that one night. We’ve become really tight friends man. I wish we had gone to that party when we picked Brookman up on the way. I can’t wait to hang out with you more man. You’ve been getting much better at this melee game and definitely have been progressing at posting. Good **** on thinking before you post. I’ll see you at Esticle and we’ll have our buttsecksss. (Sorries Sleepy, I’m a *****.)

I Love you Marc


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I teamed with G-reg at Chu's biweekly yesterday and we *****. His Snake is ****ing scary man. I think Diddy Snake is an amazing team. Diddy racks up the damage quick and Snake kills them easily.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
DD, I can guarantee you my post is going to be about 3x as long as yours.
>_> Yea. Too bad only a sentence of it was for me >:[.


Darc i might be in Maine at the end of october :D for a weekend. i forgot where but i know it's like 20 mins from your town lol, is their public transportation in maine LOL? maybe i can play you and dazwa for a bit while im there.
LOL Public transit anywhere in Non-City NE?
Maybe a moose ride?


WAIT A TIC- My shout out wasn't even a complete sentence!


Smash Cadet
Sep 25, 2008
Yeah, so there're still some more people I'm going to be shouting out to. I didn't want to rush it and give ****ty shoutouts to the people that deserved better ones. So it's like a half now... break for math hw, I'll be finished by this morning though. Really sorry about that people.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Dazwa- Omg I actually like watching a match of brawl thanks to you. You vs KDJ was intensseeeee. It wasn't campy, it was just amazing. tbc math hw johns
lol, not only did I get a shoutout that means a lot to me, I got one with suspense

i should have gotten you that copy of Spawn for the SNES at GU yesterday, cause you're too good (as is SNES)

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
uh I'm pretty sure I invented Inui logic, I just gave him credit.

maybe one day he can return the favor. well inui, what will dazwa logic be?
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