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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
How obnoxious. No offense but I don't think anyone cares THAT much about what you want or don't want to go by. You generally don't get to pick your own nicknames anyway. I believe the tournament will be the 25th We're thinking either Melee singles or crews I believe.
Is that what its about?
>_> I just call the kid Poffy of PoF or Garrett if I sit down long enough to remember that is his real name.
I'm probably bringing my little brother and/or my friend with me on Sunday.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I personally enjoyed the short story, Jam.

And as far as anime goes:

Fate/Stay Night was pretty good. I just finished it up a couple of days ago. Thumbs' recommendation isn't without merit; the ending was one of the better ones that I've seen in a while. The sum of the rest of its parts, however, was also good but nothing fabulous.

Thumbs/DD, ya'll need to watch Xam'd: Lost Memories. It's by the same studio/writers that did Darker Than Black (also another good one you might wanna watch, Baka).

Smooth Criminal
Yeah I've heard Darker Than Black is real good so I'm going to check both of those out.

No anime has made me laugh harder.
*cough* Fumoffu *cough*

>_> Don't worry, I already did that.
Next step is make sure she is never in the kitchen, where certain sharp objects are kept.

>_> I liked school days for all the tension, and
I hated that,
he ****ed every ****ing chick in his class. Made NO SENSE that they all liked him. Oh well, it just made the ending that much more enjoyable :)


How obnoxious. No offense but I don't think anyone cares THAT much about what you want or don't want to go by. You generally don't get to pick your own nicknames anyway. I believe the tournament will be the 25th We're thinking either Melee singles or crews I believe.
I turn 21 on the 25th :p


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Ahhhh what, it turns out I saw the director's cut of Alien last night ****, even Ridley Scott said he prefered the theatrical version. God**** it all. Now I have to see the original.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Are you guys for real?

I IN NO WAY intended that or meant that to come off as being rude or whatever and you guys feel the urge to be ***** about it? Give me a break.

I just don't really like the sound of it....its not a big deal.

By the way-SPAWNS coming over tonight and we're getting wasted and playing smash. Be jealous. VERY jealous....


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I'd go back 150 250 a lot of pages and look for the post where you thank Silas for making the nickname Poffy because you like the sound of it.

But I don't feel like it.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I IN NO WAY intended that or meant that to come off as being rude or whatever and you guys feel the urge to be ***** about it? Give me a break.
Stop bashing your face on the keyboard and posting the results and maybe people will try to take you seriously.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Sandra's mother is all about torturing her it would seem.

>_> Her brother was getting yelled at, so he told her parents that she talks with me on the phone until like, 1am, which doesn't REALLY happen, cause she falls asleep on the phone at like 12, so I just sit there making her talk in her sleep.

<_< I actually got her to almost fall off her bed once already by saying, "Honey, could you move over for me? I need some room."


So she was getting wailed at about that, and then her mother goes off on some crazy tangent about how I don't really care about her/only there to use her/my parents hate her/my parents are letting me use her because they know there will be other girls/shes probably just going to end up pregnant/etc. just to get on her nerves.

>_> Personally, it makes me a teenie tiny bit pissed the **** off, cause like, no one defends her, and if she tries to defend herself she'll get yelled at even more.

@_@ So uh, nothing is going to be more fun for me than proving her mother wrong >:p.

<_< I mean, I could handle it if the mother was like, actually mean to me too...but when I was taking Sandra to the movies a few weeks ago, she walked up to me while I was waiting for Sandra and she was like, "Oh, Nick, please drive carefully, because Sandra is my only daughter and I love her very much, so please drive carefully, okay? I don't want her to get hurt or anything."

>_< Ugh.

>_> It hurts a lot to know that Sandra is hurting.

@_@ Then I feel like its my fault...

Gnite CT.

lol...why did I even post this?
It's surprising how much we trust and feel comfortable with our community. Most people here post when they're having a bad day. It relieves the mind and makes us (person posting) feel good. Especially when we get advice from other people. Good times. I haven't really been in relationships because I'm a dork, so sorry for no advice. XD

bracket **** is stressful lol. one of my biggest tourny worries. im pretty much done with tournies though, until/if i ever get good in melee.
Dustin, don't worry about not doing well in melee tournaments. I always got like last place when I first started. The only real way you can get better is to get used to the tournament setting (not get nervous... I still do, but I'm trying not to. It's hard T_T) and play lots of friendlies with players better than you. Playing people better than you helps a lot because it motivates you like, oh ****, I don't wanna get ***** anymore and also you learn so many more tricks that they do. You end up adapting to not fall for certain things. Like, you always use your second jump like right away. When I was fox, I was like, "LOL free shine spike lulz lulz lulz." You'll figure it out.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
XD Yeah. I'd do it like 1/12 times... and that'd be the only thing I'd do in a match. Cort would be like, don't play fox ever again... just play Sheik. >_> ROFL

Ahh good times. Now I only do it when the person dies. XD Or if the person is trying to outcamp me... doesn't work too well for them... unless it's Falco... stupid freaking turkey.

Steve, I misses you. We needs to play drunken melee/melee. When do you come to CT? Depending on when you come back or not, I may visit you. Probably come back Falco day, as the next time, right?


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
It's surprising how much we trust and feel comfortable with our community. Most people here post when they're having a bad day. It relieves the mind and makes us (person posting) feel good. Especially when we get advice from other people. Good times. I haven't really been in relationships because I'm a dork, so sorry for no advice. XD

Dustin, don't worry about not doing well in melee tournaments. I always got like last place when I first started. The only real way you can get better is to get used to the tournament setting (not get nervous... I still do, but I'm trying not to. It's hard T_T) and play lots of friendlies with players better than you. Playing people better than you helps a lot because it motivates you like, oh ****, I don't wanna get ***** anymore and also you learn so many more tricks that they do. You end up adapting to not fall for certain things. Like, you always use your second jump like right away. When I was fox, I was like, "LOL free shine spike lulz lulz lulz." You'll figure it out.
yea, youd already be dairing with falco and i jump straight into it, ill try to play smarter next time we play lol

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
nice story @ jam!! i missed it! dustin just linked me =)
I'll re-post for this page in case anyone else missed it:

Fan Service
By Jamil Ragland

I squinted through my bent glasses at the glowing computer screen. They didn't help; I couldn't make out the grids and letters from the back of the line. I sighed to myself. The optometrist had been pretty and young, so I believed her when she said that my eyesight could have been corrected if the problem had been caught early. But now I could barely see ten feet in front of me. The lights were off in Digital Mayhem, like always, and that didn't help. I still hadn't figured out why people liked playing videogames in the dark.

"Who are you playing first round?" Jason asked me, carrying a Coke in one hand and his standard silver controller in the other. It was the one with the Peach sticker on it.

"I don't know, man. I can't see the damn brackets from here. I gotta wait until all the riffraff clears out."

"They'll probably be calling matches by then."

"Yeah. Whatever."

I stood back, surveying the mass of bodies that oscillated back and forth, but didn't really move. I recognized a few faces. Marc was talking to Jake and Mike Gayle, while Paul and Mike Brookman were studying the bracket. Justin and George were playing friendlies already, warming up for their first round matches. Crap.

There were alot of faces I didn't recognize either. A short, ruddy kid with dark brown hair was eating a Snickers bar, talking to himself in between bites. There was a fat man sprawled out across the tired black leather sofa, his black controller hanging lazily off the cushion and onto the floor. He was staring longingly at Lillian, who's head was resting gently on Dustin's shoulder. I missed my wife and son. They'd gone to the beach with her friend today so that they wouldn't be stuck in the house. Funny, I was the one who wanted to come out today, and I was the one trapped within four walls.

I knew that I had to watch out for the people I knew, but even more, I had to watch out for the people I didn't know. Too many times before the day had ended in frustration. As the sun fell lower into the earth, pouring it's last red light through the front windows, I was always shielding my eyes to watch someone else's match. There'd always be some kid or some matchup I hadn't anticipated; some counterpick I hadn't trained for, but usually I just plain fucked up. It was like a math equation or something. The later it got in the day, the less likely you were to see me playing.

"Hey Jam!" I turned to see Sean standing behind me. His hair was down in his eyes, and his gray t-shirt matched his controller.


"You gotta play PC first round man!"

"Yeah, I know." But I hadn't known. Why me? I thought this bracket was seeded! If there was a such thing as an internal sigh, I'm sure I did it. Another $30 down the drain, and a missed trip to the beach. Was this worth it?

I moved through the crowd, bumping into some people as I tried to avoid others. The TVs were all taken, crowded around and piled on by the legions of the faithful. I could hear two kids behind me talking about strategies, what stages to pick against which character, what to do at what percentage. What's your counterpick for sucking, I wanted to ask them.

"Attention everyone!" The Digital Mayhem employee with the beard and balding ponytail yelled. "At this time, please end all friendly matches, we're about to start." My heart was pounding into my hands, rattling the analog stick. I knew I should have bought a new one. "On TV one, we have Cort versus Roman! On TV two, we have V versus Nus!" The room erupted in applause and cheers.

"The fated battle!"

"JV six-stock him, Steve!"

"Patric, use your Asian powers!"

Fox only, Final Destination, I thought smiling. I should just throw my match and go watch theirs. It would definitely be more interesting than what was about to happen to me.

"On TV eight... PC Chris versus Jam Stunna!" It always caught me off guard to hear someone use my full handle. For a second I thought that I'd lucked out and someone had changed the bracket. Nevermind, I'm Jam Stunna. Crap.

"You ready?" Jason asked me, his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. Let's get this over with."


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
Cog I remember Saturday morning anime on Sci-fi... I used to watch it every weekend when I was a kid. That's where I was exposed to the world of anime outside of Toonami (and before Toonami was even on I believe).

I also used to watch Sunday morning MST3K on Sci-fi, which was amazing as well.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
^^Hahaha that's sic. I still want to meet up with people tomorrow is ANYONE free?

Garrett you just shouldn't post things like that it's just horribly annoying and. Instead if someone calls you that just say "hey can you not call me that I really don't like it." I'm sure they'll oblige :0)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Darc at NFB3 you told me to try and do weird stuff with Marth that people wouldn't expect to get better with him and I took your advice and it works well so thanks :0) haha sorry I know it's random.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
^Yeah, so do I...im not saying that I didnt like it at the time....I don't know.....I just think its childish.

By the way-My avatar is top tier.

I got some really sick avatars backed up to that I found on the internet. Took me some digging though.
>_> ...
Yea, cause like, when you're playing a video game competitively with friends, clearly the first thing on your mind is being labeled with a name to clearly identify you as the adult you clearly are.
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