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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I agree with this very much about the atmosphere and the wedding quest and such. And it's funny too cause all the people don't really talk about it too much at first or they at least joke about it and you can see the conditions of everything get worse and more desperate as the days go on and the way they foreshadow it is great. It isn't however one of my favorites. I thought Link's awakening was probably the worst but still good obviously and then probably Wind Waker. It wasn't that fun for me but I loved the storyline. I think Zelda 2 is great. Such a challenge.

Anyone feel like playing on wifi?
I'll play a few


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
listen to metal fingers
Hi pplz!

yeah, I would rather play games on their original systems
controller in hand rather than "qwerty" here

I would not enjoy life w/o meat

nana I'd like to but I'm currently wii-less :/

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Noodles-Before you make assumptions about what happened maybe you should consult me first?

I lost my phone and could not find it this morning...by the time I found it it was 12:30 and I simply did not have time to go and pick you up and make it to jams by 1:00. I wanted to get there on time to make my trip up there worth it considering that they usually kick us out at around 4:30.

Sorry, when have I ever DITCHED you or ****ed you over? Never. Besides, there were no Brawl setups today, only Melee and my Smash 64 :)


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
I lost my phone and could not find it this morning...by the time I found it it was 12:30 and I simply did not have time to go and pick you up and make it to jams by 1:00. I wanted to get there on time to make my trip up there worth it considering that they usually kick us out at around 4:30.
(see my avatar)
And good luck, Trademark.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
yeah, I would rather play games on their original systems
controller in hand rather than "qwerty" here
You can circumvent this quite a number of ways. USB controllers (either PC-based, or there's also the option of using a 360 controller), or using an adapter so you can plug a controller type of your choosing (you'll need the right adapter, however) will let you played emulated games on your PC with a controller.

The adapters shouldn't be too expensive either, the USB adapter I've been using for my PS2 controller was only $5 and has worked like a charm for quite a few years.

EDIT: I'm still loving Final Fantasy IV. But I ****ing hate Rainbow Puddings.

**** Rainbow Puddings.

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
Majora's Mask is the best Zelda, then Wind Waker, then OoT, then LttP, then all the rest. :"p

I'm buying a new DS for Pokemon Platinum, FFIV, and Ragnarok DS because they will be/are the best DS games... maybe ASH too. :"}

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Majora's Mask is the best Zelda, then Wind Waker, then OoT, then LttP, then all the rest. :"p

I'm buying a new DS for Pokemon Platinum, FFIV, and Ragnarok DS because they will be/are the best DS games... maybe ASH too. :"}

I think the only thing we'll ever agree on is that Snake is fun in Brawl. Majoras Mask? Are you kidding me dude? Arguably the worst Zelda creation to ever hit stores.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2008
Green Greens with Roy
I woke up around 10:30ish and went to the living room to play this game called wild arms. I just beat this one spider boss that kept using poison and almost killing me. After that I got bored of the game so I went back to my room and used my laptop. I looked up on facebook to see what's new and it turned out that this girl is now in a relationship with someone. I tried to figure things out because she told me that she was going on a road trip to New york sometime last week and she was coming back yesterday so there wouldn't have been time to get a boy friend. It seems that she didn't go on the road trip and she was just partying all week and didn't tell me about it. I asked my friend who she was going out with and he said that she was going out with Darc's replacement (if anything ever happens to Darc, I took action and found a replacement for him so that his spot won't be missed) and I sort of flipped when I heard that because she hated him for the longest time. I tried to get to the bottom of things and around 10 at night she told me it was a joke. For some reason I have this phase where I like this one girl and each time I'm about to ask her out she goes into a relationship. yesterday i got tired of waiting so yesterday I got tired of waiting so I asked her out anyways. At first it was kind of awkward but after the awkwardness I started to ask her questions about dating and sex. I found that she doesn't like doggy style or french kissing. she only has two styles which are to ride on top or just go in missionary....(i was just thinking if I should be posting this but I guess I will since I have nothing better to do) She doesn't like butt sex and she thinks that Butts are fat and butty. She some how figured out I liked her through a metaphor where I said she was a sunken ship at sea and she was no longer rideable. It was about 2:45 AM when i finish up talking to her and this other girl gets on and her status says "where are you, it's already 2:45" so I IM her and say "sorry, I'm late" and she laughs and said she was waiting for her boy friend. I tell her that she shouldn't have to wait and if he loves you then he'll find her. she then logged off and went to bad and I was bored so I streamed the internet. I came across this one site called myspace. There are tons of people on it so I get cracking at it. I sent this girl a friend request and she sends me a message asking who i was. I click reply and it says only her friends can send her messages. It was pretty stupid so I let her be and start to look at people's blogs. this one blog made me laugh. It asked random questions if the person worked and she replied "no, but I have two job interviews later this month. One at shaws and the other at LL.Bean." they also asked if you tell your best friend everything. I laughed at this because I don't tell my so called best friend even half the things that happen. After I finished reading all the answers she gave I looked up at her name and figured out it was Solar's girlfriend and She's going to his house today. Today I woke up around 6:30 and took out the trash and went on to smashboards and started to type some random stuff that sort of happened but not really sure. Today's woot is Westinghouse 32” LCD HDTV for 399.99 + 5 for shipping and handling. I hoping to go to the next connecticut tourney so if someone could inform me of when it is later down the road and/or help me with traveling issues that would be great.
sincerely Eric "larx" G.

P.S. On myspace this one girl named jaki said her birthday was on 9/6 and it just reminded me of that one year where Dazwa started this "it's Eric's birthday" thing and then every 6th they would say it's my birthday. When it got to 9/6 they yelled that it was my birthday and she was upset because it was her birthday and no one said happy birthday to her except for me. She hates me now and said that I'm ******** and am awkward to talk to. She might have not thought this if that joke never started. but I got a happy birthday pin out of it so it's all coool.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
actually james started that

i just kinda

promoted it? not sure >_>

edit: wtf is that the same jaki im thinking of?

edit2: wtf i could just be talking to you on aim

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
They have a lot of farms listed that are humane to the animals, yet not that many people know of all the places they can get the meat from. Instead of trying to "convert" them by showing them the disgusting videos, you could just show them that link begin with to show them that if they still want to eat meat (since it's their choice, not yours), then there are at least some good alternatives.
Nah, I'll stick with the whole promoting vegetarian thing first, because as you yourself said, even though you do try to eat humane:
I admit that I do eat at a Wendy's or a McDonald's when there's nothing else available and I'm short on cash, but nobody's perfect.
it's really not that hard to be "perfect" about not eating bad meat; if it's not humane, don't eat it. :)

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
I think the only thing we'll ever agree on is that Snake is fun in Brawl. Majoras Mask? Are you kidding me dude? Arguably the worst Zelda creation to ever hit stores.
Yeeeeaaaah... uh, not gonna go there. :"p

BTW, is there some kinda con coming up in MA in November?


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
He's 18 iirc.
>_> He's got a year on me, that's how I know.
The only Zelda games I played were Wind Waker, OoA, OoS, LttP, Link's Awakening, and TP.
<.< Of them, TP is the only one I didn't finish.

Also; I'm not sure if I should LOL @ Eric's post.
>_< I read all of it though, and the colored letters threw me off.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Twilight Princess was so disappointing in so many ways. Also, someone on another forum put my feelings about Majora's Mask into words much more eloquently than I ever could, so I'll let him do the talking:

IronKnuckle said:
To me the biggest part of this game, and the reason it's my favorite of the series, is the overwhelming sense of not belonging. You're a stranger there, it's not your world. Nothing is how it should be. It's rather subtle in general, but it's just different enough to make you feel paranoid. It's a haunting game, and all the more beautiful for it. You go through the game, resetting the days so often that you become very detached from everything. Nothing you do matters. None of the interactions you experience with the characters will be remembered. You meet them again and again, watching them go about their daily business. The town mayor caught in between two groups bickering about the festival. The gang of kids laughing and playing as the world ends. The town guards solemnly standing at their posts as the moon falls on their city and consumes all in flame. The girls from the farm devastated after aliens kidnap their cows and destroy their livelihood. The sorrowful bride-to-be reunited with her transformed lover, happy enough just to be finally together even though they both will die in an hour.

And then, you play a song. And it all begins again. They don't remember anything. The carpenters go back to complaining. The postman makes his rounds. All are oblivious. But you, you remember everything. The silent protector of the world, forced to relive these tragedies again and again.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I never beat Majora's Mask. I got all the way to the end (had almost all the masks) and my friend asked for it back because he wanted to play it again. Shortly after I gave it back to him, he somehow dropped it in his pool and my file was erased. I had only the final boss to play and the only mask I needed was the Couple's Mask in order to get Fierce Diety. Before I ever played the game, maybe 2 years beforehand, I had seen another friend of mine spend 3 hours attempting to get the Couple's Mask. My god, I remember how insane it was. On his last try, he did everything right and all that was left was to run all the way across the field to the couple. Of course, right before he made it, the day ended and he had to start all over haha. I can't even remember if he ended up getting it. I wish I had the game a bit longer so I could haev tryed it out myself.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I've never played MM but always wanted to... but..... does it have gerudo valley in it???? lol

The Legend of Zelda (NES) release date: Aug 22nd 1987. Two weeks before my 7th birthday. I saved up my allowance for months until I could buy an NES in (I think) '87. I remember never beating LoZ...


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
listen to metal fingers
You can circumvent this quite a number of ways. USB controllers (either PC-based, or there's also the option of using a 360 controller), or using an adapter so you can plug a controller type of your choosing (you'll need the right adapter, however) will let you played emulated games on your PC with a controller.

The adapters shouldn't be too expensive either, the USB adapter I've been using for my PS2 controller was only $5 and has worked like a charm for quite a few years.
thanks, but I actually use to have the ps2 and n64 one. Thats actually what I used to play MM since I never had the actual game or the graphics chip.

However when I traded in my IBM for a mac I was so distraught I couldn't use project64k that I sold the adapter to a friend since he would appreciate it much more

I never beat Majora's Mask. I got all the way to the end (had almost all the masks) and my friend asked for it back because he wanted to play it again. Shortly after I gave it back to him, he somehow dropped it in his pool and my file was erased. I had only the final boss to play and the only mask I needed was the Couple's Mask in order to get Fierce Diety.
that blows
wtf was he doing with it near a pool anyway??

I've never played MM but always wanted to... but..... does it have gerudo valley in it???? lol

The Legend of Zelda (NES) release date: Aug 22nd 1987. Two weeks before my 7th birthday. I saved up my allowance for months until I could buy an NES in (I think) '87. I remember never beating LoZ...
wow the original zelda is only 3 months older than me
but by the time I started playing video games snes wasnt out yet, so LoZ was my first experience w/ the series. My asian best friend/neighbor got me hooked early lol

I roll around like a Goron irl.
Lulz, V, I'm disappointed I can't make it up to CT to meet you and play you this week :/

DD, how difficult is it to homebrew my wii and is it really worth it just to not trip?


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
homebrew is very much worth it even without the tripping thing. you can download free vc games on it.

jams brawl icys are amazing


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
DD, how difficult is it to homebrew my wii and is it really worth it just to not trip?
Not at all difficult.
As long as you have an SDCard, SDCard Reader of some sort[Like, plugging it into a camera and connecting to the computer works too :3], and Twilight Princess still, and then I can hook you up with what you need.

<_< Or watch an instructional video on youtube about it!

AIM me and I'll help ya out.

But uh...
LOL @ 3:48

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Cog-20 Years old....21 in Dec. While growing up...I just played Zelda, Kung Fu, and Rampage all the time. I also went through two Nintendo systems and am on my third now which is a rare top loader. To top it off I also have over 250 Nintendo games to boot that all work perfectly.

I'm the biggest NES fan in CT, no doubt.

DD-Yeah I guess thats cool...but brawls still not competitive.

Noodles-Jams everything in everything is really good.


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2008
Green Greens with Roy
Cog-20 Years old....21 in Dec. While growing up...I just played Zelda, Kung Fu, and Rampage all the time. I also went through two Nintendo systems and am on my third now which is a rare top loader. To top it off I also have over 250 Nintendo games to boot that all work perfectly.

I'm the biggest NES fan in CT, no doubt.

DD-Yeah I guess thats cool...but brawls still not competitive.

Noodles-Jams everything in everything is really good.
Dude I went through two nintendos too and went the snes came out my dad grounded me form playing thinking that I would brake it. I used to play battle toads and double dragon all the time with my brother and dad. never got past like level 7 or something in battle toads. the games I'm talking about are "battletoads", "double dragon" and "battletoads and double dragon" so any game with battletoads and/or double dragon.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
DD-Yeah I guess thats cool...but brawls still not competitive.
>_> Now the next step is either removing air dodges or adding hitstun. I think in both cases they're increasing fall speed.
Either way, Brawl will look more like melee :3.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
listen to metal fingers
mehh I have TP save files on my wii, but I no longer have the game
I might be able to borrow one in order to walk backwards for two seconds?! (how random)

I could never beat battletoads until l I got to college. My roommate and I pulled two all nighters in trying to complete it....what a b**ch

When you couldn't save games and you had to beat them in one sitting they were so much more challenging

I'm the biggest NES fan in CT, no doubt.
unless you have one of these:

that statement is completely false
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