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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
ggs modest the wii got unplugged when it fell off my bed lol.

robocop= my little brother. we can play somemore if u want


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
i moved my tv to my room a couple hours ago (usually its in my living room) and when i hooked it up i put it on my bed lol. its on the floor now though

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
No one should ever play Roy, ever. Trust me.

haha, I know...I never use him in a match that means something...but he is fun to use and is a great warm up for my fingers to get that tech skill going. :) Also, when I switch to Marth it feels soooooo good. :)

Thumbswayup-The only pictures that you have posted that have been cool are

Game and watch
Laughing Octopus (Because they are both different and unique)

The joker pictures are redundant because i've seen like 40 million dumb teenagers think they are cool by posting vids up on youtube about the Dark Knight. People really need to get over that movie and just move on. Someone said to me that they thought it was better than The Godfather. People are getting dumber and dumber these days. Before you know it we'll have people thinking that the second Omen should be remade and Steven Segal should release another movie.

Link and Zelda? People dress up as them every year I am sure. Nothing special there.

Dressing up as video game characters does not get you laid. I think that its extremely Asian and nerd if you dress up like a video game character and actually put TIME into it. Jake dresses up like Snake but his wardrobe takes like a second to put on. Its one thing to put something quick on...but another to put time into it. Lawls.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Everytime I think i'm finally going to meet V...I don't so i'm just going to think I'm not going to ever meet him....then i'll probably meet him.


Edit-Viewing pages with 40 (or is it 50) posts is beyond incredible.....its so much easier to keep up with BIG threads. If you all dont have your settings set to that, you're ********.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
GGs nana. what do you think of my squirtle? i was suiciding alot with him earlier today but i think im starting to do well with him


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
GG's it's good. All of them are but he is obviously your best one then I'de say Charizard. Keep at it I felt like your Ivy got better by the end of our matches too haha.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
thx lol ivy is definatly my worst one. but his up air/smash is really good
I beat you with Sonic, Link, Toon Link, Peach, Snake, Fox, Pit, DDD, Marth, Kirby, ROB, Bowser, Lucario, three stocked you with MK and you got extremely lucky when I dittoed you with your two toadstool kills. Not to sound like an idiot...but hes probably the worst pickup decision you've ever made. You should stick with Toon Link, Pit, and ROB. Those are your best and always will be. Why you stopped using Toon Link is beyond me.

Maining or even using pokemon trainer at all is a bad idea. Before the game came out I wanted to make PT my main but the thing of it is....pt is a bad set of characters and it takes too much time to switch between certain players. You got lucky while playing me because youd get me up to a high percentage w squirtle...but i'd still take your first stock so you only had to use Ivysaur for two secs to get that kill off me when you respawned. From there, you would just swap out ivy and get lucky of not getting stuck with him because than charizard would turn into Squirtle on the last stock. Ivysaur is really not a bad character and is actually NOT easy to gimp. There is a way around his bad recovery. His aerial game is also incredible and he has good reach on the ground. Squirtle ***** but as Mewtwoking stated before "The other two characters weigh him down."

If you say "Well I just picked him up." than thats funny because thats exactly why Brawl is not fun. It takes ten minutes to pick up someone in Brawl and be decent with them. You just have to have basic knowledge about Smash to be able to get good with a certain character.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Was Poffy picking on my Mewtwo?
<_< Didn't I like...beat you with my Mewtwo in friendlies?
Twice D:!?

Mewtwo is mad fun. And Zelda's/Mewtwo's vertical recovery definitely takes a dump on GAW's. There is something to be said about being completely invincible >_>.

Besides! No one cares what you think ;o.
<_< At least I don't.
>_> I also love the face people make when I say I main Mewtwo.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Idk Garret I only remember playing his Toon Link once and I didn't think it was that good especially compared to his ROB. I don't know how long you've been play PT Noodles but I would say you do alright with him considering you picked him up recently although it's definately not as good as your ROB. If you think you can be better with him than ROB though then go for it. Plus it's always nice to have another character to fall back on incase you face someone who is a bad matchup for you/counterpick.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
haha, I know...I never use him in a match that means something...but he is fun to use and is a great warm up for my fingers to get that tech skill going. :) Also, when I switch to Marth it feels soooooo good. :)

Thumbswayup-The only pictures that you have posted that have been cool are

Game and watch
Laughing Octopus (Because they are both different and unique)

The joker pictures are redundant because i've seen like 40 million dumb teenagers think they are cool by posting vids up on youtube about the Dark Knight. People really need to get over that movie and just move on. Someone said to me that they thought it was better than The Godfather. People are getting dumber and dumber these days. Before you know it we'll have people thinking that the second Omen should be remade and Steven Segal should release another movie.

Link and Zelda? People dress up as them every year I am sure. Nothing special there.

Dressing up as video game characters does not get you laid. I think that its extremely Asian and nerd if you dress up like a video game character and actually put TIME into it. Jake dresses up like Snake but his wardrobe takes like a second to put on. Its one thing to put something quick on...but another to put time into it. Lawls.
Have I ever mentioned that even though I'm a man of peace you make me want to reconsider? :ohwell:

I'm a boobs guy myself.
here here

Or go to...http://www.awa-con.com/

this year, sept 19-21

also, today's subject is

I totally repped mahvel babee @ mass madness. Dazwa made it rain.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
I beat you with Sonic, Link, Toon Link, Peach, Snake, Fox, Pit, DDD, Marth, Kirby, ROB, Bowser, Lucario, three stocked you with MK and you got extremely lucky when I dittoed you with your two toadstool kills. Not to sound like an idiot...but hes probably the worst pickup decision you've ever made. You should stick with Toon Link, Pit, and ROB. Those are your best and always will be. Why you stopped using Toon Link is beyond me.

Maining or even using pokemon trainer at all is a bad idea. Before the game came out I wanted to make PT my main but the thing of it is....pt is a bad set of characters and it takes too much time to switch between certain players. You got lucky while playing me because youd get me up to a high percentage w squirtle...but i'd still take your first stock so you only had to use Ivysaur for two secs to get that kill off me when you respawned. From there, you would just swap out ivy and get lucky of not getting stuck with him because than charizard would turn into Squirtle on the last stock. Ivysaur is really not a bad character and is actually NOT easy to gimp. There is a way around his bad recovery. His aerial game is also incredible and he has good reach on the ground. Squirtle ***** but as Mewtwoking stated before "The other two characters weigh him down."

If you say "Well I just picked him up." than thats funny because thats exactly why Brawl is not fun. It takes ten minutes to pick up someone in Brawl and be decent with them. You just have to have basic knowledge about Smash to be able to get good with a certain character.
yea and theres no way i suicided atleast once during all those matches. didnt i beat your marth and snake with squirtle?

@nana- i picked him up like 2 hours before i played you yesterday


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
PoF is there anything you don't complain about? Also, a lot of the pics you didn't like were taken by a friend of mine and I just posted them because I was bored and hadn't uploaded my pics yet. I took the one of the G@W and I've got a ton more including the hottest Tifa cosplayer I've ever seen.

On another note, I'm 9 eps into Full Metal Panic and I'm really enjoying it. The show has some hilarious moments in every ep so far. Action/Comedy is always a good genre.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
=D He doesn't complain about me!
Yay me!
I'm going to draw some stuff now.
Feel free to throw me ideas until I like one.

Feel free to do so on AIM.
Or post them here for the good 'ol postcount++
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