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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
Anyone have any idea what kind of doctor/specialist I would need to see about memory loss? It's getting pretty bad... I can't remember really important things no matter how hard I try, heh.

Any help appreciated. I figured I'd ask in CT thread since someone might be able to recommend someone in CT.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Anyone have any idea what kind of doctor/specialist I would need to see about memory loss? It's getting pretty bad... I can't remember really important things no matter how hard I try, heh.

Any help appreciated. I figured I'd ask in CT thread since someone might be able to recommend someone in CT.
Did you recently suffer from a concussion? deep into drugs/alcohol? those are really the only reasons you should have any problems at your age. (assuming you're around your early 20's.)

In any case go see your regular doctor he can refer to you a specialist.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
nus come over lets play melee
You guys should come play melee with me since I can't move barely at all or leave.

Wes I had memory loss too especially short term memory. I don't know of a specialist but you can get natural vitamins, B12 vitamins particularly, that help a real lot. It sounds like crap but they really work well.

Jeana's little sister used to get siezures when she was young often too so they went to a natural/herbal medicine specialist and they gave her some gross **** but it got rid of her seizures so just goes to show natural stuff works well.

Will anyone PLEASE save me from being bored out of my mind tomorrow during the day. I really can't do anything with my back like this so someone, ANYONE come play smash with me!!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
Anyone have any idea what kind of doctor/specialist I would need to see about memory loss? It's getting pretty bad... I can't remember really important things no matter how hard I try, heh.

Any help appreciated. I figured I'd ask in CT thread since someone might be able to recommend someone in CT.
Go see Dr. Stopsmokin.

Seriously though, if you want to go straight to a specialist I suppose a Neurologist would be best. Otherwise do what Aesir said, just go to or even try calling your normal doctor to ask for advice.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
are you coming up for esticle? stay an extra day and come to mass madness on sunday, it's all melee and I'll be there XD
Is that the tournament on August 9th? I can't make that one :( I'm going to Otakon with a ton of friends. Dammit, had I known about it two months ago I'd have cleared my schedule for it.

Jam seems particularly pissed. Don't worry Nana, my threads will keep you entertained today :laugh:


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I'm on the site MAL (my anime list) and I've been reading the comments on random people's wall for entertainment. I found this one guy who is professing his love to a 15 year old asian chick he's never meet before LMAO Now from what I understand, they were good friends (on the site) until he did something to piss her off and now she hates him. LOL and he won't leave her alone, he just keeps commenting on her wall. Here are the most recent things to she wrote on his wall, I'm not gonna show what he wrote on hers because it's far to pathetic, idiotic, and long:

how dare you even show your face here you moron.
i hate you.

LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!! your such a moron

DON'T YOU GET IT? i....hate....you and ___ and everyone

just get awayfrom me...i truly deeply hate you...to the bone

i can't forgive you....

nope i don't want your love...give it to ___

i don't want you anymore *starts screaming and crying

well i just won't talk to you then

now you know what real life is like....oh wait you think you a real life but you don't...

well good for you ___.

stop saying you love me.

leave me alone *stabs screen

for one last time...i hate you

shut the **** up

my god i ****ing hate you.*tears start to fall down face

talk about what? there is nothing to say...
i hate you..that's it

*looks angrily at you...*pushes you on the floor and sits on top of you and puts a knife to your neck.does this say something to you?

what do you think im holding back? pointing a knife at you're neck means im prepared to sever your head.

Internet drama at its finest.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Hahaha that's good stuff.

So I found out last night that I have a Falco in Melee. I never even tried playing with him once because all of my friends like every single one played as ****ing Falco. Fox too so I never raelly bothered with him either but anyways...

Falco's real fun.

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
I'm on the site MAL (my anime list) and I've been reading the comments on random people's wall for entertainment. I found this one guy who is professing his love to a 15 year old asian chick he's never meet before LMAO Now from what I understand, they were good friends (on the site) until he did something to piss her off and now she hates him. LOL and he won't leave her alone, he just keeps commenting on her wall. Here are the most recent things to she wrote on his wall, I'm not gonna show what he wrote on hers because it's far to pathetic, idiotic, and long:

how dare you even show your face here you moron.
i hate you.

LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!! your such a moron

DON'T YOU GET IT? i....hate....you and ___ and everyone

just get awayfrom me...i truly deeply hate you...to the bone

i can't forgive you....

nope i don't want your love...give it to ___

i don't want you anymore *starts screaming and crying

well i just won't talk to you then

now you know what real life is like....oh wait you think you a real life but you don't...

well good for you ___.

stop saying you love me.

leave me alone *stabs screen

for one last time...i hate you

shut the **** up

my god i ****ing hate you.*tears start to fall down face

talk about what? there is nothing to say...
i hate you..that's it

*looks angrily at you...*pushes you on the floor and sits on top of you and puts a knife to your neck.does this say something to you?

what do you think im holding back? pointing a knife at you're neck means im prepared to sever your head.

Internet drama at it's finest.
this reminds me of a story i once heard, of a guy killing himself over an everquest girlfriend/wife thing that he never meant in person dumped him for someone else in the game... some people really need to go outside

on a side note... thumbs i decided to watch fate/stay night finally but do you know where i can dl it or watch it? also do you know if vlc mediaplayer plays .mkv and .ogm files?

yah i just startd playing falco as well he's pretty nifty,


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Hmmm, I'll have to get back to you on that. I always get anime from my two friends that watch it. Together, they know just about every way possible to dl anime. I'll ask them about it. I'm not too sure about VLC player. I have it and all, but I almost never use it because I hate it. Media Classic is a better player, but normally I just use Windows Media Player because it doesn't give me problems.

I use Falco every once in a while, he's usually the last character I'll whip out at the very end of a smashfest. This is because whenever I use him for extended periods of time I cannot go back to Fox. I'll be too used to Falco's wavedash and can't do anything technical with Fox. I've improved my ability to use both of them in the same day recently, but I want my Fox at it's peak for important matches.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I can't use Marth. I used to always hate him despite him being my most experienced matchup. He can gay Fox and Falcon like no other. Now, I've actually used him but I really suck with him haha. I can't do ANYTHING cool with him. Doesn't matter, I'll always prefer to use Falcon and u air to knee Marth all day :p


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
I usually just use Marth too. I also use Doc a little bit but I'm not great. At this point My Falco is better haha I lost Marth when Brawl came out.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
listen to metal fingers
My job is now officially giving me sharp pains in my hand. I want to ****ing shoot myself.
I have accepted carpel tunnel as inevitable in my lifetime
sometimes my fingertips go numb when I play too many vidjio games and mouse clicking/typing

It was a very relevant ramble at that.

Also, my teachers always talk about networking, network like a mofo, you never know it is a small world after all.
it really feels like a small small world sometimes
someone you meet tomorrow could make the difference of being unemployed/employed somewhere 5 years down the road
Especially in the entertainment industry

toon link is definitely a mid tier character, i dunno about chillin's bottom mid-tier placement of him but he's definitely somewhere in that tier

chudat recently picked up kirby. i imagine this placement must be personal experience

also, kirby's really ****ing good

edit: seriously kirby's got that fthrow upair fthrow upair upair combo stuff
young toon link is nothing special
sadly thats about the only +3 move inescapable combo Kirby has, but he posses many other redeeming qualities

I told you guys Kirby was good >.>
Kirby loveeeeeeee!

Yeah it sucks but he's still mad good. I don't play as him but I feel like most of the time you actually can give yourself that little extra push to get ON the stage but it's just scary cause you might die.

Peach is not better than Olimar no way. Yea he's gimpable but some olimar players can get around that and he's strong has such great range with his attacks and grab too. Olimar's nuts to me.
you say that b/c vulcan's olimar is nasty

Anyone have any idea what kind of doctor/specialist I would need to see about memory loss? It's getting pretty bad... I can't remember really important things no matter how hard I try, heh.

Any help appreciated. I figured I'd ask in CT thread since someone might be able to recommend someone in CT.
sorry to hear that
For about a month a few years ago I found myself completely blacking out events from my day, and this was before I smoked herb. Eventually it stopped happening. Just make sure you're getting enough sleep and eating healthy

Anyone wanna play some Smash on Sat or Sunday afternoon? Those of you who aren't going to CTcon of course.
possibly 2morrow afternoon???
I'm in fairfield/b-port until tomorrow night


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Man, I love drinking 2 days in a row. **** ctcon for today. I'll be there tomorrow at like 3pm. XD I'll probably call Nus since he'll know where everyone is. WOoooo parents aren't home til Monday, my friend and I are having a blast. **** yeah. I'm feeling pretty buzzed right now.

Pipe is amazing. Off to more beer pong and shots. Lol. I can't believe we started at like 1 pm for today, so early, whatever.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
OMG Spawn drinks?! ****, Smash and get Smashed party when I get home!

I will be house squatting in my friends house for a week while he is on vacation haha. :)


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
So what's everyone's opinion of SC4 so far? I played it some more and it seems like Shura is broken and I also heard Yoda is over powered (though I haven't played as him cause my friend only has a PS3). I want to use him SO badly, they better make him downloadable.


Apr 23, 2005
Anyone know the s/n's: Don Tweedo or Big s t e e e v e?

I'm getting sick of being harassed by people online. And Tweedo made reference to hoggle, so I'm assuming someone here knows who it is. If you do would you mind asking them to stop? I've got enough **** to deal with right now without being harrassed.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
I don't know either...or what a hoggle is? haha

Do they seem to know of eachother or are the independantly harassing you?

Edit//OK, so my Asian buddy finally finished his combo video. It is a melee Link video, so check it out.

He said he loved it at first, but now he hates it. Suggestions would be lovely!


Waveland edgeguard is too ****ing good haha.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
I like it. Good vid.

I really like the boomerang combos he wasw doing against the white Marth on FD. Good stuff.

I'm so bored but I finally got a perscription for my back. Muscle relaxers FTW. I wish someone came smashed with me I can't take the boredum.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
Hard Hittin' NewBritain
Man, I love drinking 2 days in a row. **** ctcon for today. I'll be there tomorrow at like 3pm. XD I'll probably call Nus since he'll know where everyone is. WOoooo parents aren't home til Monday, my friend and I are having a blast. **** yeah. I'm feeling pretty buzzed right now.

Pipe is amazing. Off to more beer pong and shots. Lol. I can't believe we started at like 1 pm for today, so early, whatever.
lol ive never seen you post like that you really must be tipsy lol good ****

I played smash drunk once. It was awesome.
yeah it is

OMG Spawn drinks?! ****, Smash and get Smashed party when I get home!

I will be house squatting in my friends house for a week while he is on vacation haha. :)

So what's everyone's opinion of SC4 so far? I played it some more and it seems like Shura is broken and I also heard Yoda is over powered (though I haven't played as him cause my friend only has a PS3). I want to use him SO badly, they better make him downloadable.
its the **** thats my opinion

No game will surpass sc2 >_>
your just a hater

Obviously, that was one of my favorite multiplayer games. I was so good with Mitsurugi. Then SC3 came out....sigh....
if you do play the new one MM?

yo we should all jus have a huge drunken smash session. anyone have a place?

i dont know about a place but im down lol


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
I've never been this exciting over a MMO. Ever.
It was just announced two days ago. Everyone here MUST watch this trailer, Blade & Soul.
Keep in mind while your watching that everything you see is actual gameplay. Everrryythiing.
It looks like some ridiculously sick action game. :]

edit: btw. Mitsurugi is top-tier in Soul Calibur 3.
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