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Concerning the Back Room

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Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Well SamuraiPanda, nicely put. Congrats on disagreeing with me with a mature, clam, and understanding tone. First one in 78 posts. (Has it really gotten that high? Guess so!) You know what? You are partly right, your description of "That Guy". I'm pretty much tops in my group of friends. I think I'm pretty okay. And yeah, I even watched a pro fight in a tourney and thought to myself "Wow, that doesn't look THAT great". But you know what? I do not, under any circumstances, believe that I am the top! I know I'll lose! I've lost before on many occasions. I'll lose again. Everyone's lost, and everyone's won. That's a fact of life. Honestly, I have faced quite a few people on here already (In a ratio of my time on here to me fighting people, of course) and honestly, most of the time I have emerged victorious. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not exceptional when it comes to fighting online, for some of my techniques require a perciseness that I personally cannot seem to get online. Some people learn to work around it. I so far have not. However, I have lost too. I have found a few other players who are good.

Ah... honestly, I don't even know what I'm fighting for anymore. Perhaps I have just taken the position of a cornerned wild beast. With all of the strange new faces peering down and jeering at the strange new animal, I now have my metaphorical hackles raised, just fighting for a little bit of respect. I post this knowing that, before someone else says something intelligent in an at least somewhat-kind manner, it may be another 78 posts...
Believe it or not, what Panda just said was said before.

Just because you don't like what you hear doesn't mean it's not the truth.

And Panda, you just become one of THOSE guys that's even better than That Guy. THOSE Guys who have proven their skill, etc. That's how I look at it, at least.


Smash Cadet
May 8, 2008
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Believe it or not, what Panda just said was said before.

Just because you don't like what you hear doesn't mean it's not the truth.

And Panda, you just become one of THOSE guys that's even better than That Guy. THOSE Guys who have proven their skill, etc. That's how I look at it, at least.

Well that's the first time I've interpreted it that way. Believe it or not, if someone says something in a more respectful manner such as that, I might interpret it in a different way.

Just because I don't like what? The fact that there are people that can beat me? Have I not acknowledged this in every post I have made?

I really don't think you like me, sir.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
No one here's got anything personal with you, it's just that in the big scheme of things, you're still a nobody here (don't worry, a lot, lot, lot of us are), and you've still got a ways to go to prove yourself to the big kids. Good luck, have fun, and learn stuff.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Well that's the first time I've interpreted it that way. Believe it or not, if someone says something in a more respectful manner such as that, I might interpret it in a different way.
Expecting respect on the internet, especially after claiming what you did, is expecting a bit much. Panda's just a nice guy, but the great majority of people don't bother investing the energy to give respect to crap like this, and it's unreasonable to expect them to.

Just because I don't like what? The fact that there are people that can beat me? Have I not acknowledged this in every post I have made?
No, I was referring to the manner in which previous posts were stated.

I really don't think you like me, sir.
I have no opinion on way or the other.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
And Panda, you just become one of THOSE guys that's even better than That Guy. THOSE Guys who have proven their skill, etc. That's how I look at it, at least.
Not exactly true. I'm percieved wrongly by the masses as they think having a bright red name and the power to lock threads on SWF automatically makes me a top pro. Given, I don't really mind that (:D), but its not actually the truth. People who've met me IRL and have played me in Smash know that I'm not a big deal at all. Hell, just ask Ankoku, he's a TO at one of the tournaments I go to often. I'm not very good and I never really have been. But don't get me wrong, I would love to actually become one of THOSE guys, and as soon as I have more time on my hands I will be dedicating myself to doing exactly that.

Thankfully, I've discovered a very active tournament scene very close to me, with a tournament every single week that consistently brings some of the top players in the midwest. And right now I'm aiming to hopefully break top 3 in one of those tournaments before the end of the summer. But we'll see about that ^_^''


Smash Cadet
Mar 26, 2008
London/Waterloo, Ontario
I'm a long-time reader, very rare poster but I figure I'll try to finally figure this out...What do the different colours (canadian sp!) mean for your screenname on SWF?

I think Red is for Mods and Yellow for standard members, but I'm clueless as to other like purple, blue and pink (and more possibly?)


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
That is one scary avatar, Panda.
I made it scarier for ya'll. I... didn't actually think animated Gifs worked...

I'm a long-time reader, very rare poster but I figure I'll try to finally figure this out...What do the different colours (canadian sp!) mean for your screenname on SWF?

I think Red is for Mods and Yellow for standard members, but I'm clueless as to other like purple, blue and pink (and more possibly?)
Yeah, I had problems with that too. When I first joined I thought blue names were for admins ^_^''

Default = The masses
Red = Moderators, Super Moderators, and Administrators
Purple = Member of the Smash Back Room
Pink = Smash Debaters
Yellow = Writers
Blue = Tournament Organizers
Green = Member of the Back Room (NOT the Smash BR)

And members that have one color may be parts of other groups, but they actually get to choose what color their name is in. Unless they're a mod. We're stuck with red :(


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2007
Well SamuraiPanda, nicely put. Congrats on disagreeing with me with a mature, clam, and understanding tone. First one in 78 posts. (Has it really gotten that high? Guess so!) You know what? You are partly right, your description of "That Guy". I'm pretty much tops in my group of friends. I think I'm pretty okay. And yeah, I even watched a pro fight in a tourney and thought to myself "Wow, that doesn't look THAT great". But you know what? I do not, under any circumstances, believe that I am the top! I know I'll lose! I've lost before on many occasions. I'll lose again. Everyone's lost, and everyone's won. That's a fact of life. Honestly, I have faced quite a few people on here already (In a ratio of my time on here to me fighting people, of course) and honestly, most of the time I have emerged victorious. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not exceptional when it comes to fighting online, for some of my techniques require a perciseness that I personally cannot seem to get online. Some people learn to work around it. I so far have not. However, I have lost too. I have found a few other players who are good.

Ah... honestly, I don't even know what I'm fighting for anymore. Perhaps I have just taken the position of a cornerned wild beast. With all of the strange new faces peering down and jeering at the strange new animal, I now have my metaphorical hackles raised, just fighting for a little bit of respect. I post this knowing that, before someone else says something intelligent in an at least somewhat-kind manner, it may be another 78 posts...
Im guessing and apology is not understanding enough for you?



Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2007
Walnut Creek, CA
An example of how just being a top player doesn't guarantee immediate access to SBR: PC Chris wasn't in until about a month ago. Or maybe he still isn't in.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Most of us here were That Guy once. I was once. You still are. Hell, I once placed pretty well at a tournament before I had even heard of SWF. And you know what I found out much later? That tournament was full of scrubs. I sucked. The reason everyone is coming down so hard on you is because they all believe, likely correctly, that you are still That Guy. Its certainly not a bad thing at all. But its definitely something that will change soon enough.
Much like I was never a scrub, I was never a "That Guy". Unusual, I know :D.

It's because on my 1st try playing Smash, I had only nominal success. My first attempt at Smash was literally by playing in a mini-tournament at an anime convention full of n00bs. I got owned in the semis and since I'm logical, I knew I wasn't any good.

My 2nd time with Smash, I played against Akke and Helios, two of by then and still now Sweden's best players. I was immediately brought before great Smash players on my 2nd time playing the game. And it made me want to get better when Akke chaingrabbed me across Dreamland 64 as Captain Falcon (I also started out maining Peach from the very first game I played).

And I've always known there are better players. I just got better 'til I could beat said better players (I, for example, beat Akke out of losers last tournament - full circle, I say).


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
I lost to a guy named Panda at my first tournament here in socal.

He then went on a 2 year hiatus. When he came back, he played me in tournament and was 4 stocked for the first time I believe.
That 4 stocking i gave him brought him back into the smash scene after he had left it for so long.

Pointless story, but I thought I'd tell it.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
And members that have one color may be parts of other groups, but they actually get to choose what color their name is in. Unless they're a mod. We're stuck with red :(
What? No we're not, I've changed mine plenty of times both as Mod and Smod.


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
Respect will come to you if you follow regulations and speak your opinions in a civil way. You don't have to be right with everything, just right in the way you present it.

You really shouldn't look at the color of names or post count, just read everything. once in a while a person that join yesterday will have a mind blowing post that was just a regular lurker.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2008
San Diego
Just as a question, why aren't we able to view the Backrooms or the Smash Backrooms? I know there is the weekly character update, but I don't think that is the only reason. Personally I enjoy viewing the discussions of characters by the SBR after the character update; I find it very informative as well as a good example of the proper way to post (most of the time).


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2007
Just as a question, why aren't we able to view the Backrooms or the Smash Backrooms? I know there is the weekly character update, but I don't think that is the only reason. Personally I enjoy viewing the discussions of characters by the SBR after the character update; I find it very informative as well as a good example of the proper way to post (most of the time).
I am no authority on this, but imagine hundreds of topics in the stage, general, or character threads made only to complain about the general viewpoints of the SBR about the tier list, items, stage legality, and other topics likely to attract biasness on both sides. That is my theory anyway.

Plus, ther're mean. :(


Smash Cadet
Dec 27, 2007
Spain, Europe
Also, if someone gets me in the SBR I'll give them a handjob.
There's really no reason why he shouldn't be in. For one thing his posting style, specifically towards newer members should count for him rather than against him, though obviously shouldn't be openly encouraged.
Wow, someone desperately wants a handjob O_o.

Leonsilver, something tells me you have only recently discovered internet if you can't take the very little heat this board is giving you. If anything, considering some of your remarks (that every reply but a couple of them have not been intelligent), they're being way too easy on you. For the love of god, man, toughen up. You're making emos look like spartans.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Panda, I was using the collective 'you' there, not necessarily the specific 'you.' Regardless, I do see your point.

Also, I'm fairly sure premium members also get shiny pink names. I should get it, I'm sick of the default avatars.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2007
Wow, someone desperately wants a handjob O_o.
Indeed, you guessed it, I hear Sliq (or slick) is more than a name...

but really you'd think being an incredible player and poster would be enough...


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Panda, I was using the collective 'you' there, not necessarily the specific 'you.' Regardless, I do see your point.

Also, I'm fairly sure premium members also get shiny pink names. I should get it, I'm sick of the default avatars.
premium members dont get ****, captain.

pink names are for debaters


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
well, when i said we dont get **** i meant we dont get a custom name color

we get custom titles, avatars, and our little VIP forum, which is pretty cool =)


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
And premies named Tom have the special added bonus of getting picked on by moderators :D


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
getting smash debater (pink) and smash director (blue) are both pretty trivial

i'd like to get into sbr, but it doesn't seem to be in the cards so far =\

vote pockyD 2008


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2007
eventually ill become a premie. want to prove myself to get a blue name or into the SBR first =)

The Executive

Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2005
Within the confines of my mortal shell in T-Town.
getting smash debater (pink) and smash director (blue) are both pretty trivial

i'd like to get into sbr, but it doesn't seem to be in the cards so far =\

vote pockyD 2008
Getting debate status is easy. Keeping it is not. (by the way, the debate forum banned its first person last week and it's been around in various forms for years...testament to the civility/intelligence of its posters)


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2005
Vancouver, BC
I'm fairly sure being able to intelligently and logically form arguments about Smash is more important to being a Backroomer than really just tournament placing. It just so happens that the people who get the top placings at tournaments often have the best knowledge of the game.

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
Hmmm... if someone was winning Brawl tournaments often, and was an "intelligent poster" would that grant them admission into the back room? Given he/she is liked by the BR/SBR community. I'm only saying this because Brawl is a fairly new game, and I know Melee applies, but was curious if Brawl was viable as well.


Apr 10, 2008
I'm guessing there's no br "entrance exam" per say, is there.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2007
Walnut Creek, CA
getting smash debater (pink) and smash director (blue) are both pretty trivial

i'd like to get into sbr, but it doesn't seem to be in the cards so far =\

vote pockyD 2008
Especially considering half the people who have the distinction don't even host Smash tournaments. I couldn't care less about being in the director group, besides being able to have a blue name and being able to post on the Calendar.
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