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Shine 2023 not banning Steve, and some scenes have started unbanning him. Based on findings from Steve labbers it seems that PMLG likely isn't a very useful tech at all, it might not even have many niche uses.
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This poll is interesting. 31.8% of people (in the poll, 15,254 votes) are clearly anti-ban, regardless of PMLG. 33.1% of people are clearly pro-ban, regardless of PMLG. 16.6% are "view results" (I'm going to assume that means "not sure").
So that leaves 18.5%. These are the people who voted "I think Steve should be legal in Smash Ultimate. If his hitstun canceling bug didn't exist, I would think Steve should be banned in Smash Ultimate."
I wonder how many of those 18.5% believe PMLG is an actual issue? Based on current findings, it seems that PMLG is likely to be a non-issue. Banning a character because of a non-issue would be silly, so I'm going to assume that they believe that PMLG is an actual issue. Moving forward, it would be good to see more discussion on PMLG in particular. Is it an issue? Or are Steve labbers (and acola) correct in claiming that it's not a practical tech and that it's largely a non-issue? If those 18.5% can be convinced that PMLG isn't an issue then we would have a fairly clear majority anti-ban (especially since many "view results" people would likely be anti-ban if PMLG is proven to be a non-issue).
While there are quite a few people who think Steve should be banned regardless (around 33.1% of the poll), they seem to be a vocal minority. It seems fairly clear that PMLG will likely be the deciding factor. As of right now, PMLG appears to most likely be a non-issue, so right now, I don't see much of a reason to ban Steve.