Okay, big post before I sleep.
Here is a code specifically requested by someone, he helped me beta test so I feel inclined to give it to him. It is the same set of codes, but with all traces of NAS removed:
WiiRD Codes
PW Merger Code [Phantom Wings, Almas, 94 Lines]
80000000 80623320
80000001 00000000
60000006 00000000
60000003 00000001
4A001000 00000000
4A101001 00000000
32000000 0000001C
025A9310 00000001
E2000001 00000000
36000000 00000032
58010000 00000004
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000060
DE000000 80008180
92210006 00000014
92210007 00000014
92210008 00000068
92210005 00000070
92210009 00000070
9221000A 0000007C
9221000B 00000014
9221000E 0000007C
58010000 000000C4
9221000C 00000010
4A000000 805A0100
9221000D 00000000
88A0000C 0000000D
4A00100A 00000000
30000036 00000018
4A00100B 00000000
9221000D 00000040
8890000D 0000000C
9421000D 00000040
E2000001 00000000
4A00100E 00000000
30000038 00000074
86000006 00000040
86910006 [COLOR="Yellow"]40000000[/COLOR]
E2000001 00000000
4A00100E 00000000
30000038 00000005
4A001008 00000000
3400003C BF266666
4A001007 00000000
14000040 4F000000
E2000002 00000000
4A00100E 00000000
285A9310 FFFE0001
34000038 00000042
36000038 00000049
4A001009 00000000
58010000 00000024
58010000 0000000C
1400001C 00000088
14000018 00000088
E2000003 00000000
4A00100E 00000000
30000038 00000073
4A001005 00000000
58010000 00000020
92210005 0000001C
86310005 FFFFFFF7
E2000001 00000000
4A00100E 00000000
80100001 00000008
62000000 00000001
E200000F 00000000
80000001 00000000
80100000 00000244
62000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
ASM Codes
Hitstun [Phantom Wings, 3 Lines]
C276CCD4 00000002
C022FFE0 EF7C0072
60000000 00000000
Short Hop Height/Dash Speed/Fastfall Speed Multiplier [Almas, 9 Lines]
C285765C 00000008
3FC0805A 3BDE7304
2C002F20 4082000C
C3FE2000 EC3F0072
2C002F00 4082000C
C3FE2004 EC3F0072
2C002F5C 4082000C
C3FE2008 EC3F0072
4E800020 00000000
Constant Writes
Hitstun/Shorthop Height/Dash Speed/Fastfall Speed [3 Lines]
065A9300 00000010
Some of the line counts in that are wrong.
You need all of the codes I have posted. They are arranged for neatness which will be vital to hackers at a later date pending updates to GeckoOS. The exception is that you can turn off the Dash/FF/SH code. Generally speaking, most other codes will fit neatly into one section. For example, the Hitlag and Shieldstun codes are both ASM, whilst the Buffer Modifier (1 line) is currently a Constant Write (as are the gravity mods), although it will probably be split into two when glitches are fixed. I can also slide the buffer modifier neatly into the above code - it would be 5 additional lines in length. The Lagless Edges modifier is highlighted.
If you want only 1-2 of the features from the Dash/FF/SH, I recommend for now that you just use the posted version, but put the float value 3F800000 (which is equal to 1) into the relevant spaces. At a later date if mass consensus is that less are necessary I will remove them. This may be the case if I manage to produce an overall velocity code.
Once again, here is my recommended format for the codes. I have highlighted the Lagless Edges Modifier (I believe it's currently set to 2x speed but to be honest I haven't played around with it).
WiiRD Codes
PW Merger Code [Phantom Wings, Almas, 94 Lines]
80000000 80623320
80000001 00000000
60000006 00000000
60000003 00000001
4A001000 00000000
4A101001 00000000
32000000 0000001C
025A9310 00000001
32000001 0000000F
025A9312 00000001
E2000001 00000000
36000000 00000032
58010000 00000004
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000060
DE000000 80008180
92210006 00000014
92210007 00000014
92210008 00000068
92210005 00000070
92210002 0000007C
92210003 00000018
92210009 00000070
9221000A 0000007C
9221000B 00000014
9221000E 0000007C
58010000 000000C4
9221000C 00000010
4A000000 805A0100
9221000D 00000000
88A0000C 0000000D
4A00100A 00000000
30000036 00000018
4A00100B 00000000
9221000D 00000040
8890000D 0000000C
9421000D 00000040
E2000001 00000000
4A00100E 00000000
30000038 00000074
86000006 00000040
86910006 [COLOR="yellow"]40000000[/COLOR]
E2000001 00000000
4A00100E 00000000
30000038 00000005
4A001008 00000000
3400003C BF266666
4A001007 00000000
14000040 4F000000
E2000002 00000000
4A00100E 00000000
285A9312 FFFE0001
58010000 0000002C
92210004 00000004
4A001002 00000000
C078172C 0000000B
9421FF80 BC410008
3C808000 60841808
80A40008 80C4000C
80E40010 C0060010
C026001C FC000840
40810014 890700D4
7108007F 990700D4
4800000C 890700D5
990700D4 B8410008
38210080 4E800020
60000000 00000000
34000038 00000111
E2000002 00000000
4A00100E 00000000
285A9310 FFFE0001
34000038 00000042
36000038 00000049
4A001009 00000000
58010000 00000024
58010000 0000000C
1400001C 00000088
14000018 00000088
E2000003 00000000
4A00100E 00000000
30000038 00000073
4A001005 00000000
58010000 00000020
92210005 0000001C
86310005 FFFFFFF7
E2000001 00000000
4A00100E 00000000
80100001 00000008
62000000 00000001
E200000F 00000000
80000001 00000000
80100000 00000244
62000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
ASM Codes
Autosweetspot Ledges [Phantom Wings, 6 Lines]
C278172C 00000002
98030001 80010014
60000000 00000000
C27816E0 00000002
98030001 80010014
60000000 00000000
Hitstun [Phantom Wings, 3 Lines]
C276CCD4 00000002
C022FFE0 EF7C0072
60000000 00000000
Short Hop Height/Dash Speed/Fastfall Speed Multiplier [Almas, 9 Lines]
C285765C 00000008
3FC0805A 3BDE7304
2C002F20 4082000C
C3FE2000 EC3F0072
2C002F00 4082000C
C3FE2004 EC3F0072
2C002F5C 4082000C
C3FE2008 EC3F0072
4E800020 00000000
Constant Writes
Hitstun/Shorthop Height/Dash Speed/Fastfall Speed [3 Lines]
065A9300 00000010
Recommended values for Hitstun are 0.47->0.5
Recommended values for Shorthop are 0.8->1.0
Recommended Values for Dash are 1.0->1.3
Recommended Values for Fastfall are 1.0->1.2
EDIT: If you really want to, you can tack codes on to the end of each other. But it achieves nothing - it doesn't change the lines used, and ends up making the code more baffling to read for the people trying to understand it. My method is prettier. But if you have the combined code, you need the Hitstun and NAS ASM codes, and vice versa.