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Community Mafia: El final

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Massclaim is fine. Doc claiming at this point (if there is one, the nurse thing could totally of been there to just throw us off, or maybe something else). is resonable, since as Gboy said if we mislynch anyways we lose.

X1, you're saying that based off of your voting you're one of the most protown players here. Explain in a bit more detail please. What exactly makes you pro town based off of your voting?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
The one person I wanted lynched all game flipped scum, the person who I didn't want lynched yesterDay, flipped town

The way I see it I am responsible for lynching swords and vreal, Vrael who I only vote to avoid a no lynch (I had been pushing swords all day) and I am responsible for lynching swords, thats 1 townie and 1 scum, not too bad eh?

OS responsible for 2 town lynches
gorditoboy responsible for 2 town and 1 scum lynch
Swiss responsible for 2 town lynches
sworddancer responsible for 1 scum lynch


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Whoa, wtf is going on in my absence? O_o

The one person I wanted lynched all game flipped scum, the person who I didn't want lynched yesterDay, flipped town

The way I see it I am responsible for lynching swords and vreal, Vrael who I only vote to avoid a no lynch (I had been pushing swords all day) and I am responsible for lynching swords, thats 1 townie and 1 scum, not too bad eh?

OS responsible for 2 town lynches
gorditoboy responsible for 2 town and 1 scum lynch
Swiss responsible for 2 town lynches
sworddancer responsible for 1 scum lynch
Yeah, us being responsible for 2 town lynches = most obvious reason we're town. Yeah, it'd be awesome if we could say "hey, we're the best scum hunters ever", but the only way you can do that is if you have extra information. That is, are scum. I'm not so sloppy as to go directly after town and I'd hope Swiss isn't either. The fact you can "attribute" town deaths to both me and Swiss solidifies my belief that Swiss is town.

So how many deaths are you responsible for, X1?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
wtf X1, and I wasn't responsible for the Swords lynch? Don't even go down that road.

Each person says two names. Tally up points. Person with most points FULL claims first, second most points next and so on.

Someone be a pro townie and say their two names. Needa think on mine for a minute.

God**** you OS.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@OS and swiss: If you voted for someone and they were then lynched, you were responsible for their lynch. I included who that was for me in my post. I never said that because you had lynched 2 townies meant you are scum, it may have been implied but I just tallied everyone up for reference and comparison's sake


Swiss - 2
OS - 1


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
^ Fail, you didn't read what we wrote. And ffs.

K so we have:

Yet to vote we have:

I vote:

Dancer - 2
OS - 1

Xdumb: 4 points
PoleDancer: 3 points
Swissai boi: 2 points
Overscum: 2 points
Gayboy: 1 points

Shwarmie - smack 'em up mah mayne.

Bleeuuurgh I was bought in by X1 as dumb townie once before, has it happened again? Godammit the posts make zero sense.

OS u can claim b4 if that's OK 'cuz we'll be on the same points. Cheers m'dears.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Goby - 2
Swiss - 1


Not sure if claiming will help us, but it's something. Keep in mind if we claim and lynch scum today, we lose a power role if we have one left :p


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I've looked through SwordsRBroken's posts and can see some possible distancing, but unfortunately it is only with players that are alive.

We're drawing straws here.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
O hai OS. How are you today?

K so we don't have a doc. Thanks mod.

See ya knew I wanted to be after you. Playin' games with me? Not fair man.

X1, no surname? D:

So yah X1 was gonna vote OS I do believe? At least we'll see if either of them are scum...or lose O:

/useless post 'cuz househutnin' today gotta dash faster than a *blah blah Swiss similie*


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
O hai OS. How are you today?

K so we don't have a doc. Thanks mod.

See ya knew I wanted to be after you. Playin' games with me? Not fair man.

X1, no surname? D:

So yah X1 was gonna vote OS I do believe? At least we'll see if either of them are scum...or lose O:

/useless post 'cuz househutnin' today gotta dash faster than a *blah blah Swiss similie*
no second name, at least not one in my role PM

I was, should I vote now?

@All, got anything else to add anyone?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Regardless, I literally have killed my scummates in every game. Can you think of a REASON I would save Swords? He's a prime target, inactive, and.... what? No good to scum at all. He got caught out D1, then panicked and went inactive and ended up getting lynched. He practically dug his own grave from the start. Why would ANYONE save him?
Once I flipped 8 heads in a row, doesn't mean the 9th will be a heads does it? I find this an awfully weak defence. There's several reasons you could save him, because bussing at a later stage grant's more credibility and its more recent so its remembered more etc etc

What is a jack of certain trades and why are there so many nurses?
I just find it suspicious that OS off all people would ask that first part

In terms of lynching Roxy, Well tbh I think it was plain stupid, he tried to get Roxy lynched D2 - several times when Swords was near to lynch he would bring up Roxy again, as shows:

Why are we off the Roxy lynch btw? He's still my choice for today.
Swords, you got until tomorrow then I hammer unless you can convince us that someone else is a lynch.
Alright guys, I'm throwing in an ultimatum:

No more talking about Roxy, Swords, or Gordito.

Swords is currently the lynch for ToDay; I'm going to hammer him tomorrow unless he brings some impressive play by tomorrow... and even then he might get lynched because we'll need a lynch toDay.

Do we really not want to lynch Roxy?
Those are all in order, within a day of each other so much wishy-washyness is not pro-town If Roxy was his lynch choice he should have pursued that and not stopped pressing for his lynch

He then proceeded to push Roxy D3 despite practically no connections between him and Swords, (read: there are connections between OS and Swords, at each lynch they have both been voting the same player, and D1 and D2 this was the same person that Swords was voting too)

Right unless something happens soon I'm just gonna vote K?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
What's your hurry?

I'd like to hear GBoy's opinion on things, he's awfully quiet.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
There's not too much that's been said that I disagree with.

I mean, I don't want a lynch before the 20th, just because I want to squeeze any possible info out that we can.

I'd have to say that the lynch should go to either X1, or you. From what I see, Swiss and X1 are for a you lynch. And me and Sworddancer prefer an X1 lynch.

I'll reread the Day and see if there's anything else I can really say. I didn't get what I was looking for from the massclaim, and trust me, if I did I'd be more questioning.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

You seem to be open about OS being your scum target. But youre not STATING any reasons. Why, in your own words, is OS scum (yes, I have a reason for asking).


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
K I like X1 now.

His play...ugh *no case*

He's scum, imo. This game has just been played quite well....and he went hard on roxy even tho he was town...that's what I do as scum, like HOW CAN I B TOWN WHEN I'M RESPONSIBLE FOR TOWNIE LYNCH ZOMG. Oh that's a nice wifom *downs it*.

Inconcise thoughts for VERY IMPORTANT reasons will post again later.

Reaaaaaly want X1 to vote OS...so long as we don't lose lmao


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
K I like X1 now.

His play...ugh *no case*

He's scum, imo. This game has just been played quite well....and he went hard on roxy even tho he was town...that's what I do as scum, like HOW CAN I B TOWN WHEN I'M RESPONSIBLE FOR TOWNIE LYNCH ZOMG. Oh that's a nice wifom *downs it*.

Inconcise thoughts for VERY IMPORTANT reasons will post again later.

Reaaaaaly want X1 to vote OS...so long as we don't lose lmao
You also went after Roxy. If you don't recall, I went after Roxy for two whole Day periods and I wasn't alone in going after his lynch. That isn't "wifom", that's me thinking he's scum.

Roxy literally gave up when pressured only to come back later, every single time with an OMGUS attack saying "no, YOU are scum". Why would I NOT vote that?


SwordsRbroken (6): Dark Pappy Charles, GorditoBoy69, X1-12, Ronike, Sephiroths Masamune, Sworddancer.
Dark Pappy Charles (3): Overswarm, Swiss, SwordsRbroken
GorditoBoy69 (1): Rockin
YOU were on Roxy's wagon with ME, not SwordsRBroken. We had the same freaking read.

And you know what?

Day 3 Vote Count
Roxy (2): Overswarm, Swiss
Overswarm (1): Roxy

Not voting: X1-12, Ronike, GorditoBoy69, Sworddancer.
You were on it again at the beginning of the next Day.

I also noticed something I didn't notice before: you were deliberately saying "oh ho, if OS is scum he has sure played well". You were literally bread crumbing a push on me for a later time period while pushing for a Roxy lynch which you now act like you weren't a part of.

I'm focused more on who one mafia is toDay rather than a pair, but:

@ OS - willing to lynch Gordito today and Roxy 2mo?
and especially


I was starting to think that X-1 was your scum buddy, but then I used my head and not my gut.

Reaaaaaly want X1 to vote OS...so long as we don't lose lmao
If you were town, WHY would you need X1 to vote first?

X-1 is town, and you are scum. You need him to vote first because if YOU vote first, you're still waiting on a town vote. If X-1 votes first, you and your partner can quick hammer.

Vote Swiss

You were the one playing me like a fiddle, but I'm not embarassed.

You're also not getting your medal.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK

I think Swiss is full of BS, I also thought he was OS's scumbuddy, now I'm unsure :/ I don't really know what to do in this situation but a vote is out should I just go for it :/ don't answer that. I like OS's case but i trust my own beliefs over those of OS since I actually know I am a townie..

**** it

Vote: Overswarm


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

I think Swiss is full of BS, I also thought he was OS's scumbuddy, now I'm unsure :/ I don't really know what to do in this situation but a vote is out should I just go for it :/ don't answer that. I like OS's case but i trust my own beliefs over those of OS since I actually know I am a townie..

**** it

Vote: Overswarm
What ARE your beliefs?

That I'm such a bad scum player that I spend two whole Day periods going after the same guy, completely out in the open, over someone who is scum that is going to be lynched anyway?

My case makes sense and you know it. That's WHY he needed you to vote first. Why wouldn't Swiss just vote and wait for you to jump on? He's waiting for you to act because he needs you to do so.

Everyone needs to vote Swiss ASAP. Use your head and come at this fresh. Who is more likely to be scum?

OS- goes after Roxy openly, goes after Swords very lightly but says he'd rather lynch Roxy

Swiss- goes after Roxy openly, later implies he didn't by attacking OS for doing so, goes after Swords lightly but constantly is asking other people (specifically OS) that they should lynch person X now, then person Y tomorrow (starting with Roxy/swords)

Swiss has done everything I've done that you could consider scummy, you just haven't noticed it because he's been hiding it. He just tried to convince you that I'm scum because of a Roxy lynch and it's the same thing he would do as scum.

swiss said:
He's scum, imo. This game has just been played quite well....and he went hard on roxy even tho he was town...that's what I do as scum, like HOW CAN I B TOWN WHEN I'M RESPONSIBLE FOR TOWNIE LYNCH ZOMG. Oh that's a nice wifom *downs it*.
Seriously. He just said "that's what I'd do if I was scum, so OS must be scum" when he was doing it as well.

The only difference between what I did and what he did is that he's trying to hide it.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
tbh I thought you could tell from the way I posted that I've already made my decision.

Also I'm not sure Swiss is talking about you in his most recent post either, I thought he was talking about me.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
so you made a decision prior to evidence and decide to stick with it despite evidence?

Swiss you are awfully quiet.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I made a decision based on my own evidence and thoughts rather than blindly accepting something which is told to me by a player who has a 50% chance of being scum


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I made a decision based on my own evidence and thoughts rather than blindly accepting something which is told to me by a player who has a 50% chance of being scum
So what do you think of Swiss?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Whoa. Talk 'bout missin it.

KK, no townies vote. Wanna see if we get nuked. (Gordito, Dancer scum team amirite? ^_^) OMG look we wont be so either (or both) X1 'n OS is scum.

So, OS, I'm scum 'cuz I said if I were scum I'd play it like you did? LOLOLOLOLOLOL

OS, mah mayne, why you jibber jabbering about me being inactive today when we both know I've already said I'm afk a lot of today. Sounds like fear mongering to me. Go monger somewhere else.

OS I will say this - if we both turn out to be town I will personally slap you about.

Sure I followed the Roxy wagon, sure I thought his play style was anti town. Not like I went along with the wagon 'cuz I've had to spend most of this game trying to figure out your ****ing alignment or anything. Jesus. You were on that guys ***, (anyone meta'd me on rPSI newbie 7? ZOMG IT WORKS) It's just such a friggin sweet thing to do "ZOMG I'M SCUMHUNTING...soz guys it went wrong but how pro town am I??"

Gonna be more blunt than a refined circle. OS is scum. I literally cannot believe X1 is scum. Stick by my gut, got him D1 and shoulda risked it for a chocolate biscuit.

Thinkin' on my feet - no point waitin to see if we get nuked so gonna take more action then Vin Diesel.

Vote Overswarm
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