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Community Mafia: El final

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
[collapse=all roles]

You are Troy. You hate Spanish class and can't stand the idea of Señor Chang punishing you for something you didn't do (although it was, you admit, a pretty good idea and you wish you had thought of it first). You're the town nurse. If and when a town doctor dies, you will assume their abilities effective the phase following their death (Day, Twilight, or Night). You will be notified when and if these powers are activated. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

You are Jeff Winger, a town nurse. Curiously, you had nothing to do with vandalizing Chang's moped. (This is in spite of the fact that he beat up your car with a keytar... which happened after he was no longer a Spanish teacher, so the continuity gods are already very much offended.) You also don't really want to get involved in this whole thing because of your laid back nature, but you know you might need to if it comes to it. Thus, if and when a town doctor dies, you will assume their abilities effective the phase following their death (Day, Twilight, or Night). You will be notified when and if these powers are activated. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

You are Buddy. Remember that one time you were there, in the class, with the other guys who were in the class too? Yeah? That makes one of us. But that'll make it all the more dramatic should you step out of the shadows as town nurse. If and when a town doctor dies, you will assume their abilities effective the phase following their death (Day, Twilight, or Night). You will be notified when and if these powers are activated. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

You are Shirley, town nurse. If and when a town doctor dies, you will assume their abilities effective the phase following their death (Day, Twilight, or Night). You will be notified when and if these powers are activated. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

You are Starburns. You have sideburns that are shaped like stars. Hence the name. Starburns. You are a town nurse. If and when a town doctor dies, you will assume their abilities effective the phase following their death (Day, Twilight, or Night). You will be notified when and if these powers are activated. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

You are Annie. Since you are Jewish, I could make a joke about Jewish doctors here. But I won't, because you're not a doctor--you're a town nurse. If and when a town doctor dies, you will assume their abilities effective the phase following their death (Day, Twilight, or Night). You will be notified when and if these powers are activated. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

You are the human being, Greendale's racially ambiguous mascot. You're also a town nurse. If and when a town doctor dies, you will assume their abilities effective the phase following their death (Day, Twilight, or Night). You will be notified when and if these powers are activated. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

You are Abed, jack of certain trades. Each Night you can use any one of the following abilities. You may use each ability only once; if the ability fails for some reason, you will not be able to use it again:

  • Clap: you may clap your hands.
  • Ponder deeply: you may ponder the state of affairs in the world.
  • Scheme: you may concoct a grand plan to catch the mafia for the following Day.
  • Investigate: you may choose one other living player and determine their alignment.
  • Sing: you may sing a song.
  • Tap dance: you may practice your tap dancing skills.
  • Meditate: you may meditate for the Night.
  • Protect: you may don your Batman suit and choose one other living player to protect them from one attempt to kill them during that Night phase.
  • Fry: you may fry chicken fingers for your consumption.
  • Kill: you may choose one other living player and target them for a Night kill.
  • Impersonate: you may dress up as one other living player and pretend to visit another living player during the Night.
  • Do a jig: you may do a little jig.
  • Be a playa: you may act like a playa, yo. (No, not a beach.)
You may choose to not use any of your abilities on a given Night. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

You are Britta. You are a buzzkill. Or so you're told. You're also a feminist, so it's fitting that you're the town nurse. If and when a town doctor dies, you will assume their abilities effective the phase following their death (Day, Twilight, or Night). You will be notified when and if these powers are activated. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

You are Señor Chang, the mafia godfather. Weird, right? So it turns out this whole thing is a scam. You're kind of broke (it's not like being a Spanish teacher at a community college pays well), and you sort of want a new moped that you just can't afford. So you conspired with a couple other people--Professor Slater (Clownbot) and Pierce (SwordsRBroken)--to vandalize it, leaving you to collect your insurance money and a sweet new ride. (They'll, of course, each be compensated for their trouble.) Now all that you need to do is ensure this doesn't come back to you--you just need to be able to pin this on someone else.

Each Night your faction may select one player for a Night kill. One member of your faction must decide who should be targeted and which faction member will target that person for the kill. (Please do not send me multiple or conflicting actions--I am letting you collectively decide whose responsibility it will be to send me this action, so please coordinate accordingly.) You are mafia-aligned and win when all members outside your faction have been eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Here is a fake claim you may elect to refer to during the game:

You are Señor Chang. You're a vanilla townie. Someone, under the cover of darkness, vandalized your moped last night. You're sure it was one of the students in your Spanish class--they left a note, and some of the words looked like they might have been Spanish, so you're sure of it! Unwilling to leave things up to law enforcement, you're determined to find out who was responsible for this heinous act yourself, even if it kills yo--well, within reason. Unfortunately, you have no special powers to aid you, so you'll have to rely on your, erm, wits. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

You are Professor Slater, a mafia goon. You're one of the people responsible for vandalizing Chang's moped, along with Pierce (SwordsRBroken) and... Señor Chang (Overswarm). Turns out Chang needs the insurance money or something. It's all worked out so far--but now you all need to elude suspicion.

Each Night your faction may select one player for a Night kill. One member of your faction must decide who should be targeted and which faction member will target that person for the kill. (Please do not send me multiple or conflicting actions--I am letting you collectively decide whose responsibility it will be to send me this action, so please coordinate accordingly.) You are mafia-aligned and win when all members outside your faction have been eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Here is a fake claim you may elect to refer to during the game:

You are Professor Slater. No one's quite sure why you're stuck here in this Spanish class--you are, after all, a statistics professor--but so it goes. Your role is that of the town nurse. If and when a town doctor dies, you will assume their abilities effective the phase following their death (Day, Twilight, or Night). You will be notified when and if these powers are activated. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

You are Pierce, a mafia goon. You're one of the people responsible for vandalizing Chang's moped, along with Professor Slater (Clownbot) and... Señor Chang (Overswarm). Turns out Chang needs the insurance money or something, and you could also happen to use an A in his class. It's all worked out so far--but now you all need to elude suspicion so you can claim your prize.

Each Night your faction may select one player for a Night kill. One member of your faction must decide who should be targeted and which faction member will target that person for the kill. (Please do not send me multiple or conflicting actions--I am letting you collectively decide whose responsibility it will be to send me this action, so please coordinate accordingly.) You are mafia-aligned and win when all members outside your faction have been eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Here is a fake claim you may elect to refer to during the game:

You are Pierce. You're old! And confused. And confusing. But never mind that, because you have an important role: town nurse! If and when a town doctor dies, you will assume their abilities effective the phase following their death (Day, Twilight, or Night). You will be notified when and if these powers are activated. You are town-aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

Random notes from your mod:

  • Abed's abilities that sound useless were useless. He'd get a tongue-in-cheek result PM or something just to kind of drive that home if he tried any of those useless things, but he never tried them anyway so it didn't matter. N1 he investigated Swiss and got an inno, N2 he killed Rockin.
  • With the exception of Abed and Chang, I wrote all the roles as town nurses. Then I RNG'd everyone's alignment and gave the mafia goons their town PMs as fake claims. Abed was town aligned because I liked him as a JoaT (or JocT, whatever) and Chang was the godfather because like whoa I have to try to fool you guys somehow right? Plus a sample PM in the OP that turns out to actually be in the game (even if he's really the mafia godfather not a vanilla townie)? [thread=253458]Oh god that's almost something we've seen before[/thread]
  • In retrospect it would've been awesome had I used the study group and the fake study group from Abed's films as characters in the game, and not told anyone if they were real or fake. Would've made claiming even more fun than it was in this game.
  • Everyone's a town nurse? [thread=253458]Oh god that's almost something we've seen before[/thread]
  • Props to OS. I think. I was thinking he was making himself too obvious for awhile--I understand "be so scummy that I can't possibly actually be scum" but in the best case that's a whole load of WIFOM and usually townies won't think that far ahead. They're much more likely to just notice you're pushing lynches on townies and draw the obvious conclusion, as much as your personal meta might seem like a good counterargument. I'm really shocked that he didn't get lynched by the end because there were a few times in there I thought it would happen. He defended swords, like, a lot before he got lynched, then pushed a lynch on Roxy for no reason at all even after swords flipped scum. He basically didn't get called out on any of that. Which is weird, because I thought there were some decent players playing on the town's side, even if town's play overall was (obviously) not great. OS was fantastic D4 though, he brought some serious intensity and urgency to the game when it wasn't strictly necessary, all to heighten confusion and try to get a townie to screw up.
  • Mafia really had this game won by the time D4 started. OS could have been lynched and somehow Dancer had managed to become the token townie-by-consensus-in-lylo. He was set up to be the decider in a 3 man lylo, which is fantastically difficult to pull off, so credit to scum for managing that.
  • I doubt I'll ever really understand the urge to rush lylo situations. Stuff happened ridiculously quickly today, no one took their time, and, well, you saw what happened.
  • I think Swiss would drive me nuts if I had to play with him. To each his own, though.
Thanks all for playing, and congrats scum on the win.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

How I Beat All Of You

As per normal, when I have a good game as scum I like to explain my thought process. It helps keep me on my toes and thinking of new things.

First off, Broken let himself get killed waaaaaay too easy. He could have defended himself with anything, even OMGUS, and some townie out there would have defended him. At the very least, we would have gotten an awesome kill the next day because of "buddying" swords if he died and flipped scum.

For some ridiculous (yet accurate) meta, SBroken kinda fell apart. Normally I bus people early on; I've bussed someone D1 in every other scum game I have had a chance. It's a perfect way to survive until lylo (or day before lylo) because even if someone says "Oh, obvious scum" and knows your meta, you survive one way or the other. They either say "well we have to find the other person anyway, and we can use OS for clues", "eh, maybe he'll bus the other guy... we should keep him around" or they go balls-to-the-wall aggro against you and then some other townie that doesn't believe the meta says "Hey, you need an actual case!" and then that person ends up getting lynched before me. It always works, and always will.

However, I didn't feel confident doing that in this game. Ronike, Rockin, and X-1 all seemed to have the "Nich effect". Once they latch onto someone, they don't let go... for better or worse. Rockin' does this the least, but all three of them pretty much won't let go regardless of the evidence given to them. This results in a pretty serious struggle and it becomes a "me vs. them" rather than "town vs. them", so I didn't feel comfortable bussing Swords ASAP this game. I'd lose a scummate and be given no advantage. My first slip that affronted any of them would result in my inevitable death, one that couldn't be prevented by someone saying "But he killed a scum on D1!" (hint: if someone is ever "sure" they have caught scum D1 and then is right, but didn't start the wagon themselves, they're always scum. If they did start the wagon, they still might be scum.)

So, I decided the best way to go about things was to take the opposite approach. Leave Sworddancer as our scum cleanup crew, protect SBroken for a day or two if possible, and make as many connections as possible (especially to strong townies that could have good reads).

I knew I needed to kill Ronike the moment I'd be under fire (we did so), but was worried about having both Rockin and X1 alive at the same time on the offchance one would pick me. I felt X1 was the least likely to be able to convince town and was sure we'd be killing Rockin before him... but then Rockin died to Seph the day we killed him, which was the perfect NKill for us. :D

Lylo was the team I had hand picked from the beginning and it worked out great. Swiss and I were incredibly close; I mostly followed his reads and/or breadcrumbed things for him to arrive at obvious leads, so much so that Swiss and I would constantly run into the same conclusions whenever it came to any sort of action. Swiss moved the flow of the game for me, kinda kept me in the clear; it's hard to be blamed for starting something when someone else shares the blame.

More importantly, Swiss could be considered a scum buddy late game. I knew he'd be the one to actually make a presentable case against me (X1 would "just know" and GBoy's case would be disregarded by both X1 and Swiss for being incomplete), so he'd be the most important to be considered scummy. If he ended up in Lylo, he would be a possible lynch candidate.

With Swiss being the big thinker candidate, he was also our biggest threat. So, I figured we'd have to end up NKilling him at the end. I still don't know if this would have been a mistake, but I figured killing X1 would result in a "restart" of the game. Swiss would reanalyze everything, GBoy would be cautious and follow the best evidence, it'd be a mess for scum. Much rather have X1 and GBoy with kneejerk reactions.

I did think I was going to die after the Roxy lynch. Pushing for the Roxy lynch early on, continuing after SBroken's flip, and tying myself to Swiss practically guaranteed its status as a legitimate case; Roxy let us lynch him by giving up repeatedly. "Giving up" never helps unless you think your lynch is beneficial to town. At that point, it wasn't. Too late in the game.

@Roxy: you weren't chosen at random. I fabricated a case against you out of thin air because I considered you a town player that would be unable to provide a serious defense. You and X1 were both possibilities for this, but X1 seemed to have the most connections that'd help him and, oddly enough, you're tendency to sometimes defend yourself with more than wifom helped me. Any defense you gave I would be able to twist around and I'm pretty **** good with words. X1's strategy is incredibly anti-town 95% of the time, but if he catches onto scum, that scum can't talk their way out of it. You get flustered and spout off things, then you give up. X1 punches the guy arguing with him in the face. Neither are good town reactions, but X1 was more dangerous to take head on. I didn't want a head on fight with someone that wouldn't fight back, so I had to pressure you a lot to get you irritated. If you're ever in a situation like that again, the best way to get the case off you? Ask someone else you think is a strong town player to describe it. If you had said "Swiss, what is the case against me?" or "Ronike, can you describe the case on me?" and then argued with them instead and kept switching players, you don't let someone else bandy words with you.

X1 would have been a choice immediately following scummy behavior, but I never found anything worth REALLY pushing for.

Sworddancer and I had the plan of having tons and tons of connections stemming from me to everyone else... and hten Sworddancer all by his lonesome. The only accusations anyone can make against Sworddancer are "he has no connections with OS"... but he also lynched SBroken. Any case against him was complete and total wifom, 100%, and that would have made him the decision maker if it got down to the final 3. We'd win regardless! Even better is no one can legitimately make a case against him without sounding scummy. :D

Sworddancer played very, very well; while I was the puppet master this game, he was typing the most foolproof posts I've seen. He gives tons of information, much of it not seen before, and puts pressure all around... just never in a place that'd hurt scum long term. By end game, I trusted SDancer's judgement almost completely (I had to tell him not to bus me during the Roxy lynch, I told him I'd tell people he was scum if he did ^_^).


Sorry for your early death. I have trouble manipulating you, you're hard to predict. You were one of the strongest town, easy, and any good mafia player would have killed you off fast. Lynching you would have been nigh impossible until at least D3, and you would have helped town too much by then. I learned this from TMNT mafia. I thought I had you all game, but you kept surprising me. By the end I had to cross my fingers waiting for you to post, and I didn't want that luck factor in this game. Maybe another game I'll take you on, but this one didn't start off strong enough.

@Sephiroths Masamune

Post more. Seriously, you underestimate yourself. Post more.


I get a medal :D

I hope one day we are scum buddies.

You really did flip out and panic at the end though. You woulda got me lynched easy if you had been quieter. You contradicted yourself a lot, left out important details (like doing the same thing as me all game), and acted pretty scummy. While it might not be the same to you, from an outside perspective it is dangerous.


Your headstrong nature is gonna get you in trouble more than it helps, but you were on the ball most of the time this game. You had reasoning, but didn't post it much. This might help YOU, but doesn't help TOWN. Finding scum is only half the battle, you have to be able to convince town too!

Pretending to listen to someone else might be worthwhile ;P


Mostly ditto to the above. Sorry you were chosen, just be more strategic next time. Don't think of it as town vs. you, think of it as town vs. lies.


Sorry I had to paint you as dumb this game. You were actually just a cautious townie, and your play wasn't that bad at all. I just extrapolated any mistakes you made and set the game up to be really, really confusing for you. I deliberately left you out of most discussions so you couldn't "bond" with anyone this game, and I feel you were kinda in the dark at the end.

This was a really fun game to play. The "nurses" thing kinda threw me off, and I hated that my safe claim was useless. I was too scared to come up with something random. The fact there were no real abilities made the game pretty easy for scum to win , except it was offset by the massive amount of mistakes scum could have (but didn't!) make due to the game's roles. If I had claimed doctor or VT at the wrong time? Death for me instantly. My roleclaim was "it's in the main post" for pete's sake!

Swords coulda claimed Cop and gotten a pseudo-clear if I was lynched though; me being godfather and no counter claim to cop would have been epic. Didn't think of it til just now though.

Anyway, as promised to Sworddancer, here's a pic of me and my scummates (the two swords):

My real ones are at home, and my bokken look like black sticks because I don't put anything on them... and nerf swords are sooooooo much more awesome.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Hahahaha I hate you OS.

That was my first town Lylo, I think. Needa keep my balls in check.

Why was I investigated N1? SRSLY, EVERY ****ED GAME.

@ KK - Why would I drive you nuts? Issit 'cuz I'm just so ****ed good lookin'?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
lmfao so proud of yourself

why cant you just say "good game" like the rest of us when you win
It's less fun. Plus, this makes me a bigger target in mafia games because they don't want to see that again :D

(I did the same thing in TMNT mafia)

I feel left out :(
Sorry :(

You were just Ronike

Hahahaha I hate you OS.

That was my first town Lylo, I think. Needa keep my balls in check.

Why was I investigated N1? SRSLY, EVERY ****ED GAME.

@ KK - Why would I drive you nuts? Issit 'cuz I'm just so ****ed good lookin'?
You were investigated N1 because you were all sketchy :p

I wish I had been investigated N1 so I could have been cleared :(


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Can I take that as a compliment? Or still an insult?
I put you in the same category as Hilt. "Strong town, but slow". You don't get started til like D3 and are helpful to keep around until then, but then you gotta die fast. You're one of those players scum shouldn't keep around at endgame.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
that is hysterical. i normally super dislike playing any kind of game with people like this but if it's this hilarious they can get a free pass
I liked TMNT better because then it was unexpected ^_^

But for srs

Sworddancer had the game won and wrapped for himself by D3.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Sworddancer and Seph were both great.

Ronike, I honestly feel that you are too short tempered. Most of your posts look like they're full of anger and many times I wonder if you want somebody dead because you think he's scum because often it's just somebody getting on your nerves; Roxy being a great example as he wasn't scummy in the slightest imo



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

you are a character

ill give you that
I try. Overswarm is a fun persona. He doesn't really spill over into real life, but he makes the internet world incredibly entertaining.

I laughed at the "Nich effect".
It's one of my least favorite traits to see, because I haven't found a way around it.

Assuming both players are town:

I get you lynched, you flip town, then I'm lynched for being scum because suddenly your claims have more weight. ****.

I give up and get lynched, things die down fast... but I'm still DEAD. Graaaaaaaagh. Most pro-town option.

If I'm scum?

Can't get you off my back. Can't get you killed without dying the next day either. D:



Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Sorry guys but I gotta know

Gheb was killed because he was pretty much the top townie and he pushed us in good directions. Whoever the doc is (we ****in' have one) failed miserably at their job.

We have two avenues of play today:

1) Watch differences in play from yesterday

2) Analyze why Gheb would die
Is this a scummy post? directing town like that. At the time I just put it down to OS being OS though

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Btw, GBoy, you're not a dumb player, lol. Sorry about anything in game where you were painted as dumb, it was just playing towards the win. Your just starting out, so know that the advice Roxy gave you Day 3 was actually pretty good.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Yea I was just making sure lol. I'll make sure to digest that for my next games :). You really were incredible. I'd NEVER guess you'd be scum. I guess it's a good thing you replaced in for Clownbot lol.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
The only thing I disliked was the roles the 'vanilla townies' had. It felt misleading, but that's just me.
I think that might have been the intention. Don't quote me on that, though.

Can't believe I let OS slip away. Friggin IDIOT. A hefty lump of cheese sized portion of the blame should lie squarely on my shoulders.

How big is a cheese?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Everyone wanted me dead but everyone let me slip away. It's how it always works when town doesn't have a leader :D

next time be irrational and stick on me anyway ^_^

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Lol Sorry, I stoped reading after I died.

@OS: Are you saying that I have alot of potential? I didn't post much this game becuase I thought I should just watch, that and I didn't have that much time.^_^ There were times where I would about to say something and then someone else would say it.

Also, I was thinking about investigating you N1 at one point, and I was on the fence with killing Rockin or Sword Dancer. I was also going to reveal Swiss was town D3 and telling everyone I killed Rockin regardless of his flip, after that I would claim.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Lol Sorry, I stoped reading after I died.

@OS: Are you saying that I have alot of potential? I didn't post much this game becuase I thought I should just watch, that and I didn't have that much time.^_^ There were times where I would about to say something and then someone else would say it.

Also, I was thinking about investigating you N1 at one point, and I was on the fence with killing Rockin or Sword Dancer. I was also going to reveal Swiss was town D3 and telling everyone I killed Rockin regardless of his flip, after that I would claim.
If you had investigated me and claimed, this game would have been sooooooooooo easy XD

I'm saying you've got a good head on your shoulders but you just don't show it. Just post more and don't be as cautious, you don't have to hold back as much. Your input can help, but you never seem to post much. Your choices for your abilities say as much.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Just curious, why did you kill me N2
from Quicktopic on N1:

"SBroken, you're gonna do us a favor. You're gonna get tons of pressure today, meaning there will be a loooooot of people wanting you dead. If you feel the pressure is too much, claim Doctor and say you protected either Sephiroth's Masamune or Tom. No one will have watched/tracked/whatever either of them, and no one will be able to say much about either. Seph is considered town by all, Tom is a pro player."


me said:
I think our NKill should be Sephiroth's Masamune, then one of the swords can pressure Rockin.
dancer said:
As for the nkill. . . well, yeah, I guess I'm fine with Seph. Just wondering though, why him over a better player like Rockin? Is it because Rockin is most likely to be protected toNight?
dancer said:
Btw town, when you read this, know that OS and I were trying to decide between Seph and Rockin, and I decided to kill Seph (OS left the nk up to me).

Pro-town players are easy kills. :D


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Just curious, why did you kill me N2
Why did YOU kill me?

did your beef with Tom clouded your judgement or something? -_-;;

as for me being pro-town, eh...I thought I was decent. Was still irritated that people went for the Roxy lynch afterwards, but I guess it couldn't be helped due to his D1 play.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
I really can't remember. :p I think that I could pull some conections with the other players who didn't want you dead and base my decisions the next day. That, and I legitimately thought you were scum. (sorry:( ) But that didn't go as well as I planed.

If they did target you it would have freaked me out that there was only one NK and probably confirm to me there was a doc. (even though there wasn't)
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