ok, Sam and I (Sinister and Shinobi) have decided that it's time for the (mostly) missouri smash community to come together and have a nice friendly smashfest (hopefully reoccurring) for anyone in missouri that can come! KC, Springfield, St Louis, Como, Washington, Rolla, or anyone else are all welcome and encouraged to come and meet ur fellow missouri smashers and get better! It'll be here in columbia mo which is centrally located so people from all over missouri can come and play for most of us under or around a 2 hour drive. except poplar bluff
which are still welcome to come! Depending on how many people can make it will decide when and where the smashfest will occur/be at. If more than 15 to 20 people can make it, then i will have to find somewhere other than my house for hosting, which i am very willing to do. This will hopefully either be on saturday march 2nd or sat march 16th, so its not conflicting with romo8 (rolla monthly) or smym 14. which ever one of those 2 dates more people can make it to, is when i'll schedule it. SO IF U CAN MAKE IT TO ONE OR BOTH OF THOSE 2 DATES AND WANNA COME, PLEASE TELL ME WHICH SO I CAN FIGURE OUT WHEN TO HAVE IT. We wanna have as many players as possible! Especially new smashers wanting more play time and experience with other players! This should be a great opportunity for meeting people and of course........playing smash! The more smashers u can bring, the cheaper gas will be, so bring everyone u can!