Oh****! I forgot about the boulderians. XD
i dont think that ferdi should be tied with kenny
i think ferdi is better and i dont think kenny can ever beat ferdi unless he sandbags
and tony rafa is right you shouldnt be that high in the rankings becouse it has been a long time where i have waited to play you in tournament but you never meet me.... and you know you should have not gotten that high at the Prelims becouse everyone was sandbagging welll everyone that is good at least ferdi lost to me and lovo ***** you at the actual CT and he was still sandbagging
and i think all first 10 spots should be posted
well thats just what i think
also we could have a round robin to actually rank everyone - no johnz
I know it was awhile ago, but Kenny 2-0'ing Taj at OC2 STILL comes to mind. I think Kenny is hella underrated, mainly because he's not part of the minority circle. I don't know who's better between him and Ferdi, since they both sandbag like hell.
For LoVo ****** me at C3T, I could john all I want, but I'm not going to. He's above me for a reason.
Ken, if you're so **** confident about being better than me, then let's do a $20 money match. Seriously. Hell, I'll even bump it up to $50. I'm not even worried about you, especially since I can **** you without even trying. I'm more hesitant with Yang, who doesn't have one trick pony characters, but I'd probably $5-$10 MM him. Seriously, Ken, you're alright, but you play waaaaaaaaaaaay too **** slow to keep up with anyone. While I think you should be above Nite for now (a lucky 2-0 doesn't happen), I don't think you're that amazing, to be blunt. Maybe if you played more, or at least practiced your technicals, but you don't.
As for first 10, I don't think that it should be like that. People get comfortable and complacent when they're on the top whatever. I want top 4 because in order to get onto that you have to bust your *** (with a little leniency for slot 4, so that it's not just the *******s that take me out of tournament, haha) in order to be known. Seriously, Colorado is NOT that competitive. Yeah, we have our talents in the form of SDSG and LoVo, but no one else seems to really care about getting better, with the notable exception again being Kenny, since he's been holding smashfests to improve. Going OOS helps us a little bit, but after beating lesser states, people get arrogant and assume that they don't have to work.
That's why Colorado has peaked out, and (with the aforementioned trinity again being the exception) is no longer really growing at a notable rate. Talk it up all you want, but when compared to states that are actually GOOD, Colorado pales in comparison. Our top 10 don't matter, because, really, even the top 3-6 probably won't make it out of pools at OC3, and below that probably won't even make it out of the first pools, if they even manage to take a round from anyone. That's the grim truth. Colorado is better than ****ty states with underdeveloped smash scenes. Kansas, Illinois, New York, Texas, and Maryland could all **** us, and that's ignoring the superpowers of Arizona and California.
Yay! We can beat Utah! Yay! we can beat New Mexico! Yay! We beat the ****ty players from El Paso! Doesn't mean a thing. Until we start doing well against GOOD states, and GOOD players, we shouldn't even worry about anything below the top 4, because they aren't going to care about anyone below that, if they even care about our tops. Seriously, Ken, do you think Taj found it fun to play against you? Against Yang? Against Me? Erg? Ben? If he did, it was simply for love of the game, and not because we were a challenge. He ***** us all without even breaking a sweat, and he's become much better than he was then. He even 4 stocked LoVo in tournament, and SDSG didn't do so hot with that tournament, either.
Face it, Colorado isn't HORRIBLE, but we're not good. As such, we need something to push us. I think not seeing your name even listed on the rankings is incentive to try and get better. Maybe once everyone that could be considered for the top 10 is to the point where they wouldn't get 4 stocked by Forward consistently, we can worry about showing more people. Hell, I'd be happy if everyone that could be put at top 10 were able to actually combo, and maybe even think a little, not just camp, or hope that a random *** smash from whatever character you're playing as will hit.
Fact of the matter is that **** near everyone in Colorado is a scrub, myself included. Get over it, and get off your high horses. You want to be on the rankings? Play better.
WITH THAT RANT OVER: LoVo, Kenny, and Ferdi, I want to make a ranking panel, much like AZ has. Since SDSG doesn't frequent the boards, I need you guys to help me pick out one more person for it. PM me your nomination, plzkthnx.