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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17

Falco Rising

Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2007
um thts kid is crazy i mean insane past the limit must be on something and thts not adhd or w.e. it is

nope i dont know wat we r goin 2 do i guess sleep in the car and i got back lol


That kid is on crack omg. watch the other two if you can on the right...there even weirder


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2007
Aurora, Colorado
um thts kid is crazy i mean insane past the limit must be on something and thts not adhd or w.e. it is

nope i dont know wat we r goin 2 do i guess sleep in the car and i got back lol

Ok i saw it now and i get 300 miles on a full tank of gas but i dnt even have 20 dollars let alone probably 50 (Im talking to mike AKA lunchmeat ) Also the state championship game is on that day so its still if 'y for me to go

Hahaha frog i fast fowarded it i knew that was coming pause and fast foward i beat the system hahahahaha

Falco Rising

Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2007
i know man so we got 2 c how things work out and all cuz if u dont have the game which i bet u anything u will cuz thts how it always works out...it starts at 10 and tht means were drivin at night so we need supplies 2 keep us awake R and B and u know ds and all tht stuff


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2007
Aurora, Colorado
i know man so we got 2 c how things work out and all cuz if u dont have the game which i bet u anything u will cuz thts how it always works out...it starts at 10 and tht means were drivin at night so we need supplies 2 keep us awake R and B and u know ds and all tht stuff
Ill probably be driving and mike will be driving but that is a long way to drive especially during the night and the night doesnt help when your looking for signs and stuff its going to be a challenge


well guys just like i told mike, i know were good friends and all, but 8 hours...were bound to argue and sometimes that **** gets intense so we gota bring stuff to keep us happy otherwise someones gonna be tryin to punch the other in the face 4 hours into it and it will just kill the mood and it will just be a huge ****in waste. we gota be smart about this.

Falco Rising

Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2007
lol dont go soft on me man..lets be posititve cuz this is an adventure for all of us lol well have food and i can bring my portable dvd playa and charger for the car and ds and all kinda of stuff so well so set on the tournament and its goin 2 be so much fun

yes u have 2 and im not goin 2 untilll i talk 2 my parents


yea man im just sayin, i mean, god, you and ET were fightin non stop that one day cuz u were attackin him or w e, then ET and lunch always argue, they yall pissed me off at nibs house. just sayin i dont want that crap to happen on an 8 hour drive


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2007
Aurora, Colorado
lol dont go soft on me man..lets be posititve cuz this is an adventure for all of us lol well have food and i can bring my portable dvd playa and charger for the car and ds and all kinda of stuff so well so set on the tournament and its goin 2 be so much fun

yes u have 2 and im not goin 2 untilll i talk 2 my parents
Its not going to be fun for me cause i will probably be driving its not a concern to you cause all you and andrew have to do is sit there and play games

Falco Rising

Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2007
well just have 2 make sure im not on something cuz i guess i get mean towards evan and cant get mike and evan talkin bout something wit smash cuz thts usually wats its bout

ya but u and mike r goin 2 switch out so ucan play games when he drives lets not think bout it we got like 20 days till thn so lets not think bout it 2 much


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2007
Fountain CO/Fort Collins CO
hey Falco R im going to ty to get those vids up tonight, but im also going to be out and about today so I will try, if you can gather anymore info on the four corners that would be great cause I need to know, most likly im not going to be able to go if work gets in the way. Ill pop in when I get back

Falco Rising

Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2007
ok man im in no hurry so u can take ur time and all but i think i gave u the basic info but i will definitly try 2 get some more cuz wat i told u yesterday is all i know and u have 2 pre register....oo ya work well let me know bout the video and if u r goin

and o ya does anybody know where 2 go 2 pre register for four corners tourney?!?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2006
Centennial, Colorado
Me and Tim are teaming at one of these tournaments, who wants to team with me at the other one? (I don't know which one me and Tim are teaming at, isn't it Four Corners? So Fall Frenzy Fighter?)

I don't think anyone can come over Saturday, I'll have company over for my uncle's 60th birthday. So if there is anything happening then we will have to do it at someone elses' house.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2007
Aurora, Colorado
Me and Tim are teaming at one of these tournaments, who wants to team with me at the other one? (I don't know which one me and Tim are teaming at, isn't it Four Corners? So Fall Frenzy Fighter?)

I don't think anyone can come over Saturday, I'll have company over for my uncle's 60th birthday. So if there is anything happening then we will have to do it at someone elses' house.
Mike come on man i havent played anybody diffrent in a while


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2006
Centennial, Colorado
Then pick me up on Saturday and take me to play with Mike and you guys. Something like that, I really want to play also. I feel like with a little more practice against higher level players (rather than the people who suck at school) I will be able to improve again! Woo, Ferdi/Rafa sometime we should do some 1v1s so I can learn (if you can stand the **** for like 30 minutes), I really want to get better.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2007
Aurora, Colorado
Then pick me up on Saturday and take me to play with Mike and you guys. Something like that, I really want to play also. I feel like with a little more practice against higher level players (rather than the people who suck at school) I will be able to improve again! Woo, Ferdi/Rafa sometime we should do some 1v1s so I can learn (if you can stand the **** for like 30 minutes), I really want to get better.
Ill see whats going on during the weekend for us im not sure yet mike has wrestling and i might have football stuff going on


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Then pick me up on Saturday and take me to play with Mike and you guys. Something like that, I really want to play also. I feel like with a little more practice against higher level players (rather than the people who suck at school) I will be able to improve again! Woo, Ferdi/Rafa sometime we should do some 1v1s so I can learn (if you can stand the **** for like 30 minutes), I really want to get better.
Sorry about that, its just that I have to dumb down my playing ALOT against everyone(which is why I sandbag I guess). Because it gets REALLY boring if you win all the time, but it also gets really boring if you're not playing to the fullest extent of your game. So I tend to stay in the middle of that area and unfortunately that's still overpowering at times. The problem is that whenever we play it ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS lead to doubles. ALWAYS. If we can just get a T.V. set or something where we'll be able to simply single one person all the time it would probably help you improve alot(Or downgrade your performance due to repeated owning idk). The other thing is that I'm REALLY impacient, like I get matches over with so I can play more matches since I get bored alot. So yeah, impatient asian + sandbagging = not very good. But I'll help you own(although I don't know how much it would matter since SSBB is getting close), or at least try to.

Falco Rising

Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2007
Mike come on man i havent played anybody diffrent in a while
lol u dont know **** man i used 2 get get four stoked for about 3 months tilll i worked down 2 3 and so on so if u get agrivated ova tht man thn u just gotta chill..i dont mean 2 offend u mikezor and u go 2 gvh? right?


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Wow, I leave for a few days and it becomes nothing but 3 people spamming.

Raikou, when's Pound 3?

Ferdi, why the HELL did you go ICs against me? Or Peach, for that matter? If we ever play in tournament again, don't cheat me out of a good match, plox.

Guise, I haf no copy of Smash, but I rly want to play. D:

EDIT: Irvin, good ****, even if we were both playing like ****. XD

We need more smashfests. I don't care if Brawl is 3 months away, I want to play. My life is dull and void without smash.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2006
Centennial, Colorado
Why did you even jack my good GC controller if you don't even have a copy of smash, Tony >:O! I know you didn't steal it I left it in your car but dayum I want it back (along with Fire Emblem).

So Evan/Mike/frogguy/falcoguy are you guys playing smash tomorrow?

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
Sorry about that, its just that I have to dumb down my playing ALOT against everyone(which is why I sandbag I guess). Because it gets REALLY boring if you win all the time, but it also gets really boring if you're not playing to the fullest extent of your game. So I tend to stay in the middle of that area and unfortunately that's still overpowering at times. The problem is that whenever we play it ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS lead to doubles. ALWAYS. If we can just get a T.V. set or something where we'll be able to simply single one person all the time it would probably help you improve alot(Or downgrade your performance due to repeated owning idk). The other thing is that I'm REALLY impacient, like I get matches over with so I can play more matches since I get bored alot. So yeah, impatient asian + sandbagging = not very good. But I'll help you own(although I don't know how much it would matter since SSBB is getting close), or at least try to.
I agree with him STOP IT WITH TEAMS... THE ONES WHO LIKE PLAYING TEAMS AREN'T EVEN GOOD AT IT ANYMORE!!!! *Looks at ken, yang, lovo, Nite, erg, and ummm Mikezor just cause i like messing with him*
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