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Clowsui and Hilt present: RETRIBUTION//Results are up

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Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
lolz ally isn't MI soz.

I mean, come on guys, you guys said the EXACT same thing about Zinoto last time and look what happened?


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Lol this man is so Hater he doesn't even realize it. That level 6 right there. damn bro.

^^sure are paying a hell of a lot of attention to him.

>Says doesn't have time for Zinoto
>Keeps talking about/to Zinoto.
your tourney results prove otherwise.
player-1 did you get your ribs surgically removed so you could suck your own ****?

like damn kid do you talk about anything besides yourself


I'm down with Kels idea.
look who be talkin'

I mean. I live in MI more than anywhere else. So I'll tell you MI.

Ipso facto. Ally is MI.
Well IDK Ally's whole life story or anything so correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Ally has lived in Canada more than anywhere else.

Ipso facto. You're dumb.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
see the difference here is I'm not denying it.

I wish you'd stop posting, indefinitely.

one can dream I suppose.


Ridley Silverlake

Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2012
Radiata Castle
Don't be a scrub. Brinstar's acid follows a very predictable pattern, you need to play the stage more.

And FD and RC is nowhere near equivalent. Just ask any G&W/ZSS.
Being able to discern a pattern of acid flow does not make the stage any less polarizing or the acid's presence any less influencial on the outcome of a match.

This is a :metaknight: main being honest with you...the amount of effort I have to put forth in a match once my opponent is forced to the top platform by the acid is borderline child's play compared to the required effort during the rest of the match.

Rainbow Cruise promotes constant platforming changes that benefit characters who are highly mobile, have multiple jumps, or are otherwise able to force the opponent to play by their pace. Final Destination promotes a more steady and linear approach, where characters such as Diddy, Falco, and especially the Ice Climbers are able to make most other characters play according to their preferred pace due to their strong ground coverage. I wouldn't call it equivalent but there ARE similarities between the two based on how you choose to define them.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
Being able to discern a pattern of acid flow does not make the stage any less polarizing or the acid's presence any less influencial on the outcome of a match. .
Yes it does scrub. Being able to discern a pattern allows you to plan ahead, while a random pattern means that you have to be ready for all situations all the time. If the acid rose randomly at any point there would be no reason to leave the top platform. But since the acid rising has a patttern/very noticible, you can safetly play on the bottom section of the stage.

But I guess if you can't plan ahead it wouldn't matter how telegraphed the acid motions are, the chances of running into the acid is the same lawlawlawl.

Brinstar's most polarizing point isn't even the acid, it's the shape of the stage, the places you can extend hitboxes, the sharkable bottom, and blast zones of the stage. I would even go so far to say that acid makes the stage MORE fair, instead of norfair.

This is a :metaknight: main being honest with you...the amount of effort I have to put forth in a match once my opponent is forced to the top platform by the acid is borderline child's play compared to the required effort during the rest of the match..[/COLOR]
A MK with no tournament win's opinion doesn't really persuade me one way or the other.

Rainbow Cruise promotes constant platforming changes that benefit characters who are highly mobile, have multiple jumps, or are otherwise able to force the opponent to play by their pace. Final Destination promotes a more steady and linear approach, where characters such as Diddy, Falco, and especially the Ice Climbers are able to make most other characters play according to their preferred pace due to their strong ground coverage. I wouldn't call it equivalent but there ARE similarities between the two based on how you choose to define them.[/COLOR]
You only speak of one transformation of RC. RC's opening ship and walkoffs are especially nasty for people who love walls and walkoffs, which is one reason why diddy is so potent on that stage.

FD has no walk offs, no walls, no platforms, no moving stage. They are nothing alike. In fact this would be a textbook example of 'polar opposite'.

Ridley Silverlake

Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2012
Radiata Castle
What you're describing is a classic example of Player vs Player vs Stage rather than Player vs Player, which is exactly what Brinstar demonstrates to a ridiculous level. At that point it would come down to player preference, but I'm pretty sure the majority has expressed their opinions on more than one occasion so it doesn't really concern me if I cannot convince a single ROB main of the obvious notion that Brinstar is like a McDonald's playplace ball pit, except that instead of balls...it is filled with jank.

I'm obviously not speaking in textbook technicalities when I compare Rainbow Cruise and Final Destination, which is exactly why I added "how you choose to define them"...meaning the conceptual similarities between the two.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
What you're describing is a classic example of Player vs Player vs Stage rather than Player vs Player, which is exactly what Brinstar demonstrates to a ridiculous level. At that point it would come down to player preference, but I'm pretty sure the majority has expressed their opinions on more than one occasion so it doesn't really concern me if I cannot convince a single ROB main of the obvious notion that Brinstar is like a McDonald's playplace ball pit, except that instead of balls...it is filled with jank.
Are you implieing that stages are not part of the game? Knowing the stage is part of the game that should be rewarded, not punished. US for a long time has believed that predictable hazards are an acceptable part of the game, which is still player vs player. Should Frigate be banned because the moving platform can drag you off the stage if you trip? (which has happened to me before, and I blame myself for being on that platform). Should SV be banned because being grabbed on the platform can lead to 0 to deaths with grab realease/ exclusive chaingrabs? As long as the stage isn't a third party that can affect either player randomly that definition of PvPvS is terrible, because the STAGE isn't deciding who wins and who loses. I don't even like brinstar, but your logic is ridiculously stupid if you think acid is the problem with brinstar.


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2007
Columbus/ NW Ohio
Are you implieing that stages are not part of the game? Knowing the stage is part of the game that should be rewarded, not punished. US for a long time has believed that predictable hazards are an acceptable part of the game, which is still player vs player. Should Frigate be banned because the moving platform can drag you off the stage if you trip? (which has happened to me before, and I blame myself for being on that platform). Should SV be banned because being grabbed on the platform can lead to 0 to deaths with grab realease/ exclusive chaingrabs? As long as the stage isn't a third party that can affect either player randomly that definition of PvPvS is terrible, because the STAGE isn't deciding who wins and who loses. I don't even like brinstar, but your logic is ridiculously stupid if you think acid is the problem with brinstar.
Sneaky's post are always fun to read.
Acid is definitely not a problem with Brinstar. It has timed acid that comes up and it's easy to avoid. If you get hit by it, it means you deserved to get hit by it or you somehow were hit into the acid...which means you deserved to get hit by it anyways :/.

How about we just leave Brinstar then add in Pictochat, DK Jungle, and Rumble Falls and be happy


King Arthur
Aug 13, 2010
Southfield, MI
Ban Halberd. I lose games on there because I get hit by the claw.

No wait, I'm just bad at the game.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
Like the acid actually PREVENTS gay **** like delphino-esk sharking or camping the right hand bottom section of the stage. If you play anyone who knows the stage that inevitably happens, which is ********. THE SHAPE OF THE STAGE DICTATES HOW THE MATCH PLAYS OUT. That should be your arguement against brinstar.

Some people's children I swear.

OMG I feel like I'm charging up for a super rant against Delphino.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
I cringe when anyone says "a stage is polarizing" in the popular connotation. Stages aren't Polarizing. Favoring mobile characters isn't definitively polarizing. For example, Jigglypuff vs. Ice Climbers is approximately a +3 on Smashville. However, if that matchup is played on Brinstar, it's much closer to -1 to +1. As you can see, in this case, the matchup on Smashville is far and away more polarizing than the one on Brinstar. In this case, Brinstar NEUTRALIZES the matchup. How a stage affects a matchup is entirely character dependent. An attribute of polarity can't be assigned without heavy consideration of the characters played on it. And given we can always choose to not play on a specific stage with a specific character with how the selection process works, the polarity is a dependent variable.

FD and RC (along with BF) are two stages that show in game unit and frame consistency in the Unity Stage list, which is a pretty unique classification to stages. I would argue that if someone wanted to remove as much random chance playing a role in affecting the match via stage list as possible, they ought to use FD, BF, and RC.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Oh ya the same wolf that got 2nd in mid tier singles while kain is getting like 13th or some ****. Mc pe>seagull easily. And also beating kismet same tournament.

Lol roller get to facts straight, try again bro

Kain got unlucky he had to play Atomsk who is the best player at the :wolf: ditto oddly (Ish practice?).

I've never placed outside of top 4 at large MT tourneys. Got 4th once (Conveniently losing to Atomsk's :wolf: in dittos lol...). Got 2nd/1st the other times.
don't have to since I got the winning record over him :)

edit: and ya sneaky is right, RC is Diddy's best stage TBH
And you're even with me in sets. So is Kismet.
Don't have time v
look who be talkin'

Well IDK Ally's whole life story or anything so correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Ally has lived in Canada more than anywhere else.

Ipso facto. You're dumb.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
I cringe when anyone says "a stage is polarizing" in the popular connotation. Stages aren't Polarizing. Favoring mobile characters isn't definitively polarizing. For example, Jigglypuff vs. Ice Climbers is approximately a +3 on Smashville. However, if that matchup is played on Brinstar, it's much closer to -1 to +1. As you can see, in this case, the matchup on Smashville is far and away more polarizing than the one on Brinstar. In this case, Brinstar NEUTRALIZES the matchup. How a stage affects a matchup is entirely character dependent. An attribute of polarity can't be assigned without heavy consideration of the characters played on it. And given we can always choose to not play on a specific stage with a specific character with how the selection process works, the polarity is a dependent variable.

FD and RC (along with BF) are two stages that show in game unit and frame consistency in the Unity Stage list, which is a pretty unique classification to stages. I would argue that if someone wanted to remove as much random chance playing a role in affecting the match via stage list as possible, they ought to use FD, BF, and RC.
First I agree totally with your first paragraph. To paraphrase I would say that the characters' traits determine if the MU is polarizing on any particular stage, not some overwhelming attribute of the stage.

EDIT: Actually IDK. I'm trying to justify saying the DK does well on Brinstar because his KB is ridic, but really the small stage doesn't shorten his KO range, I would say that he takes advantage of the small blast zones to KO super early. Kind of a strange distinction, but you could say that because of the small blast zones DK does well on brinstar, as opposed to DK does well on brinstar because of his KB.

But if I was to say MK is broken on brinstar, I would say that it is because he can shark so well, not because the stage allows him to shark. I think it can go both ways.

For the second part IDK about lumping in FD and RC, I mean seriously regardless of isolating random chance they are still 'polar opposites' to each other. Also the player can affect the shape of the stage on RC by riding carpets or dropping donuts, does that change 'frame consistency'?

Also ban D3, peach, luigi, and G&W if you don't want random chance in the game lol.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
One time in 2010 I came in first at a local tournament I am the greatest smasher in the world ban MK brinstar and c-stick because its cheap



Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
First I agree totally with your first paragraph. To paraphrase I would say that the characters' traits determine if the MU is polarizing on any particular stage, not some overwhelming attribute of the stage.

EDIT: Actually IDK. I'm trying to justify saying the DK does well on Brinstar because his KB is ridic, but really the small stage doesn't shorten his KO range, I would say that he takes advantage of the small blast zones to KO super early. Kind of a strange distinction, but you could say that because of the small blast zones DK does well on brinstar, as opposed to DK does well on brinstar because of his KB.

But if I was to say MK is broken on brinstar, I would say that it is because he can shark so well, not because the stage allows him to shark. I think it can go both ways.
What you're saying totally falls into what I'm saying exactly though so we're on the same page. Specific character attributes specifically would affect specific matchups. Although the MK example is a unique point of occurrence in that he's a strictly dominant strategy in terms of pick when trying to weigh utilization of the stage and counter pick matchups. But as far as polarity goes, that's a unique instance that should be dealt with appropriately. Regardless it's not the stage so much as it is the characters manipulating the stage. It's all relative lol

For the second part IDK about lumping in FD and RC, I mean seriously regardless of isolating random chance they are still 'polar opposites' to each other. Also the player can affect the shape of the stage on RC by riding carpets or dropping donuts, does that change 'frame consistency'?

Also ban D3, peach, luigi, and G&W if you don't want random chance in the game lol.
The difference of course being that those elements of random chance are initiated by a player within context of player vs. player. In the case of the random stage entities, those are not necessarily player initiated. Which is why RC would fit into that category of player initiated random as opposed to stage initiated, but we're splicing hairs at that point.
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