You obviously don't get this concept at all.. What I have been suggesting all along is what Antiguy is saying.. Skin Black Shadow over Ganondorf and completely change Ganondorf as a character. Ganondorf would become the clone character, not Black Shadow. I would say IF this was done, a good base character would be Lucario. This would be very hard to do, but they can start with Lucario so they have articles they can work with, and then change his bones to make him have Ganondorfs shape and then change animations and GFX and whatever else they need to do to make it happen.
Edit: I just read more posts, and I guess you might kind of get what I'm saying, but i think you're assuming changing Ganondorf from his current form.. No like I mentioned they would have to start from scratch using another character.
Anyway my original post that started this crap kinda got ignored

No one actually answered about what they thought.