I like the idea of an accurate Ganondorf, but there are multiple questions bouncing around in my head that seem to conflict with the idea. To what extent would Ganonorf need to be changed and how accurate would you want him to be? Would he have a reflectable projectile like he does in Ocarina of Time (And ALTTP as Agahnim), even for non reflecting attacks? Would he have a more melee oriented fighting style like he does in Wind Waker, where he dual wields against you (And has a hell of a backhand)? Would he be even slower, like he seems to be in his Twilight Princess style, with his exaggerated stab and swings?
There are multiple levels that this could be taken to, and most of them sound pretty bad because Ganondorf is a pathetic boss in most encounters. It's an oddity considering how much he gets built up in the Zelda series, only to get repeatedly thrashed by a child/teen. His duel with Link at the end of Twilight Princess is one of the most pathetic fights from Ganondorf, in the history of Zelda, it's pretty clear that he's not that skilled with the blade. That said, why do people seem to want him to use a sword?
Another thing to keep in mind, is that Ganondorf is the character in Smash and he only transforms into Ganon during his Final Smash. Ganondorf doesn't use a trident in any game in the series, that's an iconic part of the pig-man Ganon transformation.
Interesting points.
I would say looking closely at all of his play styles from previous games would be important. And keep in mind the character "Ganondorph" was not introduced untill OOT. So the only games you need to look really closely at would be OOT Wind waker and Twilight Princess. And to make points about him sucking as a boss isnt fair. You have to be able to beat him lol.
As for his projectile here's my full descriptive idea (i dont even know if this is doable but its worth talking about)
So the projectile can be chargeable of course. The more it is charged the stronger it gets and the faster it moves (if fired right away it moves very slow)
The projectile can be hit back by any attack, and depending on the power of the attack and its trajectory, the projectile can be shot back at faster speeds and different directions. For example, a normal A attack would hit it back slower than a smash attack. This being said, any time it is hit back the speed of the projectile would increase regardless of attack, but the amount the speed is increased is changed. The knockback growth of the projectile similairly would increase each time it is hit back. Finally to complete this mechanic, each time the projectile is hit back, its lifetime is replenished, this can make for great juggling of the projectile and would make it interesting and very different than other projectiles in game.
Next, a fully charged projectile, will result in a scatter shot like in OOT where ganondorf would shoot out like 5 orbs at once. These would move at a medium speed and would move in different directions, and would also have a kind of wiggle like lucarios aura sphere (but actually with a larger wiggle more like mewtwo's orb).
As for his other attacks, as i was saying above, they dont have to all be garbage like in his actual games. But his play style could be adjusted to make him feel more like he should. He could have some quicker melee moves, some sword attacks, lots more magic attacks. His speed wouldnt need to be changed too much actually, he's not overly slow or fast. His final smash could be a ganon transformation (one where you could actually control him).
Theres a lot that can be done. I see what you're saying, but that can be worked around easily. there are moves that are always reoccurring in ganondorfs appearances in zelda, so those are the ones that would need to be emphasized to make him have a good ganondorf feel.
To tie that back to Gdorf, there's never been a video game where I've ever played as him except for Smash. I'm not actually sure if there are even other places to play as him, but if there are, I've never seen or heard of them. This is legitimately the only context in which I can be Ganondorf.
I've been playing as this version of Ganondorf for about 12 years now, though. In my mind, Ganondorf doesn't even have a sword. He's just a brolic dude that punches and kicks people around. : D It's not entirely inaccurate, either - he's a Gerudo after all, and the fact that he's a really skilled hand-to-hand fighter that also augments himself with dark magic is pretty appropriate. He may not have the shadowy balls from OoT or the sword from TP, but again - DK doesn't have his coconut gun or orange grenades. I don't think a character necessarily needs to come equipped with everything they've ever used to be an acceptable representation of themselves. When you're dealing with something more open-ended, like "how does it feel to play as a boss?", that interpretation can vary wildly.
Of course, we all know that the initial reason Gdorf is a clone is time constraints, but that moveset is as much a part of him now as Falco's or Roy's.
I guess that's my point. A lot of people say "he doesn't fight like Ganondorf!", but to me, this is the definitive way that Ganondorf fights.
This is my Huge issue.. Gdorfs move set was rushed and crap for melee and that became iconic for him. What the crap? How is that okay? Ganondorf/Ganon is one of the most iconic villains in video games, and smash bros changed him completely? It makes no sense. The move set smash bros gave him shoul dnot be "a part of him". It should never have been accepted and there should have been an up-rise of upset people pushing nintendo to de clone him. Ya hes not awful, hes lotsa fun to use, but its nonsense, just cause its not terrible doesnt make it ok. The hand to hand stuff is ok too, im not even saying totally get rid of that, but he absolutely should have a whole bunch of magic attacks. He has plenty of ICONIC magic attacks that can be used from previous games, and they can keep a chunk of the hand to hand stuff and make it work.
Anyway, i do understand peoples attachment to his current move set, i love playing as him now. But ever since i heard he was a clone in melee i was furious cause i knew that meant he'd be a clone forever, even though it was done because of time constraints. I really hope nintendo grows a set and changes his move set in the wii U version.
Anyway this has become a different argument now and kinda is off topic.