Super Smash Brothers Brawl Tournament
Presented by
Espn & Cybersports
Date: July 19, 2008
Time: Register- 11:00
Door Open- 11:30
Tournament- 12:00
Location: Dave & Buster's (Mission Valley)
(2931 Camino Del Rio N, San Diego, CA)
Events: Single's And Double's
Fee: $10-Singles Entry and $20-Doubles Entry
*(Dave & Buster's Buffet $5 extra)
Pot Distribution: 1st-60%, 2nd-30%, 3rd-10% (Plus Give Aways)
Rules: 8 minute time limit, 3 stock, items off, and team attack on
Neutral Stages: Battlefield, Final Destination, Lylat Cruise, Smashville, Yoshi's Island (Brawl)
Counter Picks: Brinstar, Castle Siege, Corneria, Delfino Plaza, Frigate Orpheon, Green Greens, Halberd, Jungle Japes, Luigi's Mansion, Pirate Ship, Pokemon Stadium 1, Rainbow Cruise
Banned Stages: 75m, Big Blue, Bridge of Eldin, Distant Planet, Flat Zone 2, Green Hill Zone, Hanenbow, Mario Bros., Mario Circuit, Mushroomy Kingdom, Norfair, Onett, Pictochat, Pokemon Stadium 2, Port Town Aero Dive, Rumble Falls, Shadow Moses Island, Skyworld, Spear Pillar, Summit, Temple, WarioWare, Inc., Yoshi's Island
First stage is selected at random from the neutral stages
Second stage selection goes to loser
IF there's a third, then it goes to the loser of the Second match
Event Sponsors
Red Bull
BRING WII's and Copies of Brawl (Character's Unlocked)
First 12 people to bring Wii's get free Dave & Buster's Buffet!!!!
You must e-mail me at to confirm with me that you are indeed bring a Wii with an unlocked copy of Brawl to the tournament.