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Character Rankings List - Post-March 2010

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Smash Lord
May 28, 2007
Homewood, IL
Lucas has great potential, he just has a very weird playstyle which drives many people away Ness, Lucas, PT, & Sonic are top of low tier, & they still have a good chance of winning a large-scale tournament if played right.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2008
Lucas has great potential, he just has a very weird playstyle which drives many people away Ness, Lucas, PT, & Sonic are top of low tier, & they still have a good chance of winning a large-scale tournament if played right.



Apr 10, 2008
Smashboards has conditioned me to use sarcasm the wrong way irl. I don't fluctuate the tone in my voice anymore as a result of it's ineffectiveness here on the boards. As you can guess, it now fails even harder irl.


~Pink Fresh~

Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
pretty much.
marth, mk, G&W, and DK are too common. well mostly marth and MK, but they're too common opponents to find in tournaments and they hold your ability to place well back greatly. i'm not exactly sure why lucas is "bad".

His cons that i can think of off the top of my head are:
Limited approach options.
not a good projectile.
range is pretty low on most moves.
gets grab release -> something by alot of characters.
poor matchups against top tiers

you can tack on more if you can think of them, but that's pretty much it in a nutshell.

Edit. aww crap i didn't quote the guy =P

~Pink Fresh~

Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
That is why Lucas is bad. You DO know.

And that is why I don't main him anymore (my favorite secondary though).
it's funny because i almost didn't put that last part. This is how it happens for EVERY Lucas main. you pick up a char for his bad matchups, preferably snake, marth, or mk. you releaize that you win easier/with less work than when you are lucas. you start to use your secondary more and lucas less. on and on until you don't use lucas anymore. it's just how it works.


Frame Savant
Jun 20, 2008
Kent Lakes, New York
it's funny because i almost didn't put that last part. This is how it happens for EVERY Lucas main. you pick up a char for his bad matchups, preferably snake, marth, or mk. you releaize that you win easier/with less work than when you are lucas. you start to use your secondary more and lucas less. on and on until you don't use lucas anymore. it's just how it works.
Except that... uh... I main Jigglypuff.

Regardless, yes, that is the progression that most players follow.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Ann Arbor, MI

Ankoku, you have a way of trying to tell me things you don't know nearly enough about. You don't play Peach, and you don't play IC. So don't talk to me about anything regarding that matchup.

If Peach's turnips goes through blizzard, then huzzah she is one of the characters that can get a projectile through the blizzard. Woot you hit me for like 6%, you couldn't have glide-tossed it cause you would have ran into a wall of blizzard. SO thus you just threw a tunrip at me, I can immediately resume desyncing again OR i won't just stand in place and do ****. BTW if you hit IC's with a turnip they can desync offa that.

It's true Peach can seperate well, and her edegaurding is pretty good (bair and fair **** squall), but you simply haven't played an IC's that was actually GOOD. I played NikoK (who's had better placement then you I believe) and he's **** good. But I beat him.

True Peach's floated dair can split them up, but if you just sit in your shield and wait for the first dair, you can hop out and have nana uair you.

And above all that, it's hard to not get grabbed man. I'm just tellin ya.

Also, I read one little thing about Bum and how he allows D3's to go for cg's of death? As these rules indicate, D3 cg's of ANY sort are not allowed, as well as IC cg's. Sounds like someone's a little scared of getting ***** by the z button.

And yes, I have been doing well with IC's in the past while thank you very much. 3rd out of ~75 in Canada, 3rd/~32 in Chicago, 7th/~65 in Canada, 1st/~47 in Chicago, and 1st/~35 in Ohio. So yeah I've been doing **** well sir. Don't criticize one of the best IC's in the US when all I hear from you is whining and complaining. I swear, brawl does things to people....


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
lol, okay. Point taken, since I know nothing about anything, I'll stop talking like I do.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom

Ankoku, you have a way of trying to tell me things you don't know nearly enough about. You don't play Peach, and you don't play IC. So don't talk to me about anything regarding that matchup.

If Peach's turnips goes through blizzard, then huzzah she is one of the characters that can get a projectile through the blizzard. Woot you hit me for like 6%, you couldn't have glide-tossed it cause you would have ran into a wall of blizzard. SO thus you just threw a tunrip at me, I can immediately resume desyncing again OR i won't just stand in place and do ****. BTW if you hit IC's with a turnip they can desync offa that.

It's true Peach can seperate well, and her edegaurding is pretty good (bair and fair **** squall), but you simply haven't played an IC's that was actually GOOD. I played NikoK (who's had better placement then you I believe) and he's **** good. But I beat him.

True Peach's floated dair can split them up, but if you just sit in your shield and wait for the first dair, you can hop out and have nana uair you.

And above all that, it's hard to not get grabbed man. I'm just tellin ya.

Also, I read one little thing about Bum and how he allows D3's to go for cg's of death? As these rules indicate, D3 cg's of ANY sort are not allowed, as well as IC cg's. Sounds like someone's a little scared of getting ***** by the z button.

And yes, I have been doing well with IC's in the past while thank you very much. 3rd out of ~75 in Canada, 3rd/~32 in Chicago, 7th/~65 in Canada, 1st/~47 in Chicago, and 1st/~35 in Ohio. So yeah I've been doing **** well sir. Don't criticize one of the best IC's in the US when all I hear from you is whining and complaining. I swear, brawl does things to people....
He just means the small-step chaingrab as well as the infinite with Dedede not his regular chaingrab.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Ann Arbor, MI
I never knew what that guy was talking about ahahha.

well that's fine then. ddd infinite is dumb anyways.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2008
Gimpy, stop posting and Go reserve Street Fighter IV. So I can Uppercut you.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York

So that means everything you say from this point on is invalid since you wanna play the "Mr.s know-it-all" game. But just for the fact I wanna crush you in this debate..........

Ankoku, you have a way of trying to tell me things you don't know nearly enough about. You don't play Peach, and you don't play IC. So don't talk to me about anything regarding that matchup.

If Peach's turnips goes through blizzard, then huzzah she is one of the characters that can get a projectile through the blizzard. Woot you hit me for like 6%, you couldn't have glide-tossed it cause you would have ran into a wall of blizzard. SO thus you just threw a tunrip at me, I can immediately resume desyncing again OR i won't just stand in place and do ****. BTW if you hit IC's with a turnip they can desync offa that.

This is weak, and you just proved my point, I go through your blizzard and its over with, you go back to desyncing, what makes you think I can't do it again. And why would I glide toss you when you blizzard? Thats just stupid. Even if the turnip hits you, I will get hit Best to snipe in the air with a turnip. Or just straight up throw it in place. Also look at the damage with turnips. Take know that when throw on the ground, all this us close to the opponent, in the air, it does not matter where you are.

Regular turnips: =)
Regular throw- 9%
Smash throw- 12%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a regular throw- 5%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a Smash throw- 6%
Thrown in the air with a regular throw- 7%
Thrown in the air with smash throw-7%

Ditto turnip:
Regular throw- 19%
Smash throw- 22%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a regular throw- 15%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a Smash throw- 16%
Thrown in the air with a regular throw- 17%
Thrown in the air with smash throw-17%

Bored/tired turnip: -.-
Regular throw- 9%
Smash throw- 12%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a regular throw- 5%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a Smash throw- 6%
Thrown in the air with a regular throw- 7%
Thrown in the air with smash throw-7%

Winky/ow turnip: ;o
Regular throw- 13%
Smash throw- 16%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a regular throw- 9%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a Smash throw- 10%
Thrown in the air with a regular throw- 11%
Thrown in the air with smash throw-11%

Shocked turnip: O.O
Regular throw- 9%
Smash throw- 12%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a regular throw- 5%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a Smash throw- 6%
Thrown in the air with a regular throw- 7%
Thrown in the air with smash throw-7%

Sleepy turnip: -_-
Regular throw- 9%
Smash throw- 12%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a regular throw- 5%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a Smash throw- 6%
Thrown in the air with a regular throw- 7%
Thrown in the air with smash throw-7%

Laughing turnip :D
Regular throw- 9%
Smash throw- 12%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a regular throw- 5%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a Smash throw- 6%
Thrown in the air with a regular throw- 7%
Thrown in the air with smash throw-7%

Stichface: X_X
Regular throw- 37%
Smash throw- 40%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a regular throw- 33%
Thrown with a lil more space in between with a Smash throw- 32%
Thrown in the air with a regular throw- 31%
Thrown in the air with smash throw-31%

So 2-3 hits, you could have taken 20-40 percent of damage.

It's true Peach can seperate well, and her edegaurding is pretty good (bair and fair **** squall), but you simply haven't played an IC's that was actually GOOD. I played NikoK (who's had better placement then you I believe) and he's **** good. But I beat him.

First off, my tournament placements are betert than him, and I am better than him, USA and even his own country knows that. Hell even he knows that but of course he won't say it and will resort to just trolling, why you think he trolls me alot when I get good comments and etc. He is jealous and will come in to piss.....wait now TRY to piss me off and put me down so he can get the attention and people can be on his balls.

*and because of this I expect him to troll me within 24 hours on this comment.* So come to MD/VA and Beat the Peach players there, or go at Edreese, best Peach main in the USA and beat him. Also Niko was the one going on about how IC were cheap and he could not beat them, and if this is denied I have a thread where me and someone who was trying to tell him other wise. He could not fight them and was losing to them. So using That fool is killing your arguement. If you or gonna based that IC gets at Peach because of that fool, you really know nothing at all and you are just fool of yourself just as everyone else says you are. and you prove it everytime that we are correct.

True Peach's floated dair can split them up, but if you just sit in your shield and wait for the first dair, you can hop out and have nana uair you.

And thats why Smart Peach's back away or go behind you to a spaced bair air and you won't punish her bair if you shield it And if you try to upm air me, my Bair will hit you. See, I thought Niko does that or else you would know and not say this.

And above all that, it's hard to not get grabbed man. I'm just tellin ya.

Ok, But I am telling You Peach is one or if not, the hardiest character to grab. even with all your kicks and tricks. The IC that I have fought, the most grabs they get off me in a match is one, and a possible 2. thats it. They have a hard time winning cause I am not stupid, and simple fact is that Peach has so many ways around it. this match up is in her favor for many reason, and you fail too see that.

Also, I read one little thing about Bum and how he allows D3's to go for cg's of death? As these rules indicate, D3 cg's of ANY sort are not allowed, as well as IC cg's. Sounds like someone's a little scared of getting ***** by the z button.

Ok now you talking so much **** that you know about. Before he did that, Bum was still winning every N.Y weekie with DK. Dude would leave every week with first and money in his pocket. And that infinite grab was allow, so lets get at that Reason he banned that cause even though bum still hacked it u, It was still unfair and straight broken. And even with that infinite, they were not dominating here. So why are you comming from left field with this?

And yes, I have been doing well with IC's in the past while thank you very much. 3rd out of ~75 in Canada, 3rd/~32 in Chicago, 7th/~65 in Canada, 1st/~47 in Chicago, and 1st/~35 in Ohio. So yeah I've been doing **** well sir. Don't criticize one of the best IC's in the US when all I hear from you is whining and complaining. I swear, brawl does things to people....

Ok, 5 tournaments you only one 2 of them. if they are so ground breaking and that godly, why don't you win all of them? And I say there are more tournaments you are not putting up here. Just a feeling ya know? But i'll leave it be. again, if what you speak is true, the top IC's in the USA * as you say you are one of them* would have Be taking first all the time all because of thier chain grab. But oh ****.......you are not. And here is why, cause people are not stupid, and you won't get a free ride all because of grabs.

Seriously if it was that simple, high tier whores would just go IC and just win tournaments like if they were snake/ meta and now Falco? You are seriously letting you as you say one of the best IC's in the US BS the truth from you, and you yet to have told me other wise on how IC has the advantage over Peach. I wonder why, oh I know? cause they don't Peach has it and I already went through why. I backed up what I had to say and its all facts. Get your head out of your butt and learn **** and not be so arrogant and full of yourself. Seriously, only IC in the US with this crap Oh wait, he is one of the best. so of course he is gonna be full of BS. Face it, You have a disadvantage Vs Peach. Don't care if you are god of the IC, you will always have a disadvantage. You being what you are does not change anything in this game period.

Dude don't ever test me with my character again like this. You have lil to say with your or just through weak claims, while I get into hardcore detail with mines and make my damm statements and legit facts. Your done, your finished. You can hold this up anymore, any BS that you say like this again is straight arrogance.

And yea you right. Brawl does things to people. Like what what an arrogant cocky person you have become. I hear you was like this in melee. And you are worst with this in brawl. So lets get at that.

Now that's hardcore, Let it be known!

lol, okay. Point taken, since I know nothing about anything, I'll stop talking like I do.
Ankoku is the reason I have a purpose or meaning in life. See Ankoku? All this was for you <3 After brawl smex?


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2006
Gimpy, do you still play Brawl? I doubt you would have changed your icon, avatar, and sig back to your old Melee Bowser ones if you still did...

too bad... =(


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
I swear, brawl does things to people....
No, Brawl doesn't really do anything to people. It's just a resource that people can use to bring out their egotistical, arrogant, inane bull**** because it's easy to think that one is hot stuff at it and therefore some form of authority.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Ankoku is the reason I have a purpose or meaning in life. See Ankoku? All this was for you <3 After brawl smex?
I don't actually play Brawl in tournament, and at this point I'm very close to not liking Brawl, so very likely, no, no <3 or smex after Brawl.

M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
This list is far different from the last time I checked it less than a week ago.
Falco WAY above Snake, CF #19, even Sonic doing pretty **** well.

I don't know Brawl anymore...


Smash Master
Feb 24, 2007
Arlington, VA
I'm not surprised to see Snake go down. maybe now people can stop *****ing about him.

Watch out Falco boards.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I don't actually play Brawl in tournament, and at this point I'm very close to not liking Brawl, so very likely, no, no <3 or smex after Brawl.
I wonder how embarrassed I should be right about now to get rejected on a forum to all to see that know me.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Ann Arbor, MI
Well arguing online is dumb. It can't prove anything.

I'll come to EC sometime and show you guys what's up with IC's. OR you'll **** me.

We'll just have to see mangz. ;)
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