So I presume everything else being adjusted to be more diverse and accessible, basically fixing the complaints with Super Smash Bros. Brawl, doesn't matter at all and the game is automatically **** tier because the roster doesn't live up to your hopes and dreams.
Hello, anyone remember that we're getting the Super Smash Bros. Brawl we should of gotten?
Perhaps the silliest thing I have ever seen is when people state they're not getting the game because of "X character is not included!" If one character exclusion is going to ruin a game for you, then you don't deserve to play it. That's not to say that people don't have the right to criticize Sakurai on character decision (I certainly would with how Sakurai has handled Ridley), but there's more to the game than just characters.
When the Gematsu leak comes true, you can restate this a bit less crassly (and with less generalizing) and be completely in the right in doing so, "how dare you" and "entitled brat" reactions aside. If you have standards that aren't met with the roster, let them out...if it were literally any other aspect of the game you were critiquing, no one would bat an eye. But I'd wait until then if I were you, since we may still have decent surprises in the pipeline.
Even when the Gematsu's leak comes true, King Shadow would still not be right. I already made a post explaining that Sakurai isn't making the majority of newcomers surprise additions and that Melee had more surprises than this game does. Beside, most of the characters in the Gematsu leak are solid choices; the only possible exceptions are Pac-Man and Chrom. We'll also see a few more aside from them, there's still Mewtwo and a retro character that haven't been confirmed yet as well as potentially more down the pipe line (a DK newcomer, Isaac, Tingle etc.).
Seems like I'm the only one here that is more curious about the veteran characters being adjusted, and the adjustments to the mechanics determining the shifts to the metagame.
I mostly just want them to make an unique Ganondorf. I mean, they've adjusted already unique characters, why not give the most important Zelda villain his own move set already? Resource would be better spent on that than a new Zelda character.
I'm sure Ness and Falcon will be in, but Lucus is a possible cut. I think Snake is most likely to be cut next. If there are anymore cuts that is.
I can't see Lucas getting cut at this point. Ivysaur, Squirtle, Snake and to a lesser extent, Ike, are the only ones I could see leaving.
What do you think is the deal with retro characters at this point? Lip is basically disconfirmed and Greninja lowers Takamaru's chances so.............? What now?
April fools. Those don't exist.

(Ike is right next to Ice Climbers for the emoticons)
I'm still betting on a retro newcomer. If it's not Takamaru, it'll be Mach Rider (or someone we didn't see coming).
There doesn't seem to be enough room on the roster to be honest.
Assuming all Brawl veterans return, after you add the "necessary" and most likely newcomers, there doesn't seem to be any room left (assuming we get a 52 character roster max).
But we're probably going to see Snake, Ivysaur and Squirtle leave.
If they somehow incorperated Mime Tyson, Ken Griffey Jr., or Derek Jeter in smash, I would never leave my house again
Ok, back to the topic- Ike. What are his chances? Also, if he returns, any changes in his initial moveset?
I'd say he's very likely coming back, even with Chrom's inclusion. He's the main lord of two games and is an extremely popular Brawl character. He's not getting replaced, that's for sure and he has more going for him than Roy did in Melee and he almost got in Brawl. I'd say our chances of us getting Marth, Roy, Ike and Chrom is greater than us just getting Marth and Chrom (seriously, that would be awful).
For changes, Sakurai did mention he planned on having the Ragnell in Brawl, but cut it due to it being too powerful. Maybe we'll see Sakurai revisit that concept.