So to cut through all the Roy talk, if that's still what we're talking about by the time I stop writing (I just love trying to change conversations, don't I?) how about a Zelda newcomer? The series warrants five reps, and the biggest question is who it should be.
I personally advocate for Toon Zelda/Tetra, out of fondness for the WW timeline and for quite a few other reasons. The "Toon" style is obviously how Nintendo likes their Young Link nowadays, so I think that as a growing subdivision of the series, it should get a new representative, and Tetra and T. Zelda seem just right for the job. (Bonus points: Sheik is a Ninja, Tetra is a Pirate. Pirates V.S. Ninjas =Winning)
Tingle definitely makes sense, I mean he's the only Zelda character with a recurring spinoff series, but the only thing he has going against him is his hatebase. Sakurai has expressed disinterest (PreBrawl, of course) in adding him because of this 'Americans Hate Tingle' stereotype and mentality. Unless he changes his mind like with the Villager, I'm not too sure about Tingle's chances.
Ghirahim is very popular, and gets a mention for being recent, buuut c'mon. If FABULOUS was all it took to be in Smash, we would've gotten Doc Louis by now

. What I mean in a nutshell is, he was in one game, and unlike other characters I support who have that same concept going around them, he doesn't appear to be returning soon, he didn't introduce a major plot point to his franchise (Demise did it for him), and he doesn't promote say, a new Zelda game, or a key relationship between two companies
*COUGHCOUGHLIKEGENODOESWITHSQUAREENIXCOUGHCOUGH* , and I don't see a legitimate reason for his inclusion.
Vaati is on the other hand, the only recurring Zelda villan other than the Ganon Cannon himself, and reps the Toon side of Zelda with a Villan. He has good moveset potential, and an obvious choice for a cool Final Smash.
What, or more specifically WHO, do you guys think?