I knew who


were. Played a fair bit the listed characters games when I was a kid. Mostly the SNES, N64, GB,GBC,GBA SP and Gamecube with a bit of NES, DS and PS2, PS1 thrown in.





I did not know, was 7 when Smash 64 came out.
Melee comes round and pretty familiar with

, again played a lot of games they were in.
I didn't know

as well as the above but played te Game Boy Gallerys on GBC so recognised him.

and Falco, Didn't know these 4.
With Brawl

were easily familiar.

I did not know, getting a bit old for Pokemon now

from Mario Kart DS, that was all I knew of him at the time, then went back and researched.

Never owned a Sega console growing up but Sonic was enough of an icon to know about him.

Played a few Metal Gear games over the years so recognised him.

I didn't know. If you can't already tell I'm not a huge Star Fox, FE or Kirby fan

Heard of him from mostly the spin off Mario games

Super Mario World FTW!(Do people still say that?) Knew them well.

Played a tiny bit of Galaxy so had a small idea of who she was

Didn't know.

Did hear about the game and the infamous laugh

Saw him in Brawl and recognised him, looked him up.

Knew of the franchise itself and what she stood for.

Had a passing knowledge of the game and character

, Ryu Knew them off the bat, easy.
Possible DLC...
King K. Rool, Dixie Kong: Does a bear sh*t in the woods?

Isaac. First saw him in Brawl, looked him up.
Inkling: Playing Splatoon, familiar.
Bandana Dee: Hmmm is that DDD's Waddle Dee with a bandana and spear?
Chibi Robo, Shantae, Shovel Knight: No idea