I'm curious at this point what the results of the character ballot will actually amount to. It looks like Sakurai/the team and Nintendo already had so much up their sleeves, that only a handful of characters really have an actual shot.
Let me explain what I mean:
It seems that voting for veterans doesn't amount to much, we already have 3 back with DLC. Wolf seems inevitable. Snake will happen if and only if they want him to happen, regardless of the votes. Ice Climbers are likely in some stage of development/deconstruction as either a pair or single character. Ivysaur and Squirtle are possible, though as much as I love them, they don't seem too likely. Pichu can happen, but odds are likely against it as well, and Young Link should really only stand a shot as coming back a TL costume.
Inklings seem an inevitability as well, and I'd bet they're looking into/ already developing them, and are completely ignoring those votes.
Other third parties they'll consider were probably on a short list before the ballot even launched. (Rayman and a few others, though I won't speculate those.) Ryu was planned some time ago I'm certain.
There are the handful of fan favorites that are already included in some form that as much as we love them, the votes probably won't help either. (Ridley, Toad, Takamaru, Waluigi, Chrom)
So the few left that the ballots will actually come down to seem to be exclusive company. (My guesses are: Impa, K. Rool, Dixie, Wonder Red, Isaac, Paper Mario, Chorus Kids and maybe Krystal or Bandana Dee)
Also, my theory on, "Well they need to save a few big name fighters for the next game" is that they aren't considering the next game and we shouldn't either. Time between the last few installments was around 6 years. There's likely still going to be DLC in some form or another for these games, (don't forget we do have 2 of them) at least a year after the initial launch date. These games are already so huge, (2 versions, DLC, amiibos, 50+ characters, customizable characters) that they expect us to be satisfied with it for a very loooooong time. Realistically, we shouldn't expect another Smash sequel before 2025. And I'm certain Sakurai won't want to be working on that one. I'm betting he's going to use DLC to cram as much as we ever dreamed into these so that we can call it the "best ever" and he can then ride off into the sunset. It's also possible that he's using DLC as an opportunity to select/groom a successor.
All that being said, I don't think it's ridiculous to expect 4 to 6 (and maybe more) additional characters over the next few years. Though I never would have said this when Mewtwo was announced.