I was discussing Konami's current situation last night and I touched on the following points:
- Konami seems to be throwing a hissy-fit following the departure of the man that was pretty much keeping them upright and breathing. Ditching Kojima was basically ripping off the life support, and cancelling Silent Hills is just shooting themselves in the foot moreso than they already have. Yeah, there'll still be MGS, but only time will tell if they match up to the standard that Kojima's set in place.
- If Kojima left of his own initiative, I can't say I blame him: to his mind, he's probably getting off of the sinking ship before it goes down into the icy depths. The way I see it, he's gonna do one of two things here: start his own development studio (which would be amazing) or move on from video games and try his hand at film directing as he claims is his true passion (which could go either way, really). Either way, the public benefits.
- If Konami is really strapped for cash and have to sell off their IPs, I sincerely hope they aren't acquired by Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft. Konami have a rich cache of IPs that they've been sitting on for the longest time, and as great as it would be to see Bomberman as a Nintendo exclusive, I think remaining multiplat is the best way to go. Sony acquiring the MGS license would be unfortunate for fans of Snake in Smash, and while MGS has always been associated with the Playstation to a degree, there's a lot of potential for it to succeed on other consoles. It really depends on who's willing to buy the properties and to what end (presuming they have to be sold off in the first place).
- inb4 Kojima buys MGS anyway and has full rights to do whatever the hell he pleases with it in future.