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Character Discussion Thread

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Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Shulk wasn't... not predictable... he just wasn't as much of a clear choice as people seem to think nowadays.
Well considering everyone was grasping at straws with Shulk by making up criteria like "he only appeared in one game", "he's just another sword user", "he's from an obscure game", "he's not Ridley, Mewtwo, or King K. Rool" and completely ignoring the constant red flags.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
He also said Villager was too peaceful to fight, seemingly ruling him out from consideration, and only later revealed that he had been planned for Brawl. He also said characters must be unique/bring something new to the table to be included. He also says he doesn't think about newcomers for Smash unless he's developing Smash, but during Uprising he talked about bringing a certain retro series back in Smash. Sakurai says a lot of things. And people are all to quick to blindly trust what he puts out there as gospel. You said it yourself, people take him at face value.
I like to think that the certain retro series Sakurai was thinking about bringing to Smash was Duck Hunt... Uprising is a shooting game like Duck Hunt is... maybe that's where he came up with the fourth wall shooter? Plus there was a playable dog in Uprising's Chapter 18. :awesome:



Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Well considering everyone was grasping at straws with Shulk by making up criteria like "he only appeared in one game", "he's just another sword user", "he's from an obscure game", "he's not Ridley, Mewtwo, or King K. Rool" and completely ignoring the constant red flags.
Shulk was a character I kept hearing get brought up quite a bit prior to Gematsu part 2 and I kept thinking "Who the hell is Shulk? That's an awfully strange name."

For a while I figured Shulk was fairly likely, then I started debating and just bringing up "Ok, there's several issues with it. I still think he's likely, but we shouldn't assume he's a shoe-in." I was mostly thinking this just prior to E3 and after Robin's reveal.


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2014
Parappa Town, USA
Not gonna lie. Due to recent discoveries I really hope Mewtwo does well, this opens the gates for cut newcomers that were planned aka anyone from Rhythm Heaven please, I've wanted this since E3 2013 and now that I know it was so close I don't know wether to be sad or happy.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I'm sorry, but saying Chrom wasn't any more predicted than Robin prior to Gematsu is outright false.

Chrom was seen for quite some time as one of the most likely newcomers. He was considered somewhat less likely after Rosalina was revealed and "uniqueness" began to be taken into serious consideration amongst speculation, but that quickly remedied itself and he eventually regained his "shoo-in" status.

During that time, most people forgot about Robin, if not completely neglected him/her.
I'll defer to you about Robin, but Chrom never had shoo-in status until Gematsu, of that I'm sure. Well, not on this site, outside his thread.

Even if he was the most expected of the four, I distinctly remember him not having the majority until Gematsu either. Even if the split wasn't equal, the support was sizable behind several FE characters. Chrom wasn't exceedingly popular all things considered, so for many it took a while for people to begrudgingly shift their expectations from the FE character they wanted to Chrom.

And especially earlier in development, like pre-E3 2013 (which is still post-Awakening) he wasn't even the obvious most expected on here.

Well considering everyone was grasping at straws with Shulk by making up criteria like "he only appeared in one game", "he's just another sword user", "he's from an obscure game", "he's not Ridley, Mewtwo, or King K. Rool" and completely ignoring the constant red flags.
Yeah the first and third are valid reasons to not expect a character (if you replace "only appeared in one game" to "only has one game in series"), it's just that detractors didn't choose to give the factors in Shulk's favour proper credence and generally acted like those were the only factors that mattered.

I like to think that the certain retro series Sakurai was thinking about bringing to Smash was Duck Hunt... Uprising is a shooting game like Duck Hunt is... maybe that's where he came up with the fourth wall shooter? Plus there was a playable dog in Uprising's Chapter 18. :awesome:

Very well could've been especially considering it's really the only true retro series that was "revived" with a playable character.
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Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
I remember I found Shulk to be very likely even before Smash Bros was shown off. The way I saw him was that he represented the Xeno series which was a very long lasting and rather popular franchise, and even though Nintendo didn't own the rights to it untill more recently Namco previously owned it and they were helping make the new Smash Bros.
I'll defer to you about Robin, but Chrom never had shoo-in status until Gematsu, of that I'm sure. Well, not on this site, outside his thread.

Even if he was the most expected of the four, I distinctly remember him not having the majority until Gematsu either. Even if the split wasn't equal, the support was sizable behind several FE characters. Chrom wasn't exceedingly popular all things considered, so for many it took a while for people to begrudgingly shift their expectations from the FE character they wanted to Chrom.
I feel like we were the only fourm site that didn't unanimously agree that Chrom was a shoo-in. I remember people here would always joke about how everyone saw him as a shoo-in. I'm sure Habanero Soul Blazer knows all about that.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Yeah the first and third are valid reasons to not expect a character (if you replace "only appeared in one game" to "only has one game in series"), it's just that detractors didn't choose to give the factors in Shulk's favour proper credence and generally acted like those were the only factors that mattered.
No, neither are valid reasons because it's completely fan made criteria, as in "I'm only stating this because I don't like the character but I want to 'justify' it in a passive way" criteria. It doesn't actually bear merit, case it point that mentality bombed horribly when Shulk was revealed. Hell it didn't even work to begin with considering we got Ice Climbers a long time ago, but of course people were passionate about the retro double standards it was ignored. In fact, there's a lot of things that defied the criteria people made up.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
No, neither are valid reasons because it's completely fan made criteria, as in "I'm only stating this because I don't like the character but I want to 'justify' it in a passive way" criteria. It doesn't actually bear merit, case it point that mentality bombed horribly when Shulk was revealed. Hell it didn't even work to begin with considering we got Ice Climbers a long time ago, but of course people were passionate about the retro double standards it was ignored. In fact, there's a lot of things that defied the criteria people made up.
No, it is valid reasoning, and it bears merit. Because the majority of characters who get included do come from series with more than one game, and aren't terribly obscure. It's based on precedent. It wasn't grabbed out of the blue. Of course there are exceptions, of course there are, which is why I said those people didn't give credence to the positives which also bear merit, and guess what, are also based on precedence. Like popularity. Like recency (which could also be classified as a "fan-made notion", but clearly was the way the newcomer selection leaned). Like successful reception for a niche title.

If it's not valid reasoning... why doesn't it happen more often? If it's not valid reasoning, why is Shulk the only character in the history of Smash to get in from a current, niche, one-shot series? Obviously Shulk had enough other factors in his favour to overcome his deficits, but if you're saying those reasons don't matter, one would think you'd be able to come up with a better parallel than the Ice Climbers, who were included for a reasoning different than Shulk. If you're saying they don't matter, you should be able to give more than a single example as to why they don't matter. Because that single example becomes the exception, not the rule.

You might think it's a retro double standard, but in reality, they're in different categories. Why do you think we keep getting obscure retros with small series and not obscure current characters with small series? If they were all in the same boat, we would get more current yet obscure, single-game series characters to balance it out, wouldn't we? But it's because they're in their own category, a category which Shulk is not part of.

It's not fan-made, it's what we observe Sakurai doing. All speculation trends (that carry weight) exist because of Sakurai's actions. I agree classifying it as criteria gives the connotation that it has to be met (you used that word, not me), and I agree people who think that way are misguided, but as reasoning, as guidelines, not strict criteria, it definitely has merit. Nobody should just take it as immobile, rigid gospel or anything, because there are always exceptions. Shulk is the case in point, but Shulk also had a lot of other things working for him (which by your logic I guess we should also brush off).
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Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
But... this isn't correct. Sakurai said he reviewed the characters from Awakening and picked Robin. He only said Chrom was considered, he never said he "picked" Chrom or "planned" Chrom in any way, shape, or form. That's just people reading into Sakurai's statement. If you just read what he said at face value, he weighed the Awakening characters together and decided Robin was the best pick.
Sakurai said he didn't choose Robin until he played Awakening. The roster was first finalized in Feb 2012. Awakening didnt even come out until April of 2012 in Japan. How in the world did Sakurai have Robin on the roster, when he said he only chose Robin AFTER he played the game. It just makes sense Chrom was on the roster for several months, regardless if actual development started or not.


Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
The only time Gematsu was ever right was the E3 2013 leak. The numerous leaks that came after that were lucky guesses. It's RECAP TIME!!!

Let's see the characters the leaker got right even though they were predictable:
  • "animal crossing guy"
  • Mega Man
  • Wii Fit Trainer - the exception
  • Little Mac
  • Pac-Man
  • Mii
Characters who were very predictable:
  • Shulk
  • Palutena
  • "Unknown Pokémon from X & Y" - easy guess
Characters that were flat out wrong:
  • Chrom - never planned
  • Chorus Kids/Men - not in the game
Characters that the almighty leaker missed because of supposed outdated info:
  • Rosalina
  • Bowser Jr.
  • Lucina
  • Robin
  • Dark Pit
  • Duck Hunt
Shulk was not an easy guess. Pokemon XY was specifically addressed by Sakurai as a placeholder on the roster. The leaker said last june he had no idea if Chrom or Chorus Men made it in, but knew Shulk for 100% did. He also said Lucas was cut. Said there would be post launch DLC. Also referred miis as Mii "Fighter" which was extremely specific. All which was 100% right.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
He tweets about A LOT of games.
To be fair, though, they're almost all in the vein of "X company just released Y game, and they sent me twelve free copies." Even that is more of a public show of gratitude since that's what most other developers do. What could have sufficed as a simple "thanks for the generous gift!" via email to the creator, he goes out of his way to post a picture because that's what's expected of him--and because it then obligates other directors to advertise Sakurai's new game when he sends out free copies later on.

That said, he's surprisingly obvious about the games and characters that truly interest him, though, and I think he intentionally drops blatant hints about Smash because--as mentioned earlier in the thread--people tend to take what he says at face value. After all, they performed a wide range of music at Press Start 2013, but Sakurai chose to show off the Monado.

Or, for instance, take his Smash-style "Pit vs Dark Pit" photo posted almost two years ago: https://twitter.com/sora_sakurai/status/328869208752521218

Here, he insists that the photo and figures contained therein have "no relation to the title he's currently developing." Isn't it just a little too coincidental, then, that all characters featured in said photo made it into Smash 4/5? Even though he was basically presenting us with a preview of what was to come (both in terms of characters and more-than-4-player-Smash), people refused to accept this as any sort of hint because "Sakurai said it wasn't related."
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Treasure Hunter
Sep 6, 2010
Marshall was in two games, though. He was in Rhythm Heaven and Rhythm Heaven Fever.

Wait, though, where did this Rhythm Heaven 3DS come from? Was this literally just announced?
Actually, Marshal was only in Fever.

Also the latest Japanese direct ended with a RH announcement.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I can't vouch for anybody else, but I know that my brother and I got into roster speculation after Little Mac's reveal in February '14, so we had a lot of characters to guess about and we had some pretty specific notions in mind. This is what we personally thought would happen with regards to the final roster.


We had unwavering conviction that an Awakening character was going to be in the roster, and we thought for sure it would be Chrom. My brother did say he would prefer Robin, and thought the latter had a chance as well, and I agreed to a lesser extent, yet we thought Chrom was still the most likely candidate. Credit where credit's due, my brother expected Robin much moreso than I did, and I remained optimistic about Chrom until I was pleasantly surprised by Robin's reveal. Either way, we knew there was going to be an Awakening character, and we were sure of that much. That it was not Chrom, but Robin, was a surprise, but not as much of a surprise as some other newcomers on the roster.


My most-wanted newcomer. We knew that, in our own words, "Sakurai loves his babies" and that she had appeared in a hugely successful game in recent times, so we felt it was a strong prediction. He was pretty ambivalent about it. I was over the goddamn moon.

Pokémon X / Y character

Alright, granted, we didn't guess Greninja specifically. We did know for certain that there was going to be a character from the newest Pokémon game, though, we just weren't sure whom it would be. We thought it would be a Gen 6 Pokémon Trainer of sorts, but we also believed it could be one of the new starters, and that Greninja seemed to be the most popular and likely. Still, we had our bets set on it being Pokémon Trainer, and were only a tiny bit surprised when Greninja appeared instead. Honestly, Charizard appearing as his own character was much, much more of a surprise. Squirtle and Ivysaur being cut even moreso.


Considering Namco was working on the game, we felt it was a pretty safe bet that a Namco character would on the roster, and that Pac-Man was the most likely candidate. That they used his original design was a nice surprise.


This one is a bit trickier. We figured Miis had become a big thing in recent years and that they would appear in some fashion. We thought they'd either fight with Nintendo-themed moves and skills or that they would be a "fighter creator" option. So in a sense, we were kind of right. We didn't expect there to be different classes and custom moves to choose from, though, so that was a pretty cool surprise.


This character was a bit of a tough one. We figured that if DLC was a thing, he'd be first in line. When he was revealed my brother was pretty excited, but not at all surprised. I, despite not being a Mewtwo fan at all, was blown away. Briefly unexpected after the initial roster reveal, but hopes of DLC soon paved the way for hopes of his glorious return.

Duck Hunt

Never in a million years would we have expected this. Honestly, this was the biggest surprise of the entire roster, and with good results too.

Bowser Jr

This never occurred to me at all, though my brother did always say he didn't care for Junior as a playable character. After Rosalina's reveal, we were both pretty certain that's it in terms of Mario characters. Jr's reveal as the pilot of the Clown Car was a surprise for us, and we were cautiously optimistic that he could be a pretty interesting newcomer. When we heard the Koopalings were confirmed as alts, we cheered.


Admittedly, we were ignorant of the game's merits and Shulk's unique characteristics, so we merely presumed him to be another mage knight. After Robin's reveal, we dismissed him entirely, only for him to appear as a surprise newcomer after all. By the time we saw his reveal trailer, we were convinced of his distinction and became instant fans of his. A huge surprise, and one that we're mutually glad that we were proved wrong on.

Dark Pit

After Palutena's reveal, we knew that he was in the game somehow, but we weren't sure of the role he'd play. While we did consider the possibility of him being a unique character, we nevertheless believed he would be an alt at best, or possibly a stage boss. He was met with mild surprise and a fond welcome all the same. It could have gone either way, and honestly, we were both happy that it went this way.


We knew we were getting an Awakening character, as previously mentioned, but two? After the initial heartbreak of thinking she was the newcomer instead of Chrom, my brother quickly forgave her thanks to Robin's glorious reveal; I was hype as all hell the moment I saw her.

Dr Mario

A veteran, yes, but a veteran we never expected to return. We laughed and laughed and then were very, very glad to be proven wrong anyway. As my Melee main, I was delighted to see him return. All the hype appeared.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Regardless of what Rhythm Heaven character they could choose, they would be rather bland unless they got creative, especially if they only used what they do in their respective minigame.
How is this even something people say anymore? "He cannot be original" is not a statement I will accept anymore, it shows a lack of creativity from the speaker as an individual, and says nothing of the character. We've seen all unique series' characters very uniquely repped.

Another idea:

This guy:
Essential a fusion of the Wrestler, Karate Joe, and the Wandering Samurai.
...a character no one even recognizes is a better option than the living epitome of the game, and the mascots?
This makes me glad sakurai is on the creation front, if not we would have a bunch of redundant fighters who are all identical.

This guy getting in for Rhythm Heaven doesn't express any of the uniqueness of the series it completely castrates everything unique about RH to leave it then to whatever this dude is. I think that would be incredibly insulting to the series.

Let's not start Gematsu 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Please. Besides, Chrom wasn't planned for inclusion at all.
*Asks everyone not to start an argument*
*Then proceeds to Start the Argument as if it is then Casually done, given the first statement*


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
...a character no one even recognizes is a better option than the living epitome of the game, and the mascots?
This makes me glad sakurai is on the creation front, if not we would have a bunch of redundant fighters who are all identical.
This guy getting in for Rhythm Heaven doesn't express any of the uniqueness of the series it completely castrates everything unique about RH to leave it then to whatever this dude is. I think that would be incredibly insulting to the series.
Okay, that post was:
A: A joke.
B: From yesterday.
C: Not worth ****ting all over me for?

Seriously. What's with you? There is no reason to be that aggressive to me.
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Deleted member

Okay, that post was:
A: A joke.
B: From yesterday.
C: Not worth ****ting all over me for?

Seriously. What's with you? There is no reason to be that aggressive to me.
Yeah, who does he think he is, me? :troll:
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2014
Shulk was not an easy guess. Pokemon XY was specifically addressed by Sakurai as a placeholder on the roster. The leaker said last june he had no idea if Chrom or Chorus Men made it in, but knew Shulk for 100% did. He also said Lucas was cut. Said there would be post launch DLC. Also referred miis as Mii "Fighter" which was extremely specific. All which was 100% right.
Xenoblade Chronicles is a highly acclaimed game & a very successful one at that, Shulk was bound to make an appearance no matter what. Every game has a new Pokémon representative, Greninja took that slot. Saying "pokeman frum x & y" means that the leaker started making info up and he/she would have never got it wrong. Greninja was decided in 2012, X & Y came out in 2013, the leaker should have at least known who that Pokémon was since the second leak came out in April, 5 full months yet you don't know the name?!?! Mii was referred to as Mii Fighter the day E3 2014 began meaning that the leaker got his/her info from or worked at E3.


Treasure Hunter
Sep 6, 2010
Xenoblade is hardly successful from a financial standpoint. It is VERY niche and obscure.

It DOES have a cult following, however.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Xenoblade Chronicles is a highly acclaimed game & a very successful one at that, Shulk was bound to make an appearance no matter what. Every game has a new Pokémon representative, Greninja took that slot. Saying "pokeman frum x & y" means that the leaker started making info up and he/she would have never got it wrong. Greninja was decided in 2012, X & Y came out in 2013, the leaker should have at least known who that Pokémon was since the second leak came out in April, 5 full months yet you don't know the name?!?! Mii was referred to as Mii Fighter the day E3 2014 began meaning that the leaker got his/her info from or worked at E3.
Its less successful than both the first two Golden Sun games. Oh, Isaac must've been guaranteed for Brawl!

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Xenoblade Chronicles is a highly acclaimed game & a very successful one at that, Shulk was bound to make an appearance no matter what. Every game has a new Pokémon representative, Greninja took that slot. Saying "pokeman frum x & y" means that the leaker started making info up and he/she would have never got it wrong. Greninja was decided in 2012, X & Y came out in 2013, the leaker should have at least known who that Pokémon was since the second leak came out in April, 5 full months yet you don't know the name?!?! Mii was referred to as Mii Fighter the day E3 2014 began meaning that the leaker got his/her info from or worked at E3.
Xenoblade didn't even break one million.

People need to stop making it bigger than it is as amazing as it is, it is niche.

And that argument might hold some water if Sakurai hadn't confirmed that "Pokemon from X and Y" was used as a placeholder until Greninja's name was decided on.
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Treasure Hunter
Sep 6, 2010
Shulk could have easily made it in as a playable character. He could have easily not. Nothing more to it.
It's nothing but hindsight bias in the end. There was nothing that suggested Shulk was a shoe in, or pretty much any other character. It's a baseless argument.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
This entire topic you've been classifying all newcomers under the umbrella of "newcomers".

Which makes sense, but then if you're going to say things like "people care about newcomers more than veterans" and "newcomers is what Smash is about" you can't just choose to exclude characters who disprove that statement. If you're trying to say that people care about newcomers more than some of the veterans, which is true, I could just say people care more about the other veterans than the newcomers, which would also be true, and would ultimately get us to the same place; that the veterans are more of a draw than the newcomers.

Also, we're not talking about movesets here, that's when the subcategory of clones would be of relevance.

Well it was originally. Now I'm just on about veterans being a bigger draw than newcomers in general.

Exactly. People care about the characters.

Especially characters they know. And Smash fans generally know characters that have been in Smash before.

Yeah dats because Gematsu was for reals. Just not up to date.
I find all of your points to be irrelevant, so I'm going to drop this discussion with you now. If you choose to believe Veterans are more wanted than Newcomers to the greater Smash populous- that is fine. I just happen to think the opposite.
Doesn't even matter which is true- we may get neither, or both, or it could be a moot point to Sakurai.
That seems to be understating Karate Joe, though. He's been in every game...
And he has a really awesome theme song.
Rhythm Heaven, nor a "rhythm based concept," has anything to do with fighting. It has an immense amount to do with music. I don't understand the appeal of taking a series that has no default characterization as a fighter, rather, has more unique options as non-fighting archetypes, and then trying to take them to a 'fighting' default. Sakurai himself, way back before Melee, expressed that he preferred non fighting-game characters (hence the previously thought lost-cause, Sukapon).
At least of all the traditional 'fighters' you've mentioned, though- Karate joe is more of a face of Rhythm Heaven...unlike the Samurai.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Rhythm Heaven, nor a "rhythm based concept," has anything to do with fighting. It has an immense amount to do with music. I don't understand the appeal of taking a series that has no default characterization as a fighter, rather, has more unique options as non-fighting archetypes, and then trying to take them to a 'fighting' default. Sakurai himself, way back before Melee, expressed that he preferred non fighting-game characters (hence the previously thought lost-cause, Sukapon).
At least of all the traditional 'fighters' you've mentioned, though- Karate joe is more of a face of Rhythm Heaven...unlike the Samurai.
Why are you digging up discussions from yesterday just to insult me?
EDIT: And furthermore, why is it taboo to have a fighting character in a fighting game? Even if it's from a rhythm game? I know it's representative of music, but how do you implement musical rhythm into a fighter?
I have never played a RH game. When you guys started talking about a potential Rhythm Heaven character, I did a metric ton of research on the games and choose Karate Joe as the character that would best represent rhythm in a fighting style.
So, I challenge you to come up with a moveset for any character that incorporates consistent timing, or rhythm, into it. Which is what I did for Karate Joe.
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Deleted member

There's a major difference between the likes of Ryu from Street Fighter and the likes of Karate Joe.

Ryu is a character with an established fighting style that's been seen over 20 times now in the scope of Capcom-related fighting games and isn't particularly anything interesting in the context of Smash.

Karate Joe looks like he's just a typical karate guy, but he is more of a blank slate due to his franchise not being a general fighting series. Instead, he comes from a franchise that emphasizes rhythm; one that has Karate Joe performing different kinds of actions with each game. With that in mind, this can translate into a fighting style based around keeping a beat as much as possible to unleash full potential.
It doesn't really make sense to discredit Joe simply because he's some karate guy when he can easily represent what his franchise is about; rhythm.
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Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
There's a major difference between the likes of Ryu from Street Fighter and the likes of Karate Joe.
Ryu is a character with an established fighting style that's been seen over 20 times now in the scope of Capcom-related fighting games and isn't particularly anything interesting in the context of Smash.
Karate Joe looks like he's just a typical karate guy, but he is more of a blank slate due to his franchise not being a general fighting series. Instead, he comes from a franchise that emphasizes rhythm; one that has Karate Joe performing different kinds of actions with each game. With that in mind, this can translate into a fighting style based around keeping a beat as much as possible to unleash full potential.
It doesn't really make sense to discredit Joe simply because he's some karate guy when he can easily represent what his franchise is about; rhythm.
I think someone finally understands me?
I was thinking about how he could have a gimmick of each consecutive attack he lands without taking damage would increase damage, strongly emphasizing combos. "Go for a Perfect!"
In addition, all of his Smash attacks could be multi-hitting, like Link and Shiek's F-smash.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Okay, that post was:
A: A joke.
B: From yesterday.
C: Not worth ****ting all over me for?

Seriously. What's with you? There is no reason to be that aggressive to me.
A- It was the only post you had that specifically had a picture, but one of many that poised the option of a fighter character from RH, and not just Joe. That just was the most blatant example, and the easiest to reference.
B- ...so what?
C- I'm responding to your opinions with my opinions. They are just strong, they are in no way an attack on your character. I apologize if it came off that way, but I think if they did you need to relax a bit. Though, if it read as condescendingly as @GoldenYuiitusin then I must have been pretty vulgar :troll:

Why are you digging up discussions from yesterday just to insult me?
EDIT: And furthermore, why is it taboo to have a fighting character in a fighting game? Even if it's from a rhythm game? I know it's representative of music, but how do you implement musical rhythm into a fighter?
I have never played a RH game. When you guys started talking about a potential Rhythm Heaven character, I did a metric ton of research on the games and choose Karate Joe as the character that would best represent rhythm in a fighting style.
So, I challenge you to come up with a moveset for any character that incorporates consistent timing, or rhythm, into it. Which is what I did for Karate Joe.
Dude, reading through yesterdays additions to this thread is not 'digging up.' I'm glad you edited your post since I quoted it, to give us something to actually discuss, because that is the point of this, after all.

I don't bother to create full move sets for characters- because when I make them realistic, I end up disappointed that they will never be implemented. However, an interesting trait of Chorus Men I would love to see implemented is that each basic attack can be utilized 1-3 times, and each number of inputs allows that number of men to attack. That would be how Rhythm would come into play, in the form of count... I decide this because I think falling into actual timing for rhythm would be detrimental for the actual character, making him a requisite to be played/input at a level which would be considered 'slow' on a competitive level.
It would be a synced character otherwise, and they could use some moves where they all become one unit (such as turning into a ball and rolling- which is not necessarily cannon, just, a clear image of what I mean), or others where they all vocally attack, and it adds more to it.

One more reason I think Chorus Men are a better fit for RH in Smash, particularly in relation to Karate Joe, is because they are adorable. Their expressions not only better capture an aesthetic Sakurai has gone for this game, but are more of a specific character, with personality. This adorable and vicious type of character is what RH is to me- a serious Karate Man would be misrepresenting the game, even if he is all of them (though, as I said before, he is a better argument than, say, Samurai, which is what was upsetting about your statements before).

As far as 'fighting characters are bad picks,' Sakurai said something similar pre-Melee. Just google "Sakurai Sukapon."

Deleted member

I think someone finally understands me?
I was thinking about how he could have a gimmick of each consecutive attack he lands without taking damage would increase damage, strongly emphasizing combos. "Go for a Perfect!"
In addition, all of his Smash attacks could be multi-hitting, like Link and Shiek's F-smash.
I've always understood how Karate Joe could work.

I just would rather have Wrestler because I'm biased.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
To Karate Joe's defense, one thing he does have is consistency, as he's been in all three Rhythm Heaven games, whereas Chorus Kids have only appeared on the DS game.
Also, last time I checked adorableness wasn't exactly top priority for Rhythm Heaven. So no, he wouldn't be a "misrepresentation".

But that's just my opinion.
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Treasure Hunter
Sep 6, 2010
Chorus Kids are in Fever as well.

One of them, to be specific. (Not Marshal) And their minigame (Glee Club) is in the 3DS game.
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Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
Regardless of its success, Shulk was never a terribly hard guess. I always expected Shulk to be in the game due to how popular he was.
People also expected Toad, Waluigi, Paper Mario, K. Rool, Dixie, Cranky, Impa, Ghirahim, Tingle, Bandanna Dee, Krystal, Ridley, Dark Samus, Metroid Hunter, Zoroark, Kalos Trainer, Medusa, Hades, Louie, Tom Nook, Isabelle, Takumaru, Dillon, Wonder Red, Isaac, Ray, Bayonetta, Saki, Prince Sable, Simon Belmont, someone from Square Enix, due to how popular they were.
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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
I can't seem to find anything on them being in Fever. Then again, it could be Google failing me.
And what a coincidence! Karate Joe has a trophy as well.


Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
Chorus Kids are in Fever as well.

One of them, to be specific. (Not Marshal) And their minigame (Glee Club) is in the 3DS game.
And they are in Game and Wario. So that makes 4 games now.....5 if you count their trophy in Smash 3ds. Either way, they are reoccuring.
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