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Character Discussion Thread

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Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014
There are four actors that could possibly be meant by "Wolf's voice actor" in this context.
His Japanese Brawl voice actor, Mahito Ouba.
His English Brawl actor, Jay Ward.
His Japanese 64 3D actor, Kosuke Takaguchi.
His English 64 3D actor Jaz Adams.

The latter two being most likely to be Wolf's voice actors for Smash 4.

None of them are in the credits for 3DS IIRC.

Come to think of it, it's strange Kosuke Takaguchi isn't present, considering he voices Falco in 64 3D as well.
....unless Falco didn't get a Japanese voice change?
In that case, Mahito Ouba would be the one to look out for. Though he's not in the credits either.
Actually Behind the voiceactors says Mahito Ouba is voicing Wolf for the Japanese version. All the japanese voice actors that voiced Fox,Falco, and Wolf in brawl reprise their roles now. Jaz Adams and Jay Ward are in the credits.

Deleted member

Actually Behind the voiceactors says Mahito Ouba is voicing Wolf for the Japanese version. All the japanese voice actors that voiced Fox,Falco, and Wolf in brawl reprise their roles now. Jaz Adams and Jay Ward are in the credits.
I've realized some key points as to why they'd show up that I can't believe I didn't realize before:

-Bear in mind that Jay Ward also does the vocals for the Metroid Theme and the Metroid Prime Opening tracks, and since Norfair is returning for the Wii U version, the former at least is going to be featured.

-Lylat Cruise is a returning stage, and thus, will feature the old Smash Taunts for Fox/Falco from Brawl. Unless the dialogue is altered to match Orbital Gate, Jay Ward's clips for Wolf will still be present. As would Jim Walker's clips for Fox and Dex Manley's clips for Falco (who should already be in the credits because of Saki). If Jim Walker is in the credits.....that seals the deal.

-Speaking of Orbital Gate, considering that at least Slippy has his English voice from 64 3D in the new Smash Taunts for that stage, it would make sense if Jaz Adams laid some clips for Wolf for that. Check if Lyssa Browne is in the credits.

EDIT: I just looked at the credits again. Mahito Ouba is not present in the Japanese credits under Character Voice. Or at least not from what I saw.
In the English credits, Jaz Adams is present, but so is Lyssa Browne. And, Jaz Adams voiced Peppy as well.
Jay Ward is in fact present, but not Jim Walker or Mike McAuliffe, Slippy's actor.
EDIT 2: I stand corrected; Mahito Ouba is present.
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Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014
I've realized some key points as to why they'd show up that I can't believe I didn't realize before:

-Bear in mind that Jay Ward also does the vocals for the Metroid Theme and the Metroid Prime Opening tracks, and since Norfair is returning for the Wii U version, the former at least is going to be featured.

-Lylat Cruise is a returning stage, and thus, will feature the old Smash Taunts for Fox/Falco from Brawl. Unless the dialogue is altered to match Orbital Gate, Jay Ward's clips for Wolf will still be present. As would Jim Walker's clips for Fox and Dex Manley's clips for Falco (who should already be in the credits because of Saki). If Jim Walker is in the credits.....that seals the deal.

-Speaking of Orbital Gate, considering that at least Slippy has his English voice from 64 3D in the new Smash Taunts for that stage, it would make sense if Jaz Adams laid some clips for Wolf for that. Check if Lyssa Browne is in the credits.
I haven't seen Jim Walker in the credits, but I might have missed him. Please look! Jaz Adams also voices Peppy, Pepper, and Andross in 64 3D. Though if Lylat Cruise is coming back codecs intact, then Wolf should be coming back too as DLC.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Has Aya Hara or Alesia Glidewell shown up in the credits. I've heard the latter also does ZSS' voice as well.

Deleted member

Has Aya Hara or Alesia Glidewell shown up in the credits. I've heard the latter also does ZSS' voice as well.
Alesia Glidewell is there. She voices Zero Suit Samus and Knuckle Joe, not just Krystal.
Aya Hara on the other hand, doesn't show in the Japanese credits.

I haven't seen Jim Walker in the credits, but I might have missed him. Please look! Jaz Adams also voices Peppy, Pepper, and Andross in 64 3D. Though if Lylat Cruise is coming back codecs intact, then Wolf should be coming back too as DLC.
Checked; Jim Walker isn't there.
Jay Ward and Jaz Adams are there, but so is Lyssa Browne. With that in mind, Adams and Browne could very well be getting credit for their roles as Slippy and Peppy on Orbital Gate.
The only explanation for Ward would be the Lylat Cruise Smash Taunts, but then it raises question why Jim Walker and Mike McAuliffe aren't listed.
Then again, Antony del Rio isn't in the credits, and it's very clear he was the two Pits.
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Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
DLC Wants:


1. Bandana Waddle Dee

2. Shovel Knight

3. Wonder Red


1. Rainbow Curse

2. Pridemoor Keep

3. Operation 001-A



Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
I'm confident that we will get a new Kirby Rep and a new Star Fox rep by the CSS of the 3DS.

I always found Little Mac, Duck Hunt, and R.O.B.'s positions on the CSS to be weird.

When MewTwo came out I finally knew what was wrong. When MewTwo is released, he would take Duck Hunt's spot and would push ROB to the 5th row.

It looks kinda weird how Little Mac, Duck Hunt, and R.O.B. would be so far apart. Wouldn't it make sense that all 3 of them would be on the 5th row? Yes, yes it does.

So if Kirby and Star Fox also got a new rep, they would push all 3 retro characters to the 5th row like they should.

That's my theory.

Also Wonder Red because he is awesome, but could easily be replaced by snake and placed after Sonic near Mii Fighter.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I'm confident that we will get a new Kirby Rep and a new Star Fox rep by the CSS of the 3DS.

I always found Little Mac, Duck Hunt, and R.O.B.'s positions on the CSS to be weird.

When MewTwo came out I finally knew what was wrong. When MewTwo is released, he would take Duck Hunt's spot and would push ROB to the 5th row.

It looks kinda weird how Little Mac, Duck Hunt, and R.O.B. would be so far apart. Wouldn't it make sense that all 3 of them would be on the 5th row? Yes, yes it does.

So if Kirby and Star Fox also got a new rep, they would push all 3 retro characters to the 5th row like they should.

That's my theory.

Also Wonder Red because he is awesome, but could easily be replaced by snake and placed after Sonic near Mii Fighter.
The CSS doesn't mean anything. It was designed for the 3DS layout. If new characters are added, they'll be added to the end, a new page, or the whole listing will be reorganized. So no, we shouldn't speculate solely based on the CSS layout. That's the last thing we should do.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
I'm confident that we will get a new Kirby Rep and a new Star Fox rep by the CSS of the 3DS.

I always found Little Mac, Duck Hunt, and R.O.B.'s positions on the CSS to be weird.

When MewTwo came out I finally knew what was wrong. When MewTwo is released, he would take Duck Hunt's spot and would push ROB to the 5th row.

It looks kinda weird how Little Mac, Duck Hunt, and R.O.B. would be so far apart. Wouldn't it make sense that all 3 of them would be on the 5th row? Yes, yes it does.

So if Kirby and Star Fox also got a new rep, they would push all 3 retro characters to the 5th row like they should.

That's my theory.

Also Wonder Red because he is awesome, but could easily be replaced by snake and placed after Sonic near Mii Fighter.
If we're going by the css, a zelda and DK rep make a lot of sense too

I think that there will be either 4 or 7 dlc characters, depending on how late lucina, doctor mario and dark pit were added and whether they were added to fill slots that couldn't be finished in time. For example lets say that Lucas, Wolf and the ice climbers were all planned but couldn't be finished because of time/hardware limitations, adding these 3 in their spots and saving them for dlc makes sense
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Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
I'm confident that we will get a new Kirby Rep and a new Star Fox rep by the CSS of the 3DS.

I always found Little Mac, Duck Hunt, and R.O.B.'s positions on the CSS to be weird.

When MewTwo came out I finally knew what was wrong. When MewTwo is released, he would take Duck Hunt's spot and would push ROB to the 5th row.

It looks kinda weird how Little Mac, Duck Hunt, and R.O.B. would be so far apart. Wouldn't it make sense that all 3 of them would be on the 5th row? Yes, yes it does.

So if Kirby and Star Fox also got a new rep, they would push all 3 retro characters to the 5th row like they should.

That's my theory.

Also Wonder Red because he is awesome, but could easily be replaced by snake and placed after Sonic near Mii Fighter.
I have three words for you. LAME, DUCK, CLONE!

Bandana Dee is also a bit debatable

The others are okay though

But yeah, I agree with Jaidyn on this CSS thing. The layout shown off for the Wii U selection screen shown off at E3 is enough to say that's rubbish.
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I have three words for you. LAME, DUCK, CLONE!

Bandana Dee is also a bit debatable

The others are okay though

But yeah, I agree with Jaidyn on this CSS thing. The layout shown off for the Wii U selection screen shown off at E3 is enough to say that's rubbish.
Smash Wii U's layout has changed as well and is closer to the 3DS layout. However, some of the single rep franchises have been shifted around. Little Mac is now on the top row, for example.



Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
Maybe tomorrow.
I'd say that is possible since they had been revealing secret characters for the past few weeks. Although November does seem to be another possibility as well.

Other than that, even though I don't really expect to hear any further details on Mewtwo until sometime around Spring 2015, I wonder if they will unveil further details on Smash after the Wii U version comes out?

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
As much as I love Slippy, he has a snowball's chance in hell compared to the likes of less hated characters like Wolf and Krystal. Especially since the latter two had more screentime in most of the newer Star Fox games compared to him.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
As much as I love Slippy, he has a snowball's chance in hell compared to the likes of less hated characters like Wolf and Krystal. Especially since the latter two had more screentime in most of the newer Star Fox games compared to him.
It's more than that really. If you're going to go out of your way to bring in a Star Fox rep, why not the veteran?


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
When do you guys think Jigglypuff and Duck Hunt will be unveiled?
Uhm... Jiggly was revealed in the 50 Fact Extravaganza. She's on the WiiU starting roster. Pretty sure she's on the official site as well.

Wolf & Lucas are the most likely Veteran DLCs at this point with :popo::icsmelee: being a matter of figuring a way through the 3DS issue that held them back in the first place. And That'd be all we'd get.

:younglinkmelee: is by all means except his taunt and that his arrows do slight fire-based damage by :4tlink:.
And :roymelee:'s attributes got divided between :4lucina:&:4myfriends:, similar to :snake:into :4megaman:&:4duckhunt:. Plus... :4roy: this issue.
:squirtle:&:ivysaur: are a mystery but I doubt in their return.

Honestly, Icies is the only Smash cut that ever depressed me in the news. :4charizard: was my least favorite third of :pt: but I could move on past that fairly easily... but dropping the Icies was something else. Here's hoping!


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
The CSS (likely) won't effect DLC at all. The 3DS version will probably use the "next page arrow" that was found through datamining a while back.

The Wii U will likely open a sub menu on your character selection portion of the screen when you click on the DLC button. This is already used for custom characters and Miis on the Wii U version.
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Deleted member

People make a big deal out of a lot of things when it comes to "chances".

Look at how wrong we were with the initial roster outcome. Of the highly expected additions (King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Ridley, Mewtwo, Chrom, Takamaru, Palutena, Little Mac, Isaac, Shulk, Pac-Man), only four of them showed up on the initial roster. Three of these made up the most wanted Nintendo characters for this game, and Chrom was shoved into nearly everyone's face as the "OMG SHOE-IN AND ANYONE WHO BELIEVE OTHERWISE IS STUPID!" Looking at most of the character that did make it in, most were not expected additions. Pretty much no one saw Wii Fit Trainer and Greninja coming and Villager, Rosalina, Robin, Dark Pit, Dr. Mario, Lucina, and Duck Hunt Dog surprised the majority of the community (most people had also given up on Bowser Jr. when Rosalina was confirmed). The Smash community was split on Mega Man's chances (and people were losing faith in him) and I highly doubt most people expected three Mii's to be playable. This roster defied our expectations, for both good and bad, and it shows that no matter how much we try to outsmart Sakurai, we eventually end up looking stupid when we turn out to be wrong.

So before declaring that a characters is "definitely DLC" or "definitely not DLC", please realize that we made these same absolute predictions towards character that did or did not make it. This goes for everyone that participates in speculation.
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011

Look at how wrong we were with the initial roster outcome. Of the highly expected additions (King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Ridley, Mewtwo, Chrom, Takamaru, Palutena, Little Mac, Isaac, Shulk, Pac-Man), only four of them showed up on the initial roster. Three of these made up the most wanted Nintendo characters for this game, and Chrom was shoved into nearly everyone's face as the "OMG SHOE-IN AND ANYONE WHO BELIEVE OTHERWISE IS STUPID!" Looking at most of the character that did make it in, most were not expected additions. Pretty much no one saw Wii Fit Trainer and Greninja coming and Villager, Rosalina, Robin, Dark Pit, Dr. Mario, Lucina, and Duck Hunt Dog surprised the majority of the community (most people had also given up on Bowser Jr. when Rosalina was confirmed). The Smash community was split on Mega Man's chances (and people were losing faith in him) and I highly doubt most people expected three Mii's to be playable. This roster defied our expectations, for both good and bad, and it shows that no matter how much we try to outsmart Sakurai, we eventually end up looking stupid when we turn out to be wrong.

So before declaring that a characters is "definitely DLC" or "definitely not DLC", please realize that we made these same absolute predictions towards character that did or did not make it. This goes for everyone that participates in speculation.
I would say Megaman was highly expected, or at least highly requested. You are down playing him a bit. A lot of people thought Mii was inevitable, although they weren't exactly popular. The way in which they were implemented was indeed a surprise.

Agree with your point over all, though.

Deleted member

I would say Megaman was highly expected, or at least highly requested. You are down playing him a bit. A lot of people thought Mii was inevitable, although they weren't exactly popular. The way in which they were implemented was indeed a surprise.

Agree with your point over all, though.
Mega Man was definitely extremely highly requested. I wasn't talking about popularity, thought, but likelihood. While he was generally expected on Smashboards (thought not to the extent of Mewtwo, Ridley, King K. Rool, Palutena, Shulk, and Little Mac, barely anyone would call him a shoe-in by the time 2013 came around) and parts of YouTube, those don't reflects the thoughts on Mega Man's chances on other sites. A lot of people were pessimistic about Mega Man on sites like NeoGAF, IGN, GameFAQs, etc. The last Rate Their Chance on GameFAQs before Mega Man's confirmation had him at below 50% and it seems as hopes for Mega Man's inclusion was dwindling by the day.

As for Mii's, before E3 2013 when the Gematsu leak came across, people were split on their chances of getting in. But yeah, after E3 2013, they were definitely expected.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014

Look at how wrong we were with the initial roster outcome. Of the highly expected additions (King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Ridley, Mewtwo, Chrom, Takamaru, Palutena, Little Mac, Isaac, Shulk, Pac-Man), only four of them showed up on the initial roster. Three of these made up the most wanted Nintendo characters for this game, and Chrom was shoved into nearly everyone's face as the "OMG SHOE-IN AND ANYONE WHO BELIEVE OTHERWISE IS STUPID!" Looking at most of the character that did make it in, most were not expected additions. Pretty much no one saw Wii Fit Trainer and Greninja coming and Villager, Rosalina, Robin, Dark Pit, Dr. Mario, Lucina, and Duck Hunt Dog surprised the majority of the community (most people had also given up on Bowser Jr. when Rosalina was confirmed). The Smash community was split on Mega Man's chances (and people were losing faith in him) and I highly doubt most people expected three Mii's to be playable. This roster defied our expectations, for both good and bad, and it shows that no matter how much we try to outsmart Sakurai, we eventually end up looking stupid when we turn out to be wrong.

So before declaring that a characters is "definitely DLC" or "definitely not DLC", please realize that we made these same absolute predictions towards character that did or did not make it. This goes for everyone that participates in speculation.
Has anyone been declaring "definitely DLC" or "definitely not DLC"? I mean, I don't think I've seen anyone saying such a thing.

Deleted member

Has anyone been declaring "definitely DLC" or "definitely not DLC"? I mean, I don't think I've seen anyone saying such a thing.
It's more of a precautionary statement than anything. The majority of people during pre-Smash 4 speculation (myself included) were guilty of saying "X character is definitely in!" and "Y character is definitely not in!" and then ended up being proven wrong when these characters ended up getting in/not getting in. It causes us to be less flexible with characters and too reactionary when someone said something about a character's chances that may not reflect how we feel about it.

I remember stating over and over again how Mewtwo and a DK character were guarantees (I was especially confident of King K. Rool's inclusion) as well as Ice Climbers, Lucas, and Wolf. I, like many other people, got burned badly when these "guarantees" didn't happen and also got shocked when characters I had ruled as "impossible" got in (most notably Rosalina). While the roster still turned out very good all things considered, I will never make the mistake again of assuming X or Y character will definitely be in/not be in.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2007
Newcomers I knew would be in:

Little Mac
Bowser Jr.

Newcomers I suspected:

Second Mario Rep (I thought it would be Toad, turned out to be Rosalina)
Second Classic Character (I thought it would be Diskun, turned out to be Duck Hunt)
New Generation Pokemon Character

Newcomers that took me by surprise:

Wii Fit Trainer
Dark Pit
Mega Man

It's honestly more difficult to figure out which characters will be cut than to figure out who will be a newcomer. Although to be honest the only cut that took me by surprise was the Ice Climbers, and unlike basically everybody else I knew Ike would come back. Lucas, Wolf, Snake, Squirtle, and Ivysaur were clearly the ones on the chopping block.

It's probably easy enough to figure out who will be DLC based on the same criteria I used to guess most of the roster: relevancy.

I can't say much for third-parties other than Snake having a little more weight because of his presence in the previous game. First-parties, however:

Assuming development of DLC content began in August or September, we can take everything from Pre-September to be relevant for consideration.

It's likely that Nintendo will want to use this opportunity to coincide with their new titles launching for the Wii U.

Captain Toad now has his own game being released in December. The chances he appears as DLC are pretty high.

Splatoon has been an across-the-board success. Inkling has a good chance.

DKC: Tropical Freeze has been celebrated since it launched. Dixie Kong has a great chance of making the cut, but Cranky Kong may appear instead as one of Sakurai's "surprise" characters. These two currently have the highest chance of any DK franchise character, and there is high probability in general of their debut.

Impa has been a huge part of Hyrule Warriors, which was one of Nintendo's highly anticipated releases. It's also proving to be a pretty good financial move as its audience is ripe for DLC purchases.

Bandana Waddle Dee probably doesn't have much of a chance despite his importance to the recent Kirby games. Still, he has some chance.

From the previous generation we are missing representation from Pandora's Tower. While both it and The Last Story are significant as being titles brought over seas by the efforts of the community, Xenoblade Chronicles greatly overshadowed them in pretty much every way. Last Story isn't even a Nintendo-owned property, and while Pandora's Tower is, it has not been particularly influential. A Pandora's Tower representative is about as likely as a representative from the DS Glory of Heracles release.

Retro characters really cannot be spoken for, but unless characters are released in packs, I doubt they will be included.

Veteran characters will likely take priority over newcomers for DLC.

This is all assuming Mewtwo is not the only DLC character (and there's a very good chance that he will be).
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