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Character Discussion Thread

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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
You do realize that the Gematsu Leak was likely early planning documents and not a crystal ball, right?

The "dates" given were "these characters will be shown at E3", which ended up true for Mega Man, Wii Fit Trainer, and Villager, as well as Miis and Pac-Man the following year. Little Mac could have been planned to appear at E3, but was simply shown on another date as a need for showing another character. A sudden need to reveal Little Mac would explain why his trailer is stylistically animated rather than three-dimensional like most other newcomers' trailers are. It certainly didn't feature the same quality as Palutena's trailer at the very least. Still, all of that is avoiding the point. There were plans of when to reveal characters, not set dates. Gematsu never gave us dates.

And how on earth would he miss Rosalina if she was never to be shown at E3? Between the characters shown at the first E3 and the Smash Direct, Gematsu had never even made a statement. The point of Rosalina is moot in that by the time he would have had said anything about her, she'd have already been revealed. There's nothing to state that Gematsu wouldn't have listed her had he actually said anything around that time. Rosalina is a strawman, in other words.

It's only been two months since Robin and Lucina. The leaker disappearing between the first E3 and Smash Direct, which was a lot friggin' longer than 2 months mind you, didn't make him any less accurate when he called Wii Fit Trainer and Greninja (who literally did not even exist at the time of Sakurai's decision to include him, hence only being called "Pokemon X&Y character"). As for the characters themselves, it was literally stated by Sakurai himself that Lucina wasn't even planned as a character in the first place and that Chrom was originally the chosen character before they realized just how bland he is compared to Robin. The documents planned for Chrom, but the reality was Robin and Lucina. Do you not follow?

Honestly, why people doubt Gematsu, I don't understand. The leak thus far is outdated, without a doubt, but that doesn't mean it's incorrect. The fact that it has predicted things revealed behind-the-scenes of what we've gotten should make that apparent, were Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Mega Man, Little Mac, Greninja, Palutena, Mii Fighters (down to the name), Pac-Man, and Shulk not enough. This is not even mentioning the fact that various sources are stating that Chorus Kids will be a character (further cemented by the Sneaky Spirit's existence as an enemy in Smash Run). There's plenty more to say Gematsu is real than not.

Again, outdated does not mean false. Like it or not, Chorus Kids are planned at the very least the way Dixie Kong and Toon Zelda were, if not DLC or a hidden character outright.
You might of had a point, if it weren't for:

And the leaker basically disappearing from existence right after the Lucina and Robin reveal.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Well I don't think he actually played him, just checked the colors on the CSS. Wouldn't get my hopes up though. :/
Sorry but thank you. I'm expecting at least one slight change being skulls, or no scarf hanging out. (reverse joke)

Why ain't yall talking about this?
Oh so it's 6 now. Well one more newcomer doesn't hurt!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
Sorry but thank you. I'm expecting at least one slight change being skulls, or no scarf hanging out. (reverse joke)

Oh so it's 6 now. Well one more newcomer doesn't hurt!
That is just the random button mixed in with the other unlock thingies. He just used it as a placehold point.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
He actually did specify something after the trailer. Said that Shulk is DEFINITELY happening.

then he disappeared rip
That was before the trailer, actually.

The only thing I remember him saying after the trailer is "UH THIS ISN'T MY FAULT MY SOURCE MUST BE MISTAKEN UH LET ME GO CHECK, OH CRAP, HE ISN'T SAYING ANYTHING".

Deleted member

That was before the trailer, actually.

The only thing I remember him saying after the trailer is "UH THIS ISN'T MY FAULT MY SOURCE MUST BE MISTAKEN UH LET ME GO CHECK, OH CRAP, HE ISN'T SAYING ANYTHING".
"I only know what has been done, not what or when they will be made available. Sakurai may change his mind, and he does all the time. Shulk will not be changed."

He did vanish and never say anything after though. I wonder why...
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I'm not a betting person.

But I'm hoping there's a Ridley-shaped slot waiting to be filled in yon roster.

If there's four more besides that, I'm hoping to see some more Dokey Kong characters and possibly Mewtwo.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Thankfully, I got who I was really hoping for and my least wanted character as well. So, there's no one aside of one character that could disappoint me that at this point


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
I'm not a betting person.

But I'm hoping there's a Ridley-shaped slot waiting to be filled in yon roster.

If there's four more besides that, I'm hoping to see some more Dokey Kong characters and possibly Mewtwo.
Dokey Kong...

That is all....


File photo of the man in subject.

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Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Don't understand what you said. But I feel hype anyvay!
Guys, rejoice. The Random button is hidden within Robin's & Lucario's slot, not to mention that Melee's B+A random spamming is back.:shades:
I'm still convinced Doc moves up, and Yoshi moves to G&W's slot. so this roster will for sure fluctuate.

Wolf, Ice Climber(s), Ridley, King K, and Mewtwo.
I'm gonna believe Yoshi will move away from the Mario series. Sakurai still considers Yoshi a Yoshi series character in Smash, so I'm there with you too.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Assuming the 6th is Random/Mii, I'll go with Dixie, Mewtwo, Ridley, "Zelda Character", and "RH Character."

My personal favorite Zelda newcomer is Tetra, and my personal favorite RH newcomer is Marshal.

With these "predictions," I am assuming Lucas, Ice Climbers, Wolf, and Snake are cut due to that being said. If it turns out that they are only assumed cut, and that is not factual information, I would prefer Lucas and Wolf over the Zelda and RH newcomers. Might even prefer Ice Climbers over Dixie Kong. I do still prefer King K. Rool over Dixie Kong.
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God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
You might of had a point, if it weren't for:
Actually, I had made an entire paragraph responding to that.
It's only been two months since Robin and Lucina. The leaker disappearing between the first E3 and Smash Direct, which was a lot friggin' longer than 2 months mind you, didn't make him any less accurate when he called Wii Fit Trainer and Greninja (who literally did not even exist at the time of Sakurai's decision to include him, hence only being called "Pokemon X&Y character"). As for the characters themselves, it was literally stated by Sakurai himself that Lucina wasn't even planned as a character in the first place and that Chrom was originally the chosen character before they realized just how bland he is compared to Robin. The documents planned for Chrom, but the reality was Robin and Lucina. Do you not follow?
What relevance is there to how long it takes before we next get word of Gematsu? He still gave us Greninja after the drought between June 2013 and April 2014. That's over 9 months of him "disappearing". It's only been 2 since Robin's reveal (stating we'd get Shulk to be 2 months off) and 4 since his previous leak. Again, you aren't explaining how Gematsu not constantly spoon-feeding us information has any bearing on his legitimacy, let alone how this vastly smaller period of waiting is anything compared to what we've dealt with before.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 27, 2014
Impa please. It doesn't matter which version of the character (though the Skyward Sword version is my favorite). I mean if were to get a Zelda newcomer it makes sense to go with her. Besides the triforce trio she's the only other pivotal character that has been appearing throughout the the series.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Impa please. It doesn't matter which version of the character (though the Skyward Sword version is my favorite). I mean if were to get a Zelda newcomer it makes sense to go with her. Besides the triforce trio she's the only other pivotal character that has been appearing throughout the the series.
I agree. But I do prefer Tetra because she is one of the Triforce Trio, like all the other playable Zelda characters, and also... I think Toon Link looks lonely as the only Toon character.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Actually, I had made an entire paragraph responding to that.

What relevance is there to how long it takes before we next get word of Gematsu? He still gave us Greninja after the drought between June 2013 and April 2014. That's over 9 months of him "disappearing". It's only been 2 since Robin's reveal (stating we'd get Shulk to be 2 months off) and 4 since his previous leak. Again, you aren't explaining how Gematsu not constantly spoon-feeding us information has any bearing on his legitimacy, let alone how this vastly smaller period of waiting is anything compared to what we've dealt with before.
It's not the fact he disappeared, it's the manner of it.

He disappeared for good as soon as Robin/Lucina were revealed. Claiming that he needs to talk to his source. He should be back by now. In the past, he had long breaks because he just waited until we were known to get some sort of announcement, to get us riled up. He hasn't done that since Robin and Lucina, though.

And again, my other points still hold water. I think he was ass-pulling.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Maybe he couldn't get any more current information, so he decided to remain silent because he didn't think anyone would believe him. Besides, if he couldn't get any more current information, there'd be no reason for him to say anything more on the topic anyway.

We just can't really know if it was all true or false. Not yet anyway. If there really are "Chorus Kids," or something of that ilk, he may have been right for the most part.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Impa please. It doesn't matter which version of the character (though the Skyward Sword version is my favorite). I mean if were to get a Zelda newcomer it makes sense to go with her. Besides the triforce trio she's the only other pivotal character that has been appearing throughout the the series.
I was hoping she might be an alt for Sheik, but we know Sheik's costumes already...:urg:
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Maybe he couldn't get any more current information, so he decided to remain silent because he didn't think anyone would believe him. Besides, if he couldn't get any more current information, there'd be no reason for him to say anything more on the topic anyway.

We just can't really know if it was all true or false. Not yet anyway. If there really are "Chorus Kids," or something of that ilk, he may have been right for the most part.
I'm sorry but I can't believe him after the slew of mistakes he has made. I don't even see the point in discerning between "he was wrong" or "no, he was just outdated". What really matters to me, is that he is irrelevant now.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
I'm sorry but I can't believe him after the slew of mistakes he has made. I don't even see the point in discerning between "he was wrong" or "no, he was just outdated". What really matters to me, is that he is irrelevant now.
Well, we did get Pac-Man, Miis, Palutena, Shulk, an XY Pokemon, a main character from Awakening (even if it was the "wrong" one), Little Mac, Mega Man, Villager, and Wii Fit Trainer. To me, that's evident as more than mere coincidence.
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