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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Is K Rool really the most requested character world-wide?
He's the most requested newcomer, the most requested character is Mewtwo, but K. Rool comes in second place there.

Woah... what's awful about Dixie with Diddy? Playing as 2 characters is pretty big in the series. If it was the original intention, I just want to see how it works, also, I hated Diddy's banana move, It's completely random. It has the potential to leave you open for a KO, or you could just jump over it. Sometimes, it worked perfectly, sometimes it just sat there, and with the Banana already as an item, it's not interesting. It's also the reason he is so high on tiers, I'd rather they balance the whole character out... each move. Gtting rid of the banana would call for a buff in the individual moves, even if it's two characters. And if it's 2, range, areas hit, and defense gets improved.
Well the Diddy/dixie thing fits with the series and is sakurais original idea so dont be too surprised if it comes through,
Firstly, Diddy was already in Brawl and shoving Dixie on him will alienate just about everyone that played him. Second, it would be an insult to the both of them because they are both deserving characters in their own rights, shoving Dixie on Diddy is like saying that she wasn't good enough to make it on her own. And it doesn't fit with the series, if you really want to try and go there, they only ever paired up in one game, and in Tropical Freeze, they can't pair up at all. So if you say she's likelier than K. Rool because of that game, then you shouldn't say she'll be shoved on Diddy, because she wasn't in that game.
also I would say you are being a bit blind towards mii's likelyhood, look around you they are EVERYWHERE man. Of course they might not make it but the odds are extremely in their favor. As for actually wanting them I feel completely neutral towards them personally (hated them at first but prepped myself for their likely inclusion since I feel its an inevitability) Im sure sakurai will make them fun somehow...
I'm not being blind, the only thing I'm doing is not following the sheep. The odds aren't really in their favor, people just think they're going to get in because of that "leak." Miss Fit already fulfills the role of a character for casual gamers, and Villager already fills the role of a generic avatar character, hell, he looks just like a Mii and his "everything and the kitchen sink" moveset makes Miis redundant as well. Unless Sakurai is going to make an exception for just Miis, they won't show up because they aren't unique enough. The only way I could see Miis happening is if they were some special option away from the roster where you could make a single, customized moveset for your Mii and only use it for certain situations.


Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
"Pic of the day. As shown in Little Mac's debut video, here is the height difference between Samus and Little Mac. He's used those mighty green gloves to punch out many challengers bigger than himself."

Totally hinting at Ridley.
It's more or less a reference to when Sakurai compared the Little Mac AT to Samus back on the Brawl Dojo.



Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Megaman 9 and 10...
Oh, downloadable only titles count? :troll:

Alright, you got me there, but I don't think the general public even knew about it since it wasn't a physical game they could pick up at the store.
I'm assuming that your argument towards them having games on the Wii is trying to say that people know about them, though.

Only question is if Sakurai likes the Miis to be implemented, your opinions won't matter. :troll:
What if Sakurai is sitting down on his lunch break and thinking "Miis are not Nintendo all-stars, they represent the player! The player is not a Nintendo all-star, the player is just some person playing the game! Unless that player is Miyamoto! [laughs]"
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Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Oh, downloadable only titles count? :troll:

Alright, you got me there, but I don't think the general public even knew about it since it wasn't a physical game they could pick up at the store.
I'm assuming that your argument towards them having games on the Wii is trying to say that people know about them, though.
Like I said every one of the newcomers has had a game on wii, which is one of the many reasons I think nintendo will continue to show off the wii's history through ssb4 including mii's, but this is only a small reason the bigger reason is the obvious infection thing.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2013
Canada, eh?
Alright, me and my friend have updated our list of likely newcomers, if you've actually seen the old list I brought up here anyway.
  • Shulk
  • Chrom
  • Ridley
  • Palutena
  • Chibi-Robo
  • Alph
  • King K. Rool or Dixie Kong
  • Bandana Dee
If you have any questions on our reasoning feel free to ask. (Preferably via PM because I'm not on here everyday)


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Alright, me and my friend have updated our list of likely newcomers, if you've actually seen the old list I brought up here anyway.
  • Shulk
  • Chrom
  • Ridley
  • Palutena
  • Chibi-Robo
  • Alph
  • King K. Rool or Dixie Kong
  • Bandana Dee
If you have any questions on our reasoning feel free to ask. (Preferably via PM because I'm not on here everyday)
I don't find chibi, alph, or bandanna dee that likely.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
I haven't thought much about Chibi, but he's possible.

As far as characters go, I don't find Alph that necessary.

I'm okay with Bandana Dee.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2013
Canada, eh?
I haven't thought much about Chibi, but he's possible.

As far as characters go, I don't find Alph that necessary.

I'm okay with Bandana Dee.
I'm sure Rosie and WFT were unecessary too.
But, here we are.
Anyway, I'll be offline for awhile, so again, contact me via PM if you want clarification on anything.
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Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Good Afternoon all, hope you're doing well. Well, with the college work out of the way, I finally designed how Tiki's fighting style would work, and it starts with this picture:
Fire Emblem Tiki.jpg
Basically, she fights normally most of the time with dragon infused magic and the others, but she's accompanied by her dragon spirit, that appears in an ethereal form behind her for the most part, being able to attack opponents with magical blasts, wing attacks and tail. Her specials include a Charge Special Dragonstone Magic blast, the Book of Naga, transforming into a dragon for recovery and a Prayer to Naga to improve mobility for a short amount of time, ALA Tiki's Tear. Her final smash is calling upon the divine dragon herself to cleanse the battlefield with her sacred fire.
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Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
I'm sure Rosie and WFT were unecessary too.
But, here we are.
Anyway, I'll be offline for awhile, so again, contact me via PM if you want clarification on anything.
Rosalina and WFT at least bring new things to the table. The problem with Alph, and basically all the other Pikmin characters, is that everything they can do, Olimar can do already, and I don't think the flying and rock pikmin are enough to really justify a whole new character.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
I'm sure Rosie and WFT were unecessary too.
But, here we are.
Anyway, I'll be offline for awhile, so again, contact me via PM if you want clarification on anything.
WFT trainer is a character from a new series. Alph is from the Pikmin games, which already have Olimar, and they pretty much have the same roles in the game. It just seems rather unnecessary. I know you're going bring up semiclones like Lucas or Wolf. Yet, Lucas was planned since Melee, with that Ness wasn't in Mother 3 at all to get in the way, tbh.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
What if Sakurai is sitting down on his lunch break and thinking "Miis are not Nintendo all-stars, they represent the player! The player is not a Nintendo all-star, the player is just some person playing the game! Unless that player is Miyamoto! [laughs]"
My Earthbound feels are hurt.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
I think Lucas was added to Brawl so both Ness and Lucas could interact in the storymode. I feel like there really is no need for Lucas to return.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2013
Crocodile Isle
I think Lucas was added to Brawl so both Ness and Lucas could interact in the storymode. I feel like there really is no need for Lucas to return.
Lucas was added because he's the most recent Mother series protagonist.

Ness was going to be cut but since Mother 3 wasn't released outside Japan, he got to stay.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
He's a possible last minute semi-clone that could make it into the roster just like how Lucas had his merits to get in the roster.
In all honesty, Alph should've replaced Olimar.
Sometimes I wish Mother 3 was released internationally too.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Yeah, even though Mother 3 is a great game, I don't find it necessary for him to come back in the roster.
Just keep Lucas' moveset veined in Ness and were good.
what the hell am i reading
Am I the only one here who doesn't expect Lucas to be cut, or even needs to be...
Nope; I'm up there with you. Lucas never seemed that likely to be cut in the first place considering he was on first priority in all three games and his game was never out the first two times. He never felt like fodder either.

also why even bother to remove characters if they have no purpose in being removed? Nothing will actually be gained from removing Wolf, Lucas, Falco, etc. Just more "Slots"... except the game doesn't run on slots. They can and will put in however much they please.

Depressed Gengar

Hana Is Best Girl
Aug 13, 2013
The Johto Region
Louie could be a last minute clone too. Not to mention he's still the more popular of the two.
Regardless, they'd go ahead and add more popular and important semi-clones like Dixie first.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
My personal opinion that likely doesn't affect Sakurai.
I think he's coming back though.
I understand but still what.

For my own opinion:

I know I'm biased to the Mother series but christ, people need to give series like Star Fox, Yoshi, Mother, and F-Zero just to name a few some slack. The only series I see people even positive about more characters that's technically "Small" is Metroid and that's just because of Ridley. One of my main reasons I appreciate the Smash series is variety; kill that and you have nothing.


Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
Star Fox, Yoshi, Mother, and F-Zero just to name a few some slack.
I could see why some would complain about those. For example, with F-Zero being a racing series whose character's moveset had to totally be made up, I don't really think its needs more than one character. Yoshi just doesn't really have any notable/viable additions, unless you really want to see Kamek added, who's basically two steps away from just being a generic goon. I like Wolf and Falco and I don't want to see them cut, nor do I think they will, but I can see why people think SF is kinda pushing its luck with there only being five original games and yet the series shares the same amount of characters as a 20+ series like Kirby.

I do think Lucas is kind of more necessary than people give him credit for. He's basically there to show there's more to the Mother series other than Earthbound, which is represented by Ness.
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Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
What? "Bother removing"? It doesn't take work to remove (or more accurately, cut) a character. On the contrary, it's about whether they bother to bring them back or not.
I'll go into this in a short run-down edition.

You deal with the fanbase and the fanbase who plays all of those characters. Also, it's not necessarily difficult to bring a character back, especially if they have some aspects from another moveset. All of them always have some purpose to be brought back of the characters right now. Basically, you deal with more than you think you do, but hey, if you don't believe me check the Roy and Mewtwo fanbases. When I talk about the roster to people IRL Roy and Mewtwo are brought up pretty dang often.

honestly the only excuses is they were fodder in the first place (hi pichu) or they're just a technically hard character to bring back for that installment (hi mewtwo).

I could see why some would complain about those. For example, with F-Zero being a racing series whose character's moveset had to totally be made up, I don't really think its needs more than one character. Yoshi just doesn't really have any notable/viable additions, unless you really want to see Kamek added, who's basically two steps away from just being a generic goon. I like Wolf and Falco and I don't want to/think either of them will be removed, but I can see why people think SF is kinda pushing its luck with there only be five games and yet the series shares the same amount of characters as a 20+ series like Kirby.

I do think Lucas is kind of more necessary than people give him credit for. He's basically there to show there's more the Mother series other than Earthbound, which is represented by Ness.
see some people complain about them and if you complain about one series, sure, that's fine, go ahead and complain, but it's like people don't support having supporting characters at all. It's way too much flak and not even games numbers but rather sales numbers which makes me go "...wtf" - Yes, there should be some balance, but if Star Fox has as many characters as Legend of Zelda the world won't end. It's this twisted logic that I'm close to not even understanding anymore.

I agree completely on those last two sentences by the way.

Hey Golden

-Lucas was considered before Ness in Smash 64, but Mother 3 was not prepared
-Same thing happened in Melee.
-These have already been known facts.
-I don't have any viable proof for Brawl, but I'd think it's fairly safe to say both were added in early. It's a touchy topic, but unless either of us got exact proof one way or another, it's a topic that won't go anywhere either.

unless you thought I was talking about the Mother series, if you did, my bad.
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Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
also why even bother to remove characters if they have no purpose in being removed? Nothing will actually be gained from removing Wolf, Lucas, Falco, etc. Just more "Slots"... except the game doesn't run on slots. They can and will put in however much they please.
While the game doesn't run on "slots", it does run on time/money investments, and as each character must be balanced against all other characters, it seems that each additional character added will actually take more investment than the character before.
(and I suppose technically they do need to worry about screen space on the character select screen, but that can be figured out)

All that being said, some other conventional fighters top out at around 60 playable characters, so it's not ridiculous to think that Smash eventually could as well.

Deleted member

Care to address the point above, thethirdkoopa?

The only time Lucas had "first priority" over Ness was Melee.
Lucas was never planned for Smash 64, and both were equal priority in Brawl.
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