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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
While I know it would effect the "uniqueness" of the character, I still think that reducing the Ice Climbers to one character that would merely "summon" the other Climber for particular moves (like the up special) would have been a better option then just removing them.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Dark Pit is popular.
Palutena and Shulk were among the most wanted characters in Japan, while still being popular overseas.
Lucina was promoted to playable due to her popularity.
Robin (here at least) is more popular than Chrom, and was possibly the most popular potential FE character.
Rosalina is one of the more popular Mario characters. Note that she was announced before Bowser Jr.; the "obvious" 5th Mario character.
Greninja is also quite popular, though he was added because Sakurai liked his design. Being popular is just lucky.
Dark pit is a very tiny blip on the popularity radar.

Palutena and shulk are japans baby. But even then only palutena had merit to be in due to being important in the series, and being consistent over time also shes female. Shulk has 1 game under his belt and he isnt even guaranteed to be in the sequel they are marketing for.
Lucina was added because FE Awakening is new and they want people to go buy it. Also shes female.
Same thing for Robin and he can be a she. Both have only been in 1 game and as of now have no importance to the series as a whole really.
Rosalina's popularity is scarce compared to the more important Bowser Jr and Paper Mario. Her importance is very minimal atm she was added because shes female and sakurai found a unique playstyle (Note any character can have a unique playstyle).
Greninja was a completely random choice where he was just added to promote Poke x and y.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Dark pit is a very tiny blip on the popularity radar.

Palutena and shulk are japans baby. But even then only palutena had merit to be in due to being important in the series, and being consistent over time also shes female. Shulk has 1 game under his belt and he isnt even guaranteed to be in the sequel they are marketing for.
Lucina was added because FE Awakening is new and they want people to go buy it. Also shes female.
Same thing for Robin and he can be a she. Both have only been in 1 game and as of now have no importance to the series as a whole really.
Rosalina's popularity is scarce compared to the more important Bowser Jr and Paper Mario. Her importance is very minimal atm she was added because shes female and sakurai found a unique playstyle (Note any character can have a unique playstyle).
Greninja was a completely random choice where he was just added to promote Poke x and y.
If Shulk was being put in as a marketing tool for Xenoblade Chronicles X, then why not just include a character from X? They did it with Roy, and arguably with Greninja.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Clones shoudn't count as "reps" because they weren't planned and didn't replace anyone. So thats one less, mario, KI, and FE reps. The pokemon cuts were necessary because 8 or 9 pokemon would be much to big a chunk of the roster. They replaced squirtle spiritually, really just leaving Ivysaur, a justifiable cut. If Wolf is cut, it's justifiable, Wolf is relatively minor (as we've talked extensively of) as only a minor villain/anti-hero (if hes even cut). Earhtbound is an increibly niche franchise thats also dead now, lucas was easily the most expendable character on Brawl's roster (except, imo ROB). FE is a growing franchise, is doing well, and ha sbeen in Ninty's lineup for years. 3 Reps, espicially a unique one in Robin, is hardly a poor choice. Pally deserves to be in (arguably) and considering the rebirth and success of the francise, 2 reps is also not questionable. Animal Crossing is extermely popular, Punch-out is a rebirthed classic, Xenoblade is a successful new IP for Ninty, and the WFT/Mii's while not opopular characters represerent an era of ninty gaming and are as deserving as ROB and G&W (none of which should actually be in imo, but they're all a package deal.) I agree there are some characters who were overlooked, and some franchises that could use some expansion, but I wouldn't call this roster awful by any means.
All clones still count as additions, also Wolf is very important to Star Fox its like cutting Metaknight from kirby.

If Shulk was being put in as a marketing tool for Xenoblade Chronicles X, then why not just include a character from X? They did it with Roy, and arguably with Greninja.
To make japanese fans happy basically, it was still a huge marketing ploy. (also dont quote me on this but I think X's protagonist is a custom character...)
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Well actually, funny thing, Mewtwo is moreso that than Lucario. He was the first pokemon used to show it off when we didnt knew what it was, and he got two of them in the end, something only other super popular pokemon like Charizard got.
For the most part, all three shared the role. Mewtwo was the first to market it with its movie, Lucario had its notable role in XY that introduced the concept to those that played the games, and Charizard got the Mega Evolution special. In addition, all three have had the biggest part in the advertising for it due to showing up in card adverts, Pokken Fighters, the art academy, and other such materials.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Dark Pit is a pretty popular KI character actually, I seen him decently requested and mentioned as one the top 20 characters for Smash 4 in the Famitsu magazine, he has a fanbase.


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2010
All clones still count as additions, also Wolf is very important to Star Fox its like cutting Metaknight from kirby.
They don't though, you'd get the roster, just 3 characters smaller. They don't care about reps when picking clones.

And Metaknight is a super popular part of a major series to Nintendo. I hate the guy and know he belongs. Wolf is a poorly fleshed out anti-hero who occasionally tries to fight Fox or help him apparently. He's the superfluous smash character for one of Nintendo's weaker series


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
All clones still count as additions, also Wolf is very important to Star Fox its like cutting Metaknight from kirby.

To make japanese fans happy basically, it was still a huge marketing ploy. (also dont quote me on this but I think X's protagonist is a custom character...)
How dare they make Japanese fans happy!


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Daily reminder that we would not have: :4sonic::4megaman::4pacman:

If we never got: :snake:

And that some people are just as hung up on "recency and marketing" as much as some are on popularity.
It barely plays a roll at all, Sakurai did not pick any of the characters because of advertisement.
:4villager:Has a recent game... but is based on an older design.
:4megaman:Hasn't been relevant in years, has nothing new to market whatsoever.
:4wiifit:Nothing more than an oddball pick. The franchise already sells well enough.
:rosalina:The Galaxy games are old. Advertising 3D World? She's unlocked at the end of the game. And it's Mario anyway.
:4littlemac:Another old game in a franchise that will probably get another game... twenty more years from now.
:4greninja:They didn't even know he would be popular and didn't try to market him whatsoever when he was chosen.
Sakurai has expressed his dislike for sequels. Nintendo may never do anything with the franchise.
:4pacman:He isn't even based on his most recent appearance, and he's the oldest character that isn't Game & Watch.
:4robinf:New game? Advertising? Wait, this isn't Chrom, Robin isn't even on the cover of the game.
:4shulk:Another old game, and he's probably not even going to be in the sequel.
:4lucina:Last minute clone, if she was meant for advertising, she would have been planned from the start.
Pitto: See Palutena and Lucina.
Dr. Mario: Unless they're trying to advertise Melee, then nothing.
Bowser Jr.: Not even in Mario Kart 8. Koopalings possibly, but these characters are important to the Mario franchise.
Duck Hunt: Clearly Nintendo wants nothing more than to advertise a single game from the NES that isn't even on the VC. Yup.

In before someone takes this as me bashing the roster even though I previously said that I love it.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Dark Pit is a pretty popular KI character actually, I seen him decently requested and mentioned as one the top 20 characters for Smash 4 in the Famitsu magazine, he has a fanbase.
I thought that was just a general popularity poll. Not who they wanted for Smash....

(Assuming you're talking about that one issue Sakurai posted once....)


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2007
The only real complaint I have with the leaked Smash 4 roster so far is that the unlockable newcomers so far are ridiculously underwhelming. Two clones, a retro character famous for everyone hating his guts, and Bowser Jr. Even 64's selection of hidden newcomers beat it. Provided, I don't think Jr, Dark Pit, Lucina, and DHD are all we're getting, but its pretty much the most disappointing selection of hidden newcomers if they're all that's left.
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Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
They don't though, you'd get the roster, just 3 characters smaller. They don't care about reps when picking clones.

And Metaknight is a super popular part of a major series to Nintendo. I hate the guy and know he belongs. Wolf is a poorly fleshed out anti-hero who occasionally tries to fight Fox or help him apparently. He's the superfluous smash character for one of Nintendo's weaker series
Star Fox isnt that weak its right below to that of Kirby and Metroid, just check the sales numbers. In YOUR opinion wolf isnt fleshed out and in YOUR opinion star fox is a weak series. When the truth is he has the same importance and is charismatic as ****, wolf is a boss if you cant figure out his personality then you havent played star fox much.
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Who is a more important Sonic character: Tails or Shadow? I say Tails, but many disagree with me.

The principle is the same. It's an age-old argument of what's more important between the sidekicks and the rival. I believe the sidekicks are more important because we see their interaction and participation with the main character more often, making them generally more consistent characters. To me, that's more important then the occasionally appearing rival.
HA. People arguing who is a more important Sonic character. I have a piece of evidence that people forget about.
GET A LOAD OF THIS. Best choice for a second Sonic character in Smash if we ever get to that point. Jut make him a mech fighter like Bowser Jr.

But no, in all seriousness. The secondary protagonist is more key to a series than rival. Who argues that :4luigi: is less iconic to Mario than :warioc: or even the original villain turned rival :4dk:.

Falco also has his much stronger fan base in the Smash community to keep him rooted in. Wolf, as one of the final characters revealed for Brawl, was the target of a lot of hate that overshadowed how he played and such, alongside ROB. It was mostly accepted that if Star Fox went down to 2, Falco would be kept.

I don't think Wolf, Lucas, or Ice Climbers are truly gone. But within Star Fox and in Smash, Falco is bigger than Wolf. Simple as that.


wow this is a custom title
Dec 2, 2007
I won't lie. I will go nuts if we see Dr. Robotnik as a boss in this game.


That would be way too cool omfg..

but if it were up to SEGA, they would probably just make the stupid Deadly Six as the boss in Windy Hill Zone... yuck lol
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Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2010
Star Fox isnt that weak its right below to that of Kirby and Metroid, just check the sales numbers. In YOUR opinion wolf isnt fleshed out and in YOUR opinion star fox is a weak series. When the truth he has the same importance and is charismatic as ****, wolf is a boss if you cant figure out his personality then you havent played star fox much.
Yea I'm the one who's super biased here. You clearly are heavily into Star Fox, that's our prerogative. And Your right, my star fo history is rusty, but I recall there being 5 games (Original, Snes, 64, Adventures, Assault, and the new one where I dont think his role has been defined) I played 64 and adventures, and he didn't have that much personality except for "Im gonna get you fox" and wasn't in Adventures if I recall. I assume he didn't have any role in the original 2 based on their limitations, leaving him to have one major role characterization in Assault, which didn't sell well right? Did I get anything wrong?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
It's all opinion and perspective. The 'good' roster is always going to be based on the bias and perspective of the person who is viewing that roster and the one that is creating them.

The situation for me is pretty simple, though I did not dislike it, Brawl's roster didn't particularly wow me or impress me heavily at the time of its released that doesn't mean the roster inherently bad it just means that it did do anything for me specifically. That's going to be the biggest thing with any roster.

Unlike Brawl, Smash 4 included quite a few of newcomers that I both wanted and characters that surprised me in a number of ways Shulk, Palutena, Megaman, and Little Mac got me excited with Rosalina, Greninja, Wii Fit Trainer and even the rumoured Duck Hunt turned out to be very pleasant surprise so in comparison to your opinion I think the Smash 4's roster is excellent compared to Brawl even if all my characters on my list don't get it.

The fact is there is no such thing a perfect roster there never can be and there never will be. This is a very important and vital point when approaching these rosters and how I've always approached them, which is why it didn't bother me in Brawl when I didn't get who I wanted.
I can separate my bias from what I think is logical fact. And I logically think the roster was poorly handled.

Gre ninja'd

Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2014
Dallas, Texas
Star Fox isnt that weak its right below to that of Kirby and Metroid, just check the sales numbers. In YOUR opinion wolf isnt fleshed out and in YOUR opinion star fox is a weak series. When the truth is he has the same importance and is charismatic as ****, wolf is a boss if you cant figure out his personality then you havent played star fox much.
Yeah, starfox has sold a lot recently with that new wii game :troll:

Deleted member

Dark pit is a very tiny blip on the popularity radar.

Palutena and shulk are japans baby. But even then only palutena had merit to be in due to being important in the series, and being consistent over time also shes female. Shulk has 1 game under his belt and he isnt even guaranteed to be in the sequel they are marketing for.
Lucina was added because FE Awakening is new and they want people to go buy it. Also shes female.
Same thing for Robin and he can be a she. Both have only been in 1 game and as of now have no importance to the series as a whole really.
Rosalina's popularity is scarce compared to the more important Bowser Jr and Paper Mario. Her importance is very minimal atm she was added because shes female and sakurai found a unique playstyle (Note any character can have a unique playstyle).
Greninja was a completely random choice where he was just added to promote Poke x and y.
"Dark pit is a very tiny blip on the popularity radar" - Do your research.

"palutena had merit to be in due to being important in the series" - So this is a bad thing now? I though people were all about "CHARACTER MUST BE IMPORTANT TO BE IN THE GAME"

"also shes female" - Not even worth responding to.

"Shulk has 1 game under his belt and he isnt even guaranteed to be in the sequel they are marketing for" - Doesn't that just cement that he was chosen due to being popular rather than marketable? I'll have you know both Shulk and Palutena are still quite popular overseas.

"Lucina was added because FE Awakening is new and they want people to go buy it" - Lucina is one of the most popular characters in the game. Had they wanted to do the strict promotion route, than Chrom would be playable. He is not.

"Also shes female." - Again, not even worth responding to.

"Same thing for Robin" - False. Robin was added because of his playstyle. Sakurai had thought about including Chrom (again, for strictly promotional reasons) but decided not to because Robin was far more interesting overall.

"Both have only been in 1 game and as of now have no importance to the series as a whole really." - No Fire Emblem character is "important to the series as a whole," really. Protagonists and settings change every game. Also, only one game? Better cut Ness then.

"Rosalina's popularity is scarce compared to the more important Bowser Jr." - Strange that Rosalina appeared as playable in 3D World, and Bowser Jr. wasn't even in that game. Also Mario Kart 7/8. It's also important to note that she is a starter character. Bowser Jr. does not appear to be.

"she was added because shes female" - Not. Worth. A. Response.

"Greninja was a completely random choice where he was just added to promote Poke x and y." - Yes. His spot was reserved for a new Pokemon. I merely pointed out that Greninja is a popular Pokemon.

tl;dr: Saying "Only Little Mac and Mega Man were chosen based off of popularity" is incorrect.
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
I won't lie. I will go nuts if we see Dr. Robotnik as a boss in this game.


That would be way too cool omfg..

but if it were up to SEGA, they would probably just make the stupid Deadly Six as the boss in Windy Hill Zone... yuck lol
It pains me that we won't see a Robotnik/Wiley team up in this game. It's the one reason I am sad we won't see a SSE type mode.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Yea I'm the one who's super biased here. You clearly are heavily into Star Fox, that's our prerogative. And Your right, my star fo history is rusty, but I recall there being 5 games (Original, Snes, 64, Adventures, Assault, and the new one where I dont think his role has been defined) I played 64 and adventures, and he didn't have that much personality except for "Im gonna get you fox" and wasn't in Adventures if I recall. I assume he didn't have any role in the original 2 based on their limitations, leaving him to have one major role characterization in Assault, which didn't sell well right? Did I get anything wrong?
Assault actually did flesh out his character more and Assault sold well its just a terrible game. Also wolfs personality in 64 was mostly cocky one liners Id agree but in assault you get to see more of his morals and how he roles instead of just fighting him.


wow this is a custom title
Dec 2, 2007
It pains me that we won't see a Robotnik/Wiley team up in this game. It's the one reason I am sad we won't see a SSE type mode.
I really wish they would just make a separate Boss Mode (don't need to have SSE) in this game, and leave the bosses themselves out of the stages (I feel Yellow Devil interferes too much with the actual fights)

EDIT: Cool idea but, Classic Mode should have a mid-boss point. Like, halfway through that mode, you have to fight a random boss. Power Stone sort of did this, where it had a boss in the middle of its classic mode
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Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2010
Assault actually did flesh out his character more and Assault sold well its just a terrible game. Also wolfs personality in 64 was mostly cocky one liners Id agree but in assault you get to see more of his morals and how he roles instead of just fighting him.
Fair enough, I didn't play assault, but if you have problems with all these other one off characters, it sounds like Wolf has only been a truly releavent character in 1 game (ie being a fleshed out non-static character). He existed, but wasn't relevant except in this one game, just like Robin, or Greninja, or Ness, etc.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
To be fair.... I'm a decently big Nintendo fan and I don't think I've heard of Dark Pit until that Palutena trailer. He has fans but he's definitely a more obscure Nintendo character


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
I really wish they would just make a separate Boss Mode (don't need to have SSE) in this game, and leave the bosses themselves out of the stages (I feel Yellow Devil interferes too much with the actual fights)

EDIT: Cool idea but, Classic Mode should have a mid-boss point. Like, halfway through that mode, you have to fight a random boss. Power Stone sort of did this, where it had a boss in the middle of its classic mode
I would also like a "Boss Rush" mode. I liked beating on Porky in Brawl, and I would rather characters like Metal Face be part of a fun optional Smash Mode then be annoying stage hazards.

Maybe it'll happen on the Wii U.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
I really wish they would just make a separate Boss Mode (don't need to have SSE) in this game, and leave the bosses themselves out of the stages (I feel Yellow Devil interferes too much with the actual fights)
Maybe they will have something like this. Smash Run is largely based on City Trial from Kirby Air Ride. One of the potential mini-games that could occur at the end of the run was a boss battle against King Dedede, so maybe they'll have a boss battle challenge. Additionally, you could play any of the City Trial mini-games as standalone mini-games (without having to play City Trial first), so if they did that, they'd have a boss battle mode.

Or maybe they'll just make a literal boss battle mode. That'd be nice.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
"Dark pit is a very tiny blip on the popularity radar" - Do your research.

"palutena had merit to be in due to being important in the series" - So this is a bad thing now? I though people were all about "CHARACTER MUST BE IMPORTANT TO BE IN THE GAME"

"also shes female" - Not even worth responding to.

"Shulk has 1 game under his belt and he isnt even guaranteed to be in the sequel they are marketing for" - Doesn't that just cement that he was chosen due to being popular rather than marketable? I'll have you know both Shulk and Palutena are still quite popular overseas.

"Lucina was added because FE Awakening is new and they want people to go buy it" - Lucina is one of the most popular characters in the game. Had they wanted to do the strict promotion route, than Chrom would be playable. He is not.

"Also shes female." - Again, not even worth responding to.

"Same thing for Robin" - False. Robin was added because of his playstyle. Sakurai had thought about including Chrom (again, for strictly promotional reasons) but decided not to because Robin was far more interesting overall.

"Both have only been in 1 game and as of now have no importance to the series as a whole really." - No Fire Emblem character is "important to the series as a whole," really. Protagonists and settings change every game. Also, only one game? Better cut Ness then.

"Rosalina's popularity is scarce compared to the more important Bowser Jr." - Strange that Rosalina appeared as playable in 3D World, and Bowser Jr. wasn't even in that game. Also Mario Kart 7/8. It's also important to note that she is a starter character. Bowser Jr. does not appear to be.

"she was added because shes female" - Not. Worth. A. Response.

"Greninja was a completely random choice where he was just added to promote Poke x and y." - Yes. His spot was reserved for a new Pokemon. I merely pointed out that Greninja is a popular Pokemon.

tl;dr: Saying "Only Little Mac and Mega Man were chosen based off of popularity" is incorrect.
Palutena was a good choice. The fire emblem characters were definitely for promotion (not just promotion but still their main reason for being included was the fact they are from a new game nintendo wants to sell) Important FE characters are Marth his lineage and starring in multiple games sets that precedent. Ike who has been a protagonist in 2 games, and Lyn who was the west first Fire Emblem protagonist. Rosalina definitely promoted 3d world, just watch the video that announced her inclusion in that game.

As for shulk they are marketing the franchise not the character.

Also all the female stuff is to appeal to a wider audience aka females which shouldnt be a prerogative, it should come naturally based on a characters importance not the fact they have a vagina.

Also I do a ton of research, Dark pit is a very very unrequested character.
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True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
The only customization I want out of the bosses is the option to turn them on and off. A boss mode of any kind wouldn't get me excited at all.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Fair enough, I didn't play assault, but if you have problems with all these other one off characters, it sounds like Wolf has only been a truly relevant character in 1 game (ie being a fleshed out non-static character). He existed, but wasn't relevant except in this one game, just like Robin, or Greninja, or Ness, etc.
Wolf still plays his part in all the games hes in and he always will, he is fox's Rival consistently. If you think metaknights personality is more fleshed out than wolfs I dont know what to tell you.

To be fair.... I'm a decently big Nintendo fan and I don't think I've heard of Dark Pit until that Palutena trailer. He has fans but he's definitely a more obscure Nintendo character
To tell the truth most oldschool nintendo fans cant even name half of the newcomers, most are like who are these random characters. (stupid marketing)
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wow this is a custom title
Dec 2, 2007
Maybe they will have something like this. Smash Run is largely based on City Trial from Kirby Air Ride. One of the potential mini-games that could occur at the end of the run was a boss battle against King Dedede, so maybe they'll have a boss battle challenge. Additionally, you could play any of the City Trial mini-games as standalone mini-games (without having to play City Trial first), so if they did that, they'd have a boss battle mode.

Or maybe they'll just make a literal boss battle mode. That'd be nice.
Ah, I've never played Air Ride but that sounds interesting. I hope we get to see more cool stuff :)


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
I really wish they would just make a separate Boss Mode (don't need to have SSE) in this game, and leave the bosses themselves out of the stages (I feel Yellow Devil interferes too much with the actual fights)

EDIT: Cool idea but, Classic Mode should have a mid-boss point. Like, halfway through that mode, you have to fight a random boss. Power Stone sort of did this, where it had a boss in the middle of its classic mode
Bowser, Dr. Robotnik, and Dr. Wily as a villain trinity in a Wily Machine/Egg O'Matic/Clown Car combination.

Or at least the former two together. This is what I really want in my Mario & Sonic game.

But I digress. I'm happy that the SSE isn't being handled if it means that the time can be put to other functions of the game. Then again I had to do it three times because I had 2 of my Wiis broken by family members.

It was a nice idea, but it just isn't good to repeat. Just about everything else in Smash keeps strong replayability. Look at Smash Run. It is based on the only redeemable part of Kirby Air Ride: City Trial.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
I can separate my bias from what I think is logical fact. And I logically think the roster was poorly handled.
I'm not entirely sure how you can make character opinions into some kind of logical fact that can be tested and determined to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt because I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way with something that subjective.

Logic is dependent on objective facts which roster selection is not going to be.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Palutena was a good choice. The fire emblem characters were definitely for promotion (not just promotion but still their main reason for being included was the fact they are from a new game nintendo wants to sell) Important FE characters are Marth his lineage and starring in multiple games sets that precedent. Ike who has been a protagonist in 2 games, and Lyn who was the west first Fire Emblem protagonist. Rosalina definitely promoted 3d world, just watch the video that announced her inclusion in that game.

As for shulk they are marketing the franchise not the character.

Also all the female stuff is to appeal to a wider audience aka females which shouldnt be a prerogative, it should come naturally based on a characters importance not the fact they have a vagina.
Fire Emblem promotion? Awakening came out 2 years ago, that's hardly "promotion." Still not as bad as Roy's inclusion from an unreleased game, and pretty much the same as Ike's inclusion during Brawl's time.

3D World and SSB4 were being developed at the same time. It's not for "promotion," both developers just happened to realize that Rosalina was popular.

Shulk represents more than his franchise. His playstyle is unique, he's a good character choice for Nintendo RPGs (seeing as we never got a playable Golden Sun character), and I believe it also symbolizes the new partnership between Nintendo and Monolith Soft.

The "female" stuff is irrelevant. Lucina was picked because people like her, not because she's female. The only one pointing out her gender is YOU.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
I'm not entirely sure how you can make character opinions into some kind of logical fact that can be tested and determined to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt because I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way with something that subjective.

Logic is dependent on objective facts which roster selection is not going to be.
Merit for inclusion can be factual.

Deleted member

Palutena was a good choice. The fire emblem characters were definitely for promotion (not just promotion but still their main reason for being included was the fact they are from a new game nintendo wants to sell) Important FE characters are Marth his lineage and starring in multiple games sets that precedent. Ike who has been a protagonist in 2 games, and Lyn who was the west first Fire Emblem protagonist. Rosalina definitely promoted 3d world, just watch the video that announced her inclusion in that game.

As for shulk they are marketing the franchise not the character.

Also all the female stuff is to appeal to a wider audience aka females which shouldnt be a prerogative, it should come naturally based on a characters importance not the fact they have a vagina.

Also I do a ton of research, Dark pit is a very very unrequested character.
Requests =/= Overall popularity

As for Shulk, that makes no sense, really. Xenoblade Chronicles X is a distantly linked sequel. If you used Shulk to promote X, you're promoting a game he has almost no connection to. at least, going off of what we know right now

"a new game nintendo wants to sell" - 2 years old = new? Cool!

"Important FE characters are Marth his lineage" - So Lucina then? Marth is her distant ancestor :troll:

"and Lyn who was the west first Fire Emblem protagonist" - You forgot these two:

"Rosalina definitely promoted 3d world, just watch the video that announced her inclusion in that game." - Rosalina was only in 3D World due to her popularity. She is also in Smash due to her popularity.
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Aug 5, 2014
Daily reminder that we would not have: :4sonic::4megaman::4pacman:

If we never got: :snake:

And that some people are just as hung up on "recency and marketing" as much as some are on popularity.
It barely plays a roll at all, Sakurai did not pick any of the characters because of advertisement.
:4villager:Has a recent game... but is based on an older design.
:4megaman:Hasn't been relevant in years, has nothing new to market whatsoever.
:4wiifit:Nothing more than an oddball pick. The franchise already sells well enough.
:rosalina:The Galaxy games are old. Advertising 3D World? She's unlocked at the end of the game. And it's Mario anyway.
:4littlemac:Another old game in a franchise that will probably get another game... twenty more years from now.
:4greninja:They didn't even know he would be popular and didn't try to market him whatsoever when he was chosen.
Sakurai has expressed his dislike for sequels. Nintendo may never do anything with the franchise.
:4pacman:He isn't even based on his most recent appearance, and he's the oldest character that isn't Game & Watch.
:4robinf:New game? Advertising? Wait, this isn't Chrom, Robin isn't even on the cover of the game.
:4shulk:Another old game, and he's probably not even going to be in the sequel.
:4lucina:Last minute clone, if she was meant for advertising, she would have been planned from the start.
Pitto: See Palutena and Lucina.
Dr. Mario: Unless they're trying to advertise Melee, then nothing.
Bowser Jr.: Not even in Mario Kart 8. Koopalings possibly, but these characters are important to the Mario franchise.
Duck Hunt: Clearly Nintendo wants nothing more than to advertise a single game from the NES that isn't even on the VC. Yup.

In before someone takes this as me bashing the roster even though I previously said that I love it.
This has to be one of the truest post I've ever read in Smashboards.
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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
To tell the truth most oldschool nintendo fans cant even name half of the newcomers, most are like who are these random characters. (stupid marketing)
Why are you ignoring "newschool" Nintendo fans? We should celebrate Nintendo's growth; that's what newcomers do. They don't all have to be old characters, plus we've gotten plenty of those to balance out the new ones.

Merit for inclusion can be factual.
By whose standards? Yours? "Merit for inclusion" means nothing for anybody besides the one making the game, who clearly disagrees with your opinions.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Fire Emblem promotion? Awakening came out 2 years ago, that's hardly "promotion." Still not as bad as Roy's inclusion from an unreleased game, and pretty much the same as Ike's inclusion during Brawl's time.

3D World and SSB4 were being developed at the same time. It's not for "promotion," both developers just happened to realize that Rosalina was popular.

Shulk represents more than his franchise. His playstyle is unique, he's a good character choice for Nintendo RPGs (seeing as we never got a playable Golden Sun character), and I believe it also symbolizes the new partnership between Nintendo and Monolith Soft.

The "female" stuff is irrelevant. Lucina was picked because people like her, not because she's female. The only one pointing out her gender is YOU.
Ive already explained myself but I will go ahead and say added females has definitely been a goal this time, they are definitely trying to appeal to the opposite sex. They added villager, wii fit trainer, rosalina, lucina, robin, and palutena, heck even miis. If you look back at how many females we had in brawl compared to now you can definitely see they are trying to reach a demographic.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Ive already explained myself but I will go ahead and say added females has definitely been a goal this time, they are definitely trying to appeal to the opposite sex. They added villager, wii fit trainer, rosalina, lucina, robin, and palutena, heck even miis. If you look back at how many females we had in brawl compared to now you can definitely see they are trying to reach a demographic.
Yes, but those are actually good characters. It's not like they added any old random ****ty character just because she was a girl.

Deleted member

Ive already explained myself but I will go ahead and say added females has definitely been a goal this time, they are definitely trying to appeal to the opposite sex. They added villager, wii fit trainer, rosalina, lucina, robin, and palutena, heck even miis. If you look back at how many females we had in brawl compared to now you can definitely see they are trying to reach a demographic.
Or maybe it's because there are more popular and less obscure female characters now? There is no quota of females and/or villains Sakurai and the team decide on when they make the roster. Why does nobody get this?
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