Smash Hero
I will concede to Wario. That part I didn't know about. I knew about his trophy being shown saying his Waft was back in, but hadn't seen it yet.Most of those "Minor Aspects" are just plain wrong though. I don't have time to go over them, but the Wario one in particular bothers me. They later showed his render. THE PUPIL IS THERE!
By the way, Fox's background color changing actually HELPS the leak, because his background color matches his color on the digital purchase card, showing they changed it to match the leak after E3.
As you said you were busy, does anyone have an actual image of the digital purchase card because this is the first I'm hearing about this.
That was my ignorance, but I believe a FAIR number of these stand on things that can raise suspicion. The leak's more-than-likely real. I believe we should have SOME caution before saying that all aspects of the roster is true. ESPECIALLY anyone claiming to know any other the mysterious 5 lacking slots and anyone who'd be on DLC.
Just.. such a medicore CSS from Miss Sakurai... I am going to hold against it being reality as long as I can. Disregard me if you wish, as many don't see a reason to even humor my stance.